Greasy Fork


Base library usable any time.

目前为 2023-10-19 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

// ==UserScript==
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name        NH_base
// @description Base library usable any time.
// @version     9
// @license     GPL-3.0-or-later;
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @match*
// ==/UserLibrary==
// ==/UserScript==

window.NexusHoratio ??= {};

window.NexusHoratio.base = (function base() {
  'use strict';

  const version = 9;

  const NOT_FOUND = -1;

  const testing = {
    enabled: false,
    funcs: [],
    testCases: [],

  /** Accumulated results from running a TestCase. */
  class TestResult {
    // TODO

   * An xUnit style test framework.
   * Many expected methods exist, such as setUp, setUpClass, addCleanup,
   * addClassCleanup, etc.  No tearDown methods, however; use addCleanup.
   * Generally, register the class with a test runner that will do them all in
   * turn.  One approach is to use a static initializer block at the top of
   * the class.
  class TestCase {

    /** Instantiate a TestCase. */
    constructor() {
      if ( === TestCase) {
        throw new TypeError('Abstract class; do not instantiate directly.');

     * Instantiate this class and execute the tests.
     * @returns {TestResult} - Collected results.
    static run() {
      const result = new TestResult();

      try {

        // TODO: introspection to find test methods and execute them.

      } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof TestCase.Skip) {
          // TODO: add skip stuff to result
        } else {
          // TODO: add failed stuff to result
      } finally {
      return result;

    /** Called once before any instances are created. */
    static setUpClass() {
      // Empty.

     * Register a function with arguments to run after all tests in the class
     * have ran.
     * @param {function} func - Function to call.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary arguments to func.
    static addClassCleanup(func, {
      this.classCleanups.push([func, rest]);

    /** Execute all functions registered with addClassCleanup. */
    static doClassCleanups() {
      while (this.classCleanups.length) {
        const [func, rest] = this.classCleanups.pop();
        // TODO: decide how resistant these should be to exceptions

    static Skip = class extends Error {}

    /** Called once before each test method. */
    setUp() {  // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
      // Empty.

     * Register a function with arguments to run after a test.
     * @param {function} func - Function to call.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary arguments to func.
    addCleanup(func, {
      this.#cleanups.push([func, rest]);

    // TODO: Add assertions as needed.

    static classCleanups = [];

    #cleanups = [];


  /** Test TestCase. */
  class TestTestCase extends TestCase {



   * A Number like class that supports operations.
   * For lack of any other standard, methods will be named like those in
   * Python's operator module.
   * All operations should return `this` to allow chaining.
   * The existence of the valueOf(), toString() and toJSON() methods will
   * probably allow this class to work in many situations through type
   * coercion.
  class NumberOp {

    /** @param {number} value - Initial value, parsed by Number(). */
    constructor(value) {

    /** @returns {number} - Current value. */
    valueOf() {
      return this.#value;

    /** @returns {string} - Current value. */
    toString() {
      return `${this.valueOf()}`;

    /** @returns {number} - Current value. */
    toJSON() {
      return this.valueOf();

     * @param {number} value - Number to assign.
     * @returns {NumberOp} - This instance.
    assign(value = 0) {
      this.#value = Number(value);
      return this;

     * @param {number} value - Number to add.
     * @returns {NumberOp} - This instance.
    add(value) {
      this.#value += Number(value);
      return this;



  /* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
  /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
  /* eslint-disable max-statements */
  /** Test case. */
  function testNumberOp() {

     * @typedef {object} NumberOpTest
     * @property {function()} test - Function to execute.
     * @property {*} expect - Expected results.

    /** @type {Map<string,NumberOpTest>} */
    const tests = new Map();

    tests.set('valueOfDefault', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp();
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 0});

    tests.set('valueOfExplicitNumber', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(42);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 42});

    tests.set('valueOfExplicitString', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp('52');
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 52});

    tests.set('valueOfNull', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(null);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 0});

    tests.set('valueOfUndefined', {test: () => {
      const obj = {};
      const x = new NumberOp(obj.undef);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 0});

    tests.set('toString', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(123);
      return x.toString();
    expected: '123'});

    tests.set('toStringNull', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(null);
      return x.toString();
    expected: '0'});

    tests.set('toStringUndefined', {test: () => {
      const obj = {};
      const x = new NumberOp(obj.undef);
      return x.toString();
    expected: '0'});

