Greasy Fork

Claude 对话导出器 | Claude Conversation Exporter Plus

优雅导出 Claude 对话记录,支持 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。Elegantly export Claude conversation records, supporting JSON and Markdown formats.

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Claude 会话导出增强版

Claude Conversation Exporter Plus

描述 | Description

Claude Conversation Exporter Plus 是一款专为导出 Claude 对话记录而设计的工具,简单高效且便于使用。无论是为了存档重要对话还是为了分享交流内容,该脚本都可以为您提供便捷的解决方案。

本工具支持将对话导出为 JSONMarkdown 格式。JSON 格式适合需要进行进一步分析或编程处理的用户,而 Markdown 格式则特别适合分享和阅读对话内容。通过此工具,用户能够快速生成结构化的会话记录文件,从而节省时间,确保内容保存的完整性。

Claude Conversation Exporter Plus is a tool specifically designed for exporting Claude conversation records, offering a simple, efficient, and user-friendly solution. Whether you need to archive important conversations or share communication content, this script provides a convenient solution.

This tool supports exporting conversations in both JSON and Markdown formats. JSON format is suitable for users who need further analysis or programming processing, while Markdown format is particularly suitable for sharing and reading conversation content. Through this tool, users can quickly generate structured conversation record files, saving time while ensuring the completeness of content preservation.

功能特性 | Features

导出格式多样 | Multiple Export Formats

支持将对话记录导出为 JSONMarkdown 格式。JSON 格式适合开发人员使用,而 Markdown 格式则更适合普通用户进行记录和分享。

Supports exporting conversation records in both JSON and Markdown formats. JSON format is suitable for developers, while Markdown format is more suitable for general users to record and share.

一键导出对话 | One-Click Export

脚本会在页面右侧生成两个导出按钮,分别用于下载 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。操作直观,用户只需点击按钮即可轻松保存对话内容。

The script generates two export buttons on the right side of the page for downloading JSON and Markdown formats. The operation is intuitive, and users can easily save conversation content with just a click.

自动命名文件 | Automatic File Naming


During export, the script automatically names the generated files, including conversation titles and timestamps, ensuring each exported file is unique and convenient for user archiving and organization.

导出内容优化 | Export Content Optimization

导出的 Markdown 文件会对对话内容进行层次优化,确保内容结构清晰、易于阅读,便于用户快速定位和查阅关键信息。

The exported Markdown files optimize conversation content hierarchy, ensuring clear content structure and easy reading, making it convenient for users to quickly locate and reference key information.

页面右侧友好下载按钮 | User-Friendly Download Buttons

用户可以看到清晰的"下载 JSON"和"下载 MD"按钮,随时导出对话,无需复杂设置,整个过程快速而直观。

Users can see clear "Download JSON" and "Download MD" buttons, allowing them to export conversations at any time without complex settings, making the entire process quick and intuitive.

使用方法 | Usage Instructions

1. 安装油猴脚本管理器 | Install Tampermonkey


First, install Tampermonkey or another compatible userscript manager in your browser. These tools help manage and execute user scripts.

2. 安装脚本 | Install Script

安装完成油猴后,访问 GreasyFork 网站,添加 Claude Conversation Exporter Plus 脚本到您的脚本管理器中。安装后,脚本将在您访问 Claude 对话页面时自动生效。

After installing Tampermonkey, visit the GreasyFork website and add the Claude Conversation Exporter Plus script to your script manager. Once installed, the script will automatically activate when you visit Claude conversation pages.

3. 开始对话并导出 | Start Conversation and Export

打开 Claude 网站,开始您的对话。在交流过程中,脚本会自动捕获生成的对话内容。在对话结束后,页面右侧会显示“下载 JSON”和“下载 MD”按钮。点击相应按钮即可将对话导出为所需格式的文件。

Open the Claude website and start your conversation. During the interaction, the script will automatically capture the conversation. After the conversation ends, "Download JSON" and "Download MD" buttons will appear on the right side of the page. Click the appropriate button to export the conversation in your desired format.

4. 文件命名 | File Naming


The exported filename includes the conversation title and timestamp, ensuring the uniqueness of each exported record for easy organization and retrieval.

5. 手动保存 API 文件 | Manually Save API Files

对于通过 API 链接呈现的附加文件,请在删除聊天之前手动保存这些文件,以确保数据完整性。

For attached files presented via API links, please manually save these files before deleting the conversation to ensure data integrity.

注意事项 | Notes

Claude 生成内容限制 | Claude-Generated Content Limitations

无法导出通过 Claude 按钮展开的代码片段及其他相关功能。

Cannot export code snippets and other related features expanded through Claude buttons.


Please add the above content manually to ensure the completeness of exported records.

作者 | Author

  • 作者 | Author: Gao + GPT-4 + Claude
  • 协作者和致谢 | Collaborators and Acknowledgments: 感谢 @yearly 大佬、 ChatGPT 和 Claude 提供的技术支持,使该工具具备高效、智能的对话提取和导出功能。

Thanks to @yearly, ChatGPT and Claude for their technical support, which enabled the tool to have efficient and intelligent conversation extraction and export capabilities.