现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
coursera开启中英双字幕(coursera subtitle CN+EN) JS - 添加了coursera视频开启和关闭中英双字幕的功能
SubtitleDownload JS - download a course's subtitle from edX, XueTangX and coursera
Coursera 中文字幕下载 JS - 下载 Coursera 课程的中文字幕
coursera helper JS - keybindings for coursera
Coursera EXT - Custom video speed JS - Coursera Extension -- enables setting custom video speed in 10% increments by pressing [ and ] keys.
Coursera EXT - Play/Pause with [space bar] or click JS - Coursera Extension -- Enables space bar to play/pause the video. Based on http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/139512 by loopkid
Coursera EXT - Auto next video JS - Coursera Extension -- Automatically go to the next video upon reaching the end of the current one
Coursera EXT - Native Chrome FullScreen JS - Coursera Extension -- Use native chromeless fullscreen in chrome
Coursera EXT - Quiz option cross-out JS - Coursera Extension -- enables the user to temporary disable some quiz answers/options (eg. the obvious incorrect ones)
Coursera - auto play next video JS - Coursera Extension to automatically go to the next video when the video is over (prevents annoying purchase certificate banners)
Coursera.org: add links to courses on specialization page JS - Adds links to courses on specialization page. That's it!
Smaller Coursera Subtitle JS - Reduce size of coursera subtitle on high dpi screen
于 Coursera 显示中英双字幕 JS - 在 Coursera 显示中英双字幕或手动更改脚本来更换其他语言
Coursera - Estimated Time JS - Estimate the rest time of each course on its Coursera Welcome page to do a better Scrum
Show Single En or double En+Cn Subtitles for Coursera JS - Show Single Eng or double En+Cn subtitles when you're watching coursera, and you may modify the script manually as you like
make coursera subtitle better look and add forward and backword time control JS - 将英文字幕显示在视频下方,并且鼠标悬浮/离开字幕视频暂停/继续播放,鼠标点击字幕视频暂停可以和剪切板查单词一起用,并且可以通过左箭头和右箭头按钮进行调整看的进度
Show zh-CN Subtitles for Coursera JS - Show Single zh-CN subtitles when you're watching coursera, and you may modify the script manually as you like!
视频助手 JS - 使用键盘控制视频播放
Coursera subtitles(outside the video) JS - Coursera subtitles outside the video.
Coursera Enhancer JS - Enlarges the video players and hides the breadcrumb unless hovering over.
Coursera - Place transcript next to video JS - Places the video transcript next to the video, so you can watch both simultaneously
coursera 布局优化 JS - 视频和提词器左右布局方便跳转切换
coursera中英双字幕+调节字幕大小 JS - 使coursera视频可以开启中英双字幕并调整字幕大小
coursera Interactive Transcript modifier JS - a coursera Interactive Transcript modifier
Disable coursera video play when clicking transscript JS - Avoid paused coursera video being played when clicking transscript.
Coursera 小窗放大 隐藏侧栏 JS - 自动隐藏侧边栏,更大的小窗
CourseraUXEnhancer JS - Make Coursera better! Enlarge reading material font size; enforce Space key & ArrowLeft key & ArrowRight key work properly when playing video.
Coursera layout optimization CSS - Move the transcript under the video to the right of the video.
Coursera Translator JS - coursera课程翻译
courseraSubtitles JS - Coursera 视频字幕
Coursera Custom Subtitles with Video and Mouse Control JS - Customize subtitles on Coursera videos with line breaks and video control shortcuts (command+left/right for rewind/forward 5 seconds, command+up/down for speed control, space for play/pause, mouse buttons for control)
Copy Transcript Text Button for Coursera JS - Adds a button to copy transcript text to clipboard on Coursera course video pages
Coursera Right-Side Transcript JS - Place the transcript on the right side of the screen.
Coursera Auto Subtitle JS - Automatically enables, enhances, and translates subtitles on Coursera. Features include a draggable icon, customizable language selection, and real-time translation using Google Translate.
Coursera Transcript to AI: Video Summarizer 🎬📝 JS - Adds buttons to copy transcripts and easily summarize videos with the most popular AI platforms on Coursera and Datacamp.
Coursera Screenshot Downloader JS - Add screenshot functionality to all videos with toggle options