    tests.set('templateLiteral', {test: () => {
      const val = new NumberOp(456);
      return `abc${val}xyz`;
    expected: 'abc456xyz'});

    tests.set('basicMathInfixFirstOperand', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(124);
      return x + 6;
    expected: 130});

    tests.set('basicMathInfixSecondOperand', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(5);
      return 3 + x;
    expected: 8});

    tests.set('basicStringInfixFirstOperand', {test: () => {
      const s = 'abc';
      const x = new NumberOp(123);
      return s + x;
    expected: 'abc123'});

    tests.set('basicStringInfixSecondOperand', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(789);
      const s = 'xyz';
      return x + s;
    expected: '789xyz'});

    tests.set('assignOp', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(123);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 42});

    tests.set('assignOpNull', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(123);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 0});

    tests.set('assignOpUndefined', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(123);
      const obj = {};

      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 0});

    tests.set('addOpNumber', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(3);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 4});

    tests.set('addOpString', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(1);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 6});

    tests.set('addOpNumberOp', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(3);
      const y = new NumberOp(8);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 11});

    tests.set('addOpNegative', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp(8);
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: -8});

    tests.set('addOpChaining', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp();
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 6});

    tests.set('generalOpChaining', {test: () => {
      const x = new NumberOp();
      return x.valueOf();
    expected: 42});

    for (const [name, {test, expected}] of tests) {
      const actual = test();
      const passed = actual === expected;
      const msg = `t:${name} e:${expected} a:${actual} p:${passed}`;
      if (!passed) {
        throw new Error(msg);

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Subclass of {Map} similar to Python's defaultdict.
   * First argument is a factory function that will create a new default value
   * for the key if not already present in the container.
   * The factory function may take arguments.  If `.get()` is called with
   * extra arguments, those will be passed to the factory if it needed.
  class DefaultMap extends Map {

     * @param {function(...args) : *} factory - Function that creates a new
     * default value if a requested key is not present.
     * @param {Iterable} [iterable] - Passed to {Map} super().
    constructor(factory, iterable) {
      if (!(factory instanceof Function)) {
        throw new TypeError('The factory argument MUST be of ' +
                            `type Function, not ${typeof factory}.`);

      this.#factory = factory;

     * Enhanced version of `Map.prototype.get()`.
     * @param {*} key - The key of the element to return from this instance.
     * @param {...*} args - Extra arguments passed tot he factory function if
     * it is called.
     * @returns {*} - The value associated with the key, perhaps newly
     * created.
    get(key, ...args) {
      if (!this.has(key)) {
        this.set(key, this.#factory(...args));

      return super.get(key);



  /* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
  /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
  /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
  /** Test case. */
  function testDefaultMap() {

     * @typedef {object} DefaultMapTest
     * @property {function()} test - Function to execute.
     * @property {*} expected - Expected results.

    /** @type {Map<string,DefaultMapTest>} */
    const tests = new Map();

    tests.set('noFactory', {test: () => {
      try {
        const dummy = new DefaultMap();
      } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof TypeError) {
          return 'caught';
      return 'oops';
    expected: 'caught'});

    tests.set('badFactory', {test: () => {
      try {
        const dummy = new DefaultMap('a');
      } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof TypeError) {
          return 'caught';
      return 'oops';
    expected: 'caught'});

    tests.set('withIterable', {test: () => {
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(Number, [[1, 'one'], [2, 'two']]);
      dummy.set(3, ['a', 'b']);
      return JSON.stringify(Array.from(dummy.entries()));
    expected: '[[1,"one"],[2,"two"],[3,["a","b"]],[4,0]]'});

    tests.set('counter', {test: () => {
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(() => new NumberOp());
      return JSON.stringify(Array.from(dummy.entries()));
    expected: '[["a",0],["b",2],["c",0]]'});

    tests.set('array', {test: () => {
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(Array);
      dummy.get('a').push(1, 2, 3);
      dummy.get('b').push(4, 5, 6);
      dummy.get('a').push('one', 'two', 'three');
      return JSON.stringify(Array.from(dummy.entries()));
    expected: '[["a",[1,2,3,"one","two","three"]],["b",[4,5,6]]]'});

    tests.set('factoryWithArgs', {test: () => {
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(x => new NumberOp(x));
      const a = dummy.get('a');
      const b = dummy.get('b', 5);
      return JSON.stringify([a, b]);
    expected: '[0,5]'});

    for (const [name, {test, expected}] of tests) {
      const actual = test();
      const passed = actual === expected;
      const msg = `t:${name} e:${expected} a:${actual} p:${passed}`;
      if (!passed) {
        throw new Error(msg);

