现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
优雅的搜索引擎助手 JS - “优雅的搜索引擎助手”方便用户在不同的搜索引擎之间跳转;支持自定义常用搜索引擎、关键词高亮渲染;还提供去除搜索链接重定向、屏蔽搜索结果广告、使用关键词过滤搜索结果、和自动更新检测等高级功能;兼容如Baidu、Google、Bing、Duckduckgo、Yandex、Sogou、Qwant、Ecosia、You、Startpage、Brave、Yahoo、Yep、Swisscows、searXNG等多个搜索引擎。
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
搜索引擎结果 URL 修改器 JS - 这个 Tampermonkey 脚本通过修改搜索引擎结果中的 URL,重定向到替代网站,从而增强了您的搜索引擎使用体验,允许更自定义和高效的浏览体验。您还可以添加自定义的 URL 修改规则到脚本中,并欢迎将您的规则提交给这个脚本,使其变得更加有用。
Yahoo direct non-tracking search JS - Strips tracking and redirection from Yahoo search urls
Webmail Ad Blocker JS - Block ads on the right side of the screen when using Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and Outlook.com which expand your message space
Brave Search Default for Opera JS - Automatically redirects Yahoo searches to Brave Search
Yahoo sign up for iranian V3(ZANA_FN) JS - اسکریپتی جهت دور زدن تحریمهای یاهو بر علیه ایران
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
Yahoo Fantasy Football Rank JS - Very simple script to conveniently see how many points a team gives up
YahooFinance JS - Add StockCharts AND stockTwits links to YahooFinance .
Yahoo Mail Attachment List in Print View JS - Extract attachment list from the message and add it to the end of the print view (2015-07-12)
Plus7 VOD FFMPEG download details JS - Plus7 VOD FFMPEG download detailss
Yahoo sign up for iranian V4(jasoos1991) JS - اسکریپتی جهت دور زدن تحریمهای یاهو بر علیه ایران
TRYGGER JS - TRYGGER: a triggering System for YQL
ODT++: ODT with RDF output JS - ODT++: transform xml outputs on Linked Data.
ODTDropbox JS - ODT++: transform xml outputs on Linked Data.
Disable Yahoo! News background ad JS - Makes background ad area on Yahoo! News unclickable. No more accidental clicks.
Yahoo! new mail alert JS - This script will play the classic "Yahoo! Mail" voice wav file when it detects you have new unread mail in your mailbox
CH Yahoo Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Yahoo search ad areas and other special types of results.
Removedor de comentarios JS - Esconde os comentarios de varios sites de noticias brasileiros
Purge Huffington Post from Yahoo News feed JS - Eliminates Huffington Post Entries from Yahoo News list. Will run through iterative cycles to continue cleaning up the page as more are loaded.
Yahoo Mail - Skip Password Change Request JS - Skip password change screens
Yahoo Mail - Skip Mobile/Cell Number Request JS - Skip the request for adding a recovery mobile / cell phone number
No more Fox/Newsmax on Yahoo News JS - Remove Fox and Newsmax from Yahoo News feed. Variation on another script by Edward.
Yahoo Finance HTTPS to HTTPS Form Submit JS - Fix any forms on HTTPS pages that have HTTP submission URLs to avoid warnings
Yahoo Mail - Skip "secure your account" page JS - Automatically skip the "Help us keep your account safe" page
SE Preview on hover JS - Shows preview of the linked questions/answers on hover
Web Search Result Domain Filter JS - Filter search result based on domain names on web search of Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo. Some include search for news, books, etc. All exclude search for images and videos.
Hide Email Address From Title Bar JS - Remove email address from title bar on Gmail, Outlook.com, Office365, and Yahoo Mail
lpignore JS - Disables lastpass on input fields where not needed by adding the data-lpignore attribute to them
Anki_Search JS - 同步搜索Anki上的内容,支持google、bing、yahoo、百度。依赖AnkiConnect(插件:2055492159)
拒絕爛新聞 JS - 再見!爛新聞
Disable Yahoo Search Result URL Redirector JS - Disable Yahoo URL redirector (i.e. user data tracking) on Yahoo Search result, and ensures that the referring URL (i.e. the search page) is not sent to the target site. This script also disable link tracking that let Yahoo knows which off-site link the user is clicking.
Yahoo Mail - No More Ads JS - Remove ads from main content
Dictionary audio link revealer JS - Add audio file link of dictionary pages
Flickr WideScreen - BigONE v.320 (USw) CSS - Flickr using at its maximum a WideScreen
Droid Arabic Naskh for Google, Facebook, twitter... JS - Droid Arabic Naskh for Google, Facebook, twitter, wikipedia...
