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Crunchyroll Website Cleaner + Popup Mode JS - This removes premium promotions, shop ads, sn-buttons and adds a Popup feature for non-premium users.
Crunchyroll Resolution Enforcement JS - Sets Crunchyroll Resolution To Preferred Resolution
Crunchyroll: Larger Manga Reader JS - Use more space for the manga reader when reading manga at Crunchyroll.
Crunchyroll Queue Fixer JS - fixes for crunchyroll queue page. put shows with new episodes at top; always show "no image" icon on shows with no new episodes.
Resize Video To Window Size JS - Resize the video player for various sites to the window size.
Crunchyroll HTML5 JS - Replaces Crunchyroll's HTML5 player with an improved version
Spoiler-free Crunchyroll JS - Hide name, image, and description of episodes
Crunchyroll HTML5 Manga Viewer JS - Replaces Flash manga viewer with an HTML5 setup
Crunchyroll Queue Tile Mode JS - Changes the Crunchyroll queue to be shown as tiles instead of a list.
crunchyroll_nosubs JS - disable subs on crunchyroll by default
Crunchyroll Adblock Fix JS - Defeats AdBlock detecter on crunchyroll
Crunchyroll adblock fix JS - Lets you watch anime on crunchyroll without disabling your ad blocker
crunchyroll_auto_fullscreen JS - Auto Full Screens the current video playing video on page load
Crunchyroll Skip Ads JS - Skips ads on crunchyroll!
All the anime top buttons JS - All the anime top buttons (has MAL-Sync support)
crunchyroll_no_free JS - enable subs on crunchyroll by default
CrunchyBR, Crunchyroll banner remover JS - Removes banners and notifications from crunchyroll
Crunchyroll Player Wide JS - Coloca todos os players do crunchroll no formato wide (Modo Teatro)
CrunchyRoll - Cinema Mode JS - Adds a button below the video, which when pressed, places a video in 'Cinema Mode'. Cinema Mode fills the browser window with the video. Exit Cinema Mode by pressing the button at the bottom.
CrunchyRoll Theater Mode JS - Watch anime in a comfortable wide view
Crunchyroll Manga Keyboard Controls JS - Basic keyboard controls for Crunchyroll's HTML5 manga reader.
SmoothRoll JS - Clean crunchyroll viewing experience
Crunchyroll + VRV - Hide Comments CSS - Hides the comments on Crunchyroll and VRV shows. Avoid the temptation to look and inevitably stress out!
Auto Subs Enabler - CrunchyRoll JS - Auto enable subs on your native language by default on CrunchyRoll.
Remove Try-Beta Pop-Up JS - Removes annoying Try-Beta Message by deleting the div and its content
Crunchyroll Watchlist Hider JS - Hides watched animes so it is easier to spot new episodes
Crunchyroll Spam Blocker JS - Deletes annoying Crunchyroll spam bots on the client
Simulcast Calendar Dub Remover - crunchyroll.com JS - Removes dubs from simulcast calendar to reduce clutter. Also adds "Last Week" button when it is missing.
Crunchyroll Auto Skip Intro/Outro, Fullscreen Video & Mouse Volume Control JS - Automatically clicks the Skip Intro button on Crunchyroll.com when available and makes the video fullscreen
Crunchyroll Speed Switcher JS - This allows the speed of Crunchyroll videos to be changed by buttons under the userscript manager menu.
Crunchyroll Visited Hider JS - Hide visited animes/links to more easily spot new shows
Crunchyroll Light Theme JS - Crunchyroll light theme script because there's no official light theme. This is also my first public script.
Crunchyroll MOD JS - Crunchyroll login information box with copy button by WA
Crunchyroll Sub/Dub Filter JS - Filter Crunchyroll Simulcast Calendar by Subs or Dubs
Crunchyroll More Filters JS - Adds more filters to Crunchyroll's anime list page
Crunchyroll video overlay visibility toggle JS - Adds an event listener on the Crunchyroll video player on the letter `h` to toggle video overlay visibility
Crunchyroll Hide the Dubs JS - Hides dubs from crunchyroll release calendar
Crunchyroll Set Default Language JS - Select default language for Crunchyroll and always redirect to the correct language. Useful if you click on Crunchyroll links other than your language.
Crunchyroll VF images pour les titres depuis Crunchyroll JS - Ajoute automatiquement une image d'affiche ou un texte alternatif à partir du lien de l'anime sur Crunchyroll.
Crunchyroll responsive CSS - Crunchyroll website is more suitable for wide screens.
Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll JS - Censor episode's titles, thumbnails, descriptions and tooltips on Crunchyroll. Skips in-video titles (in dev progress). In other words, you'll avoid spoilers.
Crunchy ASS JS - drag n' drop external ASS subtitles into Crunchyroll WEB player
Crunchyroll 自动跳过设置 JS - 自动跳过片头和片尾(如果可用)。
Crunchyroll Arabic Episode Titles and Descriptions Extractor JS - Extract titles, episode numbers, and descriptions of all episodes on Crunchyroll and save them as JSON
Crunchyroll Hide Watch Again JS - Hides watched shows on Crunchyroll's watchlist and adds a toggleable list of hidden shows
Crunchyroll Random Anime Button JS - Adds a "Random Anime" button to Crunchyroll's top navigation bar
CrunchyMAL Cross Search JS - Add MyAnimeList button to Crunchyroll pages and vice-versa.