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Diep.io Mod Menu JS - Loop upgrade custom builds, render aim line, render factory guide circle.
Diep.io Auto-leveler Bot JS - Press Q to toggle, must be in base at least once in a lifetime so the script knows what team you are in
Mi300's Diep.io FOV / Zoom Script JS - Press - + or scroll
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
Multibox script Working December 2023 JS - multibox
Shape Aimbot UPDATED JS - try to take over the world!
Diep.io+ (added Custom Auto Spin) JS - Quick Tank Upgrades, Highscore saver, Team Switcher, Advanced Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Zoom hack, Anti AFK Timeout, Sandbox Auto K, Sandbox Arena Increase
diep.io Quick upgrade v2 JS - Bounds keys to builds and themes
Stack bullets with Predator!!! JS - Press Alt + A to stack bullets in 2.5 seconds! (You need max reload) Use 0/0/6/7/7/7/6
anti-anti-cheat JS - disables anti-cheat to let some scripts work again
cross-hair aimer JS - gives you a cross-hair aimer in diep.io
Diep.io Anti AFK-Timeout Improved JS - AntiAfk, toggle with keybind
Diep Tools JS - Make quick builds with this script (and more soon)!
Diep.IO 3D JS - Turns diep.io into real 3D
Diep.io Predator stacking JS - Auto stacks bullets for predator
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
suicide bot JS - r!psAw
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
working Gunner Trapper flipfire JS - balls
!ULTIMATE MOD PACK by 8_no! (2024 updated!) JS - try to take over the world!
diep multitab JS - lets you multitab
Flipfire script 2023 JS - Press F to sync bullets DO NOT use autofire or shoot, then just click right mouse button and it stacks
Predator and Hunter Stack (Any reload) JS - Press J to stack predator, U to stack hunter and , and . to change the reload
Auto Stats Upgrade Script & AFK Diep.io - UPDATED! JS - • Added Auto Repel • Added SANDBOX Auto Level Up • Added SANDBOX Auto Respawn • Added Copy Link - CUSTOM SAVED UPGRADES COMING SOON!!
Diep.io Auto-leveler Bot Enhanced JS - Press Q to toggle auto-leveling; must be in the base once for team detection.
Diep.style JS - Press Esc twice to toggle the menu,and save the setting
diep.io dark theme - modified JS - dark them by 162893476, script by BlazingFire007, modified by 325 Gerbils
Diep.io Deep Theme JS - Deep Theme.. It makes everything... Deeper... You'll see once you try it out.
Save Nickname Diep.IO MOD JS - Save your name nickname instead of typing again
Always L JS - Holds L for you
Diep.io Crosshair Pointer remixed JS - Makes the pointer crosshair and the aim easily. This script based by Mixaz017's script. Thanks a lot!
Diep.io Simple Colors Theme JS - Change the setting of Diep.io to simple colors theme.
All Diep.io hidden tricks JS - ESC to go back to Normal, Shift +: F for FPS, Z for background, X for no edges, V for colored edges, [- to lighten color, + to darken color (increments of 0.05, causes weird behavior if not between 0 and 1], B for no scoreboard, N for no names, M for raw health values, G for green shapes mode, [ for no achievement screen, 9 for no health bars, 0 for no UI.
Less Lag BRO JS - When you press 'Caps Lock', the gui will be removed.Then when you let go it will be removed until you press caps lock again.
弾重ね・連射力測定 JS - 弾重ね。ペンタ、スプレッドショット、たこに対応
clear UI JS - Press shift + Q to toggle death screen/UI on and off.
Factory Controls Overlay JS - Factory Controls visualized!
auto flipper JS - none
No lag JS - try to take over the world!
Diep.io Pointer for Aim JS - Better and improved aim. Don't let the "wait" style cursor intimidate you. It helps IMPROVE aim, not hurt it. No pop-ups saying you can get banned or your screen going black because of a diep.io not allowing a mod in the game. It has been self tested and results are POSITIVE. Hope this mod is FUN :) Thanks _BARLEYER_ for a reference.
diep.io hard mode! JS - try to take over the world!
Fallen World JS - The Fallen World
net predict movement JS - h
[diep.io]diep.io automatic best features PowerBar.php JS - My Youtube Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hQPLWZYzSI
Diep.io Клоны (Рус) JS - Позволяет контролировать больше одного танка
diep.io Spade Script - Public JS - Press TAB to show Server Selector.
