// ==UserScript==
// @name Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 5.3
// @description Instagram/Twitch/Youtube/tiktok Video/Audio Downloader alwayts updated
// @author gaston1799
// @match *://www.youtube.com/*
// @match *://www.instagram.com/*
// @match *://music.youtube.com/*
// @match *://y2mate.nu/*
// @match *://www.twitch.tv/*
// @match *://onlymp3.app/*
// @match *://qdownloader.cc/*
// @match *://tubemp4.is/*
// @match *://snapsave.io/*
// @match *://clips.twitch.tv/*
// @match *://onlymp3.to/*
// @match *://fastdl.app/*
// @match *://en.onlymp3.app/*
// @match *://clipr.xyz/*
// @match *://studio.youtube.com/*
// @match *://www.yt2conv.com/*
// @match *://soundcloud.com/*
// @match *://sclouddownloader.net/*
// @match *://www.tiktok.com/*
// @match *://en3.onlinevideoconverter.pro/*
// @match *://savetik.co/*
// @match *://yt5s.biz/*
// @match *://sss.instasaverpro.com/*
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
// @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
//YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOA8lE9-0XnEIdHqjfQUz1A
function downloadFileAsTitle(e, t) {
const o = document.createElement("a");
o.href = e, o.download = t, document.body.appendChild(o), o.click(), document.body.removeChild(o)
var sleep = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
var adev, set_, CurrentPlayingSymbol = "▶";
function getV(e, t) {
return GM_getValue(e) || (GM_setValue(e, t), t)
function setV(e, t) {
GM_setValue(e, t)
async function getFinalUrlFromServer(e) {
try {
const t = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/get-final-url", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
url: e
if (!t.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch final URL");
return (await t.json()).finalUrl
} catch (e) {
return console.error("Error:", e), null
function getCurrentVideoID() {
var e;
return [...document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-video-menu-item ytp-button")].forEach(((t, o) => {
t.innerText.startsWith(CurrentPlayingSymbol) && (e = new URL(t.href).searchParams.get("v"))
})), !e && document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-playlist-menu-button ytp-button")[0] ? (console.log("Opening"), document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-playlist-menu-button ytp-button")[0].click(), getCurrentVideoID()) : e ? (console.log("Closiung"), document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-playlist-menu-button ytp-button")[0].click(), e) : console.warn("Not Found!")
function sleep(e) {
return new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)))
_getV = getV, _setV = setV, Number.prototype.decimal = function(e) {
return Number(this.toFixed(e))
}, getSoundCloudUrl = () => {
try {
return findhref2(document.querySelector("#app > div.playControls.g-z-index-control-bar.m-visible > section > div > div.playControls__elements > div.playControls__soundBadge.sc-ml-3x > div"))[0].href
} catch {
}, async function() {
async function e(e, t = 3e4) {
var o;
for (sleep(t).then((e => o = !0)); !document.querySelector(e) && (await sleep(0), !o););
return document.querySelector(e)
return location.href.includes("/embed/") ? (console.log("Attaching to embeder >:]"), e(".ytp-right-controls").then((async e => {
let t = new _e("button", {
id: "embedMP3"
}).appendTo(e).set("innerText", "MP3").on("click", (function() {
let e = getCurrentVideoID() || setElement(location.href);
downloadT(e, !1, !0, !1, !0)
position: "fixed",
right: "50%",
top: "80%"
for (; !document.getElementById("embedMP3") && document.querySelector(".ytp-right-controls");) console.log("Appended"), t.appendTo(".ytp-right-controls")
}))) : (document.querySelector(".ytp-right-controls"), await e(".playbackSoundBadge__actions", 5e3).then((async t => {
let o = new _e("button", {
id: "GetAudio"
}).appendTo(t).set("innerText", "Download MP3").on("click", (function() {
}), (e => e));
for (;;) !document.getElementById("GetAudio") && await e(".playbackSoundBadge__actions", 5e3) && await e(".playbackSoundBadge__actions", 5e3).then((e => {
o.appendTo(e), console.log("Added Button")
})), await sleep(0)
}().then(console.log, console.warn), downloadSC = function() {
GM_setValue("SCinfo", null), GM_setValue("sc", getSoundCloudUrl()), !set_ && (set_ = 1, GM_addValueChangeListener("SCinfo", (function(e, t, o, n) {
a: e,
b: t,
c: o,
d: n
}), o && o.name && _downloadFileAsTitle(o.href, o.name)
}))), open("https://sclouddownloader.net/")
}, GM_setValue_ = GM_setValue, GM_getValue_ = GM_getValue, GM_info_ = GM_info;
var UnmutePath = "M3.15,3.85l4.17,4.17L6.16,9H3v6h3.16L12,19.93v-7.22l2.45,2.45c-0.15,0.07-0.3,0.13-0.45,0.18v1.04 c0.43-0.1,0.83-0.27,1.2-0.48l1.81,1.81c-0.88,0.62-1.9,1.04-3.01,1.2v1.01c1.39-0.17,2.66-0.71,3.73-1.49l2.42,2.42l0.71-0.71 l-17-17L3.15,3.85z M11,11.71v6.07L6.52,14H4v-4h2.52l1.5-1.27L11,11.71z M10.33,6.79L9.62,6.08L12,4.07v4.39l-1-1V6.22L10.33,6.79 z M14,8.66V7.62c2,0.46,3.5,2.24,3.5,4.38c0,0.58-0.13,1.13-0.33,1.64l-0.79-0.79c0.07-0.27,0.12-0.55,0.12-0.85 C16.5,10.42,15.44,9.1,14,8.66z M14,5.08V4.07c3.95,0.49,7,3.85,7,7.93c0,1.56-0.46,3.01-1.23,4.24l-0.73-0.73 C19.65,14.48,20,13.28,20,12C20,8.48,17.39,5.57,14,5.08z",
mutePath = "M17.5,12c0,2.14-1.5,3.92-3.5,4.38v-1.04c1.44-0.43,2.5-1.76,2.5-3.34c0-1.58-1.06-2.9-2.5-3.34V7.62 C16,8.08,17.5,9.86,17.5,12z M12,4.07v15.86L6.16,15H3V9h3.16L12,4.07z M11,6.22L6.52,10H4v4h2.52L11,17.78V6.22z M21,12 c0,4.08-3.05,7.44-7,7.93v-1.01c3.39-0.49,6-3.4,6-6.92s-2.61-6.43-6-6.92V4.07C17.95,4.56,21,7.92,21,12z";
