现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
免费YouTube™ Downloader,YouTube HTML5视频&MP3音频播放工具,把油管当播客听MP3,本地油管视频通用下载器 🚀💯 - tingyour.com(NO ADS 🚫)! JS - 免科学上网工具/梯子在线看油管,快速搜索,中文字幕下载/双语翻译,把油管当播客听MP3,将YouTube当Podcast听,可以订阅自己喜欢的油管博主及频道,收藏自己喜欢的视频,极速加载无需等待,免费YouTube™ Downloader,本地YouTube油管下载器,YouTube视频下载,油管视频通用下载器,不需要通过第三方的服务就能下载YouTube油管视频,支持MP3/MP4/HD/SD/FullHD/3GP等高清高码率格式,YouTube MP3音频&HTML5视频播放工具!
Netflix Plus JS - 在 Netflix 上开启最佳音视频质量和更多功能
Netflix UHD JS - 让 Netflix 在任何分辨率的显示器上播放 UHD 内容
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
视频倍速快捷键 JS - speed up/down video
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Lift Web Restrictions: Modified JS - A user extension that modifies many sites.
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
Netflix Enchantments JS - Enhancements for Netflix video player: skip intro, skip outro, and more.
mobile game remover(Netflix) JS - 移除 Netflix 手机版游戏广告
Netflix - Import Cookie Premium JS - Import Netflix Cookies
Remove Netflix's Zoom on Hover JS - This script will prevent movies listed in the sliders from enlarging when you hover over them, thus stopping movies from moving around and making the site easier to use.
Netflix Ratings JS - View various website ratings while in netflix
Netflix Disable Billboard Video JS - Removes the background video trailers that sometimes appear on Netflix.
Show Metacritic.com ratings JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
Netflix play next episode JS - Automatically play the next Netflix episode.
Skip netflix intro JS - Automatically press the netflix "Skip intro" button when it appears.
Links on Netflix - IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, YouTube Trailers JS - Adds links for searching titles from netflix.com
New Filtered Netflix JS - A replacement for the filtered Netflix of the past. I got around the now lack of Netflix API by checking the boxes that popup and looking for a rating, and then saving the info into localStorage. Thus, it will not filter things until you've hovered over them once.
Netflix God Mode JS - Adapted from a bookmarklet by Renan Cakirerk (bit2pixel.com)
Netflix Marathon JS - Automatically skip recaps, intros and click nexts on Netflix, DisneyPlus and Amazon video for you.
Netflix: Trailer JS - Embeds a youtube trailer in the detail view.
Netflix Next JS - Instantly plays the next episode. This script skips the wait time on auto-play and circumvents the "auto pause" that checks if you're still watching.
Netflix - Import Cookie JS - Import Netflix Cookies
Netflix Seek Without Pause JS - Seek using arrow keys without pausing the video
Netflix: Click to Play/Pause JS - Play/Pause when clicking the video.
NetFlix Auto Account selection JS - Automatically select your Netflix account (enter your netflix account name below)
Netflix - Hide skip buttons and post-play JS - This script removes interruptions from playback so that you can watch from beginning to end (including credits) without things like the "SKIP INTRO" button, the post-play screen, or the "WATCH CREDITS"/"NEXT EPISODE IN X" buttons
Netflix Queue Sorter JS - v2.103 for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari: shuffle, reverse, and sort your DVD Queue or Instant Queue by star rating, average rating, title, length, year, genre, format, availability, playability, language, etc.
netflix progress and title indicator JS - adds div with the current title and time use 't' to add "hidden" style to the div along with some default style
Netflix Remove Account-Messages JS - Removes messages like: 'Your email-address is not valid', etc...
Netflix skip intro and outro JS - Automatically skip intro and outro on Netflix
Netflix - Import Cookie JS - Import Netflix Cookies
Mute Netflix Autoplay Trailers JS - Mute all autoplaying trailers when browsing Netflix
Netflix Plans Fetcher JS - Get Netflix prices of all countries
Netflix - Disable Auto-Preview JS - Completely disables mouseover trailers from auto-previewing while browsing
Netflix - Mehr Kategorien als Auswahl JS - Es wird ein neuer Menüpunkt mit vielen weiteren Unterkategorien hinzugefügt! Nachdem Ihr euer Profil ausgewählt habt, müsst Ihr die Seite nochmal neu laden, dann erscheint der zusätzliche Menü Eintrag neben den normalen Menüpunkten. Ist mein erster Versuch, also falls was nicht passt, naja!
Netflix - Additional Movie Categories JS - Activate script, load Netflix, browse your profile and refresh your Netflix page to see the additional menu entry; big thanks to Keeni for this english translation
Netflix Interactive Selection Tracker JS - Logs every option selected during interactive content
Netflix Shuffle JS - an ok netflix shuffler
[COMBO] Netflix JS - This is for the classic <user>:<pass> combo
Netflix display IMDb ratings JS - Add a display of IMDb ratings below movie and show titles while browsing Netflix.
Enhance titles - Netflix JS - Emphasize or hide titles on Netflix according to IMDb and local lists
Netflix: No spoilers JS - Hide episode titles and descriptions
Netflix: Stealth mode JS - Hide title, descriptions, and video preview of the current show
NetFlix Auto-Skip Intro JS - Automatically skips the intro on Netflix if the "Skip" button is present.