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Fancy-ish log messages.
   * Console message groups can be started and ended using special methods.
   * @example
   * const log = new Logger('Bob');
   * foo(x) {
   *  const me = 'foo';
   *  log.entered(me, x);
   *  ... do stuff ...
   *  log.starting('loop');
   *  for (const item in items) {
   *    log.log(`Processing ${item}`);
   *    ...
   *  }
   *  log.finished('loop');
   *  log.leaving(me, y);
   *  return y;
   * }
   * Logger.config('Bob').enabled = true;
   * Logger.config('Bob').group('foo').mode = 'silenced');
  class Logger {

    /** @param {string} name - Name for this logger. */
    constructor(name) {
      this.#name = name;
      this.#config = Logger.config(name);
      Logger.#loggers.get(this.#name).push(new WeakRef(this));

    /** @type {object} - Logger configurations. */
    static get configs() {
      return Logger.#toPojo();

    /** @param {object} val - Logger configurations. */
    static set configs(val) {

    /** @type {string[]} - Names of known loggers. */
    static get loggers() {
      return Array.from(this.#loggers.keys());

     * Get configuration of a specific Logger.
     * @param {string} name - Logger configuration to get.
     * @returns {Logger.Config} - Current config for that Logger.
    static config(name) {
      return this.#configs.get(name);

    /** Reset all configs to an empty state. */
    static resetConfigs() {

    /** Clear the console. */
    static clear() {

    /** @type {boolean} - Whether logging is currently enabled. */
    get enabled() {
      return this.#config.enabled;

    /** @type {string} - Name for this logger. */
    get name() {
      return this.#name;

    /** @type {boolean} - Indicates whether current group is silenced. */
    get silenced() {
      let ret = false;
      const group =;
      if (group) {
        const mode =;
        ret = mode === Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced;
      return ret;

    /** @type {boolean} - Indicates whether messages include a stack trace. */
    get includeStackTrace() {
      return this.#config.includeStackTrace;

     * Log a specific message.
     * @param {string} msg - Message to send to console.debug.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    log(msg, {

     * Indicate entered a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group that was entered.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    entered(group, {
      this.#intro(group, Logger.#GroupMode.Opened,;

     * Indicate leaving a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group leaving.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    leaving(group, {

     * Indicate starting a specific collapsed group.
     * @param {string} group - Group that is being started.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    starting(group, {
      this.#intro(group, Logger.#GroupMode.Closed,;

     * Indicate finishe a specific collapsed group.
     * @param {string} group - Group that was entered.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    finished(group, {

    static #configs = new DefaultMap(() => new Logger.#Config());
    static #loggers = new DefaultMap(Array);

     * Set Logger configs from a plain object.
     * @param {object} pojo - Created by {Logger.#toPojo}.
    static #fromPojo = (pojo) => {
      if (pojo && pojo.type === 'LoggerConfigs') {
        for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(pojo.entries)) {

    /** @returns {object} - Logger.#configs as a plain object. */
    static #toPojo = () => {
      const pojo = {
        type: 'LoggerConfigs',
        entries: {},
      for (const [k, v] of this.#configs.entries()) {
        pojo.entries[k] = v.toPojo();
      return pojo;

    /* eslint-disable no-console */
    static #clear = () => {

     * Log a specific message.
     * @param {string} msg - Message to send to console.debug.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    #log = (msg, => {
      const group =;
      if (this.enabled && !this.silenced) {
        if (this.includeStackTrace) {
          console.groupCollapsed(`${} call stack`);
        console.debug(`${}: ${msg}`,;

     * Introduces a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group being created.
     * @param {Logger.#GroupMode} defaultMode - Mode to use if new.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    #intro = (group, defaultMode, => {
      const mode =, defaultMode).mode;

      if (this.enabled && mode !== Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced) {
        console[mode.func](`${}: ${group}`);

      if (rest.length) {
        const msg = `${mode.greeting} ${group} with`;

     * Concludes a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group leaving.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    #outro = (group, => {
      const mode =;

      let msg = `${mode.farewell} ${group}`;
      if (rest.length) {
        msg += ' with:';

      const lastGroup = this.#groupStack.pop();
      if (group !== lastGroup) {
        console.error(`${}: Group mismatch!  Passed ` +
                      `"${group}", expected to see "${lastGroup}"`);

      if (this.enabled && mode !== Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced) {
    /* eslint-enable */

    static #Config = class {

      /** @type {NumberOp} */
      get callCount() {
        return this.#callCount;

