添加各种功能并改善 Greasy Fork 体验
I cannot reproduce the issue.
I guess it is related to the browser and userscript manager.
Please try other browsers to find out which browsers have this issue, which browsers do not have this issue.
And tell me the name of the userscript manager you are using.
I'm using violent monkey on firefox
function installationHelpFunction(js) {
return async function showInstallationHelpJS(installLink) {
const { detect } = await import('detect-browser')
let browserType = detect().name
let modal = document.getElementById(js ? "installation-instructions-modal-js" : "installation-instructions-modal-css")
switch (browserType) {
case 'firefox':
case 'chrome':
case 'opera':
case 'safari':
modal.classList.add("installation-instructions-modal-" + browserType)
let bypassLink = modal.querySelector(".installation-instructions-modal-content-bypass a")
bypassLink.setAttribute("href", installLink.getAttribute("href"))
return new Promise(resolve => {
bypassLink.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
localStorage.setItem(js ? 'manualOverrideInstallJS' : 'manualOverrideInstallCSS', '1')
MicroModal.show(modal.id, {
onClose: modal => resolve(false)
The line obtaining modal was null. causing the above exception
Same situation on violent monkey on MS Edge
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: n is null
ao install.js:41
oo install.js:28
no install.js:12
so install.js:8
fo install.js:144
fo install.js:143
B turbo.es2017-esm.js:455
notifyApplicationAfterPageLoad turbo.es2017-esm.js:5494
pageBecameInteractive turbo.es2017-esm.js:5385
pageIsInteractive turbo.es2017-esm.js:3476
pageIsComplete turbo.es2017-esm.js:3481
en turbo.es2017-esm.js:3469
start turbo.es2017-esm.js:3450
start turbo.es2017-esm.js:5151
er turbo.es2017-esm.js:5601
Sorry, Click install on search page doesn't work