Greasy Fork

Goodreads Bookpage

This UserScript aims to bring a better experience to the new Goodreads Bookpage by resizing and repositioning the elements on the page. Based on tripu's Wider Goodreads.

< 脚本Goodreads Bookpage的反馈



Some book pages are crammed and overlap. Does it look like this for anyone else?


Ah, yes, I see. Since this book doesn't have a description or author info, the 'Ratings & Reviews' section is much higher on the page than usually. I made an update to move the 'Ratings & Reviews' title in the "middle column". If need be I can move the whole section but I suspect this will only come up with unpublished books and this seems sufficient on my end.

Although, the content of 'Ratings & Reviews' seems to be missing for you? For me there is always some text telling me to comment or showing my rating and that pushes the 'Friends & Following' section down enough not to overlap, even like this. Any idea why this is missing for you?

Also, I have no 'Show more' button below the title or author parts :O Very strange! Is this due to another userscript or extension?


Thanks, it's fixed now. Hmm, looks like I had something in ublock affecting it that I forgot about which is why Ratings & Reviews was missing. I don't know if that affected my original report since I don't have the filters or the old script anymore though. All's well on my end in any case, thanks.

Regarding "Show More", I have no idea. It's still there even with ublock turned off on Firefox.

