Greasy Fork



// ==UserScript==
// @name        【超星学习通助手】)打开章节学习界面自动运行,一定要打开学习界面脚本才会运行。支持任务点自动跳转|章节测验、作业、考试全网检索答案
// @namespace    ff
// @version      2.1.6
// @author       ff
// @license    	 MIT
// @description 超星学习通助手۞♡♤,打开章节学习界面自动运行,一定要打开学习界面脚本才会运行,挂机解放时间,无需任何操作自动完成所有任务点。汇集全网免费、付费题库接口支持一键对接,答案更全更靠谱。
// @icon
// @match        *://**
// @match        *://**
// @match        *://**
// @match        *://**
// @match        *://**
// @resource     element-plus
// @resource     ttf 
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @run-at       document-end
// @antifeature  payment  脚本存在第三方答题接口付费功能
// ==/UserScript==

(t=>{if(typeof GM_addStyle=="function"){GM_addStyle(t);return}const d=document.createElement("style");d.textContent=t,document.head.append(d)})(" .dialog-footer button[data-v-468a4ec0]:first-child{margin-right:10px}#csbutton[data-v-468a4ec0]{position:fixed;bottom:20px;right:20px;z-index:99999}#zeokdjg[data-v-f2d2b132]{position:fixed;left:10px;bottom:50vh;z-index:9999}.question_btn[data-v-f2d2b132]{width:40px;height:40px;border-radius:5px;margin:5px}.question_div[data-v-f2d2b132]{height:200px}.question_ti[data-v-f2d2b132]{margin:10px 0 20px}.cx_log[data-v-f2d2b132]{margin:2px 0}.status_log[data-v-f2d2b132]{margin-top:10px} ");

(async function (vue, pinia$1, ElementPlus, md5, $$1) {
  'use strict';

  var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
  var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
  var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
    __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
    return value;
  ((e) => {
    const t = GM_getResourceText(e);
  const getConfig = () => {
    const config = localStorage.getItem("config");
    return config ? JSON.parse(config) : defaultConfig$1;
  }, defaultConfig$1 = { debugger: false, autoAnswer: true, autoVideo: true, autoJump: true, autoSubmit: true, thtoken: "", yztoken: "", gptKey: "", gptModel: "gpt-3.5-turbo", gpt: false, gptType: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], interval: 3, answerInterval: 3, minAccuracy: 0.8, autoExam: true, hideExam: false, notice: "本脚本仅供学习交流使用,严禁用于商业用途,否则后果自负!" }, userConfig = [{ name: "base", label: "基础配置", config: [{ name: "interval", label: "通用间隔(秒)", type: "number", value: defaultConfig$1.interval, desc: "通用间隔,用于脚本运行切换" }, { name: "answerInterval", label: "答题间隔(秒)", type: "number", value: defaultConfig$1.answerInterval, desc: "控制答题速度" }, { name: "thtoken", label: "题库海token", type: "input", value: defaultConfig$1.thtoken, desc: "非必填,购买后可获得" }, { name: "yztoken", label: "一之题库token", type: "input", value: defaultConfig$1.yztoken, desc: "非必填,购买后可获得" }, { name: "enncytoken", label: "言溪题库token", type: "input", value: defaultConfig$1.enncytoken, desc: "非必填,购买后可获得" }] }, { name: "chapter", label: "章节配置", config: [{ name: "autoAnswer", label: "自动答题", type: "switch", value: defaultConfig$1.autoAnswer, desc: "开启后,会自动答题" }, { name: "autoVideo", label: "自动视频", type: "switch", value: defaultConfig$1.autoVideo, desc: "开启后,会自动观看视频" }, { name: "autoJump", label: "自动切换", type: "switch", value: defaultConfig$1.autoVideo, desc: "开启后,会自动切换章节" }, { name: "autoSubmit", label: "自动提交", type: "switch", value: defaultConfig$1.autoSubmit, desc: "开启后,会自动提交答案" }, { name: "minAccuracy", label: "最低正确率", type: "input", value: defaultConfig$1.minAccuracy, desc: "不满足最低正确率则不会自动提交答案" }] }, { name: "exam", label: "作业/考试配置", config: [{ name: "autoExam", label: "考试自动切换", type: "switch", value: defaultConfig$1.autoExam, desc: "开启后,会考试会自动切换" }] }, { name: "gpt", label: "GPT配置", config: [{ name: "gptKey", label: "GPT Key", type: "input", value: defaultConfig$1.gptKey, desc: "正在内测中,敬请期待" }, { name: "gptModel", label: "GPT 模型", type: "select", value: defaultConfig$1.gptModel, desc: "正在内测中,敬请期待", options: [{ label: "gpt-3.5-turbo", value: "gpt-3.5-turbo" }, { label: "gpt4", value: "gpt4" }] }, { name: "gpt", label: "题库无答案时,是否使用gpt", type: "switch", value: defaultConfig$1.gpt, desc: "开启后,题库无答案时,会使用gpt" }, { name: "gptType", label: "允许使用gpt的题型", type: "checkbox", value: defaultConfig$1.gptType, desc: "选中后,会使用gpt答题相应题型", options: [{ label: "单选题", value: "0" }, { label: "多选题", value: "1" }, { label: "填空题", value: "2" }, { label: "判断题", value: "3" }, { label: "简答题", value: "4" }, { label: "名词解释", value: "5" }, { label: "论述题", value: "6" }, { label: "计算题", value: "7" }] }] }], useformStore = pinia$1.defineStore({ id: "formstore", state: () => ({ forminput: getConfig(), dialogV: false, activeName: "base" }), actions: { saveConfig(forminput) {
    var config;
    config = forminput, localStorage.setItem("config", JSON.stringify(config));
  } } });
  var export_helper_default = (sfc, props) => {
    let target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
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      target[key] = val;
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  const _sfc_main$1 = vue.defineComponent({ components: {}, setup() {
    const formstoreObj = useformStore(), { forminput, dialogV, activeName } = pinia$1.storeToRefs(formstoreObj), ruleFormRef = vue.ref(), rules = vue.reactive({ interval: [{ required: true, message: "间隔时间不能为空" }, { type: "number", message: "间隔时间必须为数字" }, { validator: (rule, value) => value >= 1 ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject("间隔时间必须大于等于1") }], answerInterval: [{ required: true, message: "答题间隔不能为空" }, { type: "number", message: "答题间隔必须为数字" }, { validator: (rule, value) => value >= 1 ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject("答题间隔必须大于等于1") }], token: [{ validator: (rule, value) => {
      if (value) {
        return /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,}$/.test(value) ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject("token格式错误");
      return Promise.resolve();
    } }] });
    return { dialogV, activeName, ruleFormRef, forminput, rules, submitForm: async (formEl) => {
      formEl && await formEl.validate((valid, fields) => {
        valid && (formstoreObj.saveConfig(forminput.value), ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title: "Success", message: "配置保存成功,请自行刷新页面", type: "success" }), dialogV.value = false);
    }, userConfig, Setting: setting_default };
  } }), _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
    const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
    for (const [key, val] of props)
      target[key] = val;
    return target;
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  }], ["__scopeId", "data-v-468a4ec0"]]);
  var _GM_getResourceText = (() => "undefined" != typeof GM_getResourceText ? GM_getResourceText : void 0)(), _GM_info = (() => "undefined" != typeof GM_info ? GM_info : void 0)(), _GM_xmlhttpRequest = (() => "undefined" != typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : void 0)(), _unsafeWindow = (() => "undefined" != typeof unsafeWindow ? unsafeWindow : void 0)();
  const defaultConfig = getConfig();
  class ServerApi {
    constructor(window2 = _unsafeWindow) {
      __publicField(this, "api1", "");
      __publicField(this, "api2", "");
      __publicField(this, "api3", "");
      __publicField(this, "api4", "");
      __publicField(this, "windowz", _unsafeWindow);
      this.windowz = window2;
    async defaultRequest(url, method, data = {}, headers = {}, type = false) {
      var _a;
      return type && (headers = { "Content-Type": "POST" == method ? "application/json" : "text/plain", Referer: this.windowz.location.href, v: _GM_info.script.version, key: defaultConfig.thtoken || "", uid: _unsafeWindow.uid || ((_a = _unsafeWindow == null ? void 0 : _unsafeWindow.getCookie) == null ? void 0 :, "_uid")) || "", ...headers }), new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        _GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method, url, data: JSON.stringify(data), headers, timeout: 1e4, onload: (res) => {
        }, ontimeout: () => {
        }, onerror: (err) => {
        } });
    async getAnswer(questionData) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        questionData = { key: defaultConfig.thtoken || "", ...questionData }, this.defaultRequest(`${this.api1}/search`, "POST", questionData, {}, true).then((res) => {
          const data = JSON.parse(res.responseText);
          -1 === data.code && (this.s2(, resolve({ form: "题库海", answer: "" })), resolve({ form: "题库海", answer: || data.msg || "", num: || "", usenum: || "" });
        }).catch((e) => {
          resolve({ form: "题库海", answer: "" });
    async getAnswer2(questionData) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        let ques = { question: questionData.question };
        this.defaultRequest(this.api2, "POST", ques, { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", Authorization: defaultConfig.yztoken }).then((response) => {
          const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
          let answer = "";
          if (1 === res.code) {
            let data =\(0\);/g, "").trim().replace(/\n/g, "");
            data.includes("叛逆") || data.includes("公众号") || data.includes("李恒雅") || data.includes("一之") || (answer = data.split("#"));
          resolve({ form: "一之题库", answer });
        }).catch(() => {
          resolve({ form: "一之题库", answer: "" });
    async getAnswer3(questionData) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const ques = { token: defaultConfig.enncytoken, title: questionData.question };
        this.defaultRequest(this.api3, "POST", ques).then((response) => {
          const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
          resolve({ form: "言溪题库", answer: 1 === res.code ? : "" });
        }).catch(() => {
          resolve({ form: "言溪题库", answer: "" });
    async getAnswer4(questionData) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const ques = { question: questionData.question, type: parseInt(questionData.type) };
        this.defaultRequest(this.api4, "POST", ques, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }).then((response) => {
          const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
          resolve({ form: "free4", answer: 1 === res.code ?"#") : "" });
        }).catch(() => {
          resolve({ form: "free4", answer: "" });
    async s(questionList, url) {
      return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        const ques = { questionList, url };
        await this.defaultRequest(`${this.api1}/save1`, "POST", ques, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }).then((response) => {
        }).catch((e) => {
    async s2(data) {
      data.url && this.defaultRequest(data.url, "GET", null, {}).then(async (response) => {
        const html = response.responseText;
        let document1, questionList, questionListHtml;
        document1 = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html"), questionList = document1.getElementsByClassName("Py-mian1"), questionListHtml = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < questionList.length; i++)
          try {
            if (0 === i)
            let questionTitle = removeHtml(questionList[i].getElementsByClassName("Py-m1-title")[0].innerHTML), questionType$1 = questionTitle.match(/\[(.*?)\]/)[1];
            if ("单选题" === questionType$1 || "多选题" === questionType$1) {
              questionTitle = questionTitle.replace(/[0-9]{1,3}.\s/gi, "").replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "").replace(/^【.*?】\s*/, "").replace(/\[(.*?)\]\s*/, "").replace(/\s*(\d+\.\d+分)$/, "");
              let optionHtml = $(questionList[i]).find("ul.answerList li.clearfix"), optionText = [];
              optionHtml.each(function(index, item) {
                let abcd = String.fromCharCode(65 + index) + ".", optionTemp = removeHtml(item.innerHTML);
                0 == optionTemp.indexOf(abcd) && (optionTemp = optionTemp.replace(abcd, "").trim()), optionText.push(optionTemp);
              }), questionListHtml.push({ question: questionTitle, type: questionType[questionType$1], options: optionText, questionData: questionList[i].innerHTML });
          } catch (e) {
        let postData = { questionList: questionListHtml, url: data.url };
        await this.defaultRequest(data.url1, "POST", postData, {}, true).then().catch();
  function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
    return x && x.__esModule &&, "default") ? x.default : x;
  var Typr = { parse: function(buff) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, data = new Uint8Array(buff), offset = 0;
    bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4;
    var numTables = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    for (var tags = ["cmap", "head", "hhea", "maxp", "hmtx", "name", "OS/2", "post", "loca", "glyf", "kern", "CFF ", "GPOS", "GSUB", "SVG "], obj = { _data: data }, tabs = {}, i = 0; i < numTables; i++) {
