// ==UserScript==
// @name Pixiv预览器(轻量级)
// @name:en PixivPreviewer(Light)
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/866669-shikataganai
// @author shikataganai
// @version 1.04
// @description Pixiv 插画预览器(轻量级),无需进入作品页即可:快速预览单图、多图、动图,支持快捷键旋转图片、翻页、GIF暂停、GIF逐帧翻页、复制图片ID等
// @description:en Pixiv image previewer (Light), No need to enter the artwork page: quick preview of single images, multiple images, dynamic images, support shortcut keys to rotate images, flip pages, pause GIFs, flip GIFs frame by frame, copy image IDs, etc
// @license MIT
// @supportURL https://github.com/kuroChef/PixivPreviewer
// @icon https://www.pixiv.net/favicon.ico
// @match https://www.pixiv.net/*
// ==/UserScript==
/* 6.33->1.04
快捷键(Shortcut keys):
- alt+z 开关预览(Switch preview)
- alt+c 悬停时复制插画PID(Copy illustration PID when hovering)
- qQeE 旋转图片(Rotate Image)
- aA← 上一页(Previous Page)
- dD→ 下一页(Next page)
- sS 暂停/播放GIF(Suspend/Play GIF)
class QPreviewer {
distanceRate = .95;
distanceMinValue = 20;
imgSize = ["360x360_70", "240x480", "600x600"];
curImgSize = this.imgSize[2];
RE_FullDTWithPID = /\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{7,}/;
RE_PID = /\d{7,}/;
illustrationURL_head = `https://i.pximg.net/c/${this.curImgSize}/img-master/img/`;
frameURL_head = "https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/";
gifLoadLimit = 0;
themeBgColor = "rgba(0,151,249,0.1)";
loadedBgColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)";
normalCardStyle = "border-radius: 8px;background-color:" + this.themeBgColor;
smallArtCartStyle = "border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(0,151,249,0.5);";
offDisplay = !1;
eleProp_imgProcessed = "qp_imgProcessed";
eleProp_imgInfo = "qp_imgInfo";
eleProp_originImg = "qp_originImg";
imgClassMap = {
"sc-rp5asc-10 jBxEmj": [this.normalCardStyle, [6], t => "sc-rp5asc-0 fxGQTu" === this.getParent(t, 4).getAttribute("class") ? this.getParent(t, 8) : "sc-rp5asc-0 fuLEV" === this.getParent(t, 4).getAttribute("class") ? this.getRelativePathElement(t, [7, -1]) : t],
"sc-rp5asc-10 hOyrZP": [this.normalCardStyle, [6]],
"sc-rp5asc-10 joKryv": [this.normalCardStyle, [9]],
"sc-rp5asc-10 dLfLDP": [this.smallArtCartStyle, [7]],
"sc-1b4yl3n-2 hgPJLQ": [this.smallArtCartStyle, [2], t => this.getParent(t, 3)],
"sc-7bef31-2 gszsZT": [this.normalCardStyle, [3]],
"sc-8cc0a8e6-3 dwRUmP": [this.normalCardStyle, [6]]
curImgInfo = null;
curPage = 0;
curGIFShow = !1;
curGIFPause = !1;
gifInfo = {};
curImgLoaded = !1;
imgShowerRotateDeg = 0;
constructor() {
this.checkLoadImg = document.createElement("img"), this.imgDisplayDiv = document.createElement("div"), this.imgDisplayDiv.style = "display:none;position:fixed;top:0px;Height:100vh;z-index:100;transition:background-color 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;text-align:center;", this.imgShower = document.createElement("img"), this.imgDisplayDiv.appendChild(this.imgShower), this.imgShower.style = "max-width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:contain;transform-origin:center;", document.body.appendChild(this.imgDisplayDiv), this.imgInfoDiv = document.createElement("div"), this.imgInfoDiv.style = "color:#fff;font-size:12px;text-align:center;padding:5px;position:absolute;top:10px;background-color:rgba(0,151,249,0.6);border-radius:10px;z-index:101;", this.imgDisplayDiv.appendChild(this.imgInfoDiv), this.initImgInfoDiv(this.imgInfoDiv), this.checkLoadImg.cbParent = this, this.checkLoadImg.addEventListener("load", this.onImgLoadCB), this.checkLoadImg.addEventListener("error", this.onImgErrorCB), document.addEventListener("keydown", this.hotKeyCB), new MutationObserver((t => {
