这些是 Greasy Fork 用户发布的库,您可以在您的脚本中 @require
它们。对于其他可以 @require
的库,请参见 Greasy Fork 对 @require
EngineListForSearchEngineJumpPlus JS (库) - SearchEngineJumpPlus Engine list Library
IdlePixel+ Custom Handling JS (库) - Library for parsing custom messages.
Furaffinity-Request-Helper JS (库) - Library to simplify requests to Furaffinity
Leaflet JS (库) - 一个开源并且对移动端友好的 交互式地图 JavaScript 库
ATP TestScriptFunction JS (库) - Test skriptu
gm-fetch JS (库) - using fetch based on GM.xmlHttpRequest
PageSpy-2 JS (库) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
vConsole-2 JS (库) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
Eruda-2 JS (库) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
ATP Tour RequireScript JS (库) - Skript pro require funkci v ATP Tour Checkeru
无剑Mud辅修 JS (库) - 无剑Mud辅修,由在线版移植而来,順便《略改》
clipboard-shims JS (库) - Shims for GM_setClipboard and GM.setClipboard.
APMU JS (库) - Standard for hooking into the client -> server connection in arras.io
js-beautify JS (库) - Reformat the code to readble format
utils.js-93Akkord-Fork JS (库) - GitHub userscript utilities
Bonk.io SVG Skins JS (库) - SVG skins for bonk.io
ajaxHooker_myaijarvis JS (库) - ajax劫持库,支持xhr和fetch劫持。
GM_config_cnjames JS (库) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
style-shims JS (库) - Shims for GM_addStyle and GM.addStyle.
!!GC - Kings Logger JS (库) - 12/15/2023, 6:55:38 PM
elementPlusIconSVG JS (库) - 收集自https://element-plus.org/zh-CN/component/icon.html的所有icon图标的SVG代码
ZJEngineerBank JS (库) - 题库
中建学企来全题库part6 JS (库) - 学企来全题库
中建学企来全题库part5 JS (库) - 学企来全题库
中建学企来全题库判断 JS (库) - 判断
中建学企来全题库多选 JS (库) - 多选
中建学企来全题库单选2 JS (库) - 单选2
中建学企来全题库单选1 JS (库) - 单选1
cypress-visibility JS (库) - Code - github/cypress-io/cypress - to check if an element is visible
hgj JS (库) - even better cow
draw thing JS (库) - moo
Malayala Kit JS (库) - MalayalaKit: JavaScript library for creating customizable web menus with tabs, buttons, switches, and input elements.
MooMoo Improver JS (库) - Improves moomoo experience
Wait for key element JS (库) - A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts, that detects and handles dynamic content.
smart table JS (库) - smart table2
R4 Utils JS (库) - R4 Utils Library
bootstrap5.1.1 JS (库) - bootstrap5
metaflac.js JS (库) - A pure JavaScript implementation of the metaflac (the official FLAC tool written in C++) (The userscript port for https://github.com/ishowshao/metaflac-js/tree/master)
buffer JS (库) - This is the userscript port for https://github.com/feross/buffer/
Sortable JS JS (库) - Adds sortable js to greasyfork
sleep JS (库) - Sleep for a certain milliseconds.
queue JS (库) - Asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency.
ajaxhook JS (库) - ajaxhook123
ximalaya_award_fc5d2 JS (库) - ximalaya_award_fc5d2 1
better cow JS (库) - better cow zzz
TankTrouble Development Library JS (库) - Shared library for TankTrouble userscript development
R4 Settings JS (库) - R4 Settings Library
R4 Images JS (库) - R4 Images Library
R4 Fonts JS (库) - R4 Fonts Library
jquery-3.2.1 JS (库) - jquery3.2.1
Get Data from Steam / SteamDB JS (库) - Get Data from Steam / SteamDB (ex Get DLC Info from SteamDB) it is a userscript that extracts all the information needed to generate the list of dlc and achievements in the chosen format, it generates the hashes list of the depots in sha1 to check the integrity and the appmanifest.acf of the Steam games.
sweetalert2-11.0.19.all.min.js JS (库) - sweetalert2.all.min.js
jquery-3.6.0.min.js JS (库) - jquery.min.js
ReservationSeat JS (库) - 可以自定义预约时间和自动签到
ic2api JS (库) - 虽然作者懒得写描述,但是他至少记得添加过一个默认描述……
加加加密 JS (库) - 这是针对某通文字加密的代码
Grid Smartschool JS (库) - Calculate the point total of your grades in Smartschool. This library may only be used by ChromeExtensions.
