现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Toggl-Button Gitlab JS - Toggle button for Gitlab
GitLab Collapse Markdown JS - A userscript that collapses markdown headers
GitLab Collapse In Comment JS - A userscript that adds a header that can toggle long code and quote blocks in comments
Markdown toolbar for gitlab.com JS - Markdown toolbar for gitlab.com issues
Gitlab Default dropdown to Https JS - Make default clone method is HTTPS instead of SSH
GitLab Sort Content JS - A userscript that makes some lists & markdown tables sortable
GitLab Raw File Fix JS - Add line numbers to raw files at GitLab
GitLab Code Show Whitespace JS - A userscript that shows whitespace (space, tabs and carriage returns) in code blocks based on https://github.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts/wiki/GitHub-code-show-whitespace (without mutations)
Gitlab expand all discussions JS - Add a new button to expand all discussions
GitLab Local Time JS - Show local time in tooltips instead UTC
GitLab Extension JS - Allows to fold any board in GitLab boards, shows estimate and last modified in issue card
improved GitLab blame JS - add link to skip a certain commit
Gitlab Batch Open Tabs JS - Batch Open Gitlab Search Results.
GitLab Personal CSS - Personal styles for GitLab
Gitlab, open file in phpstorm JS - add a link to phpstorm in gitlab ci merge requests files
Toc Bar, 自动生成文章大纲。知乎、微信公众号等阅读好伴侣 JS - 自动生成文章大纲目录,在页面右侧展示一个浮动的组件。覆盖常用在线阅读资讯站(技术向)。github/medium/MDN/掘金/简书等
Auto Merge Request Title JS - Compatible gitlab
SourceTree Clone for GitLab JS - Add a "Clone with SourceTree" button to GitLab, if you're into that sort of thing
Gitlab wide screen CSS - Adapt gitlab layout to wide screens. Please add your own domain if you use on-premise server
GitLab Plus JS - quickly do something for gitlab
convert2vmess JS - test
Github/Gitlab 导航栏增强 JS - Github/Gitlab 导航增加快速跳转到个人仓库列表的链接按钮
MRQZ deploy URL helper for GITLAB JS - try to take over the world!
GitLab navigation buttons JS - Add buttons on the top bar for quick navigation
GitLab Total Time JS - Add total time to header of lists on GitLab boards
gitlab issue TOC JS - 为 gitlab issue 生成目录(需要自己改下 domain)
OdooTasksLinks JS - Adds some features on github.com, gitlab.com, moduon.team, loom.com and youtube.com to integrate it with Moduon Team and Odoo
Gitlab 2FA Token Auto Fill JS - Bros
Rename Merge Request Title Automatically JS - Compatible gitlab
Gitlab code review mouse shortcut JS - Add mouse shortcut to Gitlab code review (NOTE: only for settings: show one file at a time)
GitLab一键合并按钮 JS - 在GitLab仪表盘界面添加一个合并所有请求的按钮
PR Anti-Edit JS - Untick checkbox allowing edits from maintainers for new pull and merge requests on GitHub and GitLab. Effectively, it prevents extraneous adding and modifying commits within your fork's branch acting as a source in PR/MR you create. May be useful to those of you who don't appreciate upstream maintainer tampering with your allegedly perfect work.
Gitlab Username Replicator JS - Conveniently copy username in gitlab page
Gitlab monkey copy JS - simple copy to cliboard formatted commit message
gitlab.com汉化 JS - 汉化 gitlab.com 界面的部分菜单及内容
Github Web IDE JS - ⚡ Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE (Migrated from https://github.com/zvizvi/GitHub-Web-IDE)
GitLab old dark colors JS - Brings back the old warmer dark colors of GitLab, from before commit https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/commit/a4ec234db9eb72466dba55caaac79fbca1763163 (merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/103040)
Gitlab Schedule Duplicator JS - The [gs-duplicator] is a utility tool for GitLab that simplifies the duplication, creation, and updating of GitLab pipeline schedules. Its key features include cloning schedules with identical configurations, editing schedules using dropdown options derived from variable descriptions, and downloading schedule configurations as .env files for backup and transfer. The gs-duplicator aims to streamline and optimize the GitLab workflow, providing users with an efficient and user-friendly experience.
Gitlab Copy Commit Link Instead of SHA JS - This is a Tampermonkey user script that enhances the Gitlab user interface by adding a button that copies the commit link to the clipboard instead of just the commit SHA.
GitLab: copy commit reference JS - Adds a "Copy commit reference" button to every commit page on GitLab.
GitLab Tweaks JS - Improve visual design of GitLab, to reduce visual and cognitive strain, and increase zen mindfulness
Gitlab Schedule Duplicator JS - The [gs-duplicator] is a utility tool for GitLab that simplifies the duplication, creation, and updating of GitLab pipeline schedules. Its key features include cloning schedules with identical configurations, editing schedules using dropdown options derived from variable descriptions, and downloading schedule configurations as .env files for backup and transfer. The gs-duplicator aims to streamline and optimize the GitLab workflow, providing users with an efficient and user-friendly experience.
Raw2Repo JS - 将不同代码托管平台(GitHub、Gitee、GitCode、GitLab)上的 raw URL 转换为相应的 blob/repo URL
My Merges JS - Link to my merge requests
GitHub 代码块图标增强(基于 NerdFont) JS - 通过为 GitHub 代码块设置 NerdFont 字体以显示更多图标。
汉化gitlab.com汉化 JS - 汉化 gitlab.com 界面的部分菜单及内容
Toc Bar, 自动生成文章大纲。知乎、微信公众号等阅读好伴侣 JS - [改了一下,支持多一点网站]自动生成文章大纲目录,在页面右侧展示一个浮动的组件。覆盖常用在线阅读资讯站(技术向)。github/medium/MDN/掘金/简书等
Open As User Script JS - Opens gitlab or github files as a userscript on Violentmonkey
gitlab-booster JS - Boost productivity for code reviewers on gitlab
Gitlab plus JS - Gitlab utils
Hide GitLab "Migrate from Jenkins" Widget JS - Hides the GitLab "Migrate from Jenkins" widget on the pipelines page.
Set Fira Code as font in development websites JS - Unified use of `Fira Code` as the code font to enhance developers' awareness of the code on the page
GitLab Dark Mode When Not Logged In JS - For some reason you can't enable dark theme if you are not logged in, but with this script you can!
Bypass the GitLab Region Restriction JS - Bypass the GitLab Region Restriction by modifying the navigator.language field
My Merge Requests Gitlab JS - Show Link to opened Merge Requests created by user
Auto Dismiss GitLab Auto DevOps Alert JS - Automatically dismisses the "Auto DevOps" alert on GitLab
GitLab auto reviewers JS - Automatically add reviewers to GitLab merge requests
GitLab tree selector JS - Select current file name in the MR tree
Gitlab CE - Link to upgrade path from help page JS - Add a link to the upgrade path tool on Gitlab help page.
gitlab duplicate button JS - a simply tool to rapidly duplicate pipeline schedule