for (let i of t) {
let t = i.target.children;
if (t) for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) "IMG" === t[i].tagName && this.checkImgClass(t[i]) && this.processImg(t[i])
})).observe(document.body, {attributes: !1, childList: !0, subtree: !0})
onImgLoadCB = () => {
this.curImgInfo && (this.curImgLoaded = !0, this.rotateImgShower(0), this.curGIFShow || (this.curImgInfo.isGIF && !this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].ok ? (this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].framePostfixChecked = !0, this.preloadGIF()) : this.imgDisplayDiv.style.backgroundColor = this.loadedBgColor))
onImgErrorCB = () => {
if (!this.curImgInfo) return;
let t = this.curImgInfo.PID;
this.curImgInfo.isGIF && !this.gifInfo[t].framePostfixChecked && ("jpg" === this.gifInfo[t].framePostfix ? this.gifInfo[t].framePostfix = "png" : this.gifInfo[t].framePostfix = "jpg", this.imgDisplay())
hotKeyCB = t => {
if ("Escape" !== t.key) if (!t.altKey || "z" !== t.key && "Z" !== t.key) {
if (this.curImgInfo) if (!t.altKey || "c" !== t.key && "C" !== t.key) {
if ("q" === t.key || "Q" === t.key ? this.rotateImgShower(90) : "e" !== t.key && "E" !== t.key || this.rotateImgShower(-90), this.curImgInfo.pageAmount > 1) {
if (!this.curImgInfo.isGIF || "s" !== t.key && "S" !== t.key || (this.curGIFPause ? (this.curGIFPause = !1, this.playGIF()) : this.curGIFPause = !0, this.updateGIFInfo()), this.curGIFShow && !this.curGIFPause) return;
"a" === t.key || "ArrowLeft" === t.key || "A" === t.key ? (this.imgDisplayDiv.style.backgroundColor = this.themeBgColor, this.curPage <= 0 ? this.curPage = this.curImgInfo.pageAmount - 1 : this.curPage--, this.imgDisplay()) : "d" !== t.key && "ArrowRight" !== t.key && "D" !== t.key || (this.imgDisplayDiv.style.backgroundColor = this.themeBgColor, this.curPage >= this.curImgInfo.pageAmount - 1 ? this.curPage = 0 : this.curPage++, this.imgDisplay())
} else navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.curImgInfo.PID)
} else this.offDisplay ? (this.offDisplay = !1, this.processAllTargetImgList()) : (this.clearImgDisplay(), this.offDisplay = !0); else this.clearImgDisplay(!0)
initImgInfoDiv(t) {
t.span_imgPID = document.createElement("span"), t.span_imgPG = document.createElement("span"), t.span_imgGIF = document.createElement("span"), t.span_imgDT = document.createElement("span"), t.appendChild(t.span_imgPID), t.appendChild(t.span_imgPG), t.appendChild(t.span_imgGIF), t.appendChild(document.createElement("br")), t.appendChild(t.span_imgDT)
setImgInfoDiv(t = null, i = null, e = null, s = null) {
null !== t && (this.imgInfoDiv.span_imgPID.innerText = t), null !== i && (this.imgInfoDiv.span_imgPG.innerText = i), null !== e && (this.imgInfoDiv.span_imgGIF.innerText = e), null !== s && (this.imgInfoDiv.span_imgDT.innerText = s)
checkImgClass(t) {
return t.getAttribute("class") in this.imgClassMap
processAllTargetImgList() {
let t = document.querySelectorAll("img");
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) this.checkImgClass(t[i]) && this.processImg(t[i])
processImg(t) {
if (this.offDisplay) return;
if (t[this.eleProp_imgProcessed]) return;
let i;
t[this.eleProp_imgProcessed] = !0, this.setImgBg(t);
let e = this.imgClassMap[t.getAttribute("class")][2];
i = e ? e(t) : t, i[this.eleProp_originImg] = t, i.addEventListener("mouseover", this.setImgShower), i.addEventListener("mousemove", this.setImgDisplayPosition), i.addEventListener("mouseout", this.clearImgDisplay), i.addEventListener("click", this.clearImgDisplay), this.imgDisplayDiv.addEventListener("mousemove", this.clearImgDisplay)
setImgShower = t => {
