现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
主题切换 JS - 网站@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark|light)主题样式切换,深色模式和浅色模式的切换
微软tts 下载按钮 JS - 微软tts 下载按钮 方便下载合成的音频
Azure Speech Download JS - 为微软的文本转语音服务的 demo 页面添加下载按钮
Display MSDN content in English JS - Redirects regional MSDN websites to the en-US original site to prevent annoying translation elements to appear. They also have more current (fixed) content there.
Make the MSDN Forums pages full width JS - Makes the MSDN Forums pages span the full width of the browser, rather than maxing out at the default ~960 pixels.
connect-anticlip-comments JS - https://connect.microsoft.com/Connect/feedback/details/797558
MSDN英文跳转到中文 JS - 自动将英文msdn网页跳转到相应的中文网页
altsearch links JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, and yahoo
Easy Analysis Extension(Bookmarklet version) JS - Easy Analysis(http://analyzeit.azurewebsites.net/) Extension(Bookmarklet version)
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
Windwos IT Pro Force English JS - Redirects to english version of MSDN, TechNet, Microsoft Support, etc.
Microsoft support always open en-us version JS - If you hate those autotranslate KB support articles, then this script will always load english version
Display MSDN + KB base content in English Mikhoul Fork JS - Redirects regional MSDN websites to the en-US original site to prevent annoying translation elements to appear. They also have more current (fixed) content there.
Auto Redirect MSDN JS - Auto redirects Windows Desktop MSDN articles to the proper MSDN article, since they have links to related functions and the default page doesn't have them
CMTBiddingHelper JS - Order and Summarize Bids (CMT Microsoft Research)
微软官方依然在提供Windows 7,8.1全套镜像(精简可读) JS - 让原代码更好看
MSDN中英切换 JS - switch Chinese/English language in MSDN
Microsoft Edge Ad Blocker JS - This is blocker for Edge ads on Microsoft websites. DISCLAIMER! Author isn't affiliated with Google, Apple and other Microsoft haters. Suсk it! We all love Microsoft, but sometimes their pushes are a bit annoying
微软搞事(MSDN订户显示) JS - 药丸
MSDN Subscriber Info JS - View MSDN Subscription Information
MicrosoftDocLanguageSwitchButton JS - fix the language switch button in Microsoft Docs, set your expected language in the script data manually
Microsoft MSDN in Inglese JS - Microsoft MSDN from it-IT to en-US
Microsoft Teams Notifications JS - Creates browser notifications for the Web-based Teams application. Useful in Linux (in Linux notifications do not work). Tested in Chrome 66.
Microsoft Teams Notifications JS - Creates browser notifications for the Web-based Teams application. Useful in Linux (in Linux notifications do not work). Tested in Chrome 66.
Xbox-Now.com JS - Just go on the page, and press ARROW UP
Microsoft Teams Notifications JS - Creates browser notifications for the Web-based Teams application. Useful in Linux (in Linux notifications do not work). Tested in Chrome 69.
Block Edge promo bar JS - Add cookie to suppress MS Edge promo
MSD Title Updater JS - Update Title for better history search
MSDN中英切换 JS - switch Chinese/English language in MSDN
Microsoft Teams web client highlight JS - This highlights unread messages in the Microsoft Teams Web client.
Case Assignment Automator JS - Case Assignment Remember Configuration & Automated
切换文档语言至简体中文 JS - 支持MSDN/MDN
英语阅读助手 JS - 点击开始,获取p 标签的单词,然后获取解释,鼠标悬停到段落便可以显示解释,也可以选择fixed 模式,然后点击段落,便可以显示单词列表,可以通过设置style_element 的内容设置此脚本面板的样式
Microsoft Docs 重定向 JS - 将英文网页重定向到中文网页
MSDN FIX LANG SWITCH JS - 固定语言切换 Fix language switch
Restore Read in English button JS - Restore the Read in English button at docs.microsoft.com
Microsoft Teams Dark Theme resetter JS - Prevent your dark theme preference from being forgotten
SD++ Extension JS - SD++ Extension for Microsoft Service Desk
MSDN语言切换 JS - 切换MSDN文档的中英语言版版本(switch Chinese/English language in MSDN)
Microsoft Store Direct Download JS - Adds direct download links to Microsoft Store when browsing apps.
微软文档快捷助手 JS - Put the action list in Microsoft document to right side
微软文档优先简体中文 JS - Microsoft Docs 微软文档优先使用简体中文浏览
Microsoft Math Copy Enabler JS - Enables Copying of Latex Equations in Microsoft Math Website upon clicking Enable Copy menu item from Tampermonkey Extension.
Map terms Azure to AWS JS - Display the corresponding AWS-related term near the Azure-related term on the Microsoft documentation site.
●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙ CSS - Forces zero border-radius to everything.