Adblock For Moomoo.io and More .io games JS - Modded Script to remove ads
Auto-Outline JS - Redirect articles with yahoo consent wall to outline automatically
Yahoo Finance Statistics Highlighter JS - It highlights some statistics in Yahoo Finance
Yahoo Finance Portfolio Highlighter JS - It highlights some statistics in Yahoo Finance Portfolio
Yahoo Finance - Remove Ads in News section below Portfolio Section JS - removes the ads that are sprinkled the news section below your portfolio items (note: i wait 10seconds before removing since that is more reliable)
Yahoo Answers Trash Filter JS - Hide Yahoo Answers questions matching a list of words
Yahoo New Mail - Simply Dark and Gray (USw) v.72 CSS - For Yahoo New Mail (2025)
Purge Huffington Post from Yahoo News feed - 2020 JS - Eliminates Huffington Post Entries from Yahoo News list. Will run through iterative cycles to continue cleaning up the page as more are loaded. Based on original code by Edward.
Yahoo mail remove adblock modal JS - Keeps checking for the modal then removes it, then stops checking
Hiding Yahoo Alert JS - Hiding modal-outer
Yahoo新聞去廣告 JS - 隱藏新聞間穿插的廣告
Yahoo Finance Full Screen Chart JS - Makes the Yahoo Finance chart larger
Yahoo Mail Beautification JS - Removes the top navigation bar, the frost on top of your theme's background, and spaces left by ad-blockers
Yahoo Team BorisChen JS - This script adds a row to the team page in Yahoo Football Fantasy with the boris chen tier
searchTobaidu JS - 搜索自动跳转到百度搜索
搜索结果已点击效果,区别已点击链接 JS - 百度、必应、谷歌、搜狗、360搜索、F搜、无追搜索、国搜、Ecosia、Naver、Goobe、DuckDuckGo、Yahoo、Qwant、SearchEncrypt、Startpage、Disroot SearX、Lukol、MetaGer、mojeek 搜索结果页面,【增强已点击链接的对比度】 高亮区别分开,强调强化已点击。
twbuyer JS - twbuyer include shopping site
Googler JS - Change the search results of Daum, Bing and Yahoo to Google search results.
开源替代重定向器 JS - 将您从专有网络服务重定向到道德替代品(前端)。
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
Site Quick Open网页快开 JS - Click on the lower left button in the search engine, quickly open all websites.(Please allow the browser to redirect many times). 点击左下角按钮帮您快速打开搜索引擎的所有链接(请先允许浏览器多次重定向)
Yahoo mail new message highlighter JS - Make new/unread messages in Yahoo mail obvious. Enhancements to make it look like the previous version of Yahoo mail are welcome.
Dictionary auto pronounce JS - Automatically pronounce searched word. You need manaully add website to autoplay whitelist to prevent error "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first."
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Annoying Ad blocker JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying
Google Hit Hider by Domain 汉化版 JS - 从Google、DuckDuckGo、Startpage.com、Bing和Yahoo搜索结果中屏蔽不需要的站点。 v2.3.1 2024-05-11
Yahoo新聞留言自動檢舉腳本 JS - 檢舉特定使用者大量垃圾留言!
NickGPT JS - Use NickGPT on Google Search page!
Bye Bye Pinterest JS - Hides Pinterest from search and Image results
Lift Web Restrictions: Modified JS - A user extension that modifies many sites.
Disable safesearch JS - Set off safesearch on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yep, You, Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Metager, Startpage, brave
Yahoo Mail Sidebar Shrinker JS - Shrink the side bar in Yahoo Mail
Yahoo Mail Ad Sidebar Hider JS - Hides the advertisement sidebar on Yahoo Mail website
FUSE JS - FUSE (Fantasy User Stat Enhancer) easily integrates BorisChen tiers, SubvertADown streaming values, and your own data directly into your preferred fantasy platform to simplify roster selection, free agent scouting, and trade evaluations.
Auto reject yahoo consent screen JS - Reject yahoo cookies/tracking for sites like techcrunch and others.
Copy Real Link JS - Extract and copy real URLs from redirect URLs on Google, Fb, etc., with a copy button.
Fuck Baidu JS - 屏蔽搜索引擎中所有来自百度的搜索结果. 支持的搜索引擎: Google / Bing / Yahoo / Yandex / DuckDuckGo
Yahoo!Mail Highlight important emails JS - Highlight emails coming from specific senders.
SearchTimeMachine 搜索时光机 JS - Display time filtering function in the right sidebar. 在右侧栏中显示时间过滤功能
Yahoo Wider Mail JS - Various improvements/fixes for Yahoo Mail
Website UI Switcher JS - Switch UI styles (modern/retro/material) for YouTube, Google, Roblox, Yahoo!, and Amazon.
Remove Tooltips on Yahoo Fantasy Football for Domes and Fair Weather JS - Removes the .tooltip class from elements with domes/fair weather on Yahoo Fantasy Football
Fake知乎 JS - 在常见搜索引擎中屏蔽知乎相关结果,不登陆就不让看,那就不要怪人民放弃它了。
Unpaywall Button JS - Adds a button to archive the page on Archive.today for specific websites
Convert Email Address to Duckduckgo Anonymous email format JS - Converts an email to duckgo anonymous email format, now with minimize functionality
Yahoo Classic Redirect JS - Redirect from the bad Yahoo basic to the good Yahoo basic.