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Change the scope to survev.io, surviv.io, suroi.io, suroi.fpsgo.net and zombsroyale.io JS - Сhange the scope in the game survev.io, surviv.io, suroi.io, suroi.fpsgo.net and zombsroyale.io
Surviv.io Respawm JS - press "p" to respawm the match
Throwables Mod JS - Increases the size of throwables, making it easier to avoid them. Makes it very easy to notice mines.
FREE SKIN SURVIV.IO JS - get yasaelf doe skins
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for surviv.io. Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
Surviv.io | Health and Adrenaline counter JS - apple apple apple
surviv.io ad remover, needlessness remover! JS - First ever surviv.io mod!
survivadblock JS - AD Block
FPS Surviv.io JS - try to take over the world!
Hide Surviv.io Invite Link. JS - Hide the surviv.io invite link!
surviv.io Ad Blocker JS - Remove ads from surviv.io
SURVIV.IO SHOW HP JS - show hp! BEEP音はスペースキーで停止します。
surviv.io soloduo solosquad shortcut JS - let's play solo:duo or solo:squad!
Surviv.io show health JS - It shows your hp. Turns red when below 20.
Surviv.io CustomCSS & BugFix JS - A script meant for streamers, adding a nice little "Streamer Mode" effect to the game.
Survivio | Enhanced | JS - Surviv.io Enhanced | UI-HUD | Menu Buttons | Streamer Mode | Adblocker |
Surviv.io Dark Theme JS - This gives surviv.io a darker look.
Free Custom Surviv.io Skins and Mods (FREE SURVIV GOLD PASS #11) JS - a free and purely cosmetic script that lets you use custom skins during games, it even lets you make your own skins!
Colorblind Mode | Surviv.io JS - Surviv.io options for Colorblind Persons
Surviv.io play 50v50 on normal map JS - ban me for creating cheats :(
Surviv.io theme gif ricaruto JS - This gives surviv.io a darker look.
Dark theme for surviv.io JS - try to take over the world!
Surviv.io Counters JS - An ingame counter overlay to view connection stats and in-game health stats.
MooMoo.io, Agar.io, Surviv.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io
Surviv.io trees and bushes remover JS - Cuts trees and makes the bushes really small, exposing any players who hide under them or is near them.
Surviv.io ceilings remover JS - Removes ceilings, allowing you to look through buildings, bunkers, containers etc.
Surviv Health Mod JS - Shows you the health number, that's all...
Show Your FPS JS - This mod allows you to see your FPS in the top left corner of the game.
Surviv.io Mod JS - Surviv.io Mod by c0d3d3v
Surviv.io Custom Map JS - Make this from Seasons request. You need to edit it
Edit for BluePhantom JS - Some changed for BluePhantom
Surviv.io Halloween Grenades JS - Change grenades in surviv.io to be pumpkin-styled, as it should have been from 2018 and 2019. Affects all modes.
Surviv.io - Dark Theme (2022) JS - Give surviv.io a new look.
Surviv.io - Dark Theme & Custom Background JS - The original script was not owned by me, i just remake it for 2021. Remake this script from https://github.com/EPIC-afk/Customs-Map-survivio
Surviv.io | M9+++ JS - Turn every gun into M9. A challenge for yourself.
Surviv.io - Nice Crosshair JS - Change the crosshair in the game!
Surviv.io | Ads block & Remove annyoing "Account found" pop-up JS - Free experience Surviv premium.
Surviv.io | AWM Guns JS - Turn every gun into awms.
Surviv.io Gun Color, Show Health and FPS JS - g0dak using this script lol
not thing for surviv.io JS - some thing to change main screen background and not my code
Surviv.io | Custom map - Change classic map into others. JS - Change classic map into others.
Surviv.io FPS Booster JS - This script will help the game can have the highest FPS that your device can
Surviv.io Show Ping JS - show your ping (LAT)
Surviv.io | Auto start game. JS - inspired by emitwohs
New surviv.io fix lag update JS - Base64 allows you to reduce lag for game lobby surviv.io
Surviv.io | Change the color of the map JS - This code helps us when playing without eye strain by SK
Surviv.io XClient (BETA) JS - Miscellaneous Surviv.io tweaks to make the game better!
Enter semi dead surviv.io by using HTTP. Needs browser settings adjusted (see info). JS - allows to bypass missing certificate problem by changing WSS to WS. need to enable Mixed content in browser settings
Surviv.io ceilings remover JS - Removes ceilings, allowing you to look through buildings, bunkers, containers etc.
New music player (Fixed) JS - Music player for io flash games
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray (Modifié) JS - Aimbot et ESP pour surviv.io. Verrouille la visée sur le joueur le plus proche et montre des lignes entre les joueurs proches. Retire les plafonds des bâtiments et permet de voir à l'intérieur.