现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
SWDD - Steam Workshop Description Downloader JS - Adds buttons to download Steam Workshop descriptions in .MD and .BBCode format.
Steam库移除助手 JS - 快速移除Steam库中受限、正在了解和被Ban的游戏
💥全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、Fuck链接中间跳转页(直接跳转)、B站哔哩哔哩使用增强、知乎使用增强等多合一纯净脚本 JS - 👉️脚本功能介绍:👈️【1】全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,移动端+PC:支持爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果、优酷、哔哩哔哩等;【2】B站哔哩哔哩使用增强、番剧大会员VIP视频解析、视频下载(支持多P下载)、一键三联、浏览记录提醒;【3】知乎使用增强:外链接直接跳出、问题,回答时间标注、短视频下载方便保存等;【4】Fuck链接中间跳转页(直接跳转),需要更多网址适配请留言;【5】搜索引擎功能增强,百度添加网址显示,google结果新标签页打开灯,导航可自定义网址;脚本功能可独立开关,按需使用。长期维护更新,请放心使用!
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Open the F**king URL Right Now JS - 自动跳转某些网站不希望用户直达的外链
Steam 绿光/创意工坊图片修复 JS - 缓解部分地区因为网络问题导致的 Steam 绿光/创意工坊图片无法浏览的问题
redirect 外链跳转 JS - 自动跳转(重定向)到目标链接,免去点击步骤。适配了简书、知乎、微博、QQ邮箱、QQPC、QQNT、印象笔记、贴吧、CSDN、YouTube、微信、企业微信、微信开放社区、开发者知识库、豆瓣、个人图书馆、Pixiv、搜狗、Google、站长之家、OSCHINA、掘金、腾讯文档、pc6下载站、爱发电、Gitee、天眼查、爱企查、企查查、优设网、51CTO、力扣、花瓣网、飞书、Epic、Steam、语雀、牛客网、哔哩哔哩、少数派、5ch、金山文档、石墨文档、urlshare、酷安、网盘分享、腾讯云开发者社区、腾讯兔小巢、云栖社区、NodeSeek、亿企查、异次元软件
Steam赛博父子鉴定 (游戏库蓝绿|一键私密|库存价值统计) JS - 游戏库蓝绿|一键私密|库存价值统计
Age Gate Bypass for Epic Games Store and Steam JS - Bypass age verification gates by setting cookies on both Epic Games Store and Steam, allowing for seamless access to content without repeated age checks.
Steam Extra Profile Links JS - Adds extra links to Steam Profile pages.
anti-redirect JS - 去除重定向, 支持谷歌/百度/搜狗/360/知乎/贴吧/简书/豆瓣/微博...
Steam: Bypass age confirmation prompts JS - Suppresses age confirmations on Steam store pages and community hubs
Steam Community - All Workshop Items Subscriber JS - Subscribes or unsubscribes to all workshop items from a particular AppID
Steam Gems-to-Price Helper JS - 处理垃圾库存的好帮手 ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭
DsModDownloader JS - DS/DST mods directly downloader for tieba & steam
Steam补充包制作时间显示 JS - Steam已隐藏下一个补充包制作时间的显示,安装后可恢复显示
SkyMods downloader for steam JS - Download mod via skymods.ru directly from steam workshop
Steam Mod Workshop Download Button(Steam创意工坊添加mod下载按钮) JS - Search and download mod via steamworkshop.download,support does not allow download mods(跳转到steamworkshop.download网站搜索相应mod下载条目,支持限制外部下载的mod)
steam库质量净化 JS - 此页面https://steamcommunity.com/my/games/?tab=all查看库游戏的质量 游戏全语言总评 及快捷移除功能!(警告!)
Steam Keyword Blocker / Steam关键词屏蔽 JS - 关键词屏蔽
Steam Account Switcher JS - Switch multiple account on Steam and community
Steam Workshop Subscription Rates JS - A simple script that adds subscription/favourite rates to a mod's page on Steam Workshop
Bundle Helper JS - Highlights games you already own on Steam, on other sites. Modified from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/16105-bundle-helper/
Simple Steam Workshop Downloader JS - Downloads Steam Workshop items using steamworkshop.download
steam创意工坊下载workshop download JS - 通过steamworkshop.download下载工坊mod
SteamWorkshop downloader JS - none
Steamworkshop downloader JS - Downloads Steam Workshop items that really works, replacing the deprecated or free space left from steamworkshop.download
Steam Linkfilter Bypass JS - Bypass Steam's link filter redirection
CSGO Market Tool(Fixed) JS - A script that displays float value and stickers of guns in market list.
Inventory_Stack_Helper JS - Steam 物品堆叠工具
Steam Workshop Open in Steam JS - Adds an open in steam button next to workshop item titles.
Bypass Steam Link Filter JS - If you found this userscript, I expect you understand what this is for. It skips the Steam linkfilter and goes straight where you actually wanted, before the page even finishes loading. Nothing more, nothing less.
Steam Item Price Averager JS - Takes the average of the last 10 items sold of the current item
Steam Linkfilter Redirect JS - Redirects Steam Linkfilter to the Linked Page
Steam QuickLaunch JS - Launches games in the "Recent Game Activity" section of a Steam profile at the press of a button
Steam Extra Game Links JS - Adds extra links to Steam Store and Game Hub pages.
Steam Badge Helper JS - Add various features to Steam focus on Trading Cards and Badges
Skip Link Filter Steam JS - Skips the link filter on steam
Skip Steam link filter JS - Only use this if you're not retarded.
steam phishing prevention removal JS - steam wants to save me from phishing. Thanks but I got this.
Thanks Gabe JS - Gives you the option to disable link filter. Thanks Gabe.
