Greasy Fork

Flickr WideScreen - BigONE v.320 (USw)

Flickr using at its maximum a WideScreen

< 脚本Flickr WideScreen - BigONE v.320 (USw)的反馈



Just a note about:
How to convert Value stored by an userscript in Greasmonkey to Tampermonkey.

FIRST for GreasyFork
To find the stored values in GreasyFork, open your Firefox's Profile folder.
Find in it, the "gm_scripts" folder (where are stored all its userscipts and their .db).
Find in it, the desired .db (normally with a same name than the userscript you want convert its values).

OPEN the .db of your userscript

Now, you need to open this .db (where are stored these userscript's values in Greasemonkey):
- DB Browser for SQLite - Freeware / Open Source

Open "DB Browser for SQLite"
Drop the .db found in its windows, to see the values stored in it.

In the top menu of "DB Browser for SQLite" choose:
Exporter > Table to JSON in folder you want.

Now you have a .json, which can be edited with a Text Editor, by example:

NOW go to the Tampermonkey Dasboard.
To manipulate the value stored in it, you need before change Configurable Setting Diversity "Novice" to "Advanced".
Now, "Open Tampermonkey's Dashboard and click at the script's name. Click at the 'Storage' if pres
ent and check or modify the stored data as needed. If there is no 'Storage' tab, then the script has no data stored."

Read: Q400: I want to edit/view the values stored by a userscript. How can I do that?

Show how the data are stored and in which format...

Open your .json with Notepad++ and format its values to the the same format:


Use the function "Search and replace" for that.

I choice the .JON conversion because it easy to make these "Search and replace".
Now, copy paste this result to the Storage input of Tampermonkey and Save.

That's ok!

It was to save old values of:
Flickr Functional Suite By Charles Tilford — Last update Aug 4, 2006 - Not Updated since 2006 [userscripts-mirror]
BUT you can:
Flickr Functional Suite - NEW 2014 is a new working version provided by Ch. Tilford himself (great thanks to him !) for firefox greater than 21.

