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Arras.io Aimlock JS - use aimbot by just 2 clicks! press P for Aimlock in the press of a button. [UPDATED] may not work
FPS Booster JS - oh yes the old name returns
arras.io fov changer by KarstenKirsche JS - custom fov for arras.io!
Arras Outbound Packet Sniffer JS - Logs outbound packets from arras
RandomScript JS - This is a useless script. If you use this, there will be some error, but the game will not crash, and ur computer won't break. While your parent is using the toilet, don't even think about it. Now download the script or leave.
Errors JS - This code doesn't break a device or game, but there will be a error.
Transparent Theme JS - yo
no scroll JS - prevent some websites from scrolling, edit this to include more websites
woomy.arras.io no respawn cooldown JS - read the title
arras.io miter edges JS - no rounded edges
Invert all colors JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
woomy.arras.io always draw health bar JS - read the title
Arras.IO/Diep.IO 3D Effect JS - 3D effect for arras.io and diep.io. No performance issues!
arras.io anti anti adblocker JS - also blocks analytics-server.arras.cx:2002
No Afk Disconnect JS - Prevents you from disconnecting when away from the tab
Arras Theme JS - theme for arras.io
Ugly and Crazy theme JS - Make arras io ugly
Ass JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
Detect Low Player Servers JS - A userscript that detects servers with a low amount of players in them, but also not 0 players.
🐅 Theme In-Game Editor for Arras.io 🐅 JS - Modify the look and feel of your Arras.io game, while you're playing it!
Arras.io Funni Name Generator JS - A userscript that takes the player's current name input into the player name box, and then edits it to make it funni. The name is then copied to your clipboard.
Arras.io crosshair pointer JS - Change the mouse pointer to a crosshair. Might improve your Aim..
Arras.io Chat JS - Use Right Shift button to enable/disable chat
Crosshair Cursor JS - Changes the cursor to a crosshair when on the Arras.io website
[BROKEN] Arras.io - Start Menu Modifier JS - [BROKEN] Makes the start menu better to look at, adds a setting to hide empty servers, shows hidden servers.
FPS Booster JS - oh yes the old name returns
music player for arras (beta) JS - pls no cringe for music choice. also change stuff as you please.
APM JS - Standard for hooking into the client -> server connection in arras.io
arras adblocker JS - arras.io ad remover
FPS Booster 2 JS - remove lag enjoy
Improved Bullet Stacking By Mekhi Maragh JS - Makes some tanks more powerful (Tri-angle branch, spread shot, penta shot, octo tank, gunner trapper, streamliner).
Improved Bullet Stacking By Mekhi Maragh JS - Makes some tanks more powerful (Tri-angle branch, spread shot, penta shot, octo tank, gunner trapper, streamliner).
Colon Cancer Tab Removal Script JS - Removes the colon cancer tab from the menu.
Arras.io Chat GUI Template JS - Allows you to show words above your name in Arras.io
arras.io | Dark Mode | BROKEN JS - Reworked interface, dark and with more details. After an unknown update, the script no longer works. :(
Arras.io Rainbow Theme 2024 JS - This script makes your team rainbow, you can change the colors too! It works on all the teams too!!! Fixed bugs.
FPS Booster 2 JS - remove lag enjoy🐓
New music player (Fixed) JS - Music player for io flash games
FPS Booster for arras.io JS - godbye lag
FPS bosster 2 JS - now the lag def gone
MS Reducer for arras.io JS - ah yes the ms reducer to make arras.io les laggy
Arras.io Multibox script JS - Free arras.io multibox script still working!
Arras.io Gamepad support JS - Allows you to use your Gamepad to play arras.io! Press F1 to toggle between active and disabled. Controls: Right thumb stick to move your tank, Left thumb stick to aim, RT to shoot, LT for right click, A for autofire, B for autospin, X for override and Y for taking control of other tanks. Setup "commandKeys" in the script to match your keybindings ingame.
Arras.io Analytics Blocker JS - Blocks requests to and from the Arras.io analytics server.
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
Arras.io Dreadnought Security Alerts JS - Click a button to send short security alerts against Dreadnoughts—No warnings, only immediate termination.