      /** @type {boolean} - Whether logging is currently enabled. */
      get enabled() {
        return this.#enabled;

      /** @param {boolean} val - Set whether logging is currently enabled. */
      set enabled(val) {
        this.#enabled = Boolean(val);

      /** @type {Map<string,Logger.#Group>} - Per group settings. */
      get groups() {
        return this.#groups;

      /** @type {boolean} - Whether messages include a stack trace. */
      get includeStackTrace() {
        return this.#includeStackTrace;

      /** @param {boolean} val - Set inclusion of stack traces. */
      set includeStackTrace(val) {
        this.#includeStackTrace = Boolean(val);

       * @param {string} name - Name of the group to get.
       * @param {Logger.#GroupMode} mode - Default mode if not seen before.
       * @returns {Logger.#Group} - Requested group, perhaps newly made.
      group(name, mode) {
        const sanitizedName = name ?? 'null';
        const defaultMode = mode ?? 'opened';
        return this.#groups.get(sanitizedName, defaultMode);

       * Capture that the associated Logger was used.
       * @param {string} name - Which group was used.
      used(name) {
        const grp =;


      /** @returns {object} - Config as a plain object. */
      toPojo() {
        const pojo = {
          callCount: this.callCount.valueOf(),
          enabled: this.enabled,
          includeStackTrace: this.includeStackTrace,
          groups: {},

        for (const [k, v] of this.groups) {
          pojo.groups[k] = {
            callCount: v.callCount.valueOf(),

        return pojo;

      /** @param {object} pojo - Config as a plain object. */
      fromPojo(pojo) {
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'callCount')) {
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'enabled')) {
          this.enabled = pojo.enabled;
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'includeStackTrace')) {
          this.includeStackTrace = pojo.includeStackTrace;
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'groups')) {
          for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(pojo.groups)) {
            const gm = Logger.#GroupMode.byName(v.mode);
            if (gm) {
              const grp =;
              grp.mode = gm;

      #callCount = new NumberOp();
      #enabled = false;
      #includeStackTrace = false;
      #groups = new DefaultMap(x => new Logger.#Group(x));


    static #Group = class {

      /** @param {Logger.#GroupMode} mode - Initial mode for this group. */
      constructor(mode) {
        this.mode = mode;

      /** @type {NumberOp} */
      get callCount() {
        return this.#callCount;

      /** @type {Logger.#GroupMode} */
      get mode() {
        return this.#mode;

      /** @param {Logger.#GroupMode} val - Mode to set this group. */
      set mode(val) {
        let newVal = val;
        if (!(newVal instanceof Logger.#GroupMode)) {
          newVal = Logger.#GroupMode.byName(newVal);
        if (newVal) {
          this.#mode = newVal;

      #callCount = new NumberOp();


    /** Enum/helper for Logger groups. */
    static #GroupMode = class {

       * @param {string} name - Mode name.
       * @param {string} [greeting] - Greeting when opening group.
       * @param {string} [farewell] - Salutation when closing group.
       * @param {string} [func] - console.func to use for opening group.
      constructor(name, greeting, farewell, func) {  // eslint-disable-line max-params
        this.#farewell = farewell;
        this.#func = func;
        this.#greeting = greeting;
        this.#name = name;

        Logger.#GroupMode.#known.set(name, this);


       * Find GroupMode by name.
       * @param {string} name - Mode name.
       * @returns {GroupMode} - Mode, if found.
      static byName(name) {
        return this.#known.get(name);

      /** @type {string} - Mode name. */
      get name() {
        return this.#name;

      /** @type {string} - Greeting when opening group. */
      get greeting() {
        return this.#greeting;

      /** @type {string} - Farewell when closing group. */
      get farewell() {
        return this.#farewell;

      /** @type {string} - console.func to use for opening group. */
      get func() {
        return this.#func;

      static #known = new Map();



    static {
      Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced = new Logger.#GroupMode('silenced');
      Logger.#GroupMode.Opened = new Logger.#GroupMode(
        'opened', 'Entered', 'Leaving', 'group'
      Logger.#GroupMode.Closed = new Logger.#GroupMode(
        'closed', 'Starting', 'Finished', 'groupCollapsed'


