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Outlook MailChecker 2 JS - Checks for new mails arriving in owa and provides a desktop notification. Works in most scenarios.
Microsoft Edge Ad Blocker JS - This is blocker for Edge ads on Microsoft websites. DISCLAIMER! Author isn't affiliated with Google, Apple and other Microsoft haters. Suсk it! We all love Microsoft, but sometimes their pushes are a bit annoying
Compact Outlook.com JS - Show more e-mails in folders by hiding the row with the first sentence of the e-mail
Hide Email Address From Title Bar JS - Remove email address from title bar on Gmail, Outlook.com, Office365, and Yahoo Mail
Microsoft Outlook Notifications JS - Creates browser notifications for the Web-based Outlook application. Useful in Linux (in Linux notifications do not work). Tested in Chrome 66.
Microsoft Calendar Notifications JS - Creates browser notifications for the Web-based Outlook-Calendar application. Useful in Linux (in Linux notifications do not work). Tested in Chrome 66.
Outlook Notification JS - Send desktop notification from Outlook Web Application
Office 365 Outlook tasks : Large text editing box JS - Sets a proper large text editing box on Office 365 Outlook tasks.
Microsoft outlook 365 blue unread emails dark mode JS - Microsoft outlook 365 blue unread emails dark mode +dark-loading-screen
Microsoft outlook 365 Collapsed collapse mode JS - Microsoft outlook 365 Collapsed collapse mode 2
Emoji Suggester Wipe Out JS - Remove this annoying emoji suggestions from Outlook mail composer
Corona forms JS - kolaborace při vyplňování microsoft forms.
Anti-Hack JS - Don't let Others Acess Your Personal Things!
Special Claims - Outlook Buttons JS - Copies the Receive Date, Email, and Name
Office365 font change JS - Change the look of office 365
HanoiCollab_v2 JS - HanoiCollab client for Second Generation HanoiCollab server
Native Spellcheck for Outlook Online JS - Enables the native Spellcheck for Outlook Online
MS Whiteboard Optimizer JS - Optimize performance of MS Whiteboard with a lot of content
Disable Outlook Reading Pane Zooming JS - as the name states
Keep Outlook Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
Outlook Calendar - Auto full-open schedule popup JS - Cancel the unusable mini-popup that appears when you click on a schedule and force it to be displayed in full-size modal.
Outlook Calendar - Auto uncheck "Email organizer" JS - Automatically turn off the annoying "Email organizer" checkbox that appears every time you try to respond to an invitation.
Rewrite Microsoft Safe Links JS - Rewrites links starting with "https://*.safelinks.protection.outlook.com" to link to the website immediately. This feature comes from "Microsoft Defender for Office 365". Also disables any scanning for potential phishing sites, see also https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-links-about?view=o365-worldwide
Outlook 365 change colour of mouse-hover email and selected email JS - Changes the colour of the email that your mouse cursor is hovering over, as well as the colour of a selected email
Keep Outlook/Teams/Sharepoint Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
Enhanced O365 Unread Email Highlighter - Adjusted JS - Attempt to more reliably highlight unread emails in Outlook Web App.
在outlook邮件中 Markdown 转换到 HTML JS - 将选定的 Markdown 文本转换为 HTML 并在 outlook.office.com 中替换它
Fix Outlook Mac Hotkeys Hijacking JS - Disables Outlook from highjacking Mac keyboard shortcuts
Sidebar Customization for Outlook JS - Customize the Outlook sidebar with a draggable button.
Remove History Suggestions JS - Don't want to see your search history, well don't see it :p