function downloadFile_(e, t) {
const o = document.createElement("a");
o.href = e, o.download = t, document.body.appendChild(o), o.click(), document.body.removeChild(o)
async function downloadVideo(e, t) {
try {
const o = await fetch(e);
if (!o.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${o.status}`);
const n = o.url,
l = await o.blob(),
i = window.URL.createObjectURL(l),
c = document.createElement("a");
c.href = i, c.download = t, document.body.appendChild(c), c.click(), document.body.removeChild(c), window.URL.revokeObjectURL(i), console.log(`Video downloaded from: ${n}`)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to download video:", e)
_downloadFileAsTitle = async function(e, t, o, n) {
const l = document.createElement("a");
return l.style.display = "none", document.body.appendChild(l), fetch(e).then((e => e.blob())).then((i => {
const c = URL.createObjectURL(i);
l.href = c, l.download = t, l.target = "_blank", l.click(), URL.revokeObjectURL(c), (o || opener || window).postMessage({
url: e,
title: t,
s: !0
}, "*"), (typeof n).includes("function") && n()
})).catch((n => {
console.error("Error downloading file:", n), (o || opener || window).postMessage({
url: e,
title: t,
s: !1
}, "*")
}, _downloadFile_ = downloadFile_, query = function(e) {
try {
let o = "undefined" != typeof $ ? $ : document.querySelectorAll;
return t = o(e) ? o(e).length ? o(e)[0] : o(e) : null, Object.keys(t).length ? t : null
} catch {}
var t
}, getElementByAttribute = function(e, t = "aria-label", o = document.body) {
var n = [];
return function o(l) {
l.getAttribute(t) == e ? n.push(l) : l.children.length && ((l = l.children).forEach = [].forEach, l.forEach((e => {
}(o), 1 == n.length ? n[0] : n || !1
}, get_aria_label = function(e, t = document.body) {
var o = [];
return function t(n) {
n.getAttribute("aria-label") == e ? o.push(n) : n.children.length && ((n = n.children).forEach = [].forEach, n.forEach((e => {
}(t), o[0] || !1
}, getClass = function(e) {
return document.getElementsByClassName("ehlq8k34")[0]
function() {
class e {
static get br() {
return new e("br")
constructor(e, t) {
this.element = e.constructor.name.includes("HTML") && e || function() {
for (let e in arguments[1]) arguments[0].setAttribute(e, arguments[1][e]);
return arguments[0]
}(document.createElement(arguments[0]), arguments[1])
style(e) {
for (let t in e) this.element.style[t] = e[t];
return this
append(e, ...t) {
this.element.append(e.element || e), console.log("T:", {
targets: t,
fe: t && t.forEach
for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
let o = t[e];
console.log("Appending:", {
element: o,
target: this
}), this.element.append(o.element || o)
return this
appendTo(e) {
return (e.element || "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e).append(this.element), this
on(e, t) {
return this.element[`on${e}`] = t, this
set(e, t) {
return this.element[e] = t, this
remove() {
return this.element.remove(), this
get() {
return this.element[arguments[0]]
get children() {
return new class {
constructor(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) this[t] = e[t];
Object.defineProperty(this, "length", {
get: function() {
return e.length
}), Object.freeze(this)
item(e) {
return null != this[e] ? this[e] : null
namedItem(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t += 1)
if (this[t].id === e || this[t].name === e) return this[t];
return null
get toArray() {
return [...this]
_element = _e = e, setElement2 = function(e) {
return e.match(/(?<host>https?\:\/\/www\.tiktok\.com)\/(?<username>@[^\/]+)\/video\/(?<videoID>\d+)/i).groups
var t = "https://onlymp3.app";
function o(e) {
"function" == typeof jQuery && e instanceof jQuery && (e = e[0]);
var t = e.getBoundingClientRect();
return t.top >= 0 - (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) / 2 && t.left >= 0 && t.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) + (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) / 2 && t.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)
function n(e, {
callback: t,
int: o
}) {
!t && (t = function() {}), !o && (o = 100), console.log({
f: e,
callback: t,
int: o
try {
return e(), void t()
} catch (e) {}
var n = setInterval((() => {
try {
e(), t(), clearInterval(n)
} catch (e) {}
}), o || 100);
return n
function l(e) {
return null === e.offsetParent
function i(e) {
return e.parentNode
function c() {
return get_aria_label("Go back") && get_aria_label("Go back").click ? get_aria_label("Go back") : document.querySelector("._afxv")
function r() {
return get_aria_label("Next") && get_aria_label("Next").click ? get_aria_label("Next") : document.querySelector("._afxw")
function a() {
if (location.href.includes("reel")) {
let t = open("https://fastdl.app/en", location.href, "width=400,height=500");
var e = GM_addValueChangeListener("instaURL", (function(o, n, l, i) {
l && (console.log("Got", {
a: o,
b: n,
c: l,
d: i
}), t.close(), GM_removeValueChangeListener(e), downloadFile_(l, document.title + ".mp4"), GM_setValue("instaURL", null))
function s() {
(async function() {
for (var e = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e))), t = new Set, o = {}; c();) {
if (await e(100), !c()) {
await e(1e3);
}[...getInstalImages()].forEach((e => {
let o = findhref2(e, "img")[0];
t.add([o.src, o.getAttribute("alt")])