Adblock For Moomoo.io and More .io games JS - Modded Script to remove ads
Dark diep JS - Lights off in diep
Legacy Outlines for diep JS - the outline arond things
All shiny polygons JS - try to take over the world!
flat.io JS - try to take over the world!
Space AutoFire JS - Turn spacebar into AutoFire toggle (E)
One-Tap Script for Diep.io JS - One tap script for the game diep.io, shoots from your front barrel
diep skin saikyou JS - try to take over the world!
MooMoo.io, Agar.io, Surviv.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io
flip diep.io JS - press F to disable/enable flip, press G to change flip mode
Neon theme JS - Neon theme for diep.io. Press G to change glow layers count (less glow layers = less lag). This theme currently works only in FFA, Maze and Sandbox.
Server Uptime JS - made for 100% scale
eta tema gavno JS - fgfgfgfg seals
Неоновая тема JS - Неоновая тема для diep.io. Нажми G чтобы поменять количество слоев свечения (чем меньше слоев, тем меньше проседает FPS). Эта тема работает только в FFA, Maze и Sandbox.
Link Copier JS - Allows you to copy links that you normally wouldn't be able to copy from (i.e. Maze, FFA, ect..)
Diep.io Anti AFK-Timeout JS - AntiAfk, toggle with keybind
Throttle POW v2 JS - Throttles POW to every 10 seconds
Diep.io Home Console Commands list JS - press that button on top left. r to hide
Disable predict movement JS - Disables Diep.io's laggy predict movement feature.
[DTPlugin] Toggle Display JS - Press [ESC] to toggle DiepTool's display
Ren minimap viewport, ren upgrades, predict movement JS - V - ren_minimap_viewport enable/disable, B - ren_upgrades disable/enable, N - net_predict_movement disable/enable
Diep.io Minimap AFK JS - Moves back to original position when someone bumps you
DiepShadow JS - Press CTRL + I to activate. Create cool glow or 3D effects using this tool.
Florr Adblocker JS - Block florr.io ad animation in Diep.io.
Tank Changer Script JS - Auto Changes Tank And Auto Build
XandY JS - This code tracks your curser on the webpage and shows you your X and Y coordinates. Feel free to change the code!
Diep.io Custom Points Upgrader. Beta JS - NEW! custom upgrade builds update! Your upgrade builds will save now! This is still in beta!
Rainbow Theme V2 JS - crappy edits but oh well https://github.com/haykam821/Diep.io-Rainbow-Fade
Unlag JS - Gives free performance. Like indian scams, but real.
Neon theme JS - Neon theme for diep.io. Press G to change glow layers count (less glow layers = less lag). This theme currently works only in FFA, Maze and Sandbox.
Afk script JS - made with much love
Diep Factory Controls Overlay JS - try to take over the world!
Neon theme JS - Neon theme for diep.io. Press G to change glow layers count (less glow layers = less lag). This theme currently works only in FFA, Maze and Sandbox.
Eval Packet Overrider JS - Overrides eval packet to disable debugger and increase game's speed
PoW Remover JS - Removes PoW and Eval Packet in order to make FPS and Ping better.
Rainbow Theme V3 JS - Original: https://github.com/haykam821/Diep.io-Rainbow-Fade
HealthValue & FastRainbow Theme Diep.io JS - Allow you to have all 4 teams disco colors and to see your health's hp value! PS: You need to put the healthvalue code in console f12 in diep for make it work.
DiepGrid JS - Do you want to replace those lame boring grid tiles with something much more interesting? Well, you've come to the right place!
The Ultimate Ratio Script (time, score/min, projected times) JS - Uses time from your computer to calculate your ratio and expected time to get milestones based on that
DiepBot JS - skfskjdfsdfk
Turn bullets into Spike JS - Turns every tank and bullet into a spike! Legend says they do more damage.
Diep.io Borderless JS - Diep.io theme without borders!
Diep.io no Privacy settings button JS - Removes the weird button Zeach added
diep color theme JS - a color script for diep
Invert all colors JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world
Clear UI JS - Press R to Disable UI when spectating someone
Arras.IO/Diep.IO 3D Effect JS - 3D effect for arras.io and diep.io. No performance issues!
Shift equals E JS - kids dont know how to use it
Prediction Toggle JS - Toggles net_predict_movement
Diep.io Simple Colors Theme JS - Change the setting of Diep.io to simple colors theme.
Diep.io Simple Colors Theme JS - Change the setting of Diep.io to simple colors theme.