Steam Decensor JS - Removes censors on Steam screenshot descriptions and reviews. A script for manly Steam users.
Steam Linkfilter Redirector (/linkredirector/) JS - Redirects links filtered by steam
Steam linkfilter redirect JS - Automaticly redirect to get rid of linkfilter
SteamEndlessPages JS - Keeps previous pages visible in the steam market.
Skip Steam Link Filter JS - Redirects users beyond the "Are you sure you want to leave Steam" page
Go to hell, Steam Link Filter JS - Redirects all links sent through the Steam Link Filter to their original destination
Steam linkfilter bypass JS - Automatically bypasses the steam linkfilter.
Steam Linkfilter Bypass JS - Bypasses the steam link filter
MetaCriticAll JS - Metacritic ratings everywhere. See the supported sites in the @include section of the script.
Quick sell Steam JS - Fast sell Steam items with the current market price
Steam URL Filter Redirector JS - Automatically skips that moronic link filter Steam employs.
Automatic Steam Linkfilter Reroute JS - Automatically redirects from the Steam link filter page.
刀塔2 JS - 刀塔2 Steam社区增强
Steam Market Agreement Autocomplete JS - Automatically remember your User Agreement choice across pages/sessions.
Steam Screenshot Arrow and Wheel Controls JS - Allows you to use the arrow keys to switch screenshots.
To Japanese Mods Database JS - RimWorld,Skyrim,Fallout,MB2 Bannerlord,Cyberpunk2077,StarfieldのMod配布ページに、日本語MODデータベースへのリンクを追加します
= STN = TradeOffer Helper JS - Trying to make your TradeOffer Experience better!
Skip Steam Link filter JS - Annoying but necessary, except for people that know their stuff.
AutoCraft JS - try to take over the world!
Steam Community - All Greenlight Items Voter JS - Votes yes or no to all greenlight items (you can set your own filters)
AutoJoin en Grupo Steam JS - Entra automaticamente en el grupo de la pagina de Steam
Workshop - Unsubscribe from All JS - Lets just add a nice juicy button here to unsubscribe from all of those addons. Still slow, but not as slow as doing it 1 by 1.
Steam web chat scroller JS - Scrolls the message view on new messages in the Steam web chat.
steam family auto login JS - auto log on steam if family mode is enabled
Improved Steam Achievements JS - Improves the appearance of Steam achievements on Steam pages and also on Achievement Stats pages.
Reset Steam Workshop Subscriptions JS - Unsubscribe from all Steam Workshop Addons with a single click.
FastDL fetcher JS - Gets FastDL Lua lines to add to your GMOD server
Open In Steam JS - Adds a link to open Steam content in the desktop client.
Steam Detailed OnlineState JS - little script to make the onlinestate reflect a more acurate state.
Steam Community - Group Announcements Remover JS - Delete all announcements in your steam community group
Steam Community - Block group announcements JS - Hide/blocks announcements of a specific steam community group. Specify group name in the "blockgroup" variable.
Steam :: Badge - Remaining Card Drops JS - Adds a button to show badges with remaining card drops.
Steam - Default language JS - Make sure you always see the steam page in your preferred language. You can configure the language in the language variable.
Gaddons Download Button Atualizado JS - Coloca um botão de dowload na workshop do Garry´s Mod
Steam Workshop collection into last_mods statement JS - Displays a last_mods statement on Steam Workshop collection pages for easy synchronization of mod lists for multiplayer and stuff
Steam Community - Group Members Blocker JS - Adds an option to block all members of a steam community group.
Full text Steam achievements JS - Show full text of Steam achievements instead of dumb "..." at the end
Steam Community - Group List Sorter JS - This userscript makes it possible to sort your group list by group name, creation date or total members.
Steam Community - Enhanced Steam Dropdown Mover JS - Moves the Enhanced Steam dropdown into the steam profile dropdown (and simultaneously makes it compatible with custom Steam skins).
Steam Custom Layout, Sorting and Filtering JS - Allows to custom filter (min/max Price and min Discount) the search results on Steam
Steam Community - Group Members Kicker JS - Adds an option to kick all members of your steam community group at once.
Steam Market Item Info JS - Retrieve info on items on current page
Steam Community - Add Direct Join Group To Search JS - Adds a button to join the steam group for each steam group search result.
Steam auto agree for sales JS - Automatically checks the agree to SSA agreement when selling an item on Steam
Steam Community - Comments Remover JS - More options to delete comments
Steam Game Guides Navigation Tweak JS - Converts onclick javascript into a big nasty <a> element. Not HTML4 valid, but browsers understand it fine.
External links on steamcommunity.com JS - Includes links to external sites
Steam - My Privacy Settings buttons on top JS - On the Steam "My Privacy Settings" page, moves the Cancel and Save Changes buttons up to the top of the page.
Steam Unsubscribe All JS - Automagic Unsubscribe button
Bundle Helper JS - Add tools for many bundle sites.
LoliAutists Group Invite JS - Autoinvites when you view a profile
Group Invite Spammer JS - Invite an entire group to your group, ez spamming
Invite User To ALL of my Groups JS - Own someone by inviting someone to all your groups
Join all groups on a profile JS - Join all of someone's steam groups
Steam Community - Youtube Videos Adder JS - Automatically adds your Youtube videos to Steam. It assumes this format for your YouTube videos: {EXACT_GAME_TITLE} - {MISC}. I may support more patterns if requested.
Steam Auto Sign In JS - Auto sign in through Steam for each third-party site.
SteamGemOneClick JS - 一键合成宝珠
Enhanced Steam Community Mod JS - Add some extra functions to Steam Community