})), r().click();
try {
} catch (e) {}
for (; r();) {
await e(300), [...getInstalImages()].forEach((e => {
let o = findhref2(e, "img")[0];
t.add([o.src, o.getAttribute("alt")])
try {
} catch (e) {}
for (; await e(100), c();) c().click();
[...t].forEach((e => {
o[e[0]] = e[1]
})), (t = Object.keys(o).map((e => ({
src: e,
name: o[e]
})))).forEach((e => {
var t = new URL(e.src).pathname.split(".").pop();
p(e.src, `${e.name}.${t}`)
})), console.log("done", t)
})().then(console.log, console.warn)
setElement = function(e) {
return !(!String(e).match(/^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?)|(shorts\/))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/) || 11 != String(e).match(/^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?)|(shorts\/))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/)[8].length) && String(e).match(/^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?)|(shorts\/))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/)[8]
}, findhref2 = function(e, t) {
var o = [];
return function e(n) {
n.tagName.toLowerCase() == (t || "a") ? (o.push(n), n.children.length && ((n = n.children).forEach = [].forEach, n.forEach((t => {
})))) : n.children.length && ((n = n.children).forEach = [].forEach, n.forEach((t => {
}(e), o
}, getInstalImages = function() {
return document.querySelectorAll("._acaz")
}, getInstaVideo = function() {
return document.querySelector("video.x1lliihq")
}, downloadVideoFromBlob = function(e, t) {
if (e && e.src && e.src.startsWith("blob:")) {
const o = e.captureStream(),
n = new MediaRecorder(o),
l = [];
n.ondataavailable = e => {
e.data.size > 0 && (l.push(e.data), console.log(e.data))
}, n.onstop = () => {
const e = new Blob(l, {
type: "video/mp4"
o = URL.createObjectURL(e),
n = document.createElement("a");
n.style.display = "none", n.href = o, n.download = t + ".mp4", document.body.appendChild(n), n.click(), document.body.removeChild(n), URL.revokeObjectURL(o)
}, n.start(), setTimeout((() => {
}), 1e3 * e.duration)
} else console.error("Invalid video element or source.")
}, console.log("A?");
const d = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
if ("fastdl.app" == document.domain) onload = async function() {
const e = {
url: name,
input: null
var t = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
t = !0
}), 2e4); !document.querySelector("#search-form-input");)
if (await d(0), t) throw "Cant find input";
e.input = document.querySelector("#search-form-input"), console.log("Found a"),
function(e, t) {
["focus", "input", "change", "blur"].forEach((o => {
let n = new Event(o, {
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
e[`on${o}`] && e[`on${o}`](n), "input" === o && (e.value = t), e.dispatchEvent(n)
}(e.input, e.url), document.querySelector(".search-form__button").click(), GM_setValue("instaURL", await async function(e) {
for (; !document.querySelector(e);) await d(0);
return document.querySelector(e)
}(".button--filled").then((e => e.href)))
else {
if ("soundcloud.com" == document.domain) return void(getSoundCloadI = function() {
_setV("SC", getSoundCloudUrl()), open("https://sclouddownloader.net/", "SC").onclose = function(e) {
console.log("Win closed")
if ("studio.youtube.com" == document.domain) return void setInterval((() => {
var e;
try {
[...[...document.querySelectorAll("#video-list")].map((e => [e, [...e.classList]])).filter((e => e[1].includes("ytcp-video-section")))[0][0].children[1].children].map((e => [e, [...e.classList], e.tagName])).filter((e => "YTCP-VIDEO-ROW" == e[2])).filter((e => "Public" == e[0].children[0].querySelectorAll(".cell-body.tablecell-visibility.style-scope.ytcp-video-row")[0].innerText)).map((e => e[0].children[0].querySelectorAll(".cell-body.tablecell-visibility.style-scope.ytcp-video-row")[0])).forEach((e => {
console.log(e), e.append(new _e("br").element);
var t = new _e("button").set("innerText", "Get").on("click", (function(e) {
alert("Doesnt work yet");
const {
id: t,
href: o,
isShort: n
} = findhref2(e.target.parentElement.parentElement).map((e => ({
href: e.href,
short: e.href.includes("/short"),
id: setElement(e.href)
}))).filter((e => e.id))[0];
downloadT(t, !1, !0, !1, !1, n ? new URL(o) : null)
})), e = !0
} catch {
e = !1
w != e && (w = e, console.log("Change?", e ? "Found" : "Not FOund"))
}), 0);
if ("www.instagram.com" == document.domain) {
function u() {
console.log("Appended buttons man");
var t = new e(document.querySelectorAll(".xh8yej3.x1iyjqo2")[0]),
o = new e("button", {
id: "MediaButton"
}).set("innerText", "Get Images").on("click", s),
n = new e("button", {
id: "MediaButton2"
}).set("innerText", "Get Videos").on("click", a);
t.append(o, n)
return n((function() {
}), {
callback: function() {
u(), setInterval((() => {
document.querySelector("#MediaButton") || u(), document.querySelector("._aaqy") && !document.querySelector("._aaqy").querySelector("#MediaButton") && function() {
var t = new e(document.querySelector("._aaqy")),
o = new e("button", {
id: "MediaButton"
}).set("innerText", "Get Images").on("click", s),
n = new e("button", {
id: "MediaButton2"
}).set("innerText", "Get Videos").on("click", a);
t.append(o, n)
}), void console.log("Insta ballz")
if ("sclouddownloader.net" == document.domain)(async function() {
var e = _getV("sc");
async function t(e, t) {
let o = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
return await new Promise((async(n, l) => {
