🐣 This script is not abandoned
If it doesn't work properly, use the script discussions or DM me on the website
The script adds a convenient button to the Google search image preview panel, allowing you to open the full-size image in a new tab by a direct link. Sometimes the full-size image is not available and there is only a thumbnail within easy reach. In this case, the button will not appear, but the script has a toggle to switch modes: if "ignore thumbnails" is false, then the button will always be shown, unless the script is broken
The script uses icon from icons8.com

How to install
Step 1. Browser that supports extensions and a scripts manager
To use scripts, first you need to install a scripts manager. My advice is Tampermonkey, since I use it too
Tampermonkey installation links for a different browsers, choose yours:
Chrome / Vivaldi Opera / Yandex Browser Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge
Step 2. Come back here
Refresh this page and click the green Install button at the top of this page. A new tab belonging to your scripts manager will open. Confirm the script installation
Step 3. Check if it works
Refresh the page where the script should work