Add a button on the plugin homepage and click to get the plugin activation code
< 脚本JetBra的反馈
彩虹括号激活时间超过两年就失效了 可以改下脚本把激活时间改成2年。
function buildLicensePartJson(pluginCode, licenseId) { // 获取当前日期 let currentDate = new Date(); // 当前日期加两年 let futureDateTwoYears = new Date(currentDate); futureDateTwoYears.setFullYear(futureDateTwoYears.getFullYear() + 2); let formattedDateTwoYears = futureDateTwoYears.toISOString().split('T')[0]; // 默认日期 let fallbackDate = formattedDateTwoYears; let paidUpTo = formattedDateTwoYears; return JSON.stringify({ "licenseId": licenseId, "licenseeName": "reborn", "assigneeName": "reborn", "assigneeEmail": "", "licenseRestriction": "", "checkConcurrentUse": false, "products": [{ "code": pluginCode, "fallbackDate": fallbackDate, "paidUpTo": paidUpTo, "extended": false }], "metadata": "0120230102PPAA013009", "hash": "41472961/0:1563609451", "gracePeriodDays": 7, "autoProlongated": true, "isAutoProlongated": true }); }
彩虹括号激活时间超过两年就失效了 可以改下脚本把激活时间改成2年。