    // JavaScript does not support friend type access, so embedded these
    // tests.
    static #testGroupMode

    static {

      /* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
      /** Test case. */
      Logger.#testGroupMode = () => {
        const tests = new Map();

        tests.set('classIsFrozen', {test: () => {
          try {
            Logger.#GroupMode.Bob = {};
          } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof TypeError) {
              return 'cold';
          return 'hot';
        expected: 'cold'});

        tests.set('instanceIsFrozen', {test: () => {
          try {
            Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced.newProp = 'data';
          } catch (e) {
            if (e.message.includes('newProp')) {
              return 'cold';
            return 'exception message missing newProp';
          return 'hot';
        expected: 'cold'});

        tests.set('byName', {test: () => {
          const gm = Logger.#GroupMode.byName('closed');
          return gm;
        expected: Logger.#GroupMode.Closed});

        tests.set('byNameBad', {test: () => {
          const gm = Logger.#GroupMode.byName('bob');
          if (!gm) {
            return 'expected-missing-bob';
          return 'confused-bob';
        expected: 'expected-missing-bob'});

        for (const [name, {test, expected}] of tests) {
          const actual = test();
          const passed = actual === expected;
          const msg = `t:${name} e:${expected} a:${actual} p:${passed}`;
          if (!passed) {
            throw new Error(msg);

      /* eslint-enable */

      Logger.#testGroupMode.testName = 'testLoggerGroupMode';


    #groupStack = [];


  /* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
  /* eslint-disable max-statements */
  /** Test case. */
  function testLogger() {
    const tests = new Map();

    tests.set('testReset', {test: () => {
      Logger.config('testReset').enabled = true;
      return JSON.stringify(Logger.configs.entries);
    expected: '{}'});

    tests.set('defaultDisabled', {test: () => {
      const config = Logger.config('defaultDisabled');
      return config.enabled;
    expected: false});

    tests.set('defaultNoStackTraces', {test: () => {
      const config = Logger.config('defaultNoStackTraces');
      return config.includeStackTrace;
    expected: false});

    tests.set('defaultNoGroups', {test: () => {
      const config = Logger.config('defaultNoGroups');
      return config.groups.size;
    expected: 0});

    tests.set('openedGroup', {test: () => {
      const logger = new Logger('openedGroup');
      return Logger.config('openedGroup').groups.get('ent');
    expected: 'opened'});

    tests.set('closedGroup', {test: () => {
      const logger = new Logger('closedGroup');
      return Logger.config('closedGroup').groups.get('start');
    expected: 'closed'});

    tests.set('countsCollected', {test: () => {
      const me = 'countsCollected';
      const logger = new Logger(me);
      const results = [];

      // Results in counts

      // No count because no message logged

      // The extra causes a log message
      logger.entered('ent2', 'extra');

      // Count in group

      // Outros cause logs
      logger.leaving('ent1', 'extra');

      for (const [name, group] of Logger.config(me).groups) {
        results.push(name, group.callCount);

      return JSON.stringify(results);
    expected: '[6,"null",2,"ent1",1,"ent2",3]'});

    tests.set('expectMismatchedGroup', {test: () => {
      // This test requires manual verification that an error message was
      // logged:
      // <name>: Group mismatch!  Passed "two", expected to see "one"
      const logger = new Logger('expectMismatchedGroup');
      return 'x';
    expected: 'x'});

    tests.set('updateGroupByString', {test: () => {
      const logger = new Logger('updateGroupByString');
      Logger.config('updateGroupByString').group('one').mode = 'silenced';
      return Logger.config('updateGroupByString').group('one');
    expected: 'silenced'});

    tests.set('restoreConfigsBools', {test: () => {
      const me = 'restoreConfigsBools';
      const results = [];

      Logger.config(me).includeStackTrace = true;
      const oldConfigs = Logger.configs;


      // Bob is not in oldConfigs, so should go back to the default (false)
      // after restoring the configs.
      Logger.config('Bob').enabled = true;
      Logger.configs = oldConfigs;

      return JSON.stringify(results);
    expected: '[true,false,true,false]'});

    tests.set('restoreConfigsGroups', {test: () => {
      const me = 'restoreConfigsGroups';
      const results = [];

      const logger = new Logger(me);

      const saved = Logger.configs;

      Logger.configs = saved;

      return JSON.stringify(results);
    expected: '["closed","opened","closed"]'});

    const savedConfigs = Logger.configs;
    for (const [name, {test, expected}] of tests) {
      const actual = test();
      const passed = actual === expected;
      const msg = `t:${name} e:${expected} a:${actual} p:${passed}`;
      if (!passed) {
        throw new Error(msg);
    Logger.configs = savedConfigs;