      var tag = bin.readASCII(data, offset, 4);
      offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4;
      var toffset = bin.readUint(data, offset);
      offset += 4;
      var length = bin.readUint(data, offset);
      offset += 4, tabs[tag] = { offset: toffset, length };
    for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
      var t = tags[i];
      tabs[t] && (obj[t.trim()] = Typr[t.trim()].parse(data, tabs[t].offset, tabs[t].length, obj));
    return obj;
  }, _tabOffset: function(data, tab) {
    for (var bin = Typr._bin, numTables = bin.readUshort(data, 4), offset = 12, i = 0; i < numTables; i++) {
      var tag = bin.readASCII(data, offset, 4);
      offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4;
      var toffset = bin.readUint(data, offset);
      if (offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, tag == tab)
        return toffset;
    return 0;
  } };
  Typr._bin = { readFixed: function(data, o) {
    return (data[o] << 8 | data[o + 1]) + (data[o + 2] << 8 | data[o + 3]) / 65540;
  }, readF2dot14: function(data, o) {
    return Typr._bin.readShort(data, o) / 16384;
  }, readInt: function(buff, p) {
    var a = Typr._bin.t.uint8;
    return a[0] = buff[p + 3], a[1] = buff[p + 2], a[2] = buff[p + 1], a[3] = buff[p], Typr._bin.t.int32[0];
  }, readInt8: function(buff, p) {
    return Typr._bin.t.uint8[0] = buff[p], Typr._bin.t.int8[0];
  }, readShort: function(buff, p) {
    var a = Typr._bin.t.uint8;
    return a[1] = buff[p], a[0] = buff[p + 1], Typr._bin.t.int16[0];
  }, readUshort: function(buff, p) {
    return buff[p] << 8 | buff[p + 1];
  }, readUshorts: function(buff, p, len) {
    for (var arr = [], i = 0; i < len; i++)
      arr.push(Typr._bin.readUshort(buff, p + 2 * i));
    return arr;
  }, readUint: function(buff, p) {
    var a = Typr._bin.t.uint8;
    return a[3] = buff[p], a[2] = buff[p + 1], a[1] = buff[p + 2], a[0] = buff[p + 3], Typr._bin.t.uint32[0];
  }, readUint64: function(buff, p) {
    return 4294967296 * Typr._bin.readUint(buff, p) + Typr._bin.readUint(buff, p + 4);
  }, readASCII: function(buff, p, l) {
    for (var s = "", i = 0; i < l; i++)
      s += String.fromCharCode(buff[p + i]);
    return s;
  }, readUnicode: function(buff, p, l) {
    for (var s = "", i = 0; i < l; i++) {
      var c = buff[p++] << 8 | buff[p++];
      s += String.fromCharCode(c);
    return s;
  }, _tdec: window.TextDecoder ? new window.TextDecoder() : null, readUTF8: function(buff, p, l) {
    var tdec = Typr._bin._tdec;
    return tdec && 0 == p && l == buff.length ? tdec.decode(buff) : Typr._bin.readASCII(buff, p, l);
  }, readBytes: function(buff, p, l) {
    for (var arr = [], i = 0; i < l; i++)
      arr.push(buff[p + i]);
    return arr;
  }, readASCIIArray: function(buff, p, l) {
    for (var s = [], i = 0; i < l; i++)
      s.push(String.fromCharCode(buff[p + i]));
    return s;
  } }, Typr._bin.t = { buff: new ArrayBuffer(8) }, Typr._bin.t.int8 = new Int8Array(Typr._bin.t.buff), Typr._bin.t.uint8 = new Uint8Array(Typr._bin.t.buff), Typr._bin.t.int16 = new Int16Array(Typr._bin.t.buff), Typr._bin.t.uint16 = new Uint16Array(Typr._bin.t.buff), Typr._bin.t.int32 = new Int32Array(Typr._bin.t.buff), Typr._bin.t.uint32 = new Uint32Array(Typr._bin.t.buff), Typr._lctf = {}, Typr._lctf.parse = function(data, offset, length, font, subt) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {}, offset0 = offset;
    bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4;
    var offScriptList = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    var offFeatureList = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    var offLookupList = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    return offset += 2, obj.scriptList = Typr._lctf.readScriptList(data, offset0 + offScriptList), obj.featureList = Typr._lctf.readFeatureList(data, offset0 + offFeatureList), obj.lookupList = Typr._lctf.readLookupList(data, offset0 + offLookupList, subt), obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.readLookupList = function(data, offset, subt) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, obj = [], count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      var noff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var lut = Typr._lctf.readLookupTable(data, offset0 + noff, subt);
    return obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.readLookupTable = function(data, offset, subt) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, obj = { tabs: [] };
    obj.ltype = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.flag = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var cnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      var noff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var tab = subt(data, obj.ltype, offset0 + noff);
    return obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.numOfOnes = function(n) {
    for (var num = 0, i = 0; i < 32; i++)
      0 != (n >>> i & 1) && num++;
    return num;
  }, Typr._lctf.readClassDef = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = [], format = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    if (offset += 2, 1 == format) {
      var startGlyph = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var glyphCount = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      for (var i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
        obj.push(startGlyph + i), obj.push(startGlyph + i), obj.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    if (2 == format) {
      var count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        obj.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2, obj.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2, obj.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    return obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.getInterval = function(tab, val) {
    for (var i = 0; i < tab.length; i += 3) {
      var start = tab[i], end = tab[i + 1];
      if (tab[i + 2], start <= val && val <= end)
        return i;
    return -1;
  }, Typr._lctf.readValueRecord = function(data, offset, valFmt) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, arr = [];
    return arr.push(1 & valFmt ? bin.readShort(data, offset) : 0), offset += 1 & valFmt ? 2 : 0, arr.push(2 & valFmt ? bin.readShort(data, offset) : 0), offset += 2 & valFmt ? 2 : 0, arr.push(4 & valFmt ? bin.readShort(data, offset) : 0), offset += 4 & valFmt ? 2 : 0, arr.push(8 & valFmt ? bin.readShort(data, offset) : 0), offset += 8 & valFmt ? 2 : 0, arr;
  }, Typr._lctf.readCoverage = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, cvg = {};
    cvg.fmt = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    return offset += 2, 1 == cvg.fmt && ( = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, count)), 2 == cvg.fmt && ( = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, 3 * count)), cvg;
  }, Typr._lctf.coverageIndex = function(cvg, val) {
    var tab =;
    if (1 == cvg.fmt)
      return tab.indexOf(val);
    if (2 == cvg.fmt) {
      var ind = Typr._lctf.getInterval(tab, val);
      if (-1 != ind)
        return tab[ind + 2] + (val - tab[ind]);
    return -1;
  }, Typr._lctf.readFeatureList = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, obj = [], count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      var tag = bin.readASCII(data, offset, 4);
      offset += 4;
      var noff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, obj.push({ tag: tag.trim(), tab: Typr._lctf.readFeatureTable(data, offset0 + noff) });
    return obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.readFeatureTable = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var lookupCount = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var indices = [], i = 0; i < lookupCount; i++)
      indices.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset + 2 * i));
    return indices;
  }, Typr._lctf.readScriptList = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, obj = {}, count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      var tag = bin.readASCII(data, offset, 4);
      offset += 4;
      var noff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, obj[tag.trim()] = Typr._lctf.readScriptTable(data, offset0 + noff);
    return obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.readScriptTable = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, obj = {}, defLangSysOff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, obj.default = Typr._lctf.readLangSysTable(data, offset0 + defLangSysOff);
    var langSysCount = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < langSysCount; i++) {
      var tag = bin.readASCII(data, offset, 4);
      offset += 4;
      var langSysOff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, obj[tag.trim()] = Typr._lctf.readLangSysTable(data, offset0 + langSysOff);
    return obj;
  }, Typr._lctf.readLangSysTable = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.reqFeature = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var featureCount = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    return offset += 2, obj.features = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, featureCount), obj;
  }, Typr.CFF = {}, Typr.CFF.parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    (data = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, offset, length))[offset = 0], data[++offset], data[++offset], data[++offset], offset++;
    var ninds = [];
    offset = Typr.CFF.readIndex(data, offset, ninds);
    for (var names = [], i = 0; i < ninds.length - 1; i++)
      names.push(bin.readASCII(data, offset + ninds[i], ninds[i + 1] - ninds[i]));
    offset += ninds[ninds.length - 1];
    var tdinds = [];
    offset = Typr.CFF.readIndex(data, offset, tdinds);
    var topDicts = [];
    for (i = 0; i < tdinds.length - 1; i++)
      topDicts.push(Typr.CFF.readDict(data, offset + tdinds[i], offset + tdinds[i + 1]));
    offset += tdinds[tdinds.length - 1];
    var topdict = topDicts[0], sinds = [];
    offset = Typr.CFF.readIndex(data, offset, sinds);
    var strings = [];
    for (i = 0; i < sinds.length - 1; i++)
      strings.push(bin.readASCII(data, offset + sinds[i], sinds[i + 1] - sinds[i]));
    if (offset += sinds[sinds.length - 1], Typr.CFF.readSubrs(data, offset, topdict), topdict.CharStrings) {
      offset = topdict.CharStrings;
      sinds = [];
      offset = Typr.CFF.readIndex(data, offset, sinds);
      var cstr = [];
      for (i = 0; i < sinds.length - 1; i++)
        cstr.push(bin.readBytes(data, offset + sinds[i], sinds[i + 1] - sinds[i]));
      topdict.CharStrings = cstr;
    topdict.Encoding && (topdict.Encoding = Typr.CFF.readEncoding(data, topdict.Encoding, topdict.CharStrings.length)), topdict.charset && (topdict.charset = Typr.CFF.readCharset(data, topdict.charset, topdict.CharStrings.length)), topdict.Private && (offset = topdict.Private[1], topdict.Private = Typr.CFF.readDict(data, offset, offset + topdict.Private[0]), topdict.Private.Subrs && Typr.CFF.readSubrs(data, offset + topdict.Private.Subrs, topdict.Private));
    var obj = {};
    for (var p in topdict)
      -1 != ["FamilyName", "FullName", "Notice", "version", "Copyright"].indexOf(p) ? obj[p] = strings[topdict[p] - 426 + 35] : obj[p] = topdict[p];
    return obj;
  }, Typr.CFF.readSubrs = function(data, offset, obj) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, gsubinds = [];
    offset = Typr.CFF.readIndex(data, offset, gsubinds);
    var bias, nSubrs = gsubinds.length;
    bias = nSubrs < 1240 ? 107 : nSubrs < 33900 ? 1131 : 32768, obj.Bias = bias, obj.Subrs = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < gsubinds.length - 1; i++)
      obj.Subrs.push(bin.readBytes(data, offset + gsubinds[i], gsubinds[i + 1] - gsubinds[i]));
  }, Typr.CFF.tableSE = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 0, 111, 112, 113, 114, 0, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 0, 123, 0, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 0, 132, 133, 0, 134, 135, 136, 137, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140, 141, 142, 143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 0, 146, 147, 148, 149, 0, 0, 0, 0], Typr.CFF.glyphByUnicode = function(cff, code) {
    for (var i = 0; i < cff.charset.length; i++)
      if (cff.charset[i] == code)
        return i;
    return -1;
  }, Typr.CFF.glyphBySE = function(cff, charcode) {
    return charcode < 0 || charcode > 255 ? -1 : Typr.CFF.glyphByUnicode(cff, Typr.CFF.tableSE[charcode]);
  }, Typr.CFF.readEncoding = function(data, offset, num) {
    var array = [".notdef"], format = data[offset];
    if (offset++, 0 != format)
      throw "error: unknown encoding format: " + format;
