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Kick Chatbot JS - Kick Chat bot for those streamers who provide tokens for chatting/viewing.
RateLimit Bypass JS - Send custom requests when emote buttons are clicked
Better DGG Kick Embed JS - MIGHT NOT WORK WITH TAMPERMONKEY. VIOLENTMONKEY SHOULD WORK. Hacky solution to embed full kick site instead of the embed. I can't promise it will continue to work indefinitely. If it bugs out when resizing the window, try refreshing the page.
Kick Hotkey Video Control JS - Userscript that enables pause, forward and backwards movement using the keyboard for kick.
kick.com emote and pause remover JS - fixes kick for now (17th june 2023)
Filter Kick emojis, words & Set Character Limit JS - will remove all emojis and limit the messages to 75 characters ( you can change filters below)
Kick.com - Dodawanie emotek u streamerów JS - Łatwy sposób na rozpierdalanie kanałów własnymi emotkami
CleanChat Kick JS - Cleaner chat on kick
kick Chat Flusher (Legacy) JS - Enhances the Kick.com viewing experience by providing a fullscreen chat overlay. Messages will flow from right to left, allowing for a seamless chat experience while watching content.
UNMUTE KICK ON FIREFOX 100% WORKING FIX!!! JS - Unmute audio for kick.com on Firefox
Kick Emote Picker JS - Adds "Favorites" Emote Picker to Kick chat UI. For sub emotes / 7TV / or anything that can be a text and pasted into message input field. Very BASIC for now.
Click Video To Pause JS - Userscript that enables pause on click for kick.com video player
Click Message Input on Right Arrow Key JS - This script focuses and clicks the "Message Input" button on the sidebar when the right arrow key is pressed.
Kick.com - Auto select best quality JS - Auto select best quality
Kick.com Unique Chatter Counter JS - Kick.com Unique Chatter Counter - Detect whos viewbotting
Kick Auto Click "Show More" JS - This script automatically clicks the "Show More" button twice on the sidebar, on kick.com.
Kick.com Combined Chatter and Message Counter JS - Kick.com Combined Chatter and Message Counter - TRUTH EDITION
Always Active Kick (Updates Sidebar in background tabs) JS - Keeps Kick tab as always active even when in background tabs. This allows you to keep favorite streamer page open in background tab and it willl automatically start playing when live. Also keeps the sidebar dynamically updating even if the tab is the in the background.
Kick.com Enhancer JS - Kick.com Chat Overlay & Auto Unmute/1080p
Search Box Keyboard Shortcut for General Websites JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to jump to the search box on websites when '/' is pressed
RateLimit Bypass JS - Send custom requests when emote buttons are clicked
Never Let Chat Pause JS - Automatically clicks elements on Kick.com to keep the chat or other elements active, with a pause feature using the Delete key.
Kick Kufur Tespiti JS - Kick platformunda sohbete atılan küfürü tespit ederek kırmızı renkle boyar. Eklenen küfürlerin az olduğunu düşünüyorsanız Discord: DeadLyBro Not: Birleşik yazılanları da tespit ediyor, araya küfür sıkıştıranları muck.
Reproducir Streams en Kick JS - Reproduce automáticamente streams en kick.com si están pausados.
Desmutear Streams en Kick JS - Desmutea automáticamente streams en kick.com al cargar la página.
Kick.com - Auto Click "Start Watching" Button JS - Automatically clicks the "Start Watching" button when it appears on the screen on kick.com
Next Kick Stream Delay Display JS - Displays stream delay next to viewer stats on Kick Next
Ultrawide Fix for Kick JS - Adjust video player to maintain 21:9 aspect ratio, filling screen minus sidebars and toolbars with minimal cropping, with dynamic full-screen adjustment
Kick Quality JS - Disables quality drop on another tab for kick
Kick.com Video Resume JS - Automatically bookmarks Kick.com videos and resumes where you left off.
【kick】コメントスクロール JS - try to take over the world!
Jadisco Volume Slider JS - Adds a volume slider to jadisco.pl
Kick.com Stream Preview JS - Adds hover preview functionality to Kick.com streams
KickSkip - Jump to Timestamps on Kick.com Videos JS - copy, paste, and jump to specific video timestamps effortlessly.
Simple Theme for Kick.com JS - A simple theme for Kick.com
Kick.com Mouse audio controls JS - Kick.com Mouse audio controls (middle click: mute | scroll: adjust volume)
Kick Volume Wheel Control JS - Use the mouse wheel to adjust the volume. Middle-click to mute or unmute the player. Volume slider always visible.
Poorchat na kick.com/wonziu JS - Podmienia czat Kicka na Poorchat u Wonzia (poorchat.net jadisco.pl pancernik.info Wonziu)
Kick.com Auto Hide (Chat + Sidebar) JS - Automatically hides both chat and sidebar on Kick.com streams for a cleaner viewing experience
Kick.com Enhanced Video Seekbar JS - Makes seekbar clickable anywhere like Twitter/Twitch, including on thumb
Kickコメントスクロール, Kick弾幕, Kick Comment Scroller JS - Kickで弾幕を表示