var i = !1;
setTimeout((() => (i = 0, l())), t);
for (; !document.querySelector(e);)
if (await o(), i) {
return n()
})).then((e => !0), (e => !1))
if ("/download-sound-track" == location.pathname) {
for (await t("#trackTitle"); !trackTitle.innerText.length;) await d(0);
for (await t("#trackLink"); !trackLink.href.length;) await d(0);
var o = {
name: trackTitle.innerText,
href: trackLink.href
console.log(o), _setV("SCinfo", o), close()
} else {
if (!_getV("SC")) throw "Bruv";
var n = "#urlInput";
if (await t(n, 2e3), await t(n, 2e3)) {
for (document.querySelector(n).value = e, console.log("EZ url", !!window.formSubmit);
"undefined" == typeof formSubmit;) try {
await d(0), console.log("EZ url", formSubmit)
} catch {}
console.log("EZ url", formSubmit), formSubmit(), console.warn("Got"), setInterval(formSubmit, 1e3)
})().then(console.log, console.warn);
else {
if ("y2mate.nu" == document.domain) {
let V = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"),
j = 1 == new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("s"),
G = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("mp4"),
D = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("useT"),
O = V + G + D;
const F = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
async function m(e, t = 5e3) {
let o = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0
}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await F(500), !o););
if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";
return document.querySelector(e)
return void async function() {
for (;
"complete" != document.readyState;) await F(0);
if (V) {
let e = async e => {
console.log("a", e);
var t = findhref2(document.forms[0])[0].href,
o = findhref2(document.forms[0], "div")[0].innerText,
n = {
_: O,
id: V,
href: t,
title: o,
length: {}
console.log("Posted", n), (opener || window.parent).postMessage(n, "*"), close()
try {
await m("#url").then((e => {
console.log("e", e), e.value = j ? `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${V}` : `https://www.youtube.com/shorts/${V}`, e.parentElement.children[1].click()
})).catch(e), console.log("after url"), await m("#progress").then((async e => {
for (; document.querySelector(`#${e.id}`);) await F(0);
})).catch(e), console.log("b")
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Error:", e)
} else console.warn("No id Found")
}().then(console.log, console.warn)
if ("qdownloader.cc" == document.domain) {
const W = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
async function m(e, t = 2e4) {
let o = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0
}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await W(500), !o););
if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";
return document.querySelector(e)
let H = document.createElement;
document._createElement = function(e, t) {
let o = H.call(document, e, t);
return o._click = o.click, o.click = function() {
if (console.log(o, "was clicked", o.tagName), "A" == o.tagName) {
console.log("Caught", o);
let e = o.download,
t = o.href;
f = {
id: new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"),
href: t,
title: e
} else o._click.apply(o)
}, console.log(o, "was created", o.tagName), o
}, async function() {
if (location.href.includes("vidbutton")) throw "vidbutton";
GM_setValue("dlbutton", ""), GM_addValueChangeListener("dlbutton", (async function(e, t, o, n) {
a: e,
b: t,
c: o,
d: n
}), o.includes("video download successful\ncheck downloads folder") && (await W(1e3), close())
let e = await m("#url"),
t = await m("#downloadBtn");
id_ = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"),
function(e, t) {
["focus", "input", "change", "blur"].forEach((o => {
let n = new Event(o, {
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
e[`on${o}`] && e[`on${o}`](n), "input" === o && (e.value = t), e.dispatchEvent(n)
}(e, `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${id_}`), t.click()
}().then(console.log, (async e => {
"vidbutton" == e && (console.log("Best Quality Video"), await m("#height").then((e => {
height.selectedIndex = height.options.length - 1, dlbutton.click(), open = window.open, window.open = function(e, t, o) {
a: e,
b: t,
c: o
}, m("#dlbutton").then((e => {
var t = "";
setInterval((o => {
t != e.innerText && (t = e.innerText, GM_setValue("dlbutton", t))
} else {
if ("snapsave.io" == document.domain) {
async function m(e, t = 2e4) {
let o = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0
}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await d(500), !o););
if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";
return document.querySelector(e)
return _wfs = m, void async function() {
var e = await m("#s_input");
if (e) {
console.log("Converting"), id_ = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"), e.value = `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${id_}`, ksearchvideo(), setTimeout(ksearchvideo(), 1e3);
var t = await m("#formatSelect");
await m("#btn-action");
t.selectedIndex = 0, t.options[0].selected = !0;
for (var o = await m("#asuccess"); !(o = await m("#asuccess"));) await d(0);
for (convertFile(0);
"#" == o.getAttribute("href");) await d(0), o = await m("#asuccess");
var n = (await _wfs(".clearfix")).querySelector("h3").innerText,
l = {
id: id_,
href: o.href,
title: n,
length: {}
console.log("Posted", l), (opener || window).postMessage(l, "*")
} else alert("Input was not Found"), console.warn("?!!")
