// ==UserScript==
// @name UCAS Class Enrollment Assistant
// @version 1.7.1
// @description 这是一个方便抢课界面操作的辅助工具。包括的功能有:1. 🚪直达战场: 进入选课系统后,自动跳转到选课页面。(如需查看通知公告 需要临时把本工具禁用) 2. 🚀一键跳转: 点击小火箭,想去哪里点哪里!更有高亮与自动滚动,帮助快速定位课程。 3. ✔快速提交: 不想滚到底部才能提交选课?验证码和提交选课按钮直接整合到面板! 3.1. 选课、学位课复选框添加到面板中; 3.2. 修复了原版选课系统点击"切换验证码"没反应的bug,现在可以点击验证码图片更新没有加载出来的验证码了; 3.3. 提交选课时自动跳过"确认提交吗"对话框。 4. 🎨标注课程状态: 绿色表示已选上的课程,红色表示已满员的课程。(只有进入选课页面才会更新课程是否已满员)
// @author bazingaW
// @namespace https://github.com/bazingaW/ucas_class_enrollment_assistant
// @match http*://jwxk.ucas.ac.cn/*
// @icon https://sep.ucas.ac.cn/favicon.ico
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/src/draggable.js
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.min.js
// @run-at document-end
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
var config = {
'wishList': {
// 选课系统中学院名称的*前两个字*,具体可参考下面的DeptIdMap
'马克': [
// 一个课程一个花括号
'name': '新时代中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究',
'wishes': [ // 可以为空列表
// 每个班用一个花括号,notes里可以随意填写,给自己看的。
'courseid': '030500MGB001H-10',
'notes': '2-10周 周四(9-12)'
'courseid': '030500MGB001H-34',
'notes': '11-18周 周四(9-12)'
'name': '自然辩证法概论',
'wishes': [
'courseid': '010108MGB001H-16',
'notes': '周三(9-12)'
'courseid': '010108MGB001H-30',
'notes': '周六(9-12)'
'courseid': '010108MGB001H-31',
'notes': '周六(9-12)'
const DeptIdMap = {
'数学': "id_910", '物理': "id_911", '天文': "id_957", '化学': "id_912", '材料': "id_928",
'生命': "id_913", '地球': "id_914", '资环': "id_921", '计算': "id_951", '电子': "id_952",
'工程': "id_958", '经管': "id_917", '公管': "id_945", '人文': "id_927", '马克': "id_964",
'外语': "id_915", '中丹': "id_954", '国际': "id_955", '存济': "id_959", '体育': "id_946",
'微电': "id_961", '未来': "id_962", '网络': "id_963", '心理': "id_968", '人工': "id_969",
'纳米': "id_970", '艺术': "id_971", '光电': "id_972", '创新': "id_967", '核学': "id_973",
'现代': "id_974", '化学': "id_975", '海洋': "id_976", '航空': "id_977", '杭州': "id_979",
'南京': "id_985", '应急': "id_987",
// 设置样式
const mycss = `
white-space: nowrap;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px;
margin: 0;
margin-left: 1px;
background-color: darkgray;
max-width: 150px;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 1px;
margin-left: 5px;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px;
margin-left: 5px;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
background-color: yellow;
background-color: gray;
color: greenyellow !important;
background-color: darkgray;
color: red;
var sty = document.createElement("style");
sty.type = "text/css";
var divCourseWish; // ui界面按钮部分
var alreadyHighlighted;
function prefix (...data) {
return ['[抢课辅助]', ...data];
function createElement(element, attribute, inner) {
if (typeof(element) === "undefined") {
return false;
if (typeof(inner) === "undefined") {
inner = "";
var el = document.createElement(element);
if (typeof(attribute) === 'object') {
for (var key in attribute) {
el.setAttribute(key, attribute[key]);
if (!Array.isArray(inner)) {
inner = [inner];
for (var k = 0; k < inner.length; k++) {
if (inner[k].tagName) {
} else {
return el;
function drawPanel (page) {
let divHeader = createElement(
{ id: "divHeader", style: "min-width: 150px; font-size:20px;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;position: fixed;width: 100%;height: 25px;border-bottom: 1px solid;" },
divCourseWish = createElement(
{ id: "divCourseWish", style: "margin-top: 25px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;" }
let table = createElement('table', { id: "courseWish", border: "1", style: "font-size: 14px;" });
let tbody = createElement('tbody');
let divAppendix = createElement('div', { id: "divAppendix", style: "margin: 5px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;" });
