// ==UserScript==
// @name Modrinth-ChineseTranslated
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2.0
// @description 一个汉化Modrinth网页的的脚本,将 Modrinth 网站的内容翻译成中文。
// @author YlovexLN
// @match https://modrinth.com/*
// @grant none
// @license GPL-3.0
// @supportURL https://github.com/YlovexLN/Modrinth-ChineseTranslated/issues
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
// 翻译词典
const translations = {
"Discover content": "发现内容",
"Host a server": "托管服务器",
"Modrinth App": "Modrinth 应用",
"New project": "新建项目",
"New collection": "新建收藏夹",
"New organization": "新建组织",
"The place for Minecraft mods plugins data packs shaders resource packs modpacks":
"Minecraft 模组、插件、数据包、光影包、资源包和模组包的家园",
Mods: "模组",
mods: "模组",
Plugins: "插件",
plugins: "插件",
"Data Packs": "数据包",
"data packs": "数据包",
Shaders: "光影包",
shaders: "光影包",
"resource packs": "资源包",
"Resource Packs": "资源包",
Modpacks: "模组包",
modpacks: "模组包",
Servers: "服务器",
servers: "服务器",
"Upgrade to Modrinth+": "升级到 Modrinth+",
"Saved projects": "保存的项目",
"My servers": "我的服务器",
Notifications: "通知",
Revenue: "收入",
Analytics: "分析",
"Sign out": "登出",
"Discover, play, and share Minecraft content through our open-source platform built for the community.":
"通过我们为社区打造的开源平台发现、游玩和分享 Minecraft 内容。",
"Discover mods": "发现模组",
"Go to dashboard": "前往仪表盘",
"For Players": "面向玩家",
"Discover over 50,000 creations": "发现超过 50,000 个创作",
"From magical biomes to cursed dungeons, you can be sure to find content to bring your gameplay to the next level.":
"Find what you want, quickly and easily": "快速轻松地找到你想找的内容",
"Modrinth's lightning-fast search and powerful filters let you find what you want as you type.":
"Modrinth 的超快搜索和强大的筛选功能让你在输入时就能找到想要的内容。",
"Sort by": "排序",
Relevance: "相关性",
Downloads: "下载量",
Follows: "关注数",
Updated: "更新时间",
Newest: "最新",
"Follow projects you love": "关注你喜欢的项目",
"Get notified every time your favorite projects update and stay in the loop":
"Give an online home to your creations and reach a massive audience of dedicated players":
"Play with your favorite launcher": "使用你喜爱的启动器游玩",
"Modrinth's open-source API lets launchers add deep integration with Modrinth. You can use Modrinth through":
"Modrinth 的开源 API 让启动器能够深度集成 Modrinth。你可以通过",
"our own app": "我们自己的应用程序",
"and some of the most popular launchers like ATLauncher, MultiMC, and Prism Launcher.":
"和一些最受欢迎的启动器(如 ATLauncher、MultiMC 和 Prism Launcher)使用 Modrinth。",
"For Creators": "创作者专区",
"Share your content with the world": "与世界分享你的内容",
"Give an online home to your creations and reach a massive audience of dedicated players":
Discovery: "发现",
"Get your project discovered by thousands of users through search, our home page, Discord server, and more ways to come in the future!":
"通过搜索、我们的首页、Discord 服务器以及未来更多方式,让你的项目被成千上万的用户发现!",
"Team Management": "团队管理",
"Invite your teammates and manage roles and permissions with ease":
Monetization: " 收益",
"Get paid ad revenue from your project pages and withdraw your funds at any time":
"Diverse Ecosystem": "多样化的生态系统",
"Integrate with your build tools through Minotaur for automatic uploads right when you release a new version":
"通过 Minotaur 与构建工具集成,实现在发布新版本时自动上传",
"Data and Statistics": "数据和统计",
"Get detailed reports on page views, download counts, and revenue":
"Constantly Evolving": "不断进化",
"Get the best modding experience possible with constant updates from the Modrinth team":
"通过 Modrinth 团队的持续更新,获得最佳的模组制作体验",
"Read more about": "了解更多关于",
"Visit the blog": "访问博客",
"Modrinth is ": "Modrinth 是 ",
"open source": "开源的",
".": "。",
Company: "公司",
