添加各种功能并改善 Greasy Fork 体验
Hi Athari,
Thanks for your report. After reviewing with the original coding, I fixed a bug and added a feature. Please update.
Yes. This is a bug. Originally the author wanted to avoid "baidu, google" => ["baidu"," google"]
, so he just removed all spaces.
The custom blacklist filtering has been rewritten with the new feature. This bug is fixed.
I can't really see the reason of separating filters for title and description. Just keep it simple.
For example, if you dont want scripts with "bot" or "game", no matter it is in title or description, you dont want to see it.
If you find a script that dont want to see, just add its scriptid to the blacklist.
Actually the filtering was already with regex by mistakes.
After feature changed, you can use re/[abc]/i
from now on.
For emoji etc, please remember to enable regex option 'u'
for unicode > 65535
For example, re/[\u{1E0A6}-\u{1E5C0}]/u
I understand your saying but this would not be added in this userscript.
There is hard to tell a figure to filter out. If we have such a feature with custom date, then how do you know what figure you should place? I dont know either.
Most importantly, the filtering is just to the current page. It means that you might get more than half of the page being empty due to the bad results from greasyfork. We cannot control the search result from greasyfork. So this is useless.
By the way, if you are concerning the searching feature in greasyfork, i suggest you should try my another script "greasyfork search"
In that particular script, there is a sorting mechanism for the relevant searching so that the "useful" scripts will be at the front. (the algorithm is based on install counts not creation/updated dates)
Thanks for the script!
[Bug] Blacklisting items with spaces
Blacklisting doesn't seem to work for phrases with spaces. When I enter "baidu, global font" into the blacklist, "baidu" items are filtered correctly, but items with "global font" remain.
[Feature Request] Regex for blacklisting item titles
The default "Non-Latin" filter is too heavy-handed, but there's no way to achieve similar filtering with softer rules. For example, I'd like to be able to blacklist items with titles containing hieroglyphs and emojis. Could you add something like "title blacklist regex", "description blacklist regex" etc.?
[Feature Request] Date filtering
Currently GreasyFork includes zero useful sorting orders (daily downloads are ≈0, total installs dig up ancient items etc.). It would be nice to filter items by the year of last update ("year [YYYY] or older"). It would make sorting by total installs much more convenient.