专注沉浸式体验,1.屏蔽广告,直接访问热门图片 2.使用users入り的方式搜索 3.搜索pid和uid 4.显示原图及尺寸,图片重命名,下载原图|gif图|动图帧zip|多图zip 5.显示画师id、画师背景图 6.自动加载评论 7.对动态标记作品类型 8.去除重定向 9.单页排序 10.控制面板选择想要的功能 github:https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey,欢迎star和fork。
please check your Greasemonkey version.
My script is base on GM3. Maybe your Greasemonkey version > 4.
The difference between these two versions is the API names and use.
such as GM_xmlhttpRequest
and GM.xmlhttpRequest
I tried, Tampermonkey support GM4.0. So I will fix it. update my script. please expect.
What the hell is GreaseMonkey? I have never heard of that.
Any way to use with Greasemonkey?
This script works with Tampermonkey, but does not work in Greasemonkey which I use in Palemoon browser. Why is that, can anyone point out what needs to be changed in order for it to work with Greasemonkey?