为脚本添加备注(别名/标签)功能,以帮助识别和搜索,并支持 WebDAV 同步功能
< 脚本Greasyfork - 为脚本添加备注(别名/标签)的反馈
Thanks for the feedback, I have tried to update and fix this problem.
Work fine for Waterfox Classic!
- What's the "new features" you notice in the versions history?
- There"s a way to backup our notes ?
I see now the Backup function:
Too late after the update, i lost my notes...
Thanks for the reply.
about "sorry for data loss":
Not worry, i can rework them.
Another problem:
Change the color of a note to an other is not saved:
It stay to the default color background.
Re Edit:
Now after i have open the settings panel for interface (very full options ...),
i see some options that i have not seen before.
After testing (checked all the options!):
Yes the change take effect, but i can't figure really how it work and
the real effect of each options without testing each one.
It's difficult to understand.
This one particularly:
What the use of:
"Common content: " ?
In an other hand, after testing more, each change in the "Notes" settings take immediately effect...
I feel you have some fine tuning your script but,
some example with screenshot or GIF can explain the advantage of each ?
Give a particular info about the possibility to backup our data should be a good idea too...
Anyway, it's a powerful script!
I notice some problems for the labels and their translation in each Popup of Settings.
Some example:
The principal / default popup
For "clear" in English, change "Clair" in French to "Supprimer"
The settings panel:
Change "Bright / Dark" in English to, in French "Claire / Sombre"
I can't edit add a note with the new version.....
Tested with greasemonkey / tampermonkey (on Waterfox Classic)
But ok with Firefox Quantum.
I can't test it with Chrome:
Actually i have "504 Gateway Time-out" when i want access to GreasyFork...