if (this.offDisplay || this.curImgInfo) return;
let i = t.target[this.eleProp_originImg];
i && (this.curImgInfo = this.getImgInfo(i), void 0 === this.curImgInfo && (this.extractImgInfo(i), this.curImgInfo = this.getImgInfo(i)), this.imgDisplayDiv.style.display = "block", this.setImgInfoDiv(this.curImgInfo.PID, null, null, this.curImgInfo.DTP.split("/", 3).join("-")), 0 !== this.curImgInfo.pageAmount ? (this.curImgInfo.pageAmount > 1 && this.updatePGInfo(), this.imgDisplay(), this.setImgDisplayPosition(t)) : this.getGIFFrames(i))
getImgPageAmount(t) {
let i = this.getParent(t, 3), e = i.querySelector("svg.sc-14heosd-1.fArvVr");
return e ? Number(this.getRelativePathElement(e, [3, -2]).textContent) : i.querySelector("svg.sc-192k5ld-0.etaMpt.sc-rp5asc-8.kSDUsv") ? 0 : 1
extractImgInfo(t) {
let i = 0, e = this.getImgPageAmount(t);
e || (i = 1);
let s = {PID: this.RE_PID.exec(t.src)[0], DTP: this.RE_FullDTWithPID.exec(t.src)[0], isGIF: i, pageAmount: e};
this.setImgInfo(t, s)
setImgInfo(t, i) {
t[this.eleProp_imgInfo] = i
getImgInfo(t) {
return t[this.eleProp_imgInfo]
setImgBg(t) {
let i = this.imgClassMap[t.getAttribute("class")];
i[0] && (this.getRelativePathElement(t, i[1]).style = i[0])
imgDisplay() {
if (!this.curImgInfo) return;
let t;
if (this.updatePGInfo(), this.curImgInfo.isGIF) {
if (t = `${this.frameURL_head}${this.curImgInfo.DTP}_ugoira${this.curPage}.${this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].framePostfix}`, this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].ok && !this.curGIFShow && !this.curGIFPause) return void this.playGIF()
} else t = this.illustrationURL_head + `${this.curImgInfo.DTP}_p${this.curPage}_master1200.jpg`, this.imgDisplayDiv.style.backgroundColor = this.themeBgColor;
this.curImgLoaded = !1, this.checkLoadImg.src = t, this.imgShower.src = t
clearImgDisplay = t => {
this.rotateImgShower(), this.curPage = 0, this.curGIFShow = !1, this.curGIFPause = !1, this.curImgLoaded = !1, this.curImgInfo = null, this.resetImgShowerScale(), this.imgShower.src = "", this.checkLoadImg.src = "", this.imgDisplayDiv.style.display = "none", this.setImgInfoDiv("", "", "", "")
setImgDisplayPosition = t => {
let i = t.clientX, e = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
i >= e / 2 ? (i - i * this.distanceRate < this.distanceMinValue ? this.imgDisplayDiv.style.width = i - this.distanceMinValue + "px" : this.imgDisplayDiv.style.width = i * this.distanceRate + "px", this.imgDisplayDiv.style.left = "0px", this.imgDisplayDiv.style.right = "", this.imgInfoDiv.style.left = "10px", this.imgInfoDiv.style.right = "") : (e - i - (e - i) * this.distanceRate < this.distanceMinValue ? this.imgDisplayDiv.style.width = e - i - this.distanceMinValue + "px" : this.imgDisplayDiv.style.width = (e - i) * this.distanceRate + "px", this.imgDisplayDiv.style.left = "", this.imgDisplayDiv.style.right = "0px", this.imgInfoDiv.style.right = "10px", this.imgInfoDiv.style.left = ""), this.setImgShowerScale()
rotateImgShower(t) {
if (void 0 === t) this.imgShowerRotateDeg = 0, this.imgShower.style.rotate = "0deg"; else {
if (!this.curImgLoaded) return;
this.imgShowerRotateDeg += t, this.imgShower.style.rotate = `${this.imgShowerRotateDeg}deg`, this.imgShowerRotateDeg % 180 ? this.setImgShowerScale() : this.resetImgShowerScale()
resetImgShowerScale() {
this.imgShower.style.scale = "", this.imgShower.style.translate = "", this.imgShower.style.height = "100%", this.imgShower.style.maxWidth = "100%"
setImgShowerScale() {
if (!(this.curImgLoaded && this.imgShowerRotateDeg % 180)) return;
let t, i = this.imgDisplayDiv.clientWidth, e = this.imgDisplayDiv.clientHeight, s = this.imgShower.naturalWidth,