修复在 macOS 上全屏观看视频可能变黄的问题 JS - 适用于 macOS 系统。当 mac 外接显示器同时使用 f.lux 或者 夜览模式时,使用浏览器观看全屏观看视频,屏幕会变黄,此脚本将修复此问题。
Netflix影片显示豆瓣评分 JS - 根据影片标题or原英文标题获取豆瓣评分 获取豆瓣评分(未使用豆瓣API)
Netflix Video Aspect Ratio Change for Fullscreen JS - try to take over the world!
Netflix subtitle cleanup JS - Remove all "[inhales]", "[loud noise]" from the subtitles
Netflix saw it button JS - Fix netflix thumbnails so you can mark them as watched
Netflix Romanian Subtitle Resizer JS - A simple script that will resize Netflix image based subtitles!
Netflix - Extended Titles JS - Adds the title name to the head.title property (tab display name)
Netflix 马拉松(可暂停) JS - 一个可配置的脚本,可自动跳过重述、介绍、演职员表和广告,并点击 Netflix、Amazon Prime Video、Hulu、HBO Max、Starz、Disney+ 和 Hotstar 上的“下一集”提示。 可自定义的热键暂停/恢复自动跳过功能。 Alt + N 进行设置。
Netflix keyboard shortcuts JS - Use similar controls as on YouTube when watching Netflix (f for full screen, k to play/pause, c for captions, j and l to go back and forward 10 seconds, a to change audio, p for picture-in-picture, and many more – all configurable)
IMDb Info On Netflix JS - Detailed IMDB info to Netflix titles
Netflix intro skip JS - This script skips intro on netflix by using MutationObserver. jQuery free !
Netflix ver random JS - Estando en el menú "mi lista" aparecerá un nuevo botón para que se elija automáticamente algo para ver.
Netflix Video ID Display JS - netflix video ID in title details
Netflix Screenshot Hack JS - Simulates casting page. Press Alt+C to start/stop fake capture.
Netflix,方便Mac电脑快速选中翻译单词 JS - Netflix,方便Mac电脑快速选中翻译单词(Mac触控板手势重按或三指轻点)
Netflix Audio Downloader JS - Download audio from Netflix
netfix JS - skip presser, mute/hide ads. (red green logo shows script is active)
Netflix intro skip JS - This script automatically skips intro on Netflix. And it's jQuery free!
Netflix_Lowercase JS - Make the subtitles of Netflix lowercase, best used in conjunction with [Language Reactor].
Fit Netflix JS - removes black borders on non-standart screen resolutions
Netflix Watch Credits JS - エンドクレジットの画面縮小を抑制します。
Links on Netflix - IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, YouTube Trailers JS - Adds links for searching titles from netflix.com
Netflix CC 字幕样式(描边) JS - 更改 Netflix CC 字幕样式
TeleParty Addon JS - Nuke the TeleParty chat and all the other TeleParty crap, all while keeping TeleParty enabled and working :)
Netflix Recommendation Explorer JS - Add a "More Info" button to Netflix "More Like This" and Collections recommendations
Netflix Skip Intro JS - Skips the intro and outro
Netflix IMDB Ratings [fork] JS - Show IMDB ratings on Netflix
Netflix CSFD rating JS - Script for Netflix site to add rating from CSFD.cz site
IMDb Info On Netflix JS - Detailed IMDB info to Netflix titles
Netfilx prettier font JS - Use Microsoft JhengHei as Netfilx font.
Netflix adjust playback rate using [ , ] JS - You can now adjust playback rate of Netflix using [ , ] on keyboard
Netflix Subtitle Hider JS - Press T to hide/show subtitle
Netflix Auto Skip Intro JS - Automatically click the Skip Intro button on Netflix
Toggle Language Reactor subtitles / translations JS - Allows the user to toggle the subs and translations created by the Language Reactor Extension with the G and T key respectively (netflix only)
Prime Video and Netflix Playback set JS - Allows you to set the playback rate on Prime Video and Netflix
Netflix Mark Watched JS - Mark Netflix shows as watched.
Netflix Tweaks JS - Hide the advert on the home page, adjust brightness/contrast
Netflix Subtitle Clipboard Auto-Copy JS - 2/29/2024, 8:34:39 AM
Dual-sub styles JS - Dual-sub styles for Netflix, YouTube
Search Box Keyboard Shortcut for General Websites JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to jump to the search box on websites when '/' is pressed
Netflix Volume and Time Mouse Controlled JS - Volume/Time mouse control for Netflix
Netflix seamless play JS - Skips intro, recaps and jumps to next video automatically
netflix x2 and x4 speed button JS - add a x2 and a x4 button to netflix playback speed panel
Netflix Douban Rating JS - Add Douban rating to Netflix.com
Netflix Enhanced Progress Bar JS - 为 Netflix 视频添加进度条。
Stream Skipper JS - 跳过介绍和结尾
Netflix Bypass the "Activate extra member to watch now" JS - Bypass the "Activate extra member to watch now"
NetflixNoGames JS - Removes Game billboard at the top
Auto Skip Streaming Services JS - 28/04/2024, 23:42:18 Clicar Automaticamente em "Pular Abertura" e em "Próximo Episódio" em diversas plataformas de streaming
Adds IMDb and YouTube icons JS - Adds IMDb ratings and YouTube trailers to Netflix movie cards, and uses a local cache to limit requests
Netflix长按倍速脚本 JS - Netflix长按右箭头倍速播放
Netflix Episode title and description Extractor JS - Extract episode number, title, and description from Netflix and save to file, with cookie handling