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Basic test runner.
   * This depends on {Logger}, hence the location in this file.
  function runTests() {
    testing.log = new Logger('Testing');
    let savedConfigs = null;

    /** Execute function test for each one registered. */
    const doFunctionTests = () => {
      const me = 'Running function tests';

      for (const test of testing.funcs) {
        const name = || test.testName;
        savedConfigs = Logger.configs;
        Logger.configs = savedConfigs;


    /** Execute for each one registered. */
    const doTestCases = () => {
      const me = 'Running TestCases';

      for (const test of testing.testCases) {
        const name =;
        savedConfigs = Logger.configs;
        const results =;
        Logger.configs = savedConfigs;
        testing.log.log('results:', results);


    if (testing.enabled) {
      testing.log.log('All tests passed.');

  } = runTests;

   * Create a UUID-like string with a base.
   * @param {string} strBase - Base value for the string.
   * @returns {string} - A unique string.
  function uuId(strBase) {
    return `${strBase}-${crypto.randomUUID()}`;

   * Normalizes a string to be safe to use as an HTML element id.
   * @param {string} input - The string to normalize.
   * @returns {string} - Normlized string.
  function safeId(input) {
    let result = input
      .replaceAll(' ', '-')
      .replaceAll('.', '_')
      .replaceAll(',', '__comma__')
      .replaceAll(':', '__colon__');
    if (!(/^[a-z_]/iu).test(result)) {
      result = `a${result}`;
    return result;

  /** Test case. */
  function testSafeId() {
    const tests = [
      {test: 'Tabby Cat', expected: 'Tabby-Cat'},
      {test: '_', expected: '_'},
      {test: '', expected: 'a'},
      {test: '0', expected: 'a0'},
      {test: 'a.b.c', expected: 'a_b_c'},
      {test: 'a,b,c', expected: 'a__comma__b__comma__c'},
      {test: 'a:b::c', expected: 'a__colon__b__colon____colon__c'},

    for (const {test, expected} of tests) {
      const actual = safeId(test);
      const passed = actual === expected;
      const msg = `${test} ${expected} ${actual}, ${passed}`;
      if (!passed) {
        throw new Error(msg);


   * Java's hashCode:  s[0]*31(n-1) + s[1]*31(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
   * @param {string} s - String to hash.
   * @returns {string} - Hash value.
  function strHash(s) {
    let hash = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
      hash = (hash * 31) + s.charCodeAt(i) | 0;
    return `${hash}`;

   * Simple dispatcher.  It takes a fixed list of event types upon
   * construction and attempts to use an unknown event will throw an error.
  class Dispatcher {

     * @callback Handler
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type.
     * @param {*} data - Event data.

     * @param {...string} eventTypes - Event types this instance can handle.
    constructor(...eventTypes) {
      for (const eventType of eventTypes) {
        this.#handlers.set(eventType, []);

     * Attach a function to an eventType.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to connect with.
     * @param {Handler} func - Single argument function to call.
    on(eventType, func) {
      const handlers = this.#getHandlers(eventType);

     * Remove all instances of a function registered to an eventType.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to disconnect from.
     * @param {Handler} func - Function to remove.
    off(eventType, func) {
      const handlers = this.#getHandlers(eventType);
      let index = 0;
      while ((index = handlers.indexOf(func)) !== NOT_FOUND) {
        handlers.splice(index, 1);

     * Calls all registered functions for the given eventType.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to use.
     * @param {object} data - Data to pass to each function.
    fire(eventType, data) {
      const handlers = this.#getHandlers(eventType);
      for (const handler of handlers) {
        handler(eventType, data);

    #handlers = new Map();

     * Look up array of handlers by event type.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to look up.
     * @throws {Error} - When eventType was not registered during
     * instantiation.
     * @returns {Handler[]} - Handlers currently registered for this
     * eventType.
    #getHandlers = (eventType) => {
      const handlers = this.#handlers.get(eventType);
      if (!handlers) {
        throw new Error(`Unknown event type: ${eventType}`);
      return handlers;


  return {
    version: version,
    testing: testing,
    TestCase: TestCase,
    DefaultMap: DefaultMap,
    Logger: Logger,
    uuId: uuId,
    safeId: safeId,
    strHash: strHash,
    Dispatcher: Dispatcher,