if ("clips.twitch.tv" == document.domain) {
const Q = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
async function m(e, t = 2e4) {
let o = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0
}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await Q(500), !o););
if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";
return document.querySelector(e)
function h(e) {
if (!(e instanceof Element)) throw new Error("Provided argument is not a DOM element.");
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for (let o of e.attributes) t.setAttribute(o.name, o.value);
return t.style.cssText = e.style.cssText, t.className = e.className, t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML, t
_wfs = m, _copyElm = h, async function() {
let e = (await _wfs(".ScCoreButtonLabel-sc-s7h2b7-0")).parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
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var e;
open((e => e.href)(((e = new URL(location.href)).host = "clipr.xyz", e)), "480")
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var e;
open((e => e.href)(((e = new URL(location.href)).host = "clipr.xyz", e)), "360")
})).appendTo(e.parentNode).element.querySelector(".ScCoreButtonLabel-sc-s7h2b7-0").innerText = "360P", new _e(_copyElm(e)).on("click", (function() {
var e;
open((e => e.href)(((e = new URL(location.href)).host = "clipr.xyz", e)), "VOD")
})).appendTo(e.parentNode).element.querySelector(".ScCoreButtonLabel-sc-s7h2b7-0").innerText = "VOD"
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let [K, Y, Z, X] = location.pathname.split("/");
if ("clip" != Z) return console.warn("User isnt wathcing a clip");
console.log("User is Watching a CLip");
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async function m(e, t = 2e4) {
let o = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0
}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await J(500), !o););
if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";
return document.querySelector(e)
function h(e) {
if (!(e instanceof Element)) throw new Error("Provided argument is not a DOM element.");
const t = document.createElement(e.tagName);
for (let o of e.attributes) t.setAttribute(o.name, o.value);
return t.style.cssText = e.style.cssText, t.className = e.className, t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML, t
_wfs = m, _wfs_ = m, _copyElm = h, async function() {
await _wfs(".Layout-sc-1xcs6mc-0 .bMOhzu");
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t = "a";
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var e;
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var e;
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})).appendTo(e.parentNode).element.querySelector(t).innerText = "720P", new _e(_copyElm(e)).on("click", (function() {
var e;
open((e = new URL(location.href), e.host = "clipr.xyz", e.pathname = e.pathname.replace("/" + Y + "/clip", ""), e.search = "", e).href, "480")
})).appendTo(e.parentNode).element.querySelector(t).innerText = "480P", new _e(_copyElm(e)).on("click", (function() {
var e;
open((e = new URL(location.href), e.host = "clipr.xyz", e.pathname = e.pathname.replace("/" + Y + "/clip", ""), e.search = "", e).href, "360")
})).appendTo(e.parentNode).element.querySelector(t).innerText = "360P", new _e(_copyElm(e)).on("click", (function() {
var e;
open((e = new URL(location.href), e.host = "clipr.xyz", e.pathname = e.pathname.replace("/" + Y + "/clip", ""), e.search = "", e).href, "VOD")
})).appendTo(e.parentNode).element.querySelector(".ScCoreButtonLabel-sc-s7h2b7-0").innerText = "VOD"
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! function() {
Object.assign(this || arguments[0], {
CustomLog: class {
constructor(e) {
this.title = {
body: e || "---",
color: "darkgrey",
size: "1rem"
}, this.body = {
color: "#008f68",
size: "1rem"
setTitleBody(e) {
return this.title.body = e, this
color: e,
size: t
}) {
return void 0 !== e && (this.title.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.title.size = t), this
color: e,
size: t
}) {
return void 0 !== e && (this.body.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.body.size = t), this
log(e = "") {
console.log(`%c${this.title.body} | %c${e}`, `color: ${this.title.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.title.size};`, `color: ${this.body.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.body.size}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);`)
const ee = new CustomLog("Script Logger");
async function m(e, t = 2e4) {
let o = !1;
for (setTimeout((() => {
ee.log(`TimeOut for ${e}`), o = !0
}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (ee.log(`_ ${e} ${o}`), await d(500), !o););
if (ee.log(`${e} ${o}`), o) throw "NotFound";
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function d(e) {
return new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)))
function p(e, t) {
const o = document.createElement("a");
o.href = e, o.download = t, document.body.appendChild(o), o.click(), document.body.removeChild(o)
return void async function() {
let e = name;
await async function() {
for (;
"complete" != document.readyState;) await d(0);
return !0
}(), ee.log("Loaded");
let t = {
1080: document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.overflow-hidden.bg-white.rounded-xl.shadow > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > li:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > a").href,
720: document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.overflow-hidden.bg-white.rounded-xl.shadow > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > li:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3) > a").href,
480: document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.overflow-hidden.bg-white.rounded-xl.shadow > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > li:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(3) > a").href,
360: document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.overflow-hidden.bg-white.rounded-xl.shadow > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > li:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(3) > a").href,
VOD: document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.overflow-hidden.bg-white.rounded-xl.shadow > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > li:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(3) > a").href