    var nCodes = data[offset];
    for (var i = 0; i < nCodes; i++)
      array.push(data[offset + i]);
    return array;
  }, Typr.CFF.readCharset = function(data, offset, num) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, charset = [".notdef"], format = data[offset];
    if (offset++, 0 == format)
      for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        var first = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2, charset.push(first);
    else {
      if (1 != format && 2 != format)
        throw "error: format: " + format;
      for (; charset.length < num; ) {
        first = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2;
        var nLeft = 0;
        1 == format ? (nLeft = data[offset], offset++) : (nLeft = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2);
        for (i = 0; i <= nLeft; i++)
          charset.push(first), first++;
    return charset;
  }, Typr.CFF.readIndex = function(data, offset, inds) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, count = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offsize = data[offset += 2];
    if (offset++, 1 == offsize)
      for (var i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
        inds.push(data[offset + i]);
    else if (2 == offsize)
      for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
        inds.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset + 2 * i));
    else if (3 == offsize)
      for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
        inds.push(16777215 & bin.readUint(data, offset + 3 * i - 1));
    else if (0 != count)
      throw "unsupported offset size: " + offsize + ", count: " + count;
    return (offset += (count + 1) * offsize) - 1;
  }, Typr.CFF.getCharString = function(data, offset, o) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, b0 = data[offset], b1 = data[offset + 1];
    data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3], data[offset + 4];
    var vs = 1, op = null, val = null;
    b0 <= 20 && (op = b0, vs = 1), 12 == b0 && (op = 100 * b0 + b1, vs = 2), 21 <= b0 && b0 <= 27 && (op = b0, vs = 1), 28 == b0 && (val = bin.readShort(data, offset + 1), vs = 3), 29 <= b0 && b0 <= 31 && (op = b0, vs = 1), 32 <= b0 && b0 <= 246 && (val = b0 - 139, vs = 1), 247 <= b0 && b0 <= 250 && (val = 256 * (b0 - 247) + b1 + 108, vs = 2), 251 <= b0 && b0 <= 254 && (val = 256 * -(b0 - 251) - b1 - 108, vs = 2), 255 == b0 && (val = bin.readInt(data, offset + 1) / 65535, vs = 5), o.val = null != val ? val : "o" + op, o.size = vs;
  }, Typr.CFF.readCharString = function(data, offset, length) {
    for (var end = offset + length, bin = Typr._bin, arr = []; offset < end; ) {
      var b0 = data[offset], b1 = data[offset + 1];
      data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3], data[offset + 4];
      var vs = 1, op = null, val = null;
      b0 <= 20 && (op = b0, vs = 1), 12 == b0 && (op = 100 * b0 + b1, vs = 2), 19 != b0 && 20 != b0 || (op = b0, vs = 2), 21 <= b0 && b0 <= 27 && (op = b0, vs = 1), 28 == b0 && (val = bin.readShort(data, offset + 1), vs = 3), 29 <= b0 && b0 <= 31 && (op = b0, vs = 1), 32 <= b0 && b0 <= 246 && (val = b0 - 139, vs = 1), 247 <= b0 && b0 <= 250 && (val = 256 * (b0 - 247) + b1 + 108, vs = 2), 251 <= b0 && b0 <= 254 && (val = 256 * -(b0 - 251) - b1 - 108, vs = 2), 255 == b0 && (val = bin.readInt(data, offset + 1) / 65535, vs = 5), arr.push(null != val ? val : "o" + op), offset += vs;
    return arr;
  }, Typr.CFF.readDict = function(data, offset, end) {
    for (var bin = Typr._bin, dict = {}, carr = []; offset < end; ) {
      var b0 = data[offset], b1 = data[offset + 1];
      data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3], data[offset + 4];
      var vs = 1, key = null, val = null;
      if (28 == b0 && (val = bin.readShort(data, offset + 1), vs = 3), 29 == b0 && (val = bin.readInt(data, offset + 1), vs = 5), 32 <= b0 && b0 <= 246 && (val = b0 - 139, vs = 1), 247 <= b0 && b0 <= 250 && (val = 256 * (b0 - 247) + b1 + 108, vs = 2), 251 <= b0 && b0 <= 254 && (val = 256 * -(b0 - 251) - b1 - 108, vs = 2), 255 == b0)
        throw val = bin.readInt(data, offset + 1) / 65535, vs = 5, "unknown number";
      if (30 == b0) {
        var nibs = [];
        for (vs = 1; ; ) {
          var b = data[offset + vs];
          var nib0 = b >> 4, nib1 = 15 & b;
          if (15 != nib0 && nibs.push(nib0), 15 != nib1 && nibs.push(nib1), 15 == nib1)
        for (var s = "", chars = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ".", "e", "e-", "reserved", "-", "endOfNumber"], i = 0; i < nibs.length; i++)
          s += chars[nibs[i]];
        val = parseFloat(s);
      if (b0 <= 21) {
        if (key = ["version", "Notice", "FullName", "FamilyName", "Weight", "FontBBox", "BlueValues", "OtherBlues", "FamilyBlues", "FamilyOtherBlues", "StdHW", "StdVW", "escape", "UniqueID", "XUID", "charset", "Encoding", "CharStrings", "Private", "Subrs", "defaultWidthX", "nominalWidthX"][b0], vs = 1, 12 == b0)
          key = ["Copyright", "isFixedPitch", "ItalicAngle", "UnderlinePosition", "UnderlineThickness", "PaintType", "CharstringType", "FontMatrix", "StrokeWidth", "BlueScale", "BlueShift", "BlueFuzz", "StemSnapH", "StemSnapV", "ForceBold", 0, 0, "LanguageGroup", "ExpansionFactor", "initialRandomSeed", "SyntheticBase", "PostScript", "BaseFontName", "BaseFontBlend", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ROS", "CIDFontVersion", "CIDFontRevision", "CIDFontType", "CIDCount", "UIDBase", "FDArray", "FDSelect", "FontName"][b1], vs = 2;
      null != key ? (dict[key] = 1 == carr.length ? carr[0] : carr, carr = []) : carr.push(val), offset += vs;
    return dict;
  }, Typr.cmap = {}, Typr.cmap.parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    data = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, offset, length), offset = 0;
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var numTables = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    var offs = [];
    obj.tables = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i++) {
      var platformID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var encodingID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var noffset = bin.readUint(data, offset);
      offset += 4;
      var id = "p" + platformID + "e" + encodingID, tind = offs.indexOf(noffset);
      if (-1 == tind) {
        var subt;
        tind = obj.tables.length, offs.push(noffset);
        var format = bin.readUshort(data, noffset);
        0 == format ? subt = Typr.cmap.parse0(data, noffset) : 4 == format ? subt = Typr.cmap.parse4(data, noffset) : 6 == format ? subt = Typr.cmap.parse6(data, noffset) : 12 == format ? subt = Typr.cmap.parse12(data, noffset) : console.log("unknown format: " + format, platformID, encodingID, noffset), obj.tables.push(subt);
      if (null != obj[id])
        throw "multiple tables for one platform+encoding";
      obj[id] = tind;
    return obj;
  }, Typr.cmap.parse0 = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    obj.format = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var len = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < len - 6; i++)[offset + i]);
    return obj;
  }, Typr.cmap.parse4 = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, obj = {};
    obj.format = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var length = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var segCountX2 = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    var segCount = segCountX2 / 2;
    obj.searchRange = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.entrySelector = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.rangeShift = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.endCount = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, segCount), offset += 2 * segCount, offset += 2, obj.startCount = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, segCount), offset += 2 * segCount, obj.idDelta = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < segCount; i++)
      obj.idDelta.push(bin.readShort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    for (obj.idRangeOffset = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, segCount), offset += 2 * segCount, obj.glyphIdArray = []; offset < offset0 + length; )
      obj.glyphIdArray.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    return obj;
  }, Typr.cmap.parse6 = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    obj.format = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.firstCode = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var entryCount = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, obj.glyphIdArray = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
      obj.glyphIdArray.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    return obj;
  }, Typr.cmap.parse12 = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    obj.format = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, offset += 2, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4;
    var nGroups = bin.readUint(data, offset);
    offset += 4, obj.groups = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < nGroups; i++) {
      var off = offset + 12 * i, startCharCode = bin.readUint(data, off + 0), endCharCode = bin.readUint(data, off + 4), startGlyphID = bin.readUint(data, off + 8);
      obj.groups.push([startCharCode, endCharCode, startGlyphID]);
    return obj;
  }, Typr.glyf = {}, Typr.glyf.parse = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    for (var obj = [], g = 0; g < font.maxp.numGlyphs; g++)
    return obj;
  }, Typr.glyf._parseGlyf = function(font, g) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, data = font._data, offset = Typr._tabOffset(data, "glyf") + font.loca[g];
    if (font.loca[g] == font.loca[g + 1])
      return null;
    var gl = {};
    if (gl.noc = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, gl.xMin = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, gl.yMin = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, gl.xMax = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, gl.yMax = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, gl.xMin >= gl.xMax || gl.yMin >= gl.yMax)
      return null;
    if (gl.noc > 0) {
      gl.endPts = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < gl.noc; i++)
        gl.endPts.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
      var instructionLength = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      if (offset += 2, data.length - offset < instructionLength)
        return null;
      gl.instructions = bin.readBytes(data, offset, instructionLength), offset += instructionLength;
      var crdnum = gl.endPts[gl.noc - 1] + 1;
      gl.flags = [];
      for (i = 0; i < crdnum; i++) {
        var flag = data[offset];
        if (offset++, gl.flags.push(flag), 0 != (8 & flag)) {
          var rep = data[offset];
          for (var j = 0; j < rep; j++)
            gl.flags.push(flag), i++;
      gl.xs = [];
      for (i = 0; i < crdnum; i++) {
        var i8 = 0 != (2 & gl.flags[i]), same = 0 != (16 & gl.flags[i]);
        i8 ? (gl.xs.push(same ? data[offset] : -data[offset]), offset++) : same ? gl.xs.push(0) : (gl.xs.push(bin.readShort(data, offset)), offset += 2);
      gl.ys = [];
      for (i = 0; i < crdnum; i++) {
        i8 = 0 != (4 & gl.flags[i]), same = 0 != (32 & gl.flags[i]);
        i8 ? (gl.ys.push(same ? data[offset] : -data[offset]), offset++) : same ? gl.ys.push(0) : (gl.ys.push(bin.readShort(data, offset)), offset += 2);
      var x = 0, y = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < crdnum; i++)
        x += gl.xs[i], y += gl.ys[i], gl.xs[i] = x, gl.ys[i] = y;
    } else {
      var flags; = [];
      do {
        flags = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
        var part = { m: { a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, tx: 0, ty: 0 }, p1: -1, p2: -1 };
        if (, part.glyphIndex = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, 1 & flags) {
          var arg1 = bin.readShort(data, offset);
          offset += 2;
          var arg2 = bin.readShort(data, offset);
          offset += 2;
        } else {
          arg1 = bin.readInt8(data, offset);
          arg2 = bin.readInt8(data, offset);
        2 & flags ? (part.m.tx = arg1, part.m.ty = arg2) : (part.p1 = arg1, part.p2 = arg2), 8 & flags ? (part.m.a = part.m.d = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2) : 64 & flags ? (part.m.a = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2, part.m.d = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2) : 128 & flags && (part.m.a = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2, part.m.b = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2, part.m.c = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2, part.m.d = bin.readF2dot14(data, offset), offset += 2);
