// ==UserScript==
// @name auto_rainbow_medal
// @namespace https://example.com/
// @version 1.1.2
// @description:zh-CN PT站点用户名自动添加动态彩虹样式.添加勋章!如果想要适配PT站点请联系我:[email protected]
// @description:en Automatically add dynamic rainbow styles to PT site usernames and add badges! If you want to adapt it for a PT site, please contact me: [email protected]
// @license MIT
// @copyright (c) 2025-01-01
// @author wiiii
// @match *://pt.m-team.cc/*.php*
// @match *://kp.m-team.cc/*.php*
// @match *://xp.m-team.io/*.php*
// @match *://xp.m-team.cc/*
// @match *://pt.btschool.club/*.php*
// @match *://hhanclub.top/*.php*
// @match *://ubits.club/*.php*
// @match *://rousi.zip/*.php*
// @match *://hdfans.org/*.php*
// @match *://carpt.net/*.php*
// @match *://www.tjupt.org/*.php*
// @match *://njtupt.top/*.php*
// @match *://sunnypt.top/*.php*
// @match *://www.hddolby.com/*.php*
// @match *://ourbits.club/*.php*
// @match *://audiences.me/*.php*
// @match *://hdhome.org/*.php*
// @match *://xingtan.one/*.php*
// @match *://share.ilolicon.com/*.php*
// @grant none
// @description PT站点用户名自动添加动态彩虹样式.添加勋章!如果想要适配PT站点请联系我:[email protected]
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
// 动态插入 CSS 样式到页面中
let style = document.createElement("style");
// 允许的颜色数量选项
const allowedColors = [10, 20, 50, 100];
// 获取当前站点的域名
const currentSite = window.location.hostname;
// 检查 localStorage 中是否已保存该站点的彩虹设置
const siteSettings = JSON.parse(
localStorage.getItem("rainbowSettings") || "{}"
const now = Date.now();
const expirationTime = 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 180 天(以毫秒为单位)
// 检查站点状态或缓存是否过期
function isSettingExpired(timestamp) {
return now - timestamp >= expirationTime; // 如果超过 180 天则返回 true
// 控制台日志输出函数
function logMessage(message, color) {
console.log(`%c${message}`, `color: ${color}; font-weight: bold;`);
// 获取渐变颜色
function generateGradientColors(steps) {
const colors = [];
const hueStep = 360 / steps; // 每一步的色相间隔
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
const hue = i * hueStep; // 当前颜色的色相
colors.push(`hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`); // 使用 HSL 模式生成颜色
return colors.join(", "); // 返回逗号分隔的颜色字符串
// 提示用户选择颜色数量
function getGradientStepCount() {
let gradientStepCount = parseInt(
? siteSettings[currentSite].colors
: 20
while (!allowedColors.includes(gradientStepCount)) {
gradientStepCount = parseInt(
prompt(`请选择彩虹渐变颜色数量(仅允许输入:10、20、50、100):`, "20"),
return gradientStepCount;
// 功能:根据不同站点动态插入对应配置的勋章图片
function applyRainbowEffect(userId, gradientStepCount) {
const currentHost = window.location.host; // 获取当前页面的域名
// 不同站点的勋章配置
const siteBadgeConfig = {
"hhanclub.top": [
src: "pic/medal/vip.svg",
title: "永久VIP勋章",
"nexus-username-medal preview !max-w-8 !max-h-8 !rounded-md",
style: "margin-left: 2pt",
width: "35", // 保证宽度生效
height: "35", // 保证高度生效
src: "pic/medal/temp.svg",
title: "二周年站庆徽章",
"nexus-username-medal preview !max-w-8 !max-h-8 !rounded-md",
style: "margin-left: 2pt",
width: "35", // 保证宽度生效
height: "35", // 保证高度生效
src: "pic/medal/anniversary.svg",
title: "一周年站庆徽章",
"nexus-username-medal preview !max-w-8 !max-h-8 !rounded-md",
style: "margin-left: 2pt",
width: "35", // 保证宽度生效
height: "35", // 保证高度生效
src: "pic/trans.gif",
alt: "Donor",
className: "star",
style: "margin-left: 2pt",
"ubits.club": [
// ubits 的勋章配置(倒序排列)
src: "/pic/Medal/Copper_One_Year_Normal.png",
title: "1周年铜质勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/Medal/Gold_One_Year_Normal.png",
title: "1周年金质勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/Medal/UPload_Team_Normal.png",
title: "发布组",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/Medal/Seeding_Normal.png",
title: "保种组",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/Medal/Sliver_One_Year_Normal.png",
title: "1周年银质勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/Medal/1K_torrent_Normal.png",
title: "官种千种纪念勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/Medal/2W_torrent_sliver_normal.png",
title: "2万种纪念银质勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/pic/trans.gif",
alt: "Donor",
className: "starbig",
style: "margin-left: 4pt",
"carpt.net": [
src: "/medal/youche2.png",
title: "有车勋章_豪华款",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "/medal/youche1.png",
title: "有车勋章_普通款",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