let o = document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.mb-6.space-y-3.lg\\:flex.lg\\:items-center.lg\\:justify-between.lg\\:space-y-0 > div.lg\\:flex.lg\\:items-center > p > span:nth-child(1)").innerText;
let n = document.querySelector("body > div.relative.overflow-hidden > main > div > div.px-4.mx-auto.max-w-7xl.sm\\:px-6.lg\\:px-8 > div.mb-6.space-y-3.lg\\:flex.lg\\:items-center.lg\\:justify-between.lg\\:space-y-0 > div.lg\\:flex.lg\\:items-center > h2").innerText;
let l = `@${o} on Twitch | ${n} - ${e}P.mp4`;
ee.log(`Downloading file as: ${l}`), open(t), ee.log(4), await d(4e3), close()
if (location.href.includes("tubemp4.is")) {
async function m(e, t = 3e4) {
var o;
for (d(t).then((e => o = !0)); !document.querySelector(e) && (await d(0), !o););
return document.querySelector(e)
console.log("ok"), m("#u").then((async e => {
e.value = `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v")}`, convert.click(), await d(200), (await m("#convert")).click(), (await m(".process-button")).click(), m(".download-button").then((e => {
let t = document.createElement;
document.createElement = function(e, o) {
let n = t.call(document, e, o);
return n._click = n.click, n.click = function() {
if (console.log(n, "was clicked", n.tagName), "A" == n.tagName) {
console.log("Caught", n);
let e = n.download,
t = n.href;
f = {
id: new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"),
href: t,
title: e
}, (opener || window).postMessage(f, "*"), close()
} else n._click.apply(n)
}, console.log(n, "was created", n.tagName), n
}, e.click(), console.log("clicked"), setTimeout((() => e.click()), 1e3)
})).then(console.log, console.warn)
var w, g;
function p(e, t) {
const o = document.createElement("a");
o.href = e, o.download = t, document.body.appendChild(o), o.click(), document.body.removeChild(o)
function y(e, t = "aria-label", o = document.body) {
var n = [];
return function o(l) {
var i = !1;
t ? l.getAttribute(t) == e && (n.push(l), i = 1) : [...l.attributes].map((e => {
const {
name: t,
value: o
} = e;
return {
name: t,
value: o
})).filter((t => t.value == e)).length && (n.push(l), i = 1), l.children.length && !i && ((l = l.children).forEach = [].forEach, l.forEach((e => {
}(o), n.length ? 1 == n.length ? n[0] : n || !1 : null
function v() {
(y("Mute", "title") && y("Mute", "title")[0] || y("Mute (m)", "title")).click()
function b() {
(query("#right-controls") && query("#right-controls").querySelectorAll("path")[0].getAttribute("d") == UnmutePath && y("Mute", "title")[0] || y("Unmute", "title") || y("Unmute (m)", "title")).click()
console.log("B?"), _getIds = function() {
if (document.domain.includes("music")) throw alert("These button dont work on youtube music yet"), ".";
var e = [...document.getElementsByTagName("ytd-playlist-panel-renderer")].filter(o).filter((e => !l(e)))[0];
return findhref2(e, "span").filter((e => !l(e))).filter(o).filter((e => "video-title" == e.id)).map(i).map(i).map((e => ({
id: setElement(findhref2(i(e))[0].href),
e: e
}, info = {}, downloadT = function(e, o = !1, n = !0, l = !1, i = !1, c = "") {
let r = e + (l ? "mp4" : "mp3") + n;
var a;
if (!(a = document.getElementById(r)) || a.remove(), localStorage[r] && !o && (!i || !confirm(`You have already download this video as .${l?"mp4":"mp3"}\nStill download?`))) return;
let s = c || location;
var d = new URL(location.href);
d.host = d.host.replace(".com", "mz.com"), console.log("o", d);
let u = ["https://y2mate.nu/Gmgx/", "?v=", e, "&s=", d.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/") ? 1 : 0, "&mp4=", l ? "mp4" : "mp3", "&useT=", n];
console.log(r, u);
var m;
return function(e, t, o = !1) {
var n = addEventListener(e, ((...e) => {
t(...e), o && removeEventListener(n)
}), !0)
}("unload", (function() {
}), !0), onmessage = function(e) {
if (e.origin == t || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}onlymp3\.to/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en\.onlymp3\.to/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en(\d)\.onlinevideoconverter\.pro/) || "https://sss.instasaverpro.com" == e.origin || "https://y2mate.nu" == e.origin || "https://snapsave.io" == e.origin || "https://tubemp4.is" == e.origin) {
const {
data: {
href: t,
title: o,
length: i,
id: c,
_: r
} = e;
let a = o + (l ? ".mp4" : ".mp3");
(e => {
e && e.remove()
})(document.getElementById(r)), console.log("Handled", {
href: t,
title: o,
length: i,
id: c,
_: r
}, e), S.set("innerText", "Get MP3"), S.set("disabled", !1), n ? (console.log("Getting video"), p(t, a)) : open(t), localStorage[r] = t
} else console.log("Unhandled Post", e)
}, info[e] = l ? open(s.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/") ? "https://yt5s.biz/enxj100/" : `https://qdownloader.cc/youtube-video-downloader.html?v=${e}`, [e, s.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/") ? 1 : 0, l + !1], "width=400,height=500") : ((m = new _e("iframe", {
src: u.join(""),
id: r,
useT: n,
loading: "lazy",
referrerpolicy: "no-referrer",
allowfullscreen: !0,
sandbox: "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms",
allow: "autoplay; fullscreen; geolocation; microphone; camera"
border: 0,
position: "absolute",
width: 0,
height: 0,
"pointer-events": "none",
opacity: 1
})).appendTo(document.body), m.closed = !1, !m)
}, downloadTikTok = function(e, o) {
(async function(e, o) {
await async function() {
for (; g && !g.closed;) await d(0);
return 1
}(), console.log("ez");
let n = o.videoID,
l = o.username,
i = function() {
try {
return document.querySelector("#app > div.css-14dcx2q-DivBodyContainer.e1irlpdw0 > div:nth-child(4) > div > div.css-1qjw4dg-DivContentContainer.e1mecfx00 > div.css-1stfops-DivCommentContainer.ekjxngi0 > div > div.css-1xlna7p-DivProfileWrapper.ekjxngi4 > div.css-1u3jkat-DivDescriptionContentWrapper.e1mecfx011 > div.css-1nst91u-DivMainContent.e1mecfx01 > div.css-bs495z-DivWrapper.e1mzilcj0 > div > div.css-1d7krfw-DivOverflowContainer.e1mzilcj5 > h1").innerText.replace("Replying to ", "")
} catch {
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} catch (e) {