      } while (32 & flags);
      if (256 & flags) {
        var numInstr = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2, gl.instr = [];
        for (i = 0; i < numInstr; i++)
          gl.instr.push(data[offset]), offset++;
    return gl;
  }, Typr.GPOS = {}, Typr.GPOS.parse = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    return Typr._lctf.parse(data, offset, length, font, Typr.GPOS.subt);
  }, Typr.GPOS.subt = function(data, ltype, offset) {
    if (2 != ltype)
      return null;
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, tab = {};
    tab.format = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var covOff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, tab.coverage = Typr._lctf.readCoverage(data, covOff + offset0), tab.valFmt1 = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, tab.valFmt2 = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var ones1 = Typr._lctf.numOfOnes(tab.valFmt1), ones2 = Typr._lctf.numOfOnes(tab.valFmt2);
    if (1 == tab.format) {
      tab.pairsets = [];
      var count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        var psoff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2, psoff += offset0;
        var pvcount = bin.readUshort(data, psoff);
        psoff += 2;
        for (var arr = [], j = 0; j < pvcount; j++) {
          var gid2 = bin.readUshort(data, psoff);
          psoff += 2, 0 != tab.valFmt1 && (value1 = Typr._lctf.readValueRecord(data, psoff, tab.valFmt1), psoff += 2 * ones1), 0 != tab.valFmt2 && (value2 = Typr._lctf.readValueRecord(data, psoff, tab.valFmt2), psoff += 2 * ones2), arr.push({ gid2, val1: value1, val2: value2 });
    if (2 == tab.format) {
      var classDef1 = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var classDef2 = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var class1Count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var class2Count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, tab.classDef1 = Typr._lctf.readClassDef(data, offset0 + classDef1), tab.classDef2 = Typr._lctf.readClassDef(data, offset0 + classDef2), tab.matrix = [];
      for (i = 0; i < class1Count; i++) {
        var row = [];
        for (j = 0; j < class2Count; j++) {
          var value1 = null, value2 = null;
          0 != tab.valFmt1 && (value1 = Typr._lctf.readValueRecord(data, offset, tab.valFmt1), offset += 2 * ones1), 0 != tab.valFmt2 && (value2 = Typr._lctf.readValueRecord(data, offset, tab.valFmt2), offset += 2 * ones2), row.push({ val1: value1, val2: value2 });
    return tab;
  }, Typr.GSUB = {}, Typr.GSUB.parse = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    return Typr._lctf.parse(data, offset, length, font, Typr.GSUB.subt);
  }, Typr.GSUB.subt = function(data, ltype, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, tab = {};
    if (1 != ltype && 4 != ltype && 5 != ltype)
      return null;
    tab.fmt = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var covOff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    if (offset += 2, tab.coverage = Typr._lctf.readCoverage(data, covOff + offset0), 1 == ltype) {
      if (1 == tab.fmt) = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2;
      else if (2 == tab.fmt) {
        var cnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2, tab.newg = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, cnt), offset += 2 * tab.newg.length;
    } else if (4 == ltype) {
      tab.vals = [];
      cnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        var loff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2, tab.vals.push(Typr.GSUB.readLigatureSet(data, offset0 + loff));
    } else if (5 == ltype)
      if (2 == tab.fmt) {
        var cDefOffset = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2, tab.cDef = Typr._lctf.readClassDef(data, offset0 + cDefOffset), tab.scset = [];
        var subClassSetCount = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
        offset += 2;
        for (i = 0; i < subClassSetCount; i++) {
          var scsOff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
          offset += 2, tab.scset.push(0 == scsOff ? null : Typr.GSUB.readSubClassSet(data, offset0 + scsOff));
      } else
        console.log("unknown table format", tab.fmt);
    return tab;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readSubClassSet = function(data, offset) {
    var rUs = Typr._bin.readUshort, offset0 = offset, lset = [], cnt = rUs(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      var loff = rUs(data, offset);
      offset += 2, lset.push(Typr.GSUB.readSubClassRule(data, offset0 + loff));
    return lset;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readSubClassRule = function(data, offset) {
    var rUs = Typr._bin.readUshort, rule = {}, gcount = rUs(data, offset), scount = rUs(data, offset += 2);
    offset += 2, rule.input = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < gcount - 1; i++)
      rule.input.push(rUs(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    return rule.substLookupRecords = Typr.GSUB.readSubstLookupRecords(data, offset, scount), rule;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readSubstLookupRecords = function(data, offset, cnt) {
    for (var rUs = Typr._bin.readUshort, out = [], i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
      out.push(rUs(data, offset), rUs(data, offset + 2)), offset += 4;
    return out;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readChainSubClassSet = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, lset = [], cnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      var loff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, lset.push(Typr.GSUB.readChainSubClassRule(data, offset0 + loff));
    return lset;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readChainSubClassRule = function(data, offset) {
    for (var bin = Typr._bin, rule = {}, pps = ["backtrack", "input", "lookahead"], pi = 0; pi < pps.length; pi++) {
      var cnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, 1 == pi && cnt--, rule[pps[pi]] = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, cnt), offset += 2 * rule[pps[pi]].length;
    cnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    return offset += 2, rule.subst = bin.readUshorts(data, offset, 2 * cnt), offset += 2 * rule.subst.length, rule;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readLigatureSet = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, offset0 = offset, lset = [], lcnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var j = 0; j < lcnt; j++) {
      var loff = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, lset.push(Typr.GSUB.readLigature(data, offset0 + loff));
    return lset;
  }, Typr.GSUB.readLigature = function(data, offset) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, lig = { chain: [] };
    lig.nglyph = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var ccnt = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var k = 0; k < ccnt - 1; k++)
      lig.chain.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset)), offset += 2;
    return lig;
  }, Typr.head = {}, Typr.head.parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    return bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.fontRevision = bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.flags = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.unitsPerEm = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.created = bin.readUint64(data, offset), offset += 8, obj.modified = bin.readUint64(data, offset), offset += 8, obj.xMin = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.yMin = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.xMax = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.yMax = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.macStyle = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.lowestRecPPEM = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.fontDirectionHint = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.indexToLocFormat = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.glyphDataFormat = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj;
  }, Typr.hhea = {}, Typr.hhea.parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    return bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.ascender = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.descender = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.lineGap = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.advanceWidthMax = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.minLeftSideBearing = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.minRightSideBearing = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.xMaxExtent = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.caretSlopeRise = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.caretSlopeRun = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.caretOffset = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, offset += 8, obj.metricDataFormat = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.numberOfHMetrics = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj;
  }, Typr.hmtx = {}, Typr.hmtx.parse = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    for (var bin = Typr._bin, obj = { aWidth: [], lsBearing: [] }, aw = 0, lsb = 0, i = 0; i < font.maxp.numGlyphs; i++)
      i < font.hhea.numberOfHMetrics && (aw = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, lsb = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2), obj.aWidth.push(aw), obj.lsBearing.push(lsb);
    return obj;
  }, Typr.kern = {}, Typr.kern.parse = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, version = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    if (offset += 2, 1 == version)
      return Typr.kern.parseV1(data, offset - 2, length, font);
    var nTables = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var map = { glyph1: [], rval: [] }, i = 0; i < nTables; i++) {
      offset += 2;
      length = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var coverage = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var format = coverage >>> 8;
      if (0 != (format &= 15))
        throw "unknown kern table format: " + format;
      offset = Typr.kern.readFormat0(data, offset, map);
    return map;
  }, Typr.kern.parseV1 = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4;
    var nTables = bin.readUint(data, offset);
    offset += 4;
    for (var map = { glyph1: [], rval: [] }, i = 0; i < nTables; i++) {
      bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4;
      var coverage = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
      var format = coverage >>> 8;
      if (0 != (format &= 15))
        throw "unknown kern table format: " + format;
      offset = Typr.kern.readFormat0(data, offset, map);
    return map;
  }, Typr.kern.readFormat0 = function(data, offset, map) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, pleft = -1, nPairs = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    for (var j = 0; j < nPairs; j++) {
      var left = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var right = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var value = bin.readShort(data, offset);
      offset += 2, left != pleft && (map.glyph1.push(left), map.rval.push({ glyph2: [], vals: [] }));
      var rval = map.rval[map.rval.length - 1];
      rval.glyph2.push(right), rval.vals.push(value), pleft = left;
    return offset;
  }, Typr.loca = {}, Typr.loca.parse = function(data, offset, length, font) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = [], ver = font.head.indexToLocFormat, len = font.maxp.numGlyphs + 1;
    if (0 == ver)
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
        obj.push(bin.readUshort(data, offset + (i << 1)) << 1);
    if (1 == ver)
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        obj.push(bin.readUint(data, offset + (i << 2)));
    return obj;
  }, Typr.maxp = {}, Typr.maxp.parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {}, ver = bin.readUint(data, offset);
    return offset += 4, obj.numGlyphs = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, 65536 == ver && (obj.maxPoints = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxContours = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxCompositePoints = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxCompositeContours = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxZones = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxTwilightPoints = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxStorage = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxFunctionDefs = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxInstructionDefs = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxStackElements = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxSizeOfInstructions = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxComponentElements = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.maxComponentDepth = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2), obj;