MSDN英文地址转中文地址 JS - 访问MSDN时英文地址(en-us)会自动转为(zh-cn)
teams style JS - styling teams according to the connected account
DOI跳转Sci-Hub JS - 高亮当前页面的DOI链接,并重定向至Sci-Hub。
Redeem Microsoft Store Freebie JS - 微软商店购买免费品
teams-meets-curl JS - Generates a ready-to-use curl command that downloads a specific meeting recording
微软文档修改默认语言 JS - try to take over the world!
ms-speech-to-text JS - 2021/3/18下午10:20:54
ms-text-to-speech JS - 2021/3/18下午10:20:54
ms-speech-translation JS - 2021/3/18下午10:20:54
Microsoft Update Catalog - Auto Highlight the version for your OS JS - Auto Highlight the version for your OS when you download the updates from Microsoft Update Catalog
微软CRX下载器 JS - 使非Edge浏览器,也能从微软扩展商店下载CRX文件
MSGPIntegration JS - Allows access to the Microsoft Store Generation Project from within Microsoft Store itself.
MSDN切换中英文按钮 JS - 在MSDN文档的左上角加一个快速切换中英文的按钮
微软URL重定向工具 JS - 如果打开的连接是非中文,则自动跳转到中文版
Office365 font change JS - Change the look of office 365
Microsoft Teams quote button JS - Add a quote button for Microsoft Teams dialog
Download Edge Store Extensions JS - Allows download extensions from Microsoft Edge Add-on Store in CRX format, to use in Chromium-based browsers.
Microsoft Teams: Patch Missing Conversations JS - Hot patch "missing conversations" bug where threads are truncated at 2-3 replies
Teams Auto-Expand Chat JS - Auto-Expand Chats Topics
fuck Edge主页的在线office JS - 将Edge首页的在线offcie四套件链接重新跳转到office.com
ScriptsForMsDocToc JS - MSDN TOC Enhance
MsDocToc CSS - Sticky Microsoft Docs TOC
Learning Bot for "Microsoft build cloud skills challenge" JS - Automatically complete each learning module for "Microsoft build cloud skills challenge"
微软文档始终显示语言切换按钮 JS - 显示在英语页被隐藏的语言切换按钮
微软文档中英文切换 JS - 在微软文档的右侧加一个快速切换中英文的按钮
解除微软TTS试用时的 1000 字上限 JS - 解除微软TTS试用上限
translate All Microsoft to chinese JS - 翻译微软文档
MSDocs tweaks JS - Redirects to the en-us version of the current msdocs page and expands the document outline ("In this article")
Microsoft Teams - Use Web App Instead JS - Click on the "Use Web App Instead" button, use the web client I just opened up, stop nagging me, please!
Remove emojis & remove gifs JS - Remove gifs/emojis
Azure Speech 翻译语音风格列表为中文 JS - 翻译语音风格列表
微软文档中英文切换 JS - 微软文档自动跳转中文+按钮快速切换中英文
微软文字转语音-精简 JS - 微软文字转语音-精简页面,适配新版
Microsoft Learn in English JS - Always navigate from localized Microsoft Learn pages to the main en-us documentation
Enhanced Bing ChatAI JS - Improves Bing ChatAI user experience by preventing accidental scrolling and increasing input character limit
Keep Outlook Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
自定义网页背景色-深黑色 JS - 自定义网页背景色,优酷,555视频等,配合谷歌浏览器设置-自定义网页背景色使用。
Make the code block language and copy button hidden to screen readers JS - To avoid language and copy announced unnecessarily
Printable Loop JS - Make Loop Pages printable
Microsoft Teams auto dark mode JS - Automatically switch the dark mode according to the system settings, which uses the official style
Always See More JS - Always "See More" in Microsoft Teams messages
Persistant Teams Notif JS - Notification Teams
记录 Microsoft Teams CC 字幕 JS - 把 CC 字幕保存到 window.textList 以便在会议结束后查阅
Microsoft Doc Page Trimmer JS - A userscript to remove the sidebars and have adaptive scaling on Microsoft's documentation pages.
Zotero GPT Connector JS - Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
MS Learn and MDN always in EN-US JS - Redirect learn.microsoft.com and developer.mozilla.org to en-us version
Microsoft Edge 加载项商店 CRX 下载 JS - 允许从 Microsoft Edge 加载项商店以 CRX 格式下载扩展,以便在基于 Chromium 内核的浏览器中下载 CRX 插件使用。
微软文档语言切换 JS - 微软文档快捷语言切换按钮
Focus on textarea JS - Focus on textarea when a shortcut key is pressed
Keep Outlook/Teams/Sharepoint Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
微软商店加速下载 JS - 获取微软应用包原始链接,加速下载!
Keep Teams Available JS - Keep status always availabile instead of away in MS Teams.
网页优化助手 JS - 对部分网站进行广告屏蔽与布局优化使其更顺眼
cite university wifi auto login script JS - This script allows you to skip the login process on the login page when you connect to Cité université wifi.