"hdfans.org": [
src: "http://img.hdfans.org/images/2024/04/30/HDFans.fw.png",
title: "HDFans四周年纪念勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "http://img.hdfans.org/images/2023/06/01/HDFans-2023.png",
title: "HDFans三周年纪念勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "http://img.hdfans.org/images/2023/06/01/HDFans-2022.png",
title: "HDFans二周年纪念勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
src: "http://img.hdfans.org/images/2023/06/01/HDFans-2021.png",
title: "HDFans一周年纪念勋章",
className: "nexus-username-medal-big preview",
style: "max-height: 16px; max-width: 16px; margin-left: 4pt",
// 可以为其他站点添加更多配置
"another-site.com": [
src: "pic/medal/special.svg",
title: "特别勋章",
className: "special-medal",
style: "margin-left: 3pt",
width: "30",
height: "30",
// 根据当前站点获取对应的勋章配置
const images = siteBadgeConfig[currentHost] || []; // 如果找不到站点配置,返回空数组
const links = document.querySelectorAll("a");
links.forEach(function (link) {
const href = link.getAttribute("href"); // 获取 href 属性值
if (href && href.includes(`userdetails.php?id=${userId}`)) {
const boldElement = link.querySelector("b"); // 找到嵌套的 <b> 标签
if (boldElement) {
// 为 <b> 标签添加彩虹样式
// 遍历当前站点的勋章配置,并按顺序插入
images.forEach((imageData) => {
const img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = imageData.src;
if (imageData.alt) img.alt = imageData.alt;
if (imageData.className) img.className = imageData.className;
if (imageData.style) img.style = imageData.style;
if (imageData.title) img.title = imageData.title;
// 确保设置宽度和高度
img.style.width = `${imageData.width}px`;
img.style.height = `${imageData.height}px`;
// 将 <img> 标签插入到 <a> 标签之后
link.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", img);
logMessage(`为链接 ${href} 添加了彩虹样式和图片标签`, "green");
// 动态生成 CSS 样式
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = `
/* 彩虹样式 */
.beautifulrainbow {
display: inline-block !important;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
font-size: inherit !important;
line-height: inherit !important;
text-align: center !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
background: linear-gradient(
to right,
)} /* 动态生成的渐变颜色 */
background-size: ${
gradientStepCount * 10
}% 100%; /* 根据颜色数量调整背景尺寸 */
-webkit-background-clip: text !important;
background-clip: text !important;
color: transparent !important;
animation: beautifulrainbow_animation 8s linear infinite alternate; /* 动画时间为 8 秒 */
/* 动态彩虹动画 */
@keyframes beautifulrainbow_animation {
0% { background-position: 0% 50%; }
100% { background-position: 100% 50%; }
// 检查站点是否启用
if (
siteSettings[currentSite] &&
) {
if (siteSettings[currentSite].status === "DISABLED") {
`彩虹效果已禁用(180 天有效期内),站点:${currentSite}`,
} else if (siteSettings[currentSite].status === "PENDING") {
const userId = prompt(
"您已启用彩虹效果,但尚未输入您的 ID。\n\n请输入您的用户 ID(例如:userdetails.php?id=12345):"
if (userId) {
const gradientStepCount =
siteSettings[currentSite].colors || getGradientStepCount();
siteSettings[currentSite] = {
status: userId,
colors: gradientStepCount,
timestamp: now,
localStorage.setItem("rainbowSettings", JSON.stringify(siteSettings));
alert("彩虹效果已应用!页面将动态处理您的 ID。");
`彩虹效果已启用,输入的 ID 为 ${userId},站点:${currentSite},颜色数量:${gradientStepCount}`,
applyRainbowEffect(userId, gradientStepCount);
} else {
alert("您未输入 ID,彩虹效果暂时未启用。找到您的 ID 后可以再次输入。");
`用户未输入 ID,彩虹效果暂时未启用,站点:${currentSite}`,
} else if (siteSettings[currentSite].status) {
const gradientStepCount = siteSettings[currentSite].colors || 20;
applyRainbowEffect(siteSettings[currentSite].status, gradientStepCount);
`彩虹效果正在应用(180 天有效期内),站点:${currentSite},用户 ID:${siteSettings[currentSite].status},颜色数量:${gradientStepCount}`,
const enableRainbow = confirm(
`是否为当前站点 (${currentSite}) 启用彩虹效果?`
if (enableRainbow) {
const gradientStepCount = getGradientStepCount();
siteSettings[currentSite] = {
status: "PENDING",
colors: gradientStepCount,
timestamp: now,
localStorage.setItem("rainbowSettings", JSON.stringify(siteSettings));
`彩虹效果已启用!渐变颜色数量设置为 ${gradientStepCount},请找到您的 ID 后输入。`
`彩虹效果已启用,但未输入 ID,站点:${currentSite},渐变颜色数量:${gradientStepCount}`,
} else {
siteSettings[currentSite] = {
status: "DISABLED",
colors: null,
timestamp: now,
localStorage.setItem("rainbowSettings", JSON.stringify(siteSettings));
alert("您已选择不启用彩虹效果,180 天内不再提示。");
logMessage(`彩虹效果已禁用,站点:${currentSite}`, "red");