  }, = {}, = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var count = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2, bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    for (var tname, offset0 = offset += 2, i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      var platformID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var encodingID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var languageID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var nameID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      length = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var noffset = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var plat = "p" + platformID;
      null == obj[plat] && (obj[plat] = {});
      var str, cname = ["copyright", "fontFamily", "fontSubfamily", "ID", "fullName", "version", "postScriptName", "trademark", "manufacturer", "designer", "description", "urlVendor", "urlDesigner", "licence", "licenceURL", "---", "typoFamilyName", "typoSubfamilyName", "compatibleFull", "sampleText", "postScriptCID", "wwsFamilyName", "wwsSubfamilyName", "lightPalette", "darkPalette"][nameID], soff = offset0 + 12 * count + noffset;
      if (0 == platformID)
        str = bin.readUnicode(data, soff, length / 2);
      else if (3 == platformID && 0 == encodingID)
        str = bin.readUnicode(data, soff, length / 2);
      else if (0 == encodingID)
        str = bin.readASCII(data, soff, length);
      else if (1 == encodingID)
        str = bin.readUnicode(data, soff, length / 2);
      else if (3 == encodingID)
        str = bin.readUnicode(data, soff, length / 2);
      else {
        if (1 != platformID)
          throw "unknown encoding " + encodingID + ", platformID: " + platformID;
        str = bin.readASCII(data, soff, length), console.log("reading unknown MAC encoding " + encodingID + " as ASCII");
      obj[plat][cname] = str, obj[plat]._lang = languageID;
    for (var p in obj)
      if (null != obj[p].postScriptName && 1033 == obj[p]._lang)
        return obj[p];
    for (var p in obj)
      if (null != obj[p].postScriptName && 3084 == obj[p]._lang)
        return obj[p];
    for (var p in obj)
      if (null != obj[p].postScriptName)
        return obj[p];
    for (var p in obj) {
      tname = p;
    return console.log("returning name table with languageID " + obj[tname]._lang), obj[tname];
  }, Typr["OS/2"] = {}, Typr["OS/2"].parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    var ver = Typr._bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    var obj = {};
    if (0 == ver)
      Typr["OS/2"].version0(data, offset, obj);
    else if (1 == ver)
      Typr["OS/2"].version1(data, offset, obj);
    else if (2 == ver || 3 == ver || 4 == ver)
      Typr["OS/2"].version2(data, offset, obj);
    else {
      if (5 != ver)
        throw "unknown OS/2 table version: " + ver;
      Typr["OS/2"].version5(data, offset, obj);
    return obj;
  }, Typr["OS/2"].version0 = function(data, offset, obj) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    return obj.xAvgCharWidth = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usWeightClass = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usWidthClass = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.fsType = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySubscriptXSize = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySubscriptYSize = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySubscriptXOffset = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySubscriptYOffset = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySuperscriptXSize = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySuperscriptYSize = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySuperscriptXOffset = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.ySuperscriptYOffset = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.yStrikeoutSize = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.yStrikeoutPosition = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.sFamilyClass = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.panose = bin.readBytes(data, offset, 10), offset += 10, obj.ulUnicodeRange1 = bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.ulUnicodeRange2 = bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.ulUnicodeRange3 = bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.ulUnicodeRange4 = bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.achVendID = [bin.readInt8(data, offset), bin.readInt8(data, offset + 1), bin.readInt8(data, offset + 2), bin.readInt8(data, offset + 3)], offset += 4, obj.fsSelection = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usFirstCharIndex = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usLastCharIndex = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.sTypoAscender = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.sTypoDescender = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.sTypoLineGap = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usWinAscent = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usWinDescent = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
  }, Typr["OS/2"].version1 = function(data, offset, obj) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    return offset = Typr["OS/2"].version0(data, offset, obj), obj.ulCodePageRange1 = bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.ulCodePageRange2 = bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4;
  }, Typr["OS/2"].version2 = function(data, offset, obj) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    return offset = Typr["OS/2"].version1(data, offset, obj), obj.sxHeight = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.sCapHeight = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usDefault = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usBreak = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usMaxContext = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
  }, Typr["OS/2"].version5 = function(data, offset, obj) {
    var bin = Typr._bin;
    return offset = Typr["OS/2"].version2(data, offset, obj), obj.usLowerOpticalPointSize = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.usUpperOpticalPointSize = bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
  }, = {}, = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = {};
    return obj.version = bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.italicAngle = bin.readFixed(data, offset), offset += 4, obj.underlinePosition = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj.underlineThickness = bin.readShort(data, offset), offset += 2, obj;
  }, Typr.SVG = {}, Typr.SVG.parse = function(data, offset, length) {
    var bin = Typr._bin, obj = { entries: [] }, offset0 = offset;
    bin.readUshort(data, offset), offset += 2;
    var svgDocIndexOffset = bin.readUint(data, offset);
    offset += 4, bin.readUint(data, offset), offset += 4, offset = svgDocIndexOffset + offset0;
    var numEntries = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
    offset += 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
      var startGlyphID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var endGlyphID = bin.readUshort(data, offset);
      offset += 2;
      var svgDocOffset = bin.readUint(data, offset);
      offset += 4;
      var svgDocLength = bin.readUint(data, offset);
      offset += 4;
      for (var sbuf = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, offset0 + svgDocOffset + svgDocIndexOffset, svgDocLength), svg = bin.readUTF8(sbuf, 0, sbuf.length), f = startGlyphID; f <= endGlyphID; f++)
        obj.entries[f] = svg;
    return obj;
  }, Typr.SVG.toPath = function(str) {
    var pth = { cmds: [], crds: [] };
    if (null == str)
      return pth;
    for (var svg = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "image/svg+xml").firstChild; "svg" != svg.tagName; )
      svg = svg.nextSibling;
    var vb = svg.getAttribute("viewBox");
    vb = vb ? vb.trim().split(" ").map(parseFloat) : [0, 0, 1e3, 1e3], Typr.SVG._toPath(svg.children, pth);
    for (var i = 0; i < pth.crds.length; i += 2) {
      var x = pth.crds[i], y = pth.crds[i + 1];
      x -= vb[0], y = -(y -= vb[1]), pth.crds[i] = x, pth.crds[i + 1] = y;
    return pth;
  }, Typr.SVG._toPath = function(nds, pth, fill) {
    for (var ni = 0; ni < nds.length; ni++) {
      var nd = nds[ni], tn = nd.tagName, cfl = nd.getAttribute("fill");
      if (null == cfl && (cfl = fill), "g" == tn)
        Typr.SVG._toPath(nd.children, pth, cfl);
      else if ("path" == tn) {
        pth.cmds.push(cfl || "#000000");
        var d = nd.getAttribute("d"), toks = Typr.SVG._tokens(d);
        Typr.SVG._toksToPath(toks, pth), pth.cmds.push("X");
      } else
        "defs" == tn || console.log(tn, nd);
  }, Typr.SVG._tokens = function(d) {
    for (var ts = [], off = 0, rn = false, cn = ""; off < d.length; ) {
      var cc = d.charCodeAt(off), ch = d.charAt(off);
      var isNum = 48 <= cc && cc <= 57 || "." == ch || "-" == ch;
      rn ? "-" == ch ? (ts.push(parseFloat(cn)), cn = ch) : isNum ? cn += ch : (ts.push(parseFloat(cn)), "," != ch && " " != ch && ts.push(ch), rn = false) : isNum ? (cn = ch, rn = true) : "," != ch && " " != ch && ts.push(ch);
    return rn && ts.push(parseFloat(cn)), ts;
  }, Typr.SVG._toksToPath = function(ts, pth) {
    for (var i = 0, x = 0, y = 0, ox = 0, oy = 0, pc = { M: 2, L: 2, H: 1, V: 1, S: 4, C: 6 }, cmds = pth.cmds, crds = pth.crds; i < ts.length; ) {
      var cmd = ts[i];
      if (i++, "z" == cmd)
        cmds.push("Z"), x = ox, y = oy;
        for (var cmu = cmd.toUpperCase(), ps = pc[cmu], reps = Typr.SVG._reps(ts, i, ps), j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
          var xi = 0, yi = 0;
          if (cmd != cmu && (xi = x, yi = y), "M" == cmu)
            x = xi + ts[i++], y = yi + ts[i++], cmds.push("M"), crds.push(x, y), ox = x, oy = y;
          else if ("L" == cmu)
            x = xi + ts[i++], y = yi + ts[i++], cmds.push("L"), crds.push(x, y);
          else if ("H" == cmu)
            x = xi + ts[i++], cmds.push("L"), crds.push(x, y);
          else if ("V" == cmu)
            y = yi + ts[i++], cmds.push("L"), crds.push(x, y);
          else if ("C" == cmu) {
            var x1 = xi + ts[i++], y1 = yi + ts[i++], x2 = xi + ts[i++], y2 = yi + ts[i++], x3 = xi + ts[i++], y3 = yi + ts[i++];
            cmds.push("C"), crds.push(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3), x = x3, y = y3;
          } else if ("S" == cmu) {
            var co = Math.max(crds.length - 4, 0);
            x1 = x + x - crds[co], y1 = y + y - crds[co + 1], x2 = xi + ts[i++], y2 = yi + ts[i++], x3 = xi + ts[i++], y3 = yi + ts[i++];
            cmds.push("C"), crds.push(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3), x = x3, y = y3;
          } else
            console.log("Unknown SVG command " + cmd);
  }, Typr.SVG._reps = function(ts, off, ps) {
    for (var i = off; i < ts.length && "string" != typeof ts[i]; )
      i += ps;
    return (i - off) / ps;
  }, null == Typr && (Typr = {}), null == Typr.U && (Typr.U = {}), Typr.U.codeToGlyph = function(font, code) {
    var cmap = font.cmap, tind = -1;
    if (null != cmap.p0e4 ? tind = cmap.p0e4 : null != cmap.p3e1 ? tind = cmap.p3e1 : null != cmap.p1e0 && (tind = cmap.p1e0), -1 == tind)
      throw "no familiar platform and encoding!";
    var tab = cmap.tables[tind];
    if (0 == tab.format)
      return code >= ? 0 :[code];
    if (4 == tab.format) {
      for (var sind = -1, i = 0; i < tab.endCount.length; i++)
        if (code <= tab.endCount[i]) {
          sind = i;
      if (-1 == sind)
        return 0;
      if (tab.startCount[sind] > code)
        return 0;
      return 65535 & (0 != tab.idRangeOffset[sind] ? tab.glyphIdArray[code - tab.startCount[sind] + (tab.idRangeOffset[sind] >> 1) - (tab.idRangeOffset.length - sind)] : code + tab.idDelta[sind]);
    if (12 == tab.format) {
      if (code > tab.groups[tab.groups.length - 1][1])
        return 0;
      for (i = 0; i < tab.groups.length; i++) {
        var grp = tab.groups[i];
        if (grp[0] <= code && code <= grp[1])
          return grp[2] + (code - grp[0]);
      return 0;
    throw "unknown cmap table format " + tab.format;
  }, Typr.U.glyphToPath = function(font, gid) {
    var path = { cmds: [], crds: [] };
