Greasy Fork

osu! Beatmap Mirror

Adds a mirror link to osu! download pages

// ==UserScript==
// @name       osu! Beatmap Mirror
// @version    1.6
// @description  Adds a mirror link to osu! download pages
// @include     http*://*
// @include     http*://*
// @include     http*://*
// @copyright   Ace3DF, 2014
// @grant       none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

// Beatmap search page
// Search for each beatmap element
var search = document.getElementsByClassName("beatmap");
// For each beatmap element stored in search, run a loop to add html to each element
for(i = 0; i < search.length; i++){
    // Get beatmap ID
    var BeatmapID = search[i].getAttribute('id');
    // Find tag location
    var html = search[i].getElementsByClassName("tags")[0];
    html.innerHTML = html.innerHTML + ' <a href=""> » </a> <a href="' + BeatmapID + '"> Bloodcat </a> ';
    html.innerHTML = html.innerHTML + ' <a href="' + BeatmapID + '"> loli</a> ';
    html.innerHTML = html.innerHTML + ' <a href="' + BeatmapID + '"></a> ';

// Beatmap Page
var beatmapID = document.getElementsByClassName('bmt')[0].src;
beatmapID = beatmapID.split( '/' )[4];
beatmapID = beatmapID.split( '.' )[0];
beatmapID = beatmapID.replace(/l/, '');

// Check if URL is a number (map) and not just a normal page
if (!isNaN(beatmapID)) { 
    // Find the header HTML to edit and add the links
    var html = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]; // Get location to add the link to the site
    html.innerHTML = html.innerHTML + "<br>Mirror Links »<a href='" + beatmapID + "'> Bloodcat</a>"; //Add Bloodcat
    html.innerHTML = html.innerHTML + " - <a href='" + beatmapID + "'> loli</a>"; //Add loli
    html.innerHTML = html.innerHTML + " - <a href='" + beatmapID + "'></a>"; //Add