let divDrag = createElement('div', { draggable:"true", id:"divDrag", style:"bottom: 0; width:100%; height:5px; background-color:#999; cursor:n-resize;" });
let panel = createElement(
{ id: 'bgapanel', style: "border: 1px solid; width: fit-content; position: fixed; top: 65px; right: 0; z-index: 99999; background-color: rgba(220,221,192,0.8); overflow-x: auto;" },
[divHeader, divCourseWish, divAppendix, divDrag]
let isCourseSelection = page == 'selectCourse' || page == 'debug'; // 进入选课页面
let isMain = page == 'main'; // 进入筛选学院页面
let wishList = config.wishList; // 待选课程数据
let bgaBtnId = 1; // 设置bgaBtn 的id编号,每次加1
let chks_course=[]; // 选课复选框保存,用于统一设置事件监听器
let chks_deg = []; // 学位课复选框保存,用于统一设置事件监听器
let fullIds = new Set(GM_getValue('fullIds', [])); // 已选满的课程ID
// ===== 绘制ui面板中的课程部分 ===================================================================
for (const dept in wishList) {
let courses = wishList[dept];
let deptid = DeptIdMap[dept];
let firstdept = true;
for (const course of courses) {
// 一门课
let name = course.name;
let wishes = course.wishes;
let firstrow = true;
if (wishes.length > 0) {
// wishes里配置了具体的内容
for (let wish of wishes) {
let tr = createElement('tr');
// tab += '<tr>';
if (firstrow) {
if (firstdept) {
let td = createElement('td', { rowspan: wishes.length });
let btn = createElement('button', { id: `bgabtn${bgaBtnId++}`, class: "bgabtn dept jumpdept nowrap", deptid: deptid }, `${dept}🚀`);
firstdept = false;
} else {
let td = createElement('td', { rowspan: wishes.length });
let btn = createElement('button', { id: `bgabtn${bgaBtnId++}`, class: "bgabtn course copyable jumpcourse", deptid: deptid, name: name }, `${name}🚀`);
let td = createElement('td', { rowspan: wishes.length });
firstrow = false;
// 在ui的每一门课旁边添加选课/学位复选框(如果搜索到的话) =====================================
let courseidspan = getElementsByText($("#regfrm span"), wish.courseid);
if (isCourseSelection && courseidspan.length) {
let row = courseidspan.closest('tr');
// 选课
let chk_course_old = row.find('td:first-child input').get(0);
let chk_course = createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', 'title': '选课', 'style': 'margin-left:2px; margin-right: 2px;' });
chk_course.disabled = chk_course_old.disabled;
// 学位
let chk_deg_old = row.find('td:nth-child(2) input').get(0);
let chk_deg = createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', 'title': '设为学位课' });
chk_deg.disabled = chk_deg_old.disabled;
let td = createElement('td');
let btn = createElement('button', { id: `bgabtn${bgaBtnId++}`, class: "bgabtn courseid copyable nowrap jumpcourseid", deptid: deptid, courseid: wish.courseid }, `${wish.courseid}🚀`);
// 记录
chks_course.push({ old: chk_course_old, new: chk_course });
chks_deg.push({ old: chk_deg_old, new: chk_deg });
if (chk_course.disabled) {
// =end= 在ui的每一门课旁边添加选课/学位复选框(如果搜索到的话) =============================
} else {
let td = createElement('td');
let btn = createElement('button', { id: `bgabtn${bgaBtnId++}`, class: "bgabtn courseid copyable nowrap jumpcourseid", deptid: deptid, courseid: wish.courseid }, `${wish.courseid}🚀`);
let td = createElement('td', { class: 'notes' }, wish.notes);
} else {
// wishes为空列表
let tr = createElement('tr');
let td = createElement('td');
let btn = createElement('button', { id: `bgabtn${bgaBtnId++}`, class: "bgabtn dept jumpdept", deptid: deptid }, `${dept}🚀`);
td = createElement('td');
btn = createElement('button', { id: `bgabtn${bgaBtnId++}`, class: "bgabtn course copyable jumpcourse", deptid: deptid, name: name }, `${name}🚀`);
// =end= 绘制ui面板 ===================================================================
// divAppendix 附录栏
// ===== 筛选页面添加按钮 =======================================================
if (isMain) {
