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TF2 Halloween Spell Search JS - A script for searching backpack.tf premium for halloween spells a bit easier
Backpack TF2 Spell Display JS - A script for searching backpack.tf premium for halloween spells a bit easier
TF2 Halloween Spell Classifieds Search JS - A script used to used with the backpack.tf classifieds search to make spell searching easier
TF2 Halloween Spell Search JS - A script used to used with the backpack.tf premium search to make spell searching easier
Backpack.tf Keyboard Navigator JS - Allows for the use of the left and right keyboard keys to navigate backpack.tf classifieds and premium search pages.
Backpack TF2 Spell Display JS - A script for searching backpack.tf premium for halloween spells a bit easier. Updated to run automatically when items load.
Backpack TF2 Spell Display JS - Makes TF2 spelled items more visible on backpack.tf, when page loads
Louisclub's backpack spell display JS - Display colors and outline for spells