现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
自动展开全文阅读更多 JS - 自动展开网站全文内容而无需点击,去掉一些烦人广告,去掉需要打开app的提示,站外链直达(支持鼠标左右键和拖拽打开),避免网址重定向浪费时间,支持免登陆复制文字,兼容手机和电脑端。 -- 【目前已支持上百个网站】
隐私重定向器 JS - 将社交媒体平台重定向到其隐私友好的首页
Goodreads Plus JS - Add "Search MAM" button to Goodreads
Goodreads - Sort lists by rating or votes JS - Sort lists
Minuteman Links JS - Adds links to search for books at the Minuteman Library Network in Massachusetts
Goodreads Giveaways checkbox (un)checker JS - Checks the "I have read and agree to terms and conditions..." box and unchecks the "Also add this book to my to-read shelf" box.
goodreadsReply JS - Quote only the selected text on a Goodreads comment reply; allow user to use Markdown
Goodreads Plus RED JS - Add "Search RED" button to Goodreads
Add KCLS links to Goodreads JS - Puts links in Goodreads lists that go directly to a search at the King County Library System
Goodreads high count giveaways JS - Remove First Reads giveaways offering a low number of books
Goodreads giveaways arrow pager JS - Navigate giveaway pages with left and right arrow keys
Goodreads giveaway auto-enter JS - Auto-enter giveaway
Goodreads Giveaway Helper JS - Goodreads Giveaway Helper 1) Can hide giveaways with poor chances. 2) Hi-light books by authors on your shelves. 3) Speed up entry, and even automatically scan giveaways for authors on your shelves. Now deals with Giveaways for which you can't uncheck "add to read shelf!"
Goodreads, show only the "primary works" in a series on series pages JS - Add a checkbox to Goodreads' book series pages that allows you to hide books that aren't part of the core series/primary works (#0.1, #3.5, etc).
Cleanreads JS - Cleanreads userscript for Goodreads.com
GOODREADS ※ Remove Images From Reviews JS - Removes obnoxious, "first-results-on-google", gifs/memes from reviews..
Wider Goodreads JS - Goodreads, using all available width (for more usable bookshelves)
Library Helper JS - A userscript that display links between different libraries and book stores.
ISBN 2 LibGen JS - This script replaces ISBN numbers with hyperlinks which opens LibGen search results
Goodreads - Enlarge edition covers JS - Enlarge book covers on Goodreads editions page
Open Goodreads book in Amazon JS - Adds a button to a book's goodreads page to open that book's page in Aussie Amazon
Goodreads_Giveaway_Autonomous JS - This script will Auto-click "Enter Giveaway".
Goodreads Search Many JS - Add "Search MAM" button to Goodreads
Goodreads Bookpage JS - This UserScript aims to bring a better experience to the new Goodreads Bookpage by resizing and repositioning the elements on the page. Based on tripu's Wider Goodreads.
Goodreads - Sort bookshelves on profiles alphabetically JS - Sort the bookshelves on users' profiles alphabetically.
Goodreads - No Negative Reviews JS - Hides book reviews under a certain amount of stars
Goodreads, show only the standalones in lists JS - Add a checkbox to Goodreads list pages that allows you to hide books that belong to series
Goodreads to StoryGraph JS - User script to add a link from every book page on Goodreads to StoryGraph
QuickDownloader JS - 根据不同的网站添加下载功能的按钮
Goodreads Book Metadata with Multiple AI Options JS - Copies Goodreads book metadata to JSON format with multiple AI-powered category selection options