// 添加"重置按钮样式"按钮 (暂时没有使用该按钮的需求)
// let bgaResetBtnStyle = createElement(
// 'button',
// { id: 'bgaresetbtnstyle', type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary', title: '重置所有课程编码按钮的样式' },
// '重置按钮样式'
// );
// bgaResetBtnStyle.style.marginLeft = '5px';
// bgaResetBtnStyle.style.marginRight = '5px';
// divAppendix.appendChild(bgaResetBtnStyle);
// =end= 筛选页面添加按钮 =======================================================
// ===== 选课页面添加验证码和提交按钮 ===========================================================
else if (isCourseSelection) {
// 插入验证码 加在onload事件里保证验证码加载出来
let bgaValiImg = createElement(
{ id: 'bgaValiImg', title: '点击更换验证码(已修复)', align: 'bottom' }
bgaValiImg.style.cursor = 'pointer';
// img.width = ValidateImg.width;
// img.height = ValidateImg.height;
// 插入验证码输入框
let bgaValiInput = createElement(
{ id: 'bgavcode', type: 'text' }
bgaValiInput.style.width = '50px';
bgaValiInput.style.marginLeft = '5px';
bgaValiInput.style.marginRight = '5px';
// 添加"确定提交选课"按钮
let bgaSubmit = createElement(
{ id: 'bgasubmit', type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' },
// =end= 选课页面添加验证码和提交按钮 ===========================================================
// ===== 配置各种listener(必须要panel添加到body之后才能设置,在这之前设置的都无效,并且需要重新搜索元素)==========================
if (isMain) {
// 进入筛选学院页面
// 一键筛选学院
$(".bgabtn.dept").click(function () {
let deptid = $(this).attr('deptid');
// 复制课程代码和课程名称
// $(".copyable").click(function () {
// $(".copyable").removeClass("copied");
// GM_setClipboard($(this).text().replace('🚀', ''));
// $(this).addClass("copied");
// });
// 一键跳转到课程:
// 单击课程名,自动筛选学院后,自动定位到匹配到的第一行,并且匹配项高亮
$('.jumpcourse').click(function () {
let deptid = $(this).attr('deptid');
let coursename = $(this).attr('name');
let btnId = $(this).attr('id'); // 方便跳转后高亮
let behavior = setBehavior('coursename', coursename, null, btnId);
sumbitFilterDept(deptid, behavior);
// 一键跳转到课程id:
// 单击课程id,自动筛选学院后,自动定位到匹配行,并且匹配项高亮
$('.jumpcourseid').click(function () {
let deptid = $(this).attr('deptid');
let courseid = $(this).attr('courseid');
let btnId = $(this).attr('id'); // 方便跳转后高亮
let behavior = setBehavior('courseid', courseid, null, btnId);
sumbitFilterDept(deptid, behavior);
// 重置课程编码按钮样式
$('#bgaresetbtnstyle').click(() => {
// remove 'selected' and 'full' for courseid btns
$('.bgabtn.courseid').each((ind, ele) => {
$(ele).prop('disabled', false);
// clear storage
GM_setValue('selectedIds', []);
GM_setValue('fullIds', []);
}else if (isCourseSelection) {
// 进入选课页面
// 单击课程名,自动定位到匹配到的第一行,并且匹配项高亮
$('.jumpcourse').click(function () {
let coursename = $(this).attr('name');
let btnid = $(this).attr('id');
let behavior = setBehavior('coursename', coursename, null, btnid);
alreadyHighlighted = resolveBehavior(behavior, alreadyHighlighted);
// 单击课程id,自动定位到所在行,并且匹配项高亮
$('.jumpcourseid').click(function () {
let courseid = $(this).attr('courseid');
let btnid = $(this).attr('id');
let behavior = setBehavior('courseid', courseid, null, btnid);
alreadyHighlighted = resolveBehavior(behavior, alreadyHighlighted);
// 同步复选框勾选情况
for (const tup of chks_course) {
$(tup.old).change(function() {
$(tup.new).prop("checked", this.checked);
$(tup.new).change(function() {
$(tup.old).prop("checked", this.checked);
for (const tup of chks_deg) {
$(tup.old).change(function() {
$(tup.new).prop("checked", this.checked);
$(tup.new).change(function() {
$(tup.old).prop("checked", this.checked);
// 修复原网站中"点击切换验证码"没反应的bug
let valiImg = document.getElementById('adminValidateImg');
valiImg.title = bgaValiImg.title;
valiImg.onclick = function(){
document.getElementById("adminValidateImg").src = '/captchaImage' + "?" + Math.random();
// 验证码显示及点击刷新时同步
document.getElementById('bgaValiImg').onclick = function () {
