Greasy Fork



这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v2.4 2024-12-01

    1.fix GM.setValue,GM.getValue bug in violentmonkey.
    2.add namespace.

  • v2.3 2024-11-30

    re-format code

  • v2.2 2024-11-30
  • v2.2 2024-11-30

    fix menu can't hide bug

  • v2.1 2024-11-30

    fix the first post after refresh can't apply auto mode problem

  • v2.0 2024-11-30
  • v2.0 2024-11-30

    add the automatic mode
    add the menu
    add the scroll to button function
    ctrl key behavior change : add the reverse mode
    detect object : remove the setTimeout, change to use setInterval to detect certain object(thanks copilot!)

  • v1.7 2024-05-13

    1.Add "Most recent" Mode, and you can use double click and Ctrl + double click to switch between "All comments" and "Most recent".

    2.Reel problem fix - facebook has a bug for Reel, if you switched to "All comments" mode then go next post, next post will still show "All comments", but actually shows "Most relevant" comments, I can't fix facebook's bug, so i make this script works even when the mode is "All comments".

    3.Detect array update - as stated above, i have to increase the array size and Reel has the "Newest" mode, instead of "Most Recent" mode, i think they are the same thing. Anyway, don't know why Facebook decide put "Newest" only in reel.

  • v1.6 2024-04-28

    Support Slovak, Slovenian.

  • v1.5 2024-04-28
  • v1.4 2024-04-24

    support Hungarian.

  • v1.3 2024-02-23

    add 'Most applicable' detector, i guess it just appear in marketplace item's post

  • v1.2 2024-02-22

    bug fix

  • v1.1 2024-02-22

    add Chinese(T&S) info

  • v1.0 2024-02-22