现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Twitter 媒体下载 JS - 一键保存视频/图片
🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
Twitter/X(网页版)视频/原始图片/gif一键下载.[limbopro] JS - Twitter/X(网页版)视频/图片/gif一键下载.[limbopro] / 一键下载推文4k/原始图片并按用户名进行保存
Twitter 媒体下载 JS - 一键保存视频/图片
Twitter 媒体下载 JS - 一键下载视频/图片 | 并在批量下载时自动打包为一个ZIP文件下载
翻译机 JS - 该脚本用于翻译各类常用社交网站为中文,不会经过中间服务器。
Twitterᴾˡᵘˢ JS - 增强 X(Twitter) 使用体验。读取原始画质图片、自定义移除垃圾推文。
X/Twitter 媒体批量下载器(支持 iPhone/Android) JS - 一键下载 X/Twitter 上的图片、视频和 GIF,并以用户 ID 和帖子 ID 命名保存。在 iPhone/Android 上,通过使用 ZIP 文件,您还可以一键下载附加的媒体。
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
🏷️ 小鱼标签 (UTags) - 为链接添加用户标签 JS - 这是个超实用的工具,能给用户、帖子、视频等链接添加自定义标签和备注信息。比如,可以给论坛的用户或帖子添加标签,易于识别他们或屏蔽他们的帖子和回复。支持 V2EX, X, Reddit, Greasy Fork, GitHub, B站, 抖音, 小红书, 知乎, 掘金, 豆瓣, 吾爱破解, pixiv, LINUX DO, 小众软件, NGA, BOSS直聘等网站。
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Twitter 图片查看增强 JS - 让推特图片浏览更加人性化
Twitter:下载全部图片 JS - 一键下载twitter页面所有图片。需要注意使用chrome会一直疯狂跳弹窗,需要用户自行去设置页面关闭. firefox批量下载比chrome快。
Twitter AdBlocker [Enhanced] | 推特广告过滤[优化版]🚫 JS - Hide ads in tweets and sidebar. Optimized performance.
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Twitter 下载视频 JS - 一键导向下载视频的网页。
DeepL Twitter translation JS - Add "Translate tweet with DeepL" button
bypass LoggedIn Requirement in Twitter JS - Script to redirect user to twitter embed link, to avoud requirement of beeing logging in
Twitter Block Porn JS - 共享黑名单, 一键拉黑所有黄推诈骗犯
Twitter AD Filter 推特广告过滤 JS - Hide ads in tweets. 隐藏推特中的广告。
Twitter 媒体下载 JS - 一键保存视频/图片
Twitter/X Media Batch Downloader JS - Batch download all images and videos from a Twitter/X account, including withheld accounts, in original quality.
Twitter auto-refresh JS - Refreshes the timeline items automatically every 10 sec.
Twitter HTML5 Video Error to Link JS - Replaces error message with a link to load the media in a new tab where hopefully a plugin will play it
我的推特工具箱 JS - 视频兼容修复。查看用户的永久链接。
Twitter 隐藏转推 JS - 隐藏 Twitter 时间轴上转推、喜欢、回复、和关注的帖子。
ヤフオクで非表示とメモ JS - q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
Show All Twitter Replies JS - Fix Twitter only showing a partial list of replies
Twitter Block With Love JS - 屏蔽或隐藏所有转发或点赞某条推文的推特用户
X (Twitter) 视频画质修复 JS - 强制 X (Twitter) 播放最高画质的视频
Twitter Direct JS - Remove t.co tracking links from Twitter
Twitter过滤器 JS - Twitter推特关键词、昵称过滤器。左下角隐藏按钮进入设置页面、显示当前页面过滤数量。可批量添加关键词,用英文逗号,分割。支持导入导出。
Twitter video loop JS - Make twitter videos autoplay looped with sound, at highest video quality
Twitter Video Download JS - Adds a button to download video from a tweet
隐私重定向器 JS - 将社交媒体平台重定向到其隐私友好的首页
Twitter to Nitter Redirector JS - Redirect Twitter to Nitter, a free and open source alternative
显示转发的日期和时间。 JS - 您还可以显示推特蓝徽章、推文来源标签。
Twitter Scroll to Top Button JS - Add a button to scroll the page to the top on Twitter website
Focus Mode for Social Media JS - block time-wasting social media & other
[Twitter]長いツイートをTLで展開 JS - 長いツイートを「更に表示」を押さなくてもTLで展開します。
Copy Modified URL on Click Twitter JS - Copies fxtwitter links into your clipboard. Will make you share TikTok videos easier on platforms like Telegram and Discord.
TweetXer JS - Delete all your Tweets for free.
Twitter unmute sound on autoplayed videos JS - Automatically unmutes the sound on autoplayed videos on Twitter.
推特 t.co 转直接链接 JS - 把推特的 t.co 中转跳转链接改为直接跳转
Twitter to Nitter Redirect JS - Redirect Twitter links to Nitter links
Twitter to vxtwitter JS - Replace `twitter` to `vxtwitter` when sharing links
One Click Copy Link Button for Twitter(X) JS - Add a button to copy the URL of a tweet on Twitter without clicking dropdown. Default to vxtwitter but customizable.
