// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube HD premium fixed
// @icon 
// @author ElectroKnight22
// @namespace electroknight22_youtube_hd_namespace
// @description Automcatically switches to your pre-selected resolution. Enables premium when possible. Tested on the newest beta premium-only UI.
// @version 2024.06.25
// @match https://*.youtube.com/*
// @noframes
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.setValue
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
// The video will only resize when in theater mode on the main youtube website.
// By default only runs on youtube website, not players embedded on other websites, but there is experimental support for embeds.
// To enable experimental support for embedded players outside of YouTube website, do the following steps:
// add " @include * " to the script metadata
// remove " @noframes " from the script metadata
// 2024.06.25
// Fixed auto theater mode.🥳
// Removed HFR functions.
// Defaults to aways settings resolution early.
// Added support for 'auto' resolution since YouTube officially returns the value now.
// Simplified resolution calculation.
// Function will also find the closet resolution not exceeding the target if the target resolution cannot be found.
// Removed calls to obsolete functions. (deprecated by YouTube)
// Removed options to manually switch between button and API mode. Will now default to API mode then fallback to button emulation when API calls aren't supported.
// Removed code that stops calculation of resolution when playing the same video back to which. Fixing the edge case of video having different resolution between playback, often caused by a video being too new.
// Removed fetching resolution data with video ID. Pretty sure YouTube have changed their loading order since this script was created so this is no longer necessary.
// Removed flushBuffer as it relied on loading video data with video ID.
// Removed enableErrorScreenWorkaround.
// Removed ability to set custom size video players. YouTube no longer provides direct API calls to resize the player.
// Now 9 different divs are stsacked on top of each other for the player, there are just too many ways YouTube can accidentally break a CSS based approach.
// Besides, resizing no longer makes much sense with the new AI, and assuming they will adopt the beta UI in the future, finding a solution to this problem seems like a huge waste of time and effort.
// Target resolution now defaults to 4k (hd2160) [added 2024.06.15]
// [NOTE*] There was a massive amount of change this update so please do give feedback if it is somehow catastrophically backwards uncompatible.
// 2024.06.15
// Fix issue that disabled the premium quality option on premium accounts.
// Fix conflict between api quality selector and button click fallback.
// Fix bug that caused the script to not recognize the quality selector button in the Youtube player UI when using button click fallback.
// Fix bug that caused the script to fail to fetch video quality data when switching between videos using button click fallback when not reloading.
// 2024.01.17
// Fix issue with user script managers that don't define GM
// 2024.01.14
// Partially fix auto theater mode again after more youtube changes
// Note that if you want to turn theater mode back off after using auto theater you have to click the button a few times. This is a known issue that hasn't been fixed yet.
(function() {
"use strict";
// --- SETTINGS -------
// Settings will be saved the first time the script is loaded so that your changes aren't undone by an update.
// If you want to make adjustments, please set "overwriteStoredSettings" to true.
// Otherwise, your settings changes will NOT have an effect because it will use the saved settings.
// After the script has next been run by loading a video with "overwriteStoredSettings" as true, your settings will be updated.
// Then after that, you can set it to false again to prevent your settings from being changed by an update.
let settings = {
// Target Resolution to always set to. If not available, the next best resolution will be used.
changeResolution: true,
preferPremium: true,
targetRes: "hd2160",
// Choices for targetRes are currently:
// "highres" >= ( 8K / 4320p / QUHD )
// "hd2880" = ( 5K / 2880p / UHD+ )
// "hd2160" = ( 4K / 2160p / UHD )
// "hd1440" = ( 1440p / QHD )
// "hd1080" = ( 1080p / FHD )
// "hd720" = ( 720p / HD )
// "large" = ( 480p )
// "medium" = ( 360p )
// "small" = ( 240p )
// "tiny" = ( 144p )
// "auto" = ( auto )
// If autoTheater is true, each video page opened will default to theater mode.
autoTheater: false,
// Enabling cookies makes theater mode load faster.This is off by default
allowCookies: false,
// This make it so the scripts sses the settings coded here instead of a seperate save file.
overwriteStoredSettings: true
// --------------------
// --- GLOBALS --------
// --------------------
const DEBUG = false;
// Possible resolution choices (in decreasing order, i.e. highres is the largest):
const resolutions = ['highres', 'hd2880', 'hd2160', 'hd1440', 'hd1080', 'hd720', 'large', 'medium', 'small', 'tiny', 'auto'];
// YouTube has to be at least 480x270 for the player UI
const ranks = {
highres: "10",
hd2880: "9",
hd2160: "8",
hd1440: "7",
hd1080: "6",
hd720: "5",
large: "4",
medium: "3",
small: "2",
tiny: "1",
auto: "0"
let doc = document, win = window;
// --------------------
function debugLog(message) {
if (DEBUG) {
console.log("YTHD | " + message);
// --------------------
// Used only for compatibility with web extensions version of Greasemonkey
function unwrapElement(el) {
if (el && el.wrappedJSObject) {
return el.wrappedJSObject;
return el;
// --------------------
// Attempt to set the video resolution to desired quality or the next best quality
function setResolution(ytPlayer, resolutionList) {
// No idea why anyone would use auto when using this script. But this handles that edge case.