return y("browse-video-desc", "data-e2e") ? y("browse-video-desc", "data-e2e").innerText : document.querySelector("#main-content-video_detail > div > div.css-12kupwv-DivContentContainer.ege8lhx2 > div.css-1senhbu-DivLeftContainer.ege8lhx3 > div.css-1sb4dwc-DivPlayerContainer.eqrezik4 > div.css-3lfoqn-DivDescriptionContentWrapper-StyledDetailContentWrapper.eqrezik15 > div.css-r4nwrj-DivVideoInfoContainer.eqrezik3 > div.css-bs495z-DivWrapper.e1mzilcj0 > div > h1").innerText.replace("Replying to ", "")
onmessage = function(e) {
if (e.origin == t || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}savetik\.csavetik.coo/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en\.onlymp3\.to/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en(\d)\.onlinevideoconverter\.pro/) || "https://savetik.co" == e.origin) {
var {
data: {
href: o,
links: n,
title: l,
length: c,
id: r,
mp4: a,
info: {
username: s
} = e;
if (console.log("Handled", {
href: o,
title: l,
length: c,
id: r,
links: n,
mp4: a
}, e), "https://savetik.co" == e.origin) l = i, p(a ? n[0] : n.pop(), s + " - " + l + (a ? ".mp4" : ".mp3"), g);
else {
if (useT) {
let e = document.createElement("a");
e.download = l + ".mp3", e.href = o, document.body.appendChild(e), e.click(), e.remove()
} else open(o);
localStorage[_] = o
} else console.log("Unhandled Post", e)
}, g = open("https://savetik.co/en", [`https://www.tiktok.com/${l}/video/${n}`, e + !1], "width=400,height=500")
})(e, o).then(console.log, console.warn)
}, abc_ = y, M = v, Um = b;
var k = 0;
function x(e) {
return !!e && !e.closed
async function T(e = [
["w1", "win1"],
["w2", "win2"],
["w3", "win3"],
["w4", "win4"]
]) {
var t, o = !1;
return await new Promise(((n, l) => {
var i = setInterval((l => {
e.forEach((e => {
this[e[0]] = x(window[e[1]]), window[e[1]] || o || (o = !0, t = e[1], console.log(e))
})), t && (n(t), clearInterval(i))
}), 500)
})), t
window.ch3 = x, window.getWin = T, WIP_ = function(e, t, o) {
if (!t) return alert("This button is corrently broken");
var n = _getIds(),
l = [];
for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) l.push(["w" + t, "win" + t]);
id: e
}, n) => {
T(l).then((l => {
if (!info[e] && !localStorage[e] || o) {
console.log("download", e, n), window[l] = downloadT(e, o, !0, !!t), window.addEventListener("unload", (function(e) {
var i = setInterval((e => {
window[l] && !window[l].closed || (window[l] = null, clearInterval(i), console.log(l, "isclosed"))
}), 300)
var S = new e("button").set("innerText", "Get MP3").on("click", (function(e) {
S.set("innerText", "Wait..."), S.set("disabled", !0), downloadT(setElement(location.href), !0, !0, !1, !0)
E = new e("button").set("innerText", "Get MP4").on("click", (function(e) {
downloadT(setElement(location.href), !0, !0, !0, !0)
q = new e("button").set("innerText", "PlayList MP3").on("click", (function(e) {
WIP_(2, !1, !1)
C = new e("button").set("innerText", "PlayList MP4").on("click", (function(e) {
WIP_(2, !0, !1)
L = new e("button").set("innerText", "Get MP4").on("click", (function(e) {
downloadTikTok(!0, setElement2(getClass("ehlq8k34") ? getClass("ehlq8k34").innerText : location.href))
color: "white"
P = (new e("button", {
id: "tt1"
}).set("innerText", "Get MP4").on("click", (function(e) {
downloadTikTok(!0, setElement2(getClass("ehlq8k34") ? getClass("ehlq8k34").innerText : location.href))
color: "white"
}), new e("button").set("innerText", "Get MP3").on("click", (function(e) {
downloadTikTok(!1, setElement2(getClass("ehlq8k34") ? getClass("ehlq8k34").innerText : location.href))
color: "white"
function U() {
return document.querySelector("#end") || document.querySelector("#right-content")
if (console.log("bruh"), a1 = [
["youtube", function() {
n((function() {
if (!U()) throw "Cant append buttons yet";
return console.log("Posting"),
function() {
const t = U();
function n() {
try {
return !(![...document.querySelectorAll("#header-description")].filter(o).filter((e => !l(e)))[0] && !query(".autoplay")) && ([...document.querySelectorAll("#header-description")].filter(o).filter((e => !l(e)))[0] || query(".autoplay"))
} catch (e) {
return !1
console.log(t), S.appendTo(t), E.appendTo(t), console.log("Posted Buttons");
var i = !1;
setInterval((() => {
i != n() && n() ? (console.log("Added playlist buttons"), setTimeout((() => {
n().append(e.br.element), n().append(q.element), n().append(C.element)
}), 100)) : i == n() || n() || console.log("buttons are gone?!?!"), i = n()
}), 100)
}), {
callback: function() {}
["tiktok", function() {
addEventListener("load", (function() {
n((function() {
if (!abc_("browse-copy", "data-e2e")) throw "Cant Append";
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callback: function() {}
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function t() {
try {
return !!abc_("browse-copy", "data-e2e").parentNode && abc_("browse-copy", "data-e2e").parentNode
} catch (e) {
return !1
L.appendTo(document.getElementsByClassName("e13wiwn60")[0]), P.appendTo(document.getElementsByClassName("e13wiwn60")[0]), console.log("Posted Buttons");
var o = !1;
setInterval((() => {
o != t() && t() ? (console.log("Added playlist buttons"), setTimeout((() => {
t().append(e.br.element), t().append(L.element), t().append(P.element)
}), 100)) : o == t() || t() || console.log("buttons are gone?!?!"), o = t()
}), 100)
}), {
callback: function() {}
].filter((e => location.host.includes(e[0])))[0], a1 && a1[1] && a1[1](), console.log(a1), delete a1, __ex_ = U, location.href.includes("onlymp3.app") || location.href.includes("onlymp3.to")) {
return setInterval((() => {
document.getElementById("error-text").innerText.length > 5 && location.reload()
}), 2e4), console.log("Getting MP3"), void n((function(e = function() {}) {
! function() {
var [e, t] = name.split(",");
txtUrl.value = `https://www.youtube.com/${"1"==t?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${e}`, getListFormats()
}(), n((function(e = function() {}) {
! function() {
var e = videoTitle.innerText.split("\n"),
t = e.map((e => e.match(/[:\d]+/gi))).filter((e => !!e)).pop().pop(),
o = e[0].split("Title: ")[1],
n = findhref2(videoTitle.parentNode)[0].href,
l = {
id: setElement(location.href),
href: n,
title: o,
length: t
(opener || window).postMessage(l, "*"), console.log("Poasted")
}), {
callback: close
}), {
callback: function() {}
if (location.href.includes("www.yt2conv.com")) {
console.log("Getting MP4");
let [te, oe] = name.split(",");
n((function(e = function() {}) {