X.com (Twitter) - Auto Show More Replies JS - X.com (Twitter) Auto Show More Replies, Included Probable Spam. 推特自动显示所有回复,包括可能的垃圾信息。
Twitter Sensitive Content Viewer JS - Simple script to automatically click "Show" on tweets hidden behind the sensitive content warning on Twitter.
Twitter 数据导出工具 JS - 从 Twitter(X) 网页版导出推文、书签、列表等各种数据,支持导出 JSON/CSV/HTML。
Export Twitter Following List JS - Export your Twitter/X's following/followers list to a CSV/JSON/HTML file.
Twitter 移除内容警告 JS - 移除 twitter 的敏感内容警告
Twitter/X to Nitter JS - Converts Twitter/X links to Nitter links, and replaces old url in browser history. Also works in Firefox Android.
X/Twitter 干净的选单和侧边栏(支持多种语言) JS - 干净的 选单、Grok、高级订阅、已认证组织、其他、探索、通知、私信、书签、书签、右侧边栏和可自订设定
Twitter/X Nitter Redirect JS - Redirect twitter.com and x.com links to a random healthy Nitter instance.
Expandify Twitter Media JS - Uncrops and expands Twitter image previews to their original ratios while browsing. View media pages in full-width and uncover rounded edges for a better viewing experience. Written in SCSS.
Block who retweeted this JS - Add a button to block everyone who retweeted a tweet.
Twitter Retweet Temizleyici JS - Twitter'da retweet'leri otomatik olarak siler, hızı ayarlar ve istatistikleri gösterir.
[editVersion]Twitter 媒体下载 JS - 一键保存视频/图片
X/Twitter 一键屏蔽用户 JS - 在推特推文右下方添加一键屏蔽按钮
Twitter Last Read Tweet Tweak JS - Makes the "last read tweek" marker more obvious
Twitter usernames > "real names" JS - Make usernames more prominent, "real names" less promiment.
Inline Thumbnail JS - Expand to view thumbnails in the row.
Twitter Instagram Cards - Photo Viewer JS - Now that Instagram have pulled their twitter support, this script adds back inline instagram photos.
Traditional Twitter RT + Instagram Card JS - Old School RT Functionality for New Twitter, Allows retweeting with Comments
Twitter last read JS - Keep track of your read tweets.
t.co bypass JS - fairly self explanatory, but just in case, this package will replace t.co urls on twitter and tweetdeck by using other attributes in the anchor tag.
Twitter Carefree JS - Remove stuff from Twitter, like following/followers, retweets and likes count.
Twitter CTRL-T Fix JS - Prevent Twitter from hijacking keyboard shortcuts like CTRL-T for new tab.
Twitter Non-native Retweet MOD JS - Add "Retweet with comments" link to tweets
Twitter Settings sub-menu JS - Add sub-menu for Twitter settings for quick access.
Hide WtF and Trending on Twitter JS - Hides the WtF (Who to Follow, abbreviation theirs) and Trending modules on the side. Made this because however adblock hides elements leaves an ugly gap.
Twitter profile replies hider JS - Hide replies on Twitter profiles
Twitter profile retweets hider JS - Hide retweets on Twitter profiles
TwiShell JS - Enhance Twitter Web with lots of features.
OpenTweetImageOrig JS - ツイート画像をクリックで原寸大表示します. (Click to open tweet image as original size)
Remove 'Who To Follow' from Twitter JS - Removes the 'who to follow' box on twitter.com as of 02/09/2015
TweetDeck Sizer JS - Небольшой подарок любимой Ивичке
Twitter Show Hidden Content JS - Removes the "sensitive material" warning on Twitter and unhides the content
twitter_dout JS - Twitter にダウトボタンを追加するスクリプト
Twitter - add unread notifications count in the tab title JS - Adds unread notifications count in the tab title
Twitter Image URL replacement JS - TwitterTL上のimgタグsrcに:orgをつける
Vlamtweet JS - Replaces the Twitter "like" button with a tiny Vlambeer logo, effects included.
Tweetdeck starry, not hearty JS - Sets Tweetdeck back to using stars for favorites.
Twitter BEER JS - Replaces the heart for a beer
Twitter Tweet Auto Open JS - Auto-open tweets if scrolled to top of page
twitter hearts to favs JS - don't tread on me
Mediablock JS - Closes social media from 7 AM to 6 PM inclusive on weekdays, 6 AM to 10 AM Saturdays, and completely free on Sundays!
Fix Twitter Layout JS - fix twitter layout. Move the post box back to left side. Put titlebar inside timeline.
hintable new tweets for vimperator JS - this script makes twitter new tweets bar hintable for vimperator/vimium, just hit `f` and you'll see
Open Tweet Image JS - A thrown together script to open a tweets image in a new tab.
hideTwitterPromoted JS - Hides promoted tweets and accounts on Twitter
Twitter Unfollower JS - Automatic Twitter unfollower tool. Last Update: 11-22-2014
Flitter JS - Position Twitter feed at left
hide twitter stats JS - basic twitter stat hider
clinton JS - Turns clinton into an emoji
twitter toLocaltime for new UI JS - Rewrite twitter timestamp to localtime for new UI.
Pop-up actual time for TweetDeck JS - Pop-up actual time with hovering mouse over relative time for TweetDeck.