自动渲染 ChatGPT 页面 (OpenAI, new bing, you 等) 上的 LaTeX 数学公式。
< 脚本ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.)的反馈
*not the author*
but which one site is that one for?
I adjusted and added some urls to this original js and posted that one, and I haven't run into any freezes (I have come across some derivative sites where the popup comes up but it doesn't actually typeset.) (on Chrome, of win10, chos, osx). if you're co-running ublock, check all the blocked urls at whichever page thats on, and google them and see if any might be necessary for whichever page you're on.
I am stuck on loading MathJax why?