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SCI RIS Helper - EndNote+Sci-hub强强联合一键下载导入论文 JS - 一键下载带论文PDF链接的Refman(*.ris)文件,快速导入EndNote并自动下载关联PDF文件,已适配WOS、Researchgate、Springer、ScienceDirect、Scopus和MDPI等80+种网站。
UWA Auto EzProxy Redirector JS - Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the University of Western Australia.
SCI文献PDF直达 JS - 访问SCI文献摘要页时自动跳转至PDF,附带文献摘录工具
Academic Article Unlocker JS - Easily access open-access versions of academic articles with the click of a button. Say goodbye to paywalls and hello to knowledge.
Collapse Sidebar in Academic Websites JS - Make elements on multiple websites collapsible
自动打开PDF,否则重定向至XJTU_VPN JS - 自动打开PDF,如果没有找到PDF链接则重定向到西安交通大学图书馆。