现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
userstyles forum spamfilter JS - hides spam posts at forum.userstyles.org
userstyles.org Download Styles Without Stylish JS - This scripts allows you to download style directly without stylish installed.
userstyles.org - Auto Enable Source Editor JS - auto enables the source editor on userstyles.org
userstyles.org - auto select keep me logged in JS - Auto checks keep me logged in on userstyles.org
Enstyler JS - MyDealz Enstyler enhanced features
USERSTYLES - TABLES Sorter SIMPLE JS - Sort Table in Your Profile page
"stylishInstall" --> "stylishInstallChrome" JS - Huh? Say it again in words I understand...
Tweaks For Screenshots - UserStyles JS - You can open screenshot in new tab
Live Advanced Style Settings on userstyles.org JS - Update "Show CSS Code" box when there are Advanced Style Settings (2017-11-11)
userstyles.org Download Styles Without Stylish JS - This scripts allows you to download style directly without stylish installed.
userstyles.org css highlighter JS - Formats and highlights CSS code shown after [Show CSS] clicking. (works with the new userstyles.org layout).
Add missing FAVICON (png)- USERSTYLES - JS - Add missing favicon for userstyles Forum [from "CH CrowdSource-OneSpace Favicon" : http://www.mturkgrind.com/threads/clickhappiers-userscripts-and-modifications.23532/page-6]
userstyles no placeholder ad JS - hides ad in style entry list
Stylish(Userstyles.org)美化 JS - 隐藏广告,页面汉化(部分完成)
Userstyles.org Redirect to USOArchive JS - Redirects userstyle.org userstyle pages to USOArchive instead
Userstyles / Greasy Fork Enhancer Dark-Grey v.248 CSS - Custom Widescreen CSS theme for and
全局思源黑体 CSS - 一款使用 Adobe 品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
全局微软雅黑 CSS - 一款使用微软品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
USO - fix editor's page height JS - Prevent the disappearance of the save button on userstyle.org edit page
全局鸿蒙黑体 CSS - 一款使用华为品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
USO - add USOa button on userstyle page JS - Add a link on userstyles.org to the copy of the current userstyle on "USO archive" (uso.kkx.one)
Redirect userstyles.org to uso.kkx.one (UserStyles.org Archive) JS - Makes userstyles.org actually usable
全局苹方 CSS - 一款使用苹果品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
全局霞鹜文楷 CSS - 一款使用霞鹜文楷字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
USO - Force site's classic design JS - Forces userstyles.org to display the pages using the old design
new stylish scorrimento pagina successiva figuccio JS - autoclick pagina successiva
USO - Display additional infos & fixes JS - Display additional information. Total installs, update date, initial release date. Fix site's navigability.