现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Skribbl.io Cheat GUI JS - Adds a functional cheat GUI for Skribbl.io with auto-draw, auto-answer, character and name changers, and a restart game button.
Skribbl.io AutoGuesser JS - Goes into Skribbl.io's console to guess possible outputs, and puts them in chat.
Advanced Skribbl.io Cheat GUI JS - Enhanced Cheat GUI for Skribbl.io
Skribbl Assistant JS - Fetches the Skribbl.io wordlist and displays clickable hints based on the current word's pattern.
Blooket Auto-Kick JS - Display an alert message when Blooket page loads.
WordSleuth-Fork JS - A script that helps you guess words in skribblio
Skribbl / Skribbl.io QOL (Discontinued) JS - Quality of life improvements for Skribbl.io
Skribbl Cheat German by Stabel JS - Fetches the Skribbl.io wordlist and displays clickable hints based on the current word's pattern.
Skribbl.io Word Guesser JS - Just a skribbl.io Word Guesser
Simple skribbl.io Menu JS - A simple version of the skribbl.io main menu screen.
Skribbl Essentials 2.5 JS - Provides a list of potential words for skribbl.io
Skribbl 自动猜词器 JS - 一个帮助你在skribblio中猜词的脚本。
skribblio ignore JS - Used to block users in skribbl.io
Skribblio Google Search JS - Google Search for skribbl.io
Skribbl.io's first add-on JS - Adds a handy color wheel on holding down right-click, the option to mute and remove all messages issued by a specific player, a screenshot button with a toggle hotkey (~), as well as a checkbox to automatically save (download) and rename every drawing of a session.
Skribbl.io Helper JS - Learns the wordlist each round and outputs possible words in chat.
skribblHax vBetter JS - better than other skribbl hax
Skribbl.io Guess Input Helper JS - :-)
Skrib-o-muter JS - Mute and unmute names on skribbl.io by clicking them in the player list on the left.
Skribbl.io dictionnaire mots français JS - Merci de ne pas abuser de ce script et de ne pas s'en servir comme un cheat mais plutot comme une aide (C'est un dictionnaire à la base).
Skribbl.io Helper JS - Retrieves the wordlist and outputs possible words in chat. Based off of n0thing's Skribbl.io Helper.
MooMoo.io, Agar.io, Surviv.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io
Skribbl Line Tool JS - Hold shift to enable line drawing, press Space to snap to right angles
Skribbl RTL JS - Fixes the way skribbl.io displays hebrew words.
Skribbl.io Helper JS - Learns the wordlist each round and outputs possible words in chat.
skribbl.io original font CSS - Restores the original font, from before November 2022.
Skribbl Dark Mode JS - Enables skribbl.io dark mode.
Unused Skribbl.io Rainbow Skin JS - Client-sided rainbow skin in skribbl.io main menu.
Skribbl Theme Switcher JS - Enables skribbl.io theme switching with a clean, modern GUI.
Streamer Mode for skribbl.io JS - Add on for streaming skribbl.io - Safe streaming everyone!