Greasy Fork


拖拽链接时在弹出窗口中打开链接,并在打开前提供预览,使用 Edge 的预读技术。同时在小窗口打开时在背后添加亚克力效果,可设置为长按触发.自动记录每个站点的小窗口大小.

< 脚本小窗预览的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


It opens an empty new tab on close.

Whenever I close the preview window (by scrolling or clicking outside the preview window) the preview window closes, but it opens a new empty tab, which is annoying.

Please fix :)


It opens an empty new tab on close.Whenever I close the preview window (by scrolling or clicking outside the preview window) the preview window closes, but it opens a new empty tab, which is annoying.Please fix :)

I haven't encountered the problem you mentioned. I suggest you just delete the script.


Sorry, I think was from my side.
I resolved this. I had "Close window with last tab" flag set to "never", so whenever I close last tab, the browser opens a new tab (instead of closing the browser)
I reset the flag and now it works well, no new tab opens.

