Greasy Fork

IMDb to 豆瓣

Adds a link to jump to Douban page using IMDb ID and automatically clicks on the first result. Also adds a link to search Douban for the current movie or show on JustWatch.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        IMDb to 豆瓣
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://*
// @match       *://*
// @author      xuintl
// @license     MIT
// @grant       none
// @version     1.4
// @description Adds a link to jump to Douban page using IMDb ID and automatically clicks on the first result. Also adds a link to search Douban for the current movie or show on JustWatch.
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  'use strict';

  // Function to create and insert the Douban button on IMDb
  function addDoubanButtonIMDb() {
    // Extract the IMDb ID from the URL
    const imdbIdMatch = window.location.pathname.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
    if (imdbIdMatch && imdbIdMatch[1]) {
      const imdbId = imdbIdMatch[1];

      // Construct the Douban URL using the IMDb ID
      const doubanUrl = `${imdbId}&cat=1002`;

      // Create a new button element
      const doubanButton = document.createElement('a');
      doubanButton.href = doubanUrl;
      doubanButton.textContent = 'Douban'; = '_blank'; = 'padding: 2px 6px; background-color: #00a680; color: white; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;';

      // Find the element to insert the button next to (e.g., next to the title)
      const titleElement = document.querySelector('h1');

      // Insert the button into the page
      if (titleElement) {

  // Function to click the first search result on Douban
  function clickFirstResultDouban() {
    // Wait for the DOM to fully load
    window.addEventListener('load', function() {
      // Select the first search result link
      const firstResult = document.querySelector('.title a');

      if (firstResult) {
        // Navigate to the first result link
        window.location.href = firstResult.href;

  // Function to create and insert the Douban button on JustWatch
  function addDoubanButtonJustWatch() {
    // Get the title element from the JustWatch page
    const titleElement = document.querySelector('.title-block h1');

    if (titleElement && !document.querySelector('#doubanButton')) {
      // Extract the movie/show title
      const title = titleElement.textContent.trim();

      // Construct the Douban search URL
      const doubanSearchUrl = `${encodeURIComponent(title)}&cat=1002`;

      // Create a new button element
      const doubanButton = document.createElement('a');
      doubanButton.href = doubanSearchUrl; = 'doubanButton';
      doubanButton.textContent = 'Douban'; = '_blank'; = 'padding: 2px 6px; background-color: #00a680; color: white; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;';

      // Find the rating info container to insert the button next to the icons
      const ratingInfoContainer = document.querySelector('.detail-infos__value .jw-scoring-listing__rating');

      // Insert the button into the page
      if (ratingInfoContainer) {

  // Create a MutationObserver to watch for changes in the DOM on JustWatch
  const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {

  // Start observing the body for changes on JustWatch
  observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

  // Initial call to add the button in case the title is already loaded
  window.addEventListener('load', addDoubanButtonJustWatch);

  // Determine if we are on IMDb, Douban, or JustWatch
  if (window.location.hostname.includes('')) {
    // Wait for the DOM to fully load before running the script
    window.addEventListener('load', addDoubanButtonIMDb);
  } else if (window.location.hostname.includes('') &&'search_text=tt')) {
    // Only execute on Douban when search_text includes an IMDb ID pattern
  } else if (window.location.hostname.includes('')) {
    // Start observing the body for changes on JustWatch
    observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
    // Initial call to add the button in case the title is already loaded
    window.addEventListener('load', addDoubanButtonJustWatch);