    if (font.SVG && font.SVG.entries[gid]) {
      var p = font.SVG.entries[gid];
      return null == p ? path : ("string" == typeof p && (p = Typr.SVG.toPath(p), font.SVG.entries[gid] = p), p);
    if (font.CFF) {
      var state = { x: 0, y: 0, stack: [], nStems: 0, haveWidth: false, width: font.CFF.Private ? font.CFF.Private.defaultWidthX : 0, open: false };
      Typr.U._drawCFF(font.CFF.CharStrings[gid], state, font.CFF, path);
    } else
      font.glyf && Typr.U._drawGlyf(gid, font, path);
    return path;
  }, Typr.U._drawGlyf = function(gid, font, path) {
    var gl = font.glyf[gid];
    null == gl && (gl = font.glyf[gid] = Typr.glyf._parseGlyf(font, gid)), null != gl && (gl.noc > -1 ? Typr.U._simpleGlyph(gl, path) : Typr.U._compoGlyph(gl, font, path));
  }, Typr.U._simpleGlyph = function(gl, p) {
    for (var c = 0; c < gl.noc; c++) {
      for (var i0 = 0 == c ? 0 : gl.endPts[c - 1] + 1, il = gl.endPts[c], i = i0; i <= il; i++) {
        var pr = i == i0 ? il : i - 1, nx = i == il ? i0 : i + 1, onCurve = 1 & gl.flags[i], prOnCurve = 1 & gl.flags[pr], nxOnCurve = 1 & gl.flags[nx], x = gl.xs[i], y = gl.ys[i];
        if (i == i0)
          if (onCurve) {
            if (!prOnCurve) {
              Typr.U.P.moveTo(p, x, y);
            Typr.U.P.moveTo(p, gl.xs[pr], gl.ys[pr]);
          } else
            prOnCurve ? Typr.U.P.moveTo(p, gl.xs[pr], gl.ys[pr]) : Typr.U.P.moveTo(p, (gl.xs[pr] + x) / 2, (gl.ys[pr] + y) / 2);
        onCurve ? prOnCurve && Typr.U.P.lineTo(p, x, y) : nxOnCurve ? Typr.U.P.qcurveTo(p, x, y, gl.xs[nx], gl.ys[nx]) : Typr.U.P.qcurveTo(p, x, y, (x + gl.xs[nx]) / 2, (y + gl.ys[nx]) / 2);
  }, Typr.U._compoGlyph = function(gl, font, p) {
    for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
      var path = { cmds: [], crds: [] }, prt =[j];
      Typr.U._drawGlyf(prt.glyphIndex, font, path);
      for (var m = prt.m, i = 0; i < path.crds.length; i += 2) {
        var x = path.crds[i], y = path.crds[i + 1];
        p.crds.push(x * m.a + y * m.b + m.tx), p.crds.push(x * m.c + y * m.d + m.ty);
      for (i = 0; i < path.cmds.length; i++)
  }, Typr.U._getGlyphClass = function(g, cd) {
    var intr = Typr._lctf.getInterval(cd, g);
    return -1 == intr ? 0 : cd[intr + 2];
  }, Typr.U.getPairAdjustment = function(font, g1, g2) {
    if (font.GPOS) {
      for (var ltab = null, i = 0; i < font.GPOS.featureList.length; i++) {
        var fl = font.GPOS.featureList[i];
        if ("kern" == fl.tag)
          for (var j = 0; j <; j++)
            2 == font.GPOS.lookupList[[j]].ltype && (ltab = font.GPOS.lookupList[[j]]);
      if (ltab)
        for (i = 0; i < ltab.tabs.length; i++) {
          var tab = ltab.tabs[i], ind = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.coverage, g1);
          if (-1 != ind) {
            if (1 == tab.format) {
              var right = tab.pairsets[ind];
              for (j = 0; j < right.length; j++)
                right[j].gid2 == g2 && (adj = right[j]);
              if (null == adj)
            } else if (2 == tab.format)
              var c1 = Typr.U._getGlyphClass(g1, tab.classDef1), c2 = Typr.U._getGlyphClass(g2, tab.classDef2), adj = tab.matrix[c1][c2];
            return adj.val1[2];
    if (font.kern) {
      var ind1 = font.kern.glyph1.indexOf(g1);
      if (-1 != ind1) {
        var ind2 = font.kern.rval[ind1].glyph2.indexOf(g2);
        if (-1 != ind2)
          return font.kern.rval[ind1].vals[ind2];
    return 0;
  }, Typr.U.stringToGlyphs = function(font, str) {
    for (var gls = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
      var cc = str.codePointAt(i);
      cc > 65535 && i++, gls.push(Typr.U.codeToGlyph(font, cc));
    var gsub = font.GSUB;
    if (null == gsub)
      return gls;
    for (var llist = gsub.lookupList, flist = gsub.featureList, wsep = '\n	" ,.:;!?()  ،', R = "آأؤإاةدذرزوٱٲٳٵٶٷڈډڊڋڌڍڎڏڐڑڒړڔڕږڗژڙۀۃۄۅۆۇۈۉۊۋۍۏےۓەۮۯܐܕܖܗܘܙܞܨܪܬܯݍݙݚݛݫݬݱݳݴݸݹࡀࡆࡇࡉࡔࡧࡩࡪࢪࢫࢬࢮࢱࢲࢹૅેૉ૊૎૏ૐ૑૒૝ૡ૤૯஁ஃ஄அஉ஌எஏ஑னப஫஬", ci = 0; ci < gls.length; ci++) {
      var gl = gls[ci], slft = 0 == ci || -1 != wsep.indexOf(str[ci - 1]), srgt = ci == gls.length - 1 || -1 != wsep.indexOf(str[ci + 1]);
      slft || -1 == R.indexOf(str[ci - 1]) || (slft = true), srgt || -1 == R.indexOf(str[ci]) || (srgt = true), srgt || -1 == "ꡲ્૗".indexOf(str[ci + 1]) || (srgt = true), slft || -1 == "ꡲ્૗".indexOf(str[ci]) || (slft = true);
      var feat = null;
      feat = slft ? srgt ? "isol" : "init" : srgt ? "fina" : "medi";
      for (var fi = 0; fi < flist.length; fi++)
        if (flist[fi].tag == feat)
          for (var ti = 0; ti < flist[fi].tab.length; ti++) {
            1 == (tab = llist[flist[fi].tab[ti]]).ltype && Typr.U._applyType1(gls, ci, tab);
    var cligs = ["rlig", "liga", "mset"];
    for (ci = 0; ci < gls.length; ci++) {
      gl = gls[ci];
      var rlim = Math.min(3, gls.length - ci - 1);
      for (fi = 0; fi < flist.length; fi++) {
        var fl = flist[fi];
        if (-1 != cligs.indexOf(fl.tag)) {
          for (ti = 0; ti <; ti++)
            for (var tab = llist[[ti]], j = 0; j < tab.tabs.length; j++)
              if (null != tab.tabs[j]) {
                var ind = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.tabs[j].coverage, gl);
                if (-1 != ind) {
                  if (4 == tab.ltype)
                    for (var vals = tab.tabs[j].vals[ind], k = 0; k < vals.length; k++) {
                      var lig = vals[k], rl = lig.chain.length;
                      if (!(rl > rlim)) {
                        for (var good = true, l = 0; l < rl; l++)
                          lig.chain[l] != gls[ci + (1 + l)] && (good = false);
                        if (good) {
                          gls[ci] = lig.nglyph;
                          for (l = 0; l < rl; l++)
                            gls[ci + l + 1] = -1;
                  else if (5 == tab.ltype) {
                    var ltab = tab.tabs[j];
                    if (2 != ltab.fmt)
                    var cind = Typr._lctf.getInterval(ltab.cDef, gl), cls = ltab.cDef[cind + 2], scs = ltab.scset[cls];
                    for (i = 0; i < scs.length; i++) {
                      var sc = scs[i], inp = sc.input;
                      if (!(inp.length > rlim)) {
                        for (good = true, l = 0; l < inp.length; l++) {
                          var cind2 = Typr._lctf.getInterval(ltab.cDef, gls[ci + 1 + l]);
                          if (-1 == cind && ltab.cDef[cind2 + 2] != inp[l]) {
                            good = false;
                        if (good) {
                          var lrs = sc.substLookupRecords;
                          for (k = 0; k < lrs.length; k += 2)
                            lrs[k], lrs[k + 1];
    return gls;
  }, Typr.U._applyType1 = function(gls, ci, tab) {
    for (var gl = gls[ci], j = 0; j < tab.tabs.length; j++) {
      var ttab = tab.tabs[j], ind = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(ttab.coverage, gl);
      -1 != ind && (1 == ttab.fmt ? gls[ci] = gls[ci] + : gls[ci] = ttab.newg[ind]);
  }, Typr.U.glyphsToPath = function(font, gls, clr) {
    for (var tpath = { cmds: [], crds: [] }, x = 0, i = 0; i < gls.length; i++) {
      var gid = gls[i];
      if (-1 != gid) {
        for (var gid2 = i < gls.length - 1 && -1 != gls[i + 1] ? gls[i + 1] : 0, path = Typr.U.glyphToPath(font, gid), j = 0; j < path.crds.length; j += 2)
          tpath.crds.push(path.crds[j] + x), tpath.crds.push(path.crds[j + 1]);
        clr && tpath.cmds.push(clr);
        for (j = 0; j < path.cmds.length; j++)
        clr && tpath.cmds.push("X"), x += font.hmtx.aWidth[gid], i < gls.length - 1 && (x += Typr.U.getPairAdjustment(font, gid, gid2));
    return tpath;
  }, Typr.U.pathToSVG = function(path, prec) {
    null == prec && (prec = 5);
    for (var out = [], co = 0, lmap = { M: 2, L: 2, Q: 4, C: 6 }, i = 0; i < path.cmds.length; i++) {
      var cmd = path.cmds[i], cn = co + (lmap[cmd] ? lmap[cmd] : 0);
      for (out.push(cmd); co < cn; ) {
        var c = path.crds[co++];
        out.push(parseFloat(c.toFixed(prec)) + (co == cn ? "" : " "));
    return out.join("");
  }, Typr.U.pathToContext = function(path, ctx) {
    for (var c = 0, crds = path.crds, j = 0; j < path.cmds.length; j++) {
      var cmd = path.cmds[j];
      "M" == cmd ? (ctx.moveTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1]), c += 2) : "L" == cmd ? (ctx.lineTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1]), c += 2) : "C" == cmd ? (ctx.bezierCurveTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1], crds[c + 2], crds[c + 3], crds[c + 4], crds[c + 5]), c += 6) : "Q" == cmd ? (ctx.quadraticCurveTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1], crds[c + 2], crds[c + 3]), c += 4) : "#" == cmd.charAt(0) ? (ctx.beginPath(), ctx.fillStyle = cmd) : "Z" == cmd ? ctx.closePath() : "X" == cmd && ctx.fill();
  }, Typr.U.P = {}, Typr.U.P.moveTo = function(p, x, y) {
    p.cmds.push("M"), p.crds.push(x, y);
  }, Typr.U.P.lineTo = function(p, x, y) {
    p.cmds.push("L"), p.crds.push(x, y);
  }, Typr.U.P.curveTo = function(p, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    p.cmds.push("C"), p.crds.push(a, b, c, d, e, f);
  }, Typr.U.P.qcurveTo = function(p, a, b, c, d) {
    p.cmds.push("Q"), p.crds.push(a, b, c, d);
  }, Typr.U.P.closePath = function(p) {
  }, Typr.U._drawCFF = function(cmds, state, font, p) {
    for (var stack = state.stack, nStems = state.nStems, haveWidth = state.haveWidth, width = state.width, open =, i = 0, x = state.x, y = state.y, c1x = 0, c1y = 0, c2x = 0, c2y = 0, c3x = 0, c3y = 0, c4x = 0, c4y = 0, jpx = 0, jpy = 0, o = { val: 0, size: 0 }; i < cmds.length; ) {
      Typr.CFF.getCharString(cmds, i, o);
      var v = o.val;
      if (i += o.size, "o1" == v || "o18" == v)
        stack.length % 2 != 0 && !haveWidth && (width = stack.shift() + font.Private.nominalWidthX), nStems += stack.length >> 1, stack.length = 0, haveWidth = true;
      else if ("o3" == v || "o23" == v) {
        stack.length % 2 != 0 && !haveWidth && (width = stack.shift() + font.Private.nominalWidthX), nStems += stack.length >> 1, stack.length = 0, haveWidth = true;
      } else if ("o4" == v)
        stack.length > 1 && !haveWidth && (width = stack.shift() + font.Private.nominalWidthX, haveWidth = true), open && Typr.U.P.closePath(p), y += stack.pop(), Typr.U.P.moveTo(p, x, y), open = true;
      else if ("o5" == v)
        for (; stack.length > 0; )
          x += stack.shift(), y += stack.shift(), Typr.U.P.lineTo(p, x, y);
      else if ("o6" == v || "o7" == v)
        for (var count = stack.length, isX = "o6" == v, j = 0; j < count; j++) {
          var sval = stack.shift();
          isX ? x += sval : y += sval, isX = !isX, Typr.U.P.lineTo(p, x, y);
      else if ("o8" == v || "o24" == v) {
        count = stack.length;
        for (var index = 0; index + 6 <= count; )
          c1x = x + stack.shift(), c1y = y + stack.shift(), c2x = c1x + stack.shift(), c2y = c1y + stack.shift(), x = c2x + stack.shift(), y = c2y + stack.shift(), Typr.U.P.curveTo(p, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y), index += 6;
        "o24" == v && (x += stack.shift(), y += stack.shift(), Typr.U.P.lineTo(p, x, y));
      } else {
        if ("o11" == v)
        if ("o1234" == v || "o1235" == v || "o1236" == v || "o1237" == v)
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        else if ("o22" == v)
          stack.length > 1 && !haveWidth && (width = stack.shift() + font.Private.nominalWidthX, haveWidth = true), x += stack.pop(), open && Typr.U.P.closePath(p), Typr.U.P.moveTo(p, x, y), open = true;
        else if ("o25" == v) {
          for (; stack.length > 6; )
            x += stack.shift(), y += stack.shift(), Typr.U.P.lineTo(p, x, y);
          c1x = x + stack.shift(), c1y = y + stack.shift(), c2x = c1x + stack.shift(), c2y = c1y + stack.shift(), x = c2x + stack.shift(), y = c2y + stack.shift(), Typr.U.P.curveTo(p, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y);
        } else if ("o26" == v)
          for (stack.length % 2 && (x += stack.shift()); stack.length > 0; )
            c1x = x, c1y = y + stack.shift(), x = c2x = c1x + stack.shift(), y = (c2y = c1y + stack.shift()) + stack.shift(), Typr.U.P.curveTo(p, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y);
        else if ("o27" == v)
          for (stack.length % 2 && (y += stack.shift()); stack.length > 0; )
            c1y = y, c2x = (c1x = x + stack.shift()) + stack.shift(), c2y = c1y + stack.shift(), x = c2x + stack.shift(), y = c2y, Typr.U.P.curveTo(p, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y);
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          if (0 == stack.length)
            console.log("error: empty stack");
          else {
            var ind = stack.pop(), subr = obj.Subrs[ind + obj.Bias];
