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Paper.io Hacked Menu JS - Here is a simple hack menu for Paper.io!
paper2hack JS - Modding utility/menu for paper.io
PaperIO Simple Script JS - Paper.io用のシンプルなHack用Script
Paper.IO Skins & Zoom Hack JS - Get all skins and ability to zoom in paper.io
MooMoo.io, Agar.io, Surviv.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io
Quick Split JS - Press 2, 3, 4 key to split twice, thrice and quad times respectively all really fast
Quick, Easy and Pretty Agar Paper JS - Press 2, 3, 4 key to split twice, thrice and quad times respectively all really fast, press F to stop movement and have unlimited zoom, press again to go back to normal, for the pretty part its still work in progress, Hold W to keep feeding
Reverse Controls JS - Reverse controls for the game agar paper To start press S and it will reverse controls also will change the play button to give an indication, press S again to go back to normal controls
Paper.IO Enhanced JS - Zoom hack, game speed change hack, and instant movement hack.
New music player (Fixed) JS - Music player for io flash games
Paper.IO by DangNhutNguyen JS - Zoom hack, game speed change hack, instant movement hack, and pause/resume functionality.
Advanced Paper.io Bot with Food Collection JS - Smart bot for Paper.io that collects food, avoids threats, and grows bigger by targeting high-value items when nearby.