if (settings.targetRes.toLowerCase() == "auto") {
debugLog("Using auto resolution. Skipping calculations.");
let target = settings.targetRes;
let limitList = ytPlayer.getAvailableQualityLevels();
let limit = limitList[0];
if (ranks[target] > ranks[limit]) {
target = limit;
if (!limitList.includes(target)) {
for (let L of limitList) {
if (ranks[L] < ranks[target]) {
target = L;
let shouldPremium = settings.preferPremium && ytPlayer.getAvailableQualityData().some(q => q.quality == target && q.qualityLabel.includes("Premium") && q.isPlayable);
debugLog(ytPlayer.getAvailableQualityData().some(q => q.quality == target && q.qualityLabel.includes("Premium") && q.isPlayable));
// Premium quality does not have an direct API call so using emulated clicks instead
if (shouldPremium) {
debugLog("Premium quality available. Attempting to enable...")
let resLabel = ytPlayer.getAvailableQualityData().find(q => q.quality == target && q.qualityLabel.includes("Premium")).qualityLabel;
let settingsButton = doc.querySelector(".ytp-settings-button:not(#ScaleBtn)");
let qualityMenuButton = document.evaluate('.//*[contains(text(),"Quality")]/ancestor-or-self::*[@class="ytp-menuitem-label"]', ytPlayer, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
let qualityButton = document.evaluate('.//*[contains(text(),"' + resLabel + '") and not(@class)]/ancestor::*[@class="ytp-menuitem"]', ytPlayer, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
debugLog("Resolution Set To: " + target + (shouldPremium ? " Premium" : ""));
} else {
debugLog("Premium quality not available.")
debugLog("Resolution Set To: " + target);
// --------------------
// Sets resolution when API is ready
function setResOnReady(ytPlayer, resolutionList) {
if (ytPlayer.getPlaybackQuality === undefined) {
win.setTimeout(setResOnReady, 100, ytPlayer, resolutionList);
} else {
setResolution(ytPlayer, resolutionList);
// --------------------
function setTheaterMode() {
debugLog("Setting Theater Mode");
if (win.location.href.indexOf("/watch") !== -1) {
let pageManager = unwrapElement(doc.getElementsByClassName("ytd-page-manager")[0]);
// directly modifies the player to use theater mode if not already
if (pageManager && !pageManager.hasAttribute("theater")) {
pageManager.getState().watch.isTheaterMode = true;
// --- MAIN -----------
function main() {
if (!settings.changeResolution && !settings.autoTheater) {
let ytPlayer = doc.getElementById("movie_player") || doc.getElementsByClassName("html5-video-player")[0];
let ytPlayerUnwrapped = unwrapElement(ytPlayer);
if (ytPlayerUnwrapped) {
if (settings.autoTheater) {
if (settings.allowCookies && doc.cookie.indexOf("wide=1") === -1) {
doc.cookie = "wide=1; domain=.youtube.com";
if (settings.changeResolution) {
setResOnReady(ytPlayerUnwrapped, resolutions);
win.addEventListener("loadstart", function(e) {
if (!(e.target instanceof win.HTMLMediaElement)) {
ytPlayer = doc.getElementById("movie_player") || doc.getElementsByClassName("html5-video-player")[0];
ytPlayerUnwrapped = unwrapElement(ytPlayer);
if (ytPlayerUnwrapped) {
debugLog("Loaded new video");
if (settings.changeResolution) {
setResOnReady(ytPlayerUnwrapped, resolutions);
if (settings.autoTheater) {
}, true);
// This will eventually be changed to use the "once" option, but I want to keep a large range of browser support. --adisib
win.removeEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", main, true);
async function applySettings() {
if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && GM.getValue && GM.setValue) {
let settingsSaved = await GM.getValue("SettingsSaved");
if (settings.overwriteStoredSettings || !settingsSaved) {
Object.entries(settings).forEach(([k, v]) => GM.setValue(k, v));
await GM.setValue("SettingsSaved", true);
} else {
await Promise.all(
Object.keys(settings).map(k => { let newval = GM.getValue(k); return newval.then(v => [k, v]); })
).then((c) => c.forEach(([nk, nv]) => {
if (settings[nk] !== null && nk !== "overwriteStoredSettings") {
settings[nk] = nv;
debugLog(Object.entries(settings).map(([k, v]) => k + " | " + v).join(", "));
applySettings().then(() => {
// YouTube doesn't load the page immediately in the new version so you can watch before waiting for page load
// But we can only set the resolution until the page finishes loading
win.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", main, true);