现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame JS - 减少YouTube影片所致的能源消耗
Youtube HD Premium JS - 自动切换到你预先设定的画质。会优先使用Premium比特率。
YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
Better EdPuzzle JS - Speed up, allow skipping, and stop auto-pausing on EdPuzzle.com.
ACT.YouTube.DM.自动翻译 JS - 自动翻译任何非指定语言字幕。
EdPuzzle+ JS - You can skip forward or skip directly to the questions
Unhold YouTube Resource Locks JS - 释放 YouTube 用过的 IndexDBs 并禁用 WebLock 让后台页面能进入休眠
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
YouTube H.264 + FPS JS - Clone of h264ify with optional limit up to 30 FPS.
No Ads - YouTube AdBlocker | Ad Skipper | Free YouTube Music | Ad Remover | Remove Adblock Warning JS - Skips all YouTube ads instantly and removes banners/overlays. Completely undetectable ad blocker. Enjoy ad-free YouTube music playlists and videos with no interruptions. Removes adblock detection warnings.
YouTube Rotate 90° JS - 把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
Simple Sponsor Skipper JS - Skips annoying intros, sponsors and w/e on YouTube and its frontends like Invidious and CloudTube using the SponsorBlock API.
使用 YouTube AV1 JS - 使用 AV1 进行 YouTube 视频播放
YouTube Default Audio Track JS - Makes it possible to select the desired Audio Track played by default.
YouTube CPU Tamer by DOMMutation JS - 减少YouTube影片所致的能源消耗
Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass JS - Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎
YouTube - Return old logo + embed logo CSS - Returns the nicer old youtube logo on the website and embedded videos.
停用 YouTube AV1 JS - 停用 YouTube 的 AV1 视频播放
YouTube: Audio Only JS - No Video Streaming
更佳 YouTube 剧场模式 JS - 改进 YouTube 剧场模式,参考 Twitch.tv 的设计,增强视频与聊天室布局,同时保持性能与兼容性。并修复近期 YouTube 更新中损坏的全屏界面。
YouTube AdBon JS - YouTube 不允许使用广告拦截器。你似乎在使用广告拦截器。广告让全球数十亿名用户能够使用 YouTube。你可以订阅 YouTube Premium,畅享无广告打扰的体验,而创作者通过你的订阅仍然可以赚取收入。
Better YouTube favicon JS - Replaces the meaningless play symbol with a YouTube-text favicon.
Youtube UI Fix JS - Moves the controls under the video and makes the UI look like it was before august 2015
YouTube Embedded Popupper JS - 将YouTube上的嵌入视频从右键弹出打开。(只有第一次,可能需要弹出块的许可)
YouTube - Better Full Dark Theme 2018 (ARC) JS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hide VP9 support from YouTube JS - Hide VP9 support for Firefox. v0.2 2019-12-20
Zoom and crop YouTube videos to fill screen height JS - Removes letterboxing by cropping the left and right edges off of full-screen YouTube videos and zooming to fill the screen height.
Watch YouTube on DuckDuckGo JS - Automatically watch YouTube on DuckDuckGo
Hide HDR support from YouTube JS - Hide HDR support for Firefox 69. v0.1 2019-10-10
css - YouTube 隱藏「更多影片」 JS - YouTube 隱藏「更多影片」
YouTube ProgressBar Preserver JS - 让你恒常地显示油管上的进度条(显示播放时间比例的红色条)。
Youtube Embed Skip Buttons Mod JS - Skip buttons for embeded youtube iframes.
YouTube Bolder Subtitles JS - 将YouTube上的字幕放成粗体字,让人更容易看清。
YouTube Ultrawide JS - Crops the top and bottom to fit ultrawide
AntiRickRoll JS - Never gonna rickroll you, never gonna let you get rickrolled.
Youtube: Remove Overlays JS - 04/26/2023, 11:35:27 AM
隐私重定向器 JS - 将社交媒体平台重定向到其隐私友好的首页
YouTube Embedded Player Replace JS - Replace "youtube-nocookie.com" to "www.youtube.com" for a better experience.
ACT.YouTube.MO.转到嵌入页按钮 JS - 一键转到嵌入式页面以在页面内全屏播放器上使用字幕自动翻译菜单,供手机用户使用。
OppoYoutubeLiker JS - Simple auto liker for russian and other opposition channel :)
Youtube UI Fix (2022) JS - Moves the controls under the video and makes the UI look like it was before august 2015 + removes round UI that was updated by youtube in October 2022
简单YouTube环境 JS - 让您再感受一点环绕感。 (听歌的时候更好)
YouTube Don't Stop JS - Remove YouTube "Video paused. Continue watching?"
YouTube ShortsKeys JS - Adds ArrowRight and ArrowLeft keys to YouTube Shorts same as ArrowUp and ArrowDown!
停用 YouTube AV1 和 VP9 JS - 停用 YouTube 的 AV1 和 VP9 视频播放
Hide YouTube Pause Overlay CSS - To hide YouTube Pause Overlay
Native Promise for YouTube JS - YouTube replaced Promise with polyfill in some old browsers.
youtube记忆画面清晰度 JS - 2023/7/27 11:45:08
ViewXtend JS - Youtube with extra features
YouTube Lite (更好的体验) JS - 使YouTube界面更加动态,隐藏包含关键词的视频,添加下载按钮并在无广告页面(嵌入youtube-nocookie)中打开视频。
YouTube Redirect JS - Working 2023 adblock for YouTube video. Redirects all "youtube.com" links to yout-ube.com.
Redirect YouTube to Invidious (Youtube Anti-Adblock Bypass) JS - Redirects YouTube video links to an Invidious instance
YouTube to Invidious Redirector JS - Converts YouTube Links to Invidious. Made for the YouTube ad-block situation.
YouTube URL Commands JS - Change video URL to a standard YouTube video, short, or YouTube Music websites.
Background playback for Via Browser JS - 11/2/2023, 4:29:15 PM
Hide VP9 support from YouTube + Force 30 fps video JS - This userscript hides VP9 support along with disabling 60 fps (forces 30 fps). Special thanks to Jefferson Scher and SteveJobzniak for this.
YouTube CPU Tamer by DOMMutation JS - 减少YouTube影片所致的能源消耗
YouTube CPU-Tamer Upgrade JS - Optimize CPU and GPU usage while watching YouTube videos
Remove youtube pause more videos JS - Remove youtube pause more videos.
Less Distracting YouTube JS - Remove video suggestions on home/watch pages
Youtube Focus JS - Less distractions on Youtube
YouTube AdBlock Ban Bypass JS - Bypass YouTube Adblock Ban
YouTube Quick Embed JS - Redirects any YouTube video to its embedded link on command.
No Volume Normalization 4 YouTube JS - Enjoy YouTube videos at their true volume
Youtube Volume Scroll with Volume Percentage Only JS - Control volume on YouTube, synchronize the volume slider, and display only the volume percentage inside the video player.
YouTube Background Playback - Kiwi Browser JS - Enable YouTube background playback in Kiwi.
YouTube Audiotrack Reset JS - Overrides automatic use of generated, translated audiotracks on YouTube videos. Resets to original audio.
YouTube Mobile Background Playback (Firefox Android) JS - Enable YouTube background playback in Firefox for Android
YouTube Auto-Resume JS - This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.
YouTube Preview Unmute JS - This script automatically unmutes the video previews on the YouTube homepage when you hover over them.