            state.x = x, state.y = y, state.nStems = nStems, state.haveWidth = haveWidth, state.width = width, = open, Typr.U._drawCFF(subr, state, font, p), x = state.x, y = state.y, nStems = state.nStems, haveWidth = state.haveWidth, width = state.width, open =;
        } else if ("o30" == v || "o31" == v) {
          var count1 = stack.length, alternate = (index = 0, "o31" == v);
          for (index += count1 - (count = -3 & count1); index < count; )
            alternate ? (c1y = y, c2x = (c1x = x + stack.shift()) + stack.shift(), y = (c2y = c1y + stack.shift()) + stack.shift(), count - index == 5 ? (x = c2x + stack.shift(), index++) : x = c2x, alternate = false) : (c1x = x, c1y = y + stack.shift(), c2x = c1x + stack.shift(), c2y = c1y + stack.shift(), x = c2x + stack.shift(), count - index == 5 ? (y = c2y + stack.shift(), index++) : y = c2y, alternate = true), Typr.U.P.curveTo(p, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y), index += 4;
        } else {
          if ("o" == (v + "").charAt(0))
            throw console.log("Unknown operation: " + v, cmds), v;
    state.x = x, state.y = y, state.nStems = nStems, state.haveWidth = haveWidth, state.width = width, = open;
  const Typr$1 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(Typr), questionType = { "单选题": "0", "多选题": "1", "填空题": "2", "判断题": "3", "简答题": "4", "名词解释": "5", "论述题": "6", "计算题": "7" }, log = (data, type = "info") => {
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      const caller = (((_a = new Error().stack) == null ? void 0 : _a.split("\n")) || [])[2].trim();
  }, sleep = (time) => new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
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        }), { question: questionText, options: optionText, type: questionTypeId, questionData: tokenHtml, workType };
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        workType = "zy", questionHtml = Array.from(html.querySelectorAll(".mark_name")), index = questionHtml[0].innerHTML.indexOf("</span>"), questionText = cl(removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML.substring(index + 7))), questionHtml[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(",")[0], questionTypeId = html.querySelectorAll("input[name^=answertype]")[0].value, optionHtml = Array.from(html.querySelectorAll(".answer_p")), tokenHtml = html.innerHTML, optionText = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < optionHtml.length; i++)
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      case "3":
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        for (let i = 0; i < optionHtml.length; i++)
        return { question: questionText, options: optionText, type: questionTypeId, questionData: tokenHtml, workType };
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    let server = new ServerApi(windowz);
    const promises = [server.getAnswer(questionData), server.getAnswer2(questionData), server.getAnswer4(questionData)];
    return Promise.all(promises);
  }, fillAnswer = (answer, questionData, html, iframeWindow) => {
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    for (let i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
      let tmp = setAnswer(answer[i].answer, questionData, html, iframeWindow);
      if (tmp)
        return tmp;
    return false;
  }, setAnswer = (answer, questionData, html, iframeWindow) => {
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      case "1":
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          $$1(html).find("ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea").eq(matchArr[i]).click(), $$1(html).find(".answerBg").eq(matchArr[i]).click();
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      case "3":
        return answer instanceof Array && (answer = answer[0]), $$1(html).find("ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea").each(function() {
          "true" == $$1(this).val() ? answer.match(/(^|,)(True|true|正确|是|对|√|T|ri)(,|$)/) && $$1(this).click() : answer.match(/(^|,)(False|false|错误|否|错|×|F|wr)(,|$)/) && $$1(this).click();
        }), $$1(html).find(".answerBg").each(function() {
          "true" == $$1(this).find(".num_option").attr("data") ? answer.match(/(^|,)(True|true|正确|是|对|√|T|ri)(,|$)/) && $$1(this).click() : answer.match(/(^|,)(False|false|错误|否|错|×|F|wr)(,|$)/) && $$1(this).click();
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      case "2":
      case "9":
      case "4":
      case "5":
      case "6":
      case "7":
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          iframeWindow.UE.getEditor($$1(this).attr("name")).ready(function() {
            this.setContent(answer[index].replace(/第.空:/g, ""));
        }), answer);
        return false;
  }, matchAnswer = (answer, options) => {
    answer = ((answer2) => {
      if (answer2 instanceof Array) {
        answer2 = answer2.filter(function(item) {
          return null !== item;
        for (let i2 = 0; i2 < answer2.length; i2++)
          answer2[i2] = removeHtml(answer2[i2]);
      } else
        "string" == typeof answer2 && (answer2 = cl(answer2));
      return answer2;
    for (var matchArr = [], i = 0; i < answer.length; i++)
      for (var j = 0; j < options.length; j++)
        answer[i] == options[j] && matchArr.push(j);
    return matchArr;
  }, clearCurrent = (item, iframeWindow) => {
    $$1(item).find(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").each(function() {
      ($$1(this).find(".check_answer").length || $$1(this).find(".check_answer_dx").length) && $$1(this).click();
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      iframeWindow.UE.getEditor($$1(this).attr("name")).ready(function() {
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      iframeWindow.UE.getEditor($$1(this).attr("name")).ready(function() {
  }, useAskStore = pinia$1.defineStore({ id: "ask", state: () => ({ dialogVisible: true, count: 0, questionList: [], task: { name: "暂未加载", work: { questionList: [], inx: 0 }, video: [], log: [], status: "" } }), actions: { reset() { = "暂未加载", = { questionList: [], inx: 0 }, = [], this.task.status = "", this.count = 0;
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    try {[index].dom.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" });
    } catch (e) {
      log(e, "error");
  }, get(index) {
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  }, update(index, question) {[index] = question;
  }, log(msg, level = "info") {
    this.task.log.length > 20 && this.task.log.shift(), this.task.log.push({ time: (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(), msg, type: level });
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"点击打开看运行日志(等待任务加载)QQ交流群924255206代看地址ffwK.2025ffwk.sbs一定看这里不然你以为脚本没运行设置按钮在右下角红色的(宝!注意观察)" : "正在完成:" +, 1)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["icon"]), vue.createVNode(_component_el_dialog, { modelValue: _ctx.dialogVisible, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => _ctx.dialogVisible = $event), width: "400px", title: "超星学习通助手《代看地址》QQ交流群924255206", modal: false, "append-to-body": false, "lock-scroll": false, center: "", draggable: "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createVNode(_component_el_tabs, { modelValue: _ctx.activeName, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => _ctx.activeName = $event), class: "demo-tabs" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createVNode(_component_el_tab_pane, { label: "运行框", name: "first" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ > 0 ? 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(vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6, [vue.createVNode(_component_el_divider, null, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(" 接口返回 ")]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_tabs, { "tab-position": "left", style: { height: "200px" }, class: "demo-tabs" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList([].allAnswer, (item, index) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_el_tab_pane, { label: item.form }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [vue.createElementVNode("div", { innerHTML: item.answer || "暂无答案" }, null, 8, _hoisted_7), null != item.num ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_8, [vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [vue.createVNode(_component_el_tag, { class: "ml-2", type: "info" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode("已用次数:" + vue.toDisplayString(item.usenum), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1024)]), vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [vue.createVNode(_component_el_tag, { class: "ml-2", type: "success" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode("剩余次数:" + vue.toDisplayString(item.num), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1024)])])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)])]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["label"]))), 256))]), _: 1 })])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)])) : ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_9, [vue.createVNode(_component_el_alert, { title: "倍速有风险,挂科两行泪", type: "error", center: "", "show-icon": "" }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_text, { class: "mx-1", size: "large", type: "danger" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(" 正在完成视频任务 ")]), _: 1 })])) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10, [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11, [vue.createVNode(_component_el_empty, { description: }, null, 8, ["description"])])]))]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_tab_pane, { label: "运行日志", name: "second" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createVNode(_component_el_scrollbar, { height: "200px" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createVNode(_component_el_row, null, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createVNode(_component_el_col, { span: 24 }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(_ctx.task.log, (item, index) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", { key: index, class: "cx_log" }, [vue.createVNode(_component_el_text, { size: "small", type: "info", class: "mx-1" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(item.time), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1024), vue.createVNode(_component_el_text, { class: "mx-1", type: "info" == item.type ? "" : item.type }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(" " + item.msg), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["type"])]))), 128))]), _: 1 })]), _: 1 })]), _: 1 })]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_tab_pane, { label: "公告/代看!!!!", name: "msg" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createVNode(_component_el_card, { shadow: "hover" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", { innerHTML: _ctx.msg }, null, 8, _hoisted_12)]), _: 1 })]), _: 1 })]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createElementVNode("p", null, [_ctx.task.status ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_el_tag, { key: 0 }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.task.status), 1)]), _: 1 })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)])]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"])]);
  }], ["__scopeId", "data-v-f2d2b132"]]);
  class Cx {
    constructor() {
      __publicField(this, "app");
      __publicField(this, "askStore");
      __publicField(this, "ServerApi");
      __publicField(this, "defaultConfig"); = vue.createApp(Ask).use(ElementPlus).use(pinia$1.createPinia()), this.askStore = useAskStore(), this.ServerApi = new ServerApi(), this.defaultConfig = getConfig(), => {
        const div ="div");
        return = "xxxxzx", ||, div;
    innerbook() {
    async audio(iframeWindow) {
      this.askStore.reset(), = "视频音频";
      const audio = iframeWindow.document.getElementById("audio_html5_api");
      return audio.muted = true, audio.autoplay = true, audio.volume = 0, {
      }).catch(function(error) {
        "NotAllowedError" === ? ElementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("由于自动播放需要用户点击过浏览器,请确认即可", "温馨提示", { confirmButtonText: "确认", callback: () => {
        } }) : console.error("视频播放失败,原因:", error);
      }), new Promise((resolve) => {
        const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
          audio.ended ? (clearInterval(intervalId), log("监听到音频已完成", "success"), resolve()) : audio.paused &&;
        }, 1e3);
        audio.addEventListener("ended", function() {
          log("监听到音频已完成1", "success"), audio.pause(), clearInterval(intervalId), resolve();
    async video(iframeWindow) {
      this.askStore.reset(), = "视频", = 1, await waitElementLoaded(iframeWindow, "#video_html5_api"), console.log("视频加载完成");
