现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Don't track me Google JS - Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search/maps/...
ChatGPT 搜索 JS - 侧栏显示 ChatGPT 回答(Google、Bing、百度、DuckDuckGo和DeepL)
Bypass Google Sorry (reCAPTCHA) / Fix JS - Redirect Google reCAPTCHA to new search
搜索引擎结果 URL 修改器 JS - 这个 Tampermonkey 脚本通过修改搜索引擎结果中的 URL,重定向到替代网站,从而增强了您的搜索引擎使用体验,允许更自定义和高效的浏览体验。您还可以添加自定义的 URL 修改规则到脚本中,并欢迎将您的规则提交给这个脚本,使其变得更加有用。
Google Search URL Fixup Fork JS - Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search results to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
Google Images View Button JS - At the Google Images preview pan the script adds a button that opens an image in a new tab
Google Images Blocklist JS - Blocks domains from showing up on google images search results
Language Switcher for Google™ JS - a port of Language Switcher for Google™ Chome extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/language-switcher-for-goo/jbbappjmafnnhhalfbhdhiemchcgejcp) to userscript.js
谷歌搜索:新建标签页打开链接 JS - 点击搜索结果中的链接时在新标签页中打开
Google NoAds JS - Removes Google Search Ads
Google 快覽 JS - 在 Google 搜尋結果頁面利用快捷鍵進行快速瀏覽。
ACT.谷歌.DM.NCR JS - 没有国家重定向,轻松切换区域/语言。
Google Knowledge Graph ID JS - View the ID of knowledge panels on Google search
居中啊!他娘的搜索引擎! JS - 简单加点padding把搜索结果移到中间。(可调节, 移动鼠标到边界处可见)
多重搜索MultipleSearch JS - 携带搜索词快捷切换搜索引擎、视频网站或博客网站。Quickly switch between search engines, video sites or blog sites with search words.
预设开启 Google 的“工具”选单 JS - 在 Google 搜索载入后自动打开“工具”选单。
Site search on Google JS - Adds a button to search results under specific websites with Google
知乎 search on google JS - 在 google 上加一个仅限 “知乎” 搜索结果的按钮
Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods
Custom Google Homepage with Timer and Guess the Number JS - Customize the Google homepage by adding buttons, a color changer feature, social media buttons, a timer, and a Guess the Number game.
Koishi Fumo DVD (Google) JS - Bouncing Fumo like a DVD icon
Auto Enable Dark mode for Google JS - Enable Dark mode automatically
pricing search on google JS - 在 google 上加一个仅限 “pricing” 搜索结果的按钮
Google Maps remember me JS - Remembers your last used Google (Maps) user
Show Google Maps in EU Search Pages JS - Bring Maps links to Google Search result pages in the EU once again.
Google搜尋顯示桌面版網站 JS - 把 google 搜尋結果的行動裝置版網站取代為桌面版網站
4/21/2024 Latest Google Snake Mod Loader (fbx) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods. This is just here because the latest posted version here on Greasy Fork is outdated and doesn't work. By the way, here is the latest search term mods link: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/493134-4-21-2024-latest-google-snake-mod-loader-standard
4/21/2024 Latest Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods. This is just here because the latest posted version here on Greasy Fork is outdated and doesn't work. By the way, here is the latest fbx page mods link: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/493133-4-21-2024-latest-google-snake-mod-loader-fbx
Fix Google Web Search JS - Remove AI results and other fluff from your Google search! Adds udm=14 to the search params of a new Google search, changing to the "Web" tab.
Fix Google Web Search JS - Remove AI results and other fluff from your Google search! Adds udm=14 to the search params of a new Google search, changing to the "Web" tab.
Google 搜索需要验证时自动切换 DuckDuckGo JS - Google 搜索需要验证时自动切换 DuckDuckGo 搜索相同内容
Pano Detective JS - Find the exact time a Google Street View image was taken (default coverage)
谷Bing图 JS - 给谷歌首页换上 Bing 的背景图
Google - Without sponsor links JS - Remove sponsored google links from google search results