Kittymatic Job Library JS (库) - Job Library for Kittymatic script
path-umd JS (库) - UMD version of the nodejs path library
lib-2023-2class JS (库) - Loving you
Amazon Photo Share Variation JS (库) - Share Amazon product details to Telegram groups
lib2classfixed JS (库) - 青骄第二课堂题库(长期更新)
espree-umd JS (库) - A UMD version of espree
LighboxModern JS (库) - Simple Lightbox
切换网站加载 JS (库) - 加载图片
updateContent JS (库) - Smoothly updates the content of an HTML element with an erase and write effect.
ayjsryzxxx JS (库) - storehouse
onVisibilityChange JS (库) - Waits until the tab is focused, executing a callback function when it happens.
visibilityChangeListener JS (库) - Waits until the tab is focused, executing a callback function when it happens.
MooUI JS (库) - This library allows you to quickly create a menu for your browser game (More for MooMoo.io) script.
CowJS JS (库) - Special creation library for "moomoo.io ". With it, you can create scripts faster, as well as draw in it without using the game code.
xigualnzyys JS (库) - storehouse
lib2classFix JS (库) - 青骄第二课堂题库修复版 | 2023年版 | 同时包含期末考试与知识竞赛 | 与现有脚本格式不通用
GM_config_sync JS (库) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
StakeUs+ JS (库) - Stake.US plugin framework
WME-EntryPoint JS (库) - Library for Waze Map Editor Greasy Fork scripts
test11 JS (库) - test
lib002 JS (库) - version 2.0
xiguacwsedu JS (库) - storehouse
HWM_Resources1 JS (库) - Библиотека всякой мелочевки, для совместной работы других скриптов
【test】全网VIP视频自动解析播放器(已适配手机) JS (库) - 无需跳转新网址,打开官网直接看,超清 无广告 随机去水印。支持:腾讯,爱奇艺,优酷,哔哩哔哩,咪咕,乐视,搜狐,芒果,西瓜,PPTV,1905电影网,华数。支持解析失败自动切换推荐解析源。适配各种浏览器,酷睿i5-8300 CPU性能测试消耗仅1%。请关闭浏览器阻止第三方Cookie的功能,否则解析源会解析失败,解析源解析失败作者无力解决。
MyJSCodeLibrary JS (库) - my JavaScript Code Library
xiguatjjy JS (库) - test
CryptoJS- JS (库) - CryptoJS适应油猴环境
hat-dictionary JS (库) - hat-dictionary for moomoo.io
AutoSubmitTdk JS (库) - auto submitter for tdk website
kib-key JS (库) - Store API key
侦听网页节点变化 JS (库) - 侦听节点变化
MyBot Parallel Connections JS (库) - MyBot Pixel Place Parallel Connections
MyBot Compiler JS (库) - MyBot Pixel Place Compile Client
MyBot Tools JS (库) - MyBot Pixel Place Tools
MyBot ImageLoader JS (库) - MyBot Pixel Place Image Loader
MyBot MapLoader JS (库) - MyBot Pixel Place Map Loader
MyBot NewColors JS (库) - MyBot New Colors for PixelPlace
MyBot CWSS JS (库) - MyBot WebSocket Sniffer
MyBot JS (库) - MyBot Library
ally JS (库) - ali
MooMoo.io Packet Code JS (库) - Packet code for moomoo.io
app.cf962357.js JS (库) - 自定义js脚本