1.繞過百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索結果中的自己的跳轉鏈接,直接訪問原始網頁-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能
< 脚本AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列的反馈
@inDarkness 说道: 自定义中设置为原始模式即可解决~应该可以
I'm having issues with this if there are videos in the search results. It blows the columns horribly out of whack. Please see image. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you!
@"Kris Rowlands" 说道: I'm having issues with this if there are videos in the search results. It blows the columns horribly out of whack. Please see image. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you!
I also have the bug and now I use the script(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/10224-googlemonkeyr-update-by-roxz). But Number results of it can not work.
15.1版本与GoogleMonkeyR Fix (Jul 2017)冲突