Terms: "条款",
Privacy: "隐私",
Rules: "规则",
Careers: "职位",
Resources: "资源",
Support: "支持",
About: "关于",
Blog: "博客",
Docs: "文档",
Status: "状态",
"Rewards Program": "奖励计划",
Products: "产品",
"Modrinth Servers": "Modrinth 服务器",
"Help Center": "帮助中心",
Translate: "翻译",
"Report issues": "报告问题",
"API documentation": "API 文档",
Legal: "法律",
"Content Rules": "内容规则",
"Terms of Use": "使用条款",
"Security Notice": "安全声明",
Interact: "互动",
"X (Twitter)": "X (推特)",
"Get Modrinth App": "获取 Modrinth 应用",
"Sign in": "登录",
"Sign up": "注册",
"Sign in with": "使用以下方式登录",
"Or use a password": "或使用密码",
"Create an account": "创建账户",
"Enter two-factor code": "输入两步验证码",
"Please enter a two-factor code to proceed.": "请输入两步验证码以继续。",
"Change theme": "更改主题",
"这不是官方的 Minecraft 服务。未经 Mojang 或 Microsoft 批准或关联。",
"Join the conversation": "加入讨论",
"Loading...": "加载中...",
"No results found": "未找到结果",
Home: "首页",
Login: "登录",
Register: "注册",
Profile: "个人资料",
Settings: "设置",
Logout: "登出",
Dashboard: "仪表盘",
"My Projects": "我的项目",
"My Organizations": "我的组织",
"My Collections": "我的收藏夹",
"Create Project": "创建项目",
"Create Collection": "创建收藏夹",
"Create Organization": "创建组织",
"Latest News": "最新新闻",
Featured: "精选",
"Support us": "支持我们",
"Help & Support": "帮助和支持",
Documentation: "文档",
"Terms of Service": "服务条款",
"Privacy Policy": "隐私政策",
Categories: "分类",
Trending: "趋势",
"Featured Packs": "精选包",
"Recent Activity": "最近活动",
Community: "社区",
Popular: "流行",
"Search results for": "搜索结果",
Submit: "提交",
Apply: "应用",
Cancel: "取消",
Username: "用户名",
Password: "密码",
"Confirm Password": "确认密码",
"Submit your mod": "提交你的模组",
"Edit Project": "编辑项目",
"Delete Project": "删除项目",
"Project Settings": "项目设置",
"Manage Organization": "管理组织",
"Your Projects": "你的项目",
"Your Collections": "你的收藏夹",
"Your Organizations": "你的组织",
"Add New Mod": "添加新模组",
"Add New Collection": "添加新收藏夹",
"Add New Organization": "添加新组织",
"Minecraft Version": "Minecraft 版本",
"Game Version": "游戏版本",
"Choose File": "选择文件",
Upload: "上传",
Download: "下载",
"Install Instructions": "安装说明",
"Change Log": "更新日志",
"Report an Issue": "报告问题",
"View Project": "查看项目",
"Version History": "版本历史",
"Modrinth API": "Modrinth API",
"About Us": "关于我们",
Contact: "联系方式",
Support: "支持",
"API Documentation": "API 文档",
"Privacy Settings": "隐私设置",
"Invite a member": "邀请成员",
"Manage Members": "管理成员",
"Organization Settings": "组织设置",
"Request Access": "请求访问",
"Create New Project": "创建新项目",
"Project Version": "项目版本",
Resources: "资源",
"Installation Instructions": "安装说明",
"Review and Ratings": "评论与评分",
"View Comments": "查看评论",
"Add Comment": "添加评论",
"Add Review": "添加评分",
Approve: "批准",
Reject: "拒绝",
Draft: "草稿",
Publish: "发布",
Published: "已发布",
Unpublished: "未发布",
Starred: "收藏",
Favorites: "收藏夹",
"User Reviews": "用户评论",
Developer: "开发者",
Owner: "所有者",
"Created by": "创建者",
"Version Notes": "版本说明",
"Mods and Add-ons": "模组和附加组件",
Contribute: "贡献",
Donate: "捐赠",
"Download Now": "立即下载",
"Latest Release": "最新版本",
"Upcoming Updates": "即将更新",
"Install Now": "立即安装",
Required: "必需",
Optional: "可选",
"Add to Favorites": "加入收藏夹",
"View Details": "查看详情",
"Related Projects": "相关项目",
"Related Mods": "相关模组",
"View All": "查看所有",
New: "新建",
Version: "版本",
"Link to this page": "链接到此页面",
"Copy Link": "复制链接",
Share: "分享",
"View More": "查看更多",
Back: "返回",
"Go Back": "返回",
Continue: "继续",
Next: "下一步",
Previous: "上一页",
"Cancel Subscription": "取消订阅",
"Manage Subscription": "管理订阅",
"Subscribe Now": "立即订阅",
"Notifications Settings": "通知设置",
Activate: "激活",
Deactivate: "停用",
"Terms and Conditions": "条款与条件",
"Cookies Policy": "Cookies 政策",
"Privacy Preferences": "隐私偏好设置",