      const player = iframeWindow.videojs("video_html5_api"), playerButton = iframeWindow.document.querySelector(".vjs-big-play-button");
      player.muted(true), player.playbackRate(16),, await new Promise((resolve) => {
        const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
          "isUnFinishJob" in iframeWindow && iframeWindow.isUnFinishJob() ? player.paused() && (playerButton == null ? void 0 : : (clearInterval(intervalId), resolve());
        }, 1e3), pauseBase = player.pause;
        player.pause = function() {
          player.currentTime() >= player.duration() && (console.log("视频播放完成"), player.pause = pauseBase, resolve());
        }, player.on("ended", () => {
          console.log("视频播放完成1"), player.pause = pauseBase, player.pause(), clearInterval(intervalId), resolve();
      }), console.log("任务点完成");
    work(iframeWindow) {
      return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        const Timu = iframeWindow.document.querySelectorAll(".TiMu");
        if (!Timu)
          return void resolve();
        let ques = [], succ = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < Timu.length; i++) {
          let data = getQuestion("1", Timu[i]);
        this.askStore.reset(), this.askStore.count = ques.length, = "章节测验";
        for (let i = 0; i < ques.length; i++) {
          await sleep(this.defaultConfig.answerInterval), this.askStore.insert(ques[i]), = i;
          let data = await getAnswers(ques[i], iframeWindow);
          this.askStore.get(i).allAnswer = data;
          let tmp = fillAnswer(data, ques[i], Timu[i], iframeWindow);
          tmp ? (this.askStore.get(i).status = "primary", this.askStore.get(i).answer = tmp, succ++) : (this.askStore.get(i).status = "danger", this.askStore.get(i).answer = "暂无答案"), this.askStore.get(i).dom = Timu[i];
        this.defaultConfig.autoSubmit ? (succ / ques.length < this.defaultConfig.minAccuracy ? (this.askStore.log("章节测验正确率不足,暂存", "error"), iframeWindow.alert = function(e) {
          console.log("alert 方法被阻止", e);
        }, iframeWindow.noSubmit()) : (iframeWindow.btnBlueSubmit(), await sleep(3), iframeWindow.submitCheckTimes(), this.askStore.log("章节测验已完成", "success")), this.askStore.task.status = `章节测验已完成,等待切换,正确率:${succ}/${ques.length}`, resolve()) : (this.askStore.log("已完成答题,未开启自动提交,等待手动提交中", "success"), this.askStore.task.status = `正在等待手动提交,正确率:${succ}/${ques.length}`);
    homework() {
      return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        const Timu = _unsafeWindow.document.querySelectorAll(".questionLi");
        if (!Timu)
          return void resolve();
        let ques = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < Timu.length; i++) {
          let data = getQuestion("2", Timu[i]);
        this.askStore.reset(), this.askStore.count = ques.length, = "作业";
        for (let i = 0; i < ques.length; i++) {
          await sleep(this.defaultConfig.answerInterval), this.askStore.insert(ques[i]), = i;
          let data = await getAnswers(ques[i]);
          this.askStore.get(i).allAnswer = data;
          let tmp = fillAnswer(data, ques[i], Timu[i], _unsafeWindow);
          tmp ? (this.askStore.get(i).status = "primary", this.askStore.get(i).answer = tmp) : (this.askStore.get(i).status = "danger", this.askStore.get(i).answer = "暂无答案"), this.askStore.get(i).dom = Timu[i];
    exam() {
      return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        this.askStore.reset(), this.askStore.count = 1, = "考试";
        let data = getQuestion("3", _unsafeWindow.document.body);
        this.askStore.insert(data), = 0;
        let data1 = await getAnswers(data);
        this.askStore.get(0).allAnswer = data1;
        let tmp = fillAnswer(data1, data, document.getElementsByClassName("mark_table")[0], _unsafeWindow);
        if (tmp ? (this.askStore.get(0).status = "primary", this.askStore.get(0).answer = tmp) : (this.askStore.get(0).status = "danger", this.askStore.get(0).answer = "暂无答案"), this.defaultConfig.autoExam) {
          await sleep(this.defaultConfig.answerInterval);
          const nextButton = $('.nextDiv .jb_btn:contains("下一题")');
          nextButton ? : (this.askStore.log("已完成答题,请自行检查答案填写后自行提交", "success"), this.askStore.task.status = "已完成答题,请自行检查答案填写后自行提交");
        } else
          this.askStore.task.status = "QQ交流群924255206代看地址ffwK.2025ffwk.sbs未开启自动切换,等待手动切换";
    pdf(iframeWindow) {
      return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        const contentWindow = iframeWindow.document.querySelector("#panView").contentWindow;
        contentWindow.scrollTo(0, contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight), resolve();
    async s(iframeWindow) {
      const questionList = $(iframeWindow.document).find(".TiMu").map(function(index, element) {
        try {
          let questionHtml, questionText, questionType$1, questionAnswer, questionOption = [], questionAnalysis = "";
          switch (questionHtml = $(element).find(".Zy_TItle .clearfix"), questionText = removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML), questionType$1 = questionText.match(/^\【(.+?)\】/)[1], questionText = questionText.replace(questionText.match(/^\【(.+?)\】/)[0], ""), questionType$1) {
            case "单选题":
            case "多选题":
              return questionOption = $(element).find("ul>li").map(function(inx, item) {
                return removeHtml($(item).find("a").html());
              }).get(), null;
            case "判断题":
              if (questionAnalysis = removeHtml($(element).find(".Py_addpy:eq(0)").html() || ""), element.innerHTML.includes("正确答案"))
                questionAnswer = removeHtml($(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix>span").html());
              else {
                const match = $(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix").html().match(/^(.*?)(?=<i class="fr (dui|cuo)"><\/i>)/s), result = match ? match[1] : "";
                questionAnswer = removeHtml(result);
              if (questionAnswer.includes("正确答案"))
                questionAnswer = questionAnswer.replace("正确答案:", "").trim();
              else if ($(element).find(".fr.dui").length > 0)
                questionAnswer = questionAnswer.replace("我的答案:", "").trim();
              else {
                if (!questionAnswer.replace("我的答案:", "").trim().includes("√") && !questionAnswer.replace("我的答案:", "").trim().includes("×"))
                  return null;
                questionAnswer = "√" == questionAnswer.replace("我的答案:", "").trim() ? "×" : "√";
            case "填空题":
              if (questionAnswer = $("span.font14", $(element)).map(function(inx, item) {
                return removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^第.空:/, "").trim();
              }).get(), 0 == questionAnswer.length) {
                if (questionAnswer = $(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix>div>div[class='font14']"), !(questionAnswer.length = $(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix>div>div[class='font14']>>.fr.dui").length))
                  return null;
                questionAnswer =, item) {
                  return removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^第.空:/, "").trim();
              return null;
          return { question: questionText, options: questionOption, type: questionType[questionType$1], answer: questionAnswer };
        } catch {
          return null;
      await this.ServerApi.s(questionList, iframeWindow.location.href);
  const pinia = pinia$1.createPinia(), app = vue.createApp(App).use(ElementPlus).use(pinia), _self = _unsafeWindow, top =, formStore = useformStore();
  var iframeCom = null;
  switch (app.mount((() => {
    try {
      const div = top.document.createElement("div");
      return = "cccxapp", top.document.getElementById( ? div : (top.document.body.append(div), div);
    } catch (e) {
      log(e, "error");
  })()), (() => {
    document.body.oncopy = null, document.body.oncut = null, document.body.onpaste = null, document.body.onselectstart = null, document.body.ondragstart = null;
    const style = document.createElement("style");
    style.innerHTML = "\n       * {\n           -webkit-user-select: auto !important;\n           -moz-user-select: auto !important;\n           -o-user-select: auto !important;\n           user-select: auto !important;\n       }\n   ", document.head.appendChild(style);
  })(), _self.location.pathname) {
    case "/work/doHomeWorkNew":
    case "/mooc-ans/work/doHomeWorkNew":
    case "/mooc2-ans/work/doHomeWorkNew":
      location.href.includes("mooc2=1") && (location.href = location.href.replace(/&mooc2=1/g, ""));
    case "/mycourse/studentstudy":
      if (!_self.location.href.match(/mooc2=1/)) {
        ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title: "Auto Ask", message: "暂不支持旧版章节,请自行切换至新版QQ交流群924255206,Q群:808911108(群里有刷课软件分享)代看地址", type: "error" });
      const cxModel = new Cx();
      cxModel.askStore.log("脚本初始化成功QQ交流群924255206!", "success");
      const startWork = async () => {
        var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
        await waitElementLoaded(_self, "#iframe");
        const cardsIframe = _self.document.querySelector("#iframe");
        await waitIframeLoaded(cardsIframe);
        const _self1 = cardsIframe.contentWindow;
        let jobList = _self1.document.querySelectorAll(".ans-job-icon") || [];
        for (let i = 0; i < jobList.length; i++) {
          const item = jobList[i];
          if ((_a = item.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _a.classList.contains("ans-job-finished")) {
            const iframe = (_b = item.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _b.querySelector("iframe");
            if (iframe == null ? void 0 : iframe.src.match(/\/ananas\/modules\/work\/index.html/)) {
              await waitIframeLoaded(iframe), JSON.parse(iframe.getAttribute("data"));
              const workIframe = (_c = iframe.contentWindow) == null ? void 0 : _c.document.querySelector("iframe");
              workIframe && (await waitIframeLoaded(workIframe), cxModel.s(workIframe.contentWindow));
            console.log(iframe.src, "已完成"), cxModel.askStore.log("已完成的任务点,跳过");
          } else {
            const iframe = (_d = item.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _d.querySelector("iframe");
            await waitIframeLoaded(iframe);
            const otherInfo = JSON.parse(iframe.getAttribute("data"));
            if (cxModel.askStore.log(`正在完成任务:${ || otherInfo.title}`), iframe == null ? void 0 : iframe.src.match(/\/ananas\/modules\/video\/index\.html/))
              await, cxModel.askStore.log("视频任务已完成", "success");
            else if (iframe == null ? void 0 : iframe.src.match(/\/ananas\/modules\/work\/index.html/)) {
              const workIframe = (_e = iframe.contentWindow) == null ? void 0 : _e.document.querySelector("iframe");
              workIframe && (await waitIframeLoaded(workIframe), await, cxModel.askStore.log("作业任务已完成", "success"));
            } else
              (iframe == null ? void 0 : iframe.src.match(/\/ananas\/modules\/audio\/index.html/)) ? (log("音频", "error"), iframe && (await waitIframeLoaded(iframe), await, cxModel.askStore.log("音频任务已完成", "success"))) : (iframe == null ? void 0 : iframe.src.match(/\/ananas\/modules\/pdf\/index.html/)) ? (log("文档", "error"), iframe && (await waitIframeLoaded(iframe), await cxModel.pdf(iframe.contentWindow), cxModel.askStore.log("pdf任务已完成", "success"))) : (console.log(iframe == null ? void 0 : iframe.src, "未知"), cxModel.askStore.log("未知任务跳过", "success"));
        await sleep(formStore.forminput.interval), !formStore.forminput.autoJump && cxModel.askStore.msg("QQ交流群924255206,Q群:808911108(群里有刷课软件分享)代看地址ffwK.2025ffwk.sbs由于未开启自动切换,请手动切换"), formStore.forminput.autoJump && (top == null ? void 0 : top.document.querySelector(".nextChapter").click());
      setInterval(async () => {
        await waitElementLoaded(_self, "#iframe");
        const cardsIframe = _self.document.querySelector("#iframe");
        await waitIframeLoaded(cardsIframe);
        const _self1 = cardsIframe.contentWindow;
        iframeCom != _self1.location.href && (iframeCom = _self1.location.href, cxModel.askStore.reset(), startWork());
      }, 2e3);
    case "/work/selectWorkQuestionYiPiYue":
    case "/knowledge/cards":
    case "/mooc2/work/dowork":
    case "/mooc-ans/mooc2/work/dowork":
      const cxModel1 = new Cx();
      cxModel1.askStore.log("脚本初始化成功!", "success"), await( cxModel1.homework());
    case "/exam-ans/exam/test/reVersionTestStartNew":
      const cxModel2 = new Cx();
      cxModel2.askStore.log("脚本初始化成功!", "success"), await( cxModel2.exam());

})(Vue, Pinia, ElementPlus, md5, $);