My Reccomended BTRoblox settings for this script (These make it more accurate, Whilst also maintaining convenience.)
General settings: Everything on but Hide Ads and Robux to Cash. Fast users search is up to preference, Its messed me up alot of the time, But its equally helpful.
Navigation settings: Keep sidebar open: Yes. Navigation Settigns: Modify buttons: Everything on in header, Trade and Premium (NOT PREMIUM BUTTON!)and sometimes Messages on in sidebar. I keep messages off for size, But if you want it on or get alot of messages go ahead.
Home: Show Friend Usernames on. Show more friends off.
Profile: Everything on.
Groups: Preference, I have it off. Group Redesign options: All on.
Game Details: Highlight owned badges: Off lol. Server list pager on.
Item Details: Everything is on. I wouldn't mess with Previewer Preferences.
Inventory, Catalog and Place configure are all on so we will skip those.
Advanced: Turn everything on? Idk. I turned them on for the 2010 theme and just never turned them off. I'd keep em' on.
My Reccomended BTRoblox settings for this script (These make it more accurate, Whilst also maintaining convenience.)
General settings: Everything on but Hide Ads and Robux to Cash.
Fast users search is up to preference, Its messed me up alot of the time, But its equally helpful.
Navigation settings: Keep sidebar open: Yes.
Navigation Settigns: Modify buttons: Everything on in header, Trade and Premium (NOT PREMIUM BUTTON!)and sometimes Messages on in sidebar.
I keep messages off for size, But if you want it on or get alot of messages go ahead.
Home: Show Friend Usernames on. Show more friends off.
Profile: Everything on.
Groups: Preference, I have it off.
Group Redesign options: All on.
Game Details: Highlight owned badges: Off lol. Server list pager on.
Item Details: Everything is on. I wouldn't mess with Previewer Preferences.
Inventory, Catalog and Place configure are all on so we will skip those.
Advanced: Turn everything on? Idk. I turned them on for the 2010 theme and just never turned them off. I'd keep em' on.