"User Agreement": "用户协议",
"Sign In": "登录",
"Sign Up": "注册",
"Forgot Password?": "忘记密码?",
"Reset Password": "重置密码",
"Change Email": "更改邮箱",
"Change Username": "更改用户名",
"Update Profile": "更新个人资料",
"Account Settings": "账户设置",
"Security Settings": "安全设置",
"Two-factor Authentication": "两步验证",
"Security Questions": "安全问题",
"Session Expired": "会话过期",
"Account Suspended": "账户被暂停",
"Subscription Expired": "订阅已过期",
"Confirm Email Address": "确认电子邮件地址",
"Email Verified": "邮箱已验证",
Error: "错误",
Success: "成功",
Warning: "警告",
Information: "信息",
Confirmation: "确认",
"Action Required": "需要操作",
Retry: "重试",
Save: "保存",
Edit: "编辑",
Delete: "删除",
Close: "关闭",
Description: "描述",
Tags: "标签",
Comments: "评论",
Reviews: "评价",
Rating: "评分",
Stars: "星标",
Members: "成员",
Projects: "项目",
Collections: "收藏夹",
Organizations: "组织",
Followers: "关注者",
Following: "正在关注",
Follow: "关注",
Unfollow: "取消关注",
Joined: "加入日期",
"Last Updated": "最后更新",
License: "许可证",
Permissions: "权限",
Collaborators: "协作者",
Admin: "管理员",
Moderator: "版主",
Member: "成员",
Guest: "访客",
Public: "公开",
Private: "私有",
Team: "团队",
Role: "角色",
Actions: "操作",
Select: "选择",
Filter: "筛选",
Clear: "清除",
All: "全部",
Active: "活跃",
Inactive: "不活跃",
Online: "在线",
Offline: "离线",
Verified: "已验证",
Pending: "待处理",
Rejected: "已拒绝",
Approved: "已批准",
Blocked: "已阻止",
Banned: "已封禁",
Suspended: "已暂停",
Disabled: "已禁用",
Enabled: "已启用",
Visible: "可见",
Hidden: "隐藏",
Open: "打开",
Closed: "关闭",
Locked: "锁定",
Unlocked: "解锁",
Allowed: "允许",
Forbidden: "禁止",
Granted: "授予",
Revoked: "撤销",
Assigned: "分配",
Unassigned: "未分配",
Available: "可用",
Unavailable: "不可用",
Installed: "已安装",
"Not Installed": "未安装",
Compatible: "兼容",
Incompatible: "不兼容",
Supported: "支持",
Unsupported: "不支持",
"Required Files": "必需文件",
"Recommended Files": "推荐文件",
"Optional Files": "可选文件",
Dependencies: "依赖项",
Conflict: "冲突",
Changelog: "更新日志",
"Read more": "阅读更多",
"See all": "查看全部",
"Load more": "加载更多",
"75% of ad revenue goes to creators": "75% 的广告收入归创作者所有",
"Support creators and Modrinth ad-free with ":
"通过 Modrinth+ 无广告地支持创作者和 ",
"Game version": "游戏版本",
"Search...": "搜索...",
"Show all versions": "显示所有版本",
Loader: "加载器",
"Show more": "显示更多",
Adventure: "冒险",
Cursed: "诅咒",
Decoration: "装饰",
Economy: "经济",
Equipment: "装备",
Food: "食物",
"Game Mechanics": "游戏机制",
Library: "库",
Magic: "魔法",
Management: "管理",
Minigame: "小游戏",
Mobs: "生物",
Optimization: "优化",
Social: "社交",
Storage: "存储",
Technology: "科技",
Transportation: "运输",
Utility: "实用工具",
"World Generation": "世界生成",
Environment: "环境",
Client: "客户端",
Server: "服务端",
"Open source": "开源",
// 遍历页面内容并替换为翻译
// 遍历页面内容并替换为翻译
const translateText = (node) => {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
const originalText = node.textContent.trim();
if (translations[originalText]) {
node.textContent = translations[originalText];
} else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// 处理 placeholder 属性
if (node.hasAttribute("placeholder")) {
const originalPlaceholder = node.getAttribute("placeholder").trim();
if (translations[originalPlaceholder]) {
node.setAttribute("placeholder", translations[originalPlaceholder]);
// 继续遍历子节点
for (let child of node.childNodes) {
// 页面加载后开始翻译
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
// 添加导航栏样式修复函数
const fixNavTabStyle = () => {
const navTab = document.querySelector(".navtabs-transition");
if (navTab) {
navTab.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(var(--color-button-bgSelected))";
navTab.style.opacity = "1";
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ["style", "class"],
// 初次加载时执行