o = this.imgShower.naturalHeight;
t = i / e <= o / s ? i / o : e / s;
let r = 0;
s > i && (r = (i - s) / 2), this.imgShower.style.translate = `${r}px ${(e - o) / 2}px`, this.imgShower.style.maxWidth = "", this.imgShower.style.height = "", this.imgShower.style.scale = t
updatePGInfo() {
if (1 === this.curImgInfo.pageAmount) return;
let t = ` | ${this.curPage + 1}/${this.curImgInfo.pageAmount}`;
this.curImgInfo.isGIF && this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].framesAmount > this.curImgInfo.pageAmount && (t += `(${this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].framesAmount})`), this.setImgInfoDiv(null, t, null, null)
updateGIFInfo() {
this.curImgInfo?.isGIF && (this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].ok ? this.curGIFPause ? this.setImgInfoDiv(null, null, " ▶", null) : this.setImgInfoDiv(null, null, " ∥", null) : this.setImgInfoDiv(null, null, ` ${Math.round(this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].loadedCount / this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].framesLimit * 100)}%(${this.gifInfo[this.curImgInfo.PID].loadedCount})`, null))
getGIFFrames(t) {
let i = this.getImgInfo(t);
if (!i.isGIF || i.PID in this.gifInfo) return;
let e = new XMLHttpRequest;
e.open("get", `https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/illust/${i.PID}/ugoira_meta`, !0), e.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (200 === e.status && e.responseText && !(i.PID in this.gifInfo)) {
let s = JSON.parse(e.responseText).body.frames;
this.gifInfo[i.PID] = {
frames: s,
framesAmount: s.length,
framesLimit: this.gifLoadLimit && this.gifLoadLimit < s.length ? this.gifLoadLimit : s.length,
framePostfix: "jpg",
framePostfixChecked: !1,
loaded: {},
loadedCount: 0,
ok: !1
}, i.pageAmount = this.gifInfo[i.PID].framesLimit, this.setImgInfo(t, i), i.PID === this.curImgInfo?.PID && (this.curImgInfo = i, this.imgDisplay())
} else 200 !== e.status && console.error(`[@Pixiv Script] get GIF failed, qPID: ${i.PID} cPID: ${this.curImgInfo.PID}\n${e}`)
}, e.send()
preloadGIF() {
let t = this.curImgInfo?.PID;
if (!this.curImgInfo?.isGIF || !this.gifInfo[t].framePostfixChecked || this.gifInfo[t].ok) return;
let i = this.curImgInfo.DTP, e = this.gifInfo[t].framePostfix;
for (let s = 0; s < this.gifInfo[t].framesLimit && t === this.curImgInfo.PID; s++) {
if (s in this.gifInfo[t].loaded) continue;
let o = document.createElement("img");
o.src = this.frameURL_head + `${i}_ugoira${s}.${e}`, o.addEventListener("load", (() => {
this.gifInfo[t].loaded[s] = o, this.gifInfo[t].loadedCount++, this.gifInfo[t].loadedCount >= this.gifInfo[t].framesLimit && (this.imgDisplayDiv.style.backgroundColor = this.loadedBgColor, this.gifInfo[t].ok = !0, this.playGIF()), this.updateGIFInfo()
async playGIF() {
let t = this.curImgInfo?.PID;
if (!this.curImgInfo?.isGIF || !this.gifInfo[t].ok || this.curGIFShow) return;
let i = this.gifInfo[t].framesLimit;
this.curGIFShow = !0, this.updateGIFInfo(), this.curPage === i - 1 && (this.curPage = 0);
for (let e = this.curPage; e < i && (!this.curGIFPause && this.curGIFShow); e++) this.curPage = e, this.imgDisplay(), await this.sleep(Number(this.gifInfo[t].frames[e].delay));
this.curGIFShow = !1, this.curGIFPause || this.playGIF()
sleep(t) {
return new Promise((i => {
setTimeout((() => {
}), t)
getParent(t, i) {
return i <= 0 ? t : this.getParent(t?.parentNode, --i)
getRelativePathElement(t, i) {
let e = t;
for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t++) i[t] > 0 ? e = this.getParent(e, i[t]) : i[t] < 0 && (e = e?.children[Math.abs(i[t]) - 1]);
return e
!function () {
"use strict";
new QPreviewer