document.getElementById("search_txt").value = `https://www.youtube.com/${"1"==oe?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${te}`, document.getElementById("btn-submit").click(), console.log(te, oe)
}), {
callback: function() {}
}), n((function(e = function() {}) {
if (console.log(result.children.length), !result.children.length) throw document.getElementById("btn-submit").click(), "no there"
}), {
int: 1e3,
callback: function() {}
}), n((function() {
}), {
callback: function() {}
}), n((function() {
var e = $(".media-heading")[0].innerText,
t = downloadbtn.href,
o = {
id: te,
href: t,
title: e,
length: {}
console.log("Posted"), (opener || window).postMessage(o, "*")
}), {
callback: close
} else if (location.href.includes("yt5s.biz")) {
async function m(e) {
for (; !document.querySelector(e);) await d(0);
return !0
}(async function() {
let [e, t] = name.split(",");
if (!e.length || !t.length) return console.warn("No info Preset");
var o = `https://www.youtube.com/${"1"==t?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${e}`;
await m("#txt-url"), console.log("Input Loaded"), document.querySelector("#txt-url").value = o, await m("#btn-submit"), console.log("GEtting res"), await d(100), document.querySelector("#btn-submit").click(), await m("#video_title"), console.log("Got Res");
var n = document.querySelector("#video_title").innerText,
l = [0];
return [...document.querySelector("#result").querySelector("table").querySelectorAll("tr")].forEach((e => {
var t = e.innerText.match(/(?<res>\d+)(p|P)/i) || {};
t.groups && (t = Number(t.groups.res), l[0] < t && (l[0] = t, l[1] = findhref2(e)[0].href, l[2] = e))
})), {
id: e,
title: n,
href: l[1],
mp4: !0,
res: l[0]
})().then((function(e) {
(opener || window).postMessage(e, "*"), location.href = e.href
}), console.warn)
} else if (location.href.includes("sss.instasaverpro.com"))(async function() {
for (await async function(e) {
for (; !document.querySelector(e);) await d(0);
return !0
}("#A_downloadUrl"); !document.querySelector("#A_downloadUrl").href.length;) await d(0);
var e = document.querySelector("#myModalLabel").innerText,
t = {
href: document.querySelector("#A_downloadUrl").href,
title: e
(opener || window).postMessage(t, "*")
})().then(close, console.warn);
else if (location.href.includes("en3.onlinevideoconverter.pro")) {
let [ne, le] = name.split(",");
if (!ne.length || !le.length) return console.Warn("NO info Preset");
let ie = function() {};
n((function(e = function() {}) {
document.getElementById("texturl").value = `https://www.youtube.com/${"1"==le?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${ne}`, document.getElementById("convert1").click(), console.log("Searched")
}), {
callback: ie
}), n((function() {
if ("none" == stepProcess.style.display) throw document.getElementById("convert1").click(), "this";
}), {
callback: ie
}), n((function() {
if (0 == document.getElementById("form-app-root").children.length) throw "";
var {
title: e,
href: t
} = $("#download-720-MP4") && $("#download-720-MP4")[0] ? $("#download-720-MP4")[0] : $("#download-720-MP4"), o = {
id: ne,
href: t,
title: e,
length: {}
console.log("Posted"), (opener || window).postMessage(o, "*")
}), {
callback: close
} else if (location.href.includes("savetik.co")) {
var [I, N] = name.split(",");
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n((function() {
s_input.value = I, ksearchvideo(), setTimeout(ksearchvideo, 1e3)
}), {
callback() {}
})), n((function() {
function() {
let e = {
title: document.getElementsByClassName("clearfix")[0].innerText,
links: findhref2(document.getElementsByClassName("tik-video")[0]).map((e => e.href)),
mp4: 1 == N,
info: setElement2(I)
onmessage = function(e) {
if ("https://www.tiktok.com" == e.origin) {
var {
data: {
s: t,
url: o,
title: n
} = e;
console.log("Handled", {
s: t,
url: o,
title: n
}, e), t ? setTimeout(close, 100) : p(o, n, null, close)
} else console.log("Unhandled Post", e)
}, (opener || window).postMessage(e, "*")
}), {
callback() {}
} else document.domain.includes("music") && (console.log("Added MiniPlayer Toggle with I"), addEventListener("keypress", (function({
isTrusted: e,
ctrlKey: t,
shiftKey: o,
code: n,
target: l,
target: {
tagName: i
}) {
["INPUT", "TEXTAREA"].includes(i) || t || o || !e || "KeyI" != n || (abc_("Close player page") || abc_("Open player page")[1]).click()
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createHTML: e => e,
createScriptURL: e => e
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src: B ? B.createScriptURL("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iframe-resizer/4.3.9/iframeResizer.min.js") : "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iframe-resizer/4.3.9/iframeResizer.min.js"
A.element.addEventListener("load", (() => {
"function" == typeof iFrameResize ? iFrameResize({
log: !1
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setInterval((e => {
const t = document.querySelector("#secondary.ytd-watch-flexy");
var o = `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${setElement(location.href)}&adUrl=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOA8lE9-0XnEIdHqjfQUz1A?sub_confirm=1`,
n = B ? B.createScriptURL("https://loader.to/api/card2/?url=" + o) : "https://loader.to/api/card2/?url=" + o;
t && !t.querySelector("#cardApiIframe") && (z.set("src", n), t.prepend(R.element), console.log("Fixed That Thing"));
const i = query(".YtwTopBannerImageTextIconButtonedLayoutViewModelHost");
i && (i.remove(), console.log("Removed weird thing"));
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c && !l(c) && c.click();
const r = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-ad-button-icon")[0];
if (r && !k) console.log("Muted ad"), k = 1, v();
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console.log("Unmuted video");
try {
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Failed unmuting")
k = 0
const a = [...document.querySelectorAll("#song-video"), ...document.querySelectorAll("#ytd-player")].map((e => [...e.querySelectorAll("button")].filter((e => e.className.includes("skip")))[0])).filter((e => !!e))[0];
a && (a.click(), console.log("Skipped ad :>"));
const s = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-ad-overlay-close-button")[2];
s && (s.click(), console.log("Closed ad card"))
}), 10)