valiImg.addEventListener('load', () => {
document.getElementById('bgaValiImg').src = getBase64Image(valiImg);
// 有时刚进去图片就加载了,不会触发onload,需要手动设置src
let dataurl = getBase64Image(valiImg);
if (dataurl != 'data:,') {
document.getElementById('bgaValiImg').src = dataurl;
// 同步两个验证码框的输入
$("#bgavcode").on('input', function(){
$("#vcode").on('input', function(){
// 提交选课时自动跳过"确认提交吗"对话框
// note: 搜索$("#regfrm").validate,用到了jquery.validate
let validator = $("#regfrm").validate();
// 推测validate包装了form的submit函数,因此去掉这一层包装
// 在保留validator的情况下,绕过原本的submit
let subbtn = $('#regfrm button[type="submit"]');
subbtn.prop('id', 'oldsubmit');
subbtn.prop('type', 'button'); // 原submit如果不改的话,点击会触发form的默认submit,就不进行其他验证直接提交了
subbtn.click(function () {
if (validator.form()) {
// 通过验证(勾选选课框+输入验证码)后,触发form原本的submit请求
// 否则会直接触发报错提示
// ui面板里的提交按钮与原来的按钮同步
$("#bgapanel button[type='submit']").click(function () {
// $('#regfrm button[type="submit"]').click();
// =end= 配置各种listener(必须要panel添加到body之后才能设置,在这之前设置的都无效,并且需要重新搜索元素)==========================
// ===== 在ui中标注已经抢到的课:文字变绿,按钮不可点击 ======================================
// 读取已选择课程列表
let selectedIds = getSelectedIds(isMain);
// 更新已选课程的按钮样式
// selectedIds: Set
// 不论哪个页面都修改ui的状态
for (const selectedId of selectedIds.values()) {
let uiBtn = $(`.bgabtn.courseid[courseid=${selectedId}]`);
if (uiBtn) {
uiBtn.prop('disabled', true);
// =end= 在ui中标注已经抢到的课:文字变绿,按钮不可点击 =================================
// ===== 在ui中标注已满的课:文字变红 ======================================
if (isCourseSelection) {
// fullIds数组已在前面添加复选框时更新
// 存到storage里,方便进入学院筛选页面后也可以保持状态
GM_setValue('fullIds', [...fullIds]);
// 不论哪个页面都修改ui的状态
for (const fullId of fullIds.values()) {
let uiBtn = $(`.bgabtn.courseid[courseid=${fullId}]`);
if (uiBtn) {
// =end= 在ui中标注已满的课:文字变红 ===============================
// ===== 可拖动 ===============================
let dragopts = {
setCursor: false,
setPosition: false,
handle: document.getElementById("divHeader"),
onDragEnd: function () {
// 避免出界,设置最大最小值
let frmleft = panel.offsetLeft;
let frmtop = panel.offsetTop;
frmleft = Math.max(0, Math.min(frmleft, innerWidth - 200)); // 0 < frmleft < innerWidth - 100
frmtop = Math.max(0, Math.min(frmtop, innerHeight - 50));
panel.style.left = frmleft + "px";
panel.style.top = frmtop + "px";
// 记录left、top
GM_setValue('frmleft', panel.offsetLeft);
GM_setValue('frmtop', panel.offsetTop);
new Draggable(panel, dragopts);
// =end= 可拖动 ===============================
// 一键跳转功能跳转后,插件页面保持之前滚动条的位置
divCourseWish.scrollTop = GM_getValue('scrollTop', 0);
divCourseWish.onscroll = function () {
GM_setValue('scrollTop', divCourseWish.scrollTop);
// 允许手动调整panel长度,并记录在storage
// 加载panel高度
let frmheight = GM_getValue('frmheight'); // default: undefined
if (frmheight) {
divCourseWish.style.maxHeight = frmheight;
// 加载paneltop、left
let frmleft = GM_getValue('frmleft');
if (frmleft) {
panel.style.left = frmleft + 'px';
let frmtop = GM_getValue('frmtop');
if (frmtop) {
panel.style.top = frmtop + 'px';
addEventListener('resize', Cowboy.debounce(250, function () {
// 调整浏览器大小时,避免ui面板出界,设置最大最小值
let frmleft = panel.offsetLeft;
let frmtop = panel.offsetTop;
frmleft = Math.max(0, Math.min(frmleft, innerWidth - 200)); // 0 < frmleft < innerWidth - 100
frmtop = Math.max(0, Math.min(frmtop, innerHeight - 50));
panel.style.left = frmleft + "px";
panel.style.top = frmtop + "px";
// 记录left、top
GM_setValue('frmleft', panel.offsetLeft);
GM_setValue('frmtop', panel.offsetTop);
// TODO 改为面板跟着移动
// 绑定需要拖拽改变大小的元素对象
function bindResize(el) {
var els = el.style;
//鼠标的 X 和 Y 轴坐标
var y = 0;
$("#divDrag").mousedown(function (e) {
(y = e.clientY - el.offsetHeight);
//在支持 setCapture 做些东东
$(el).bind("mousemove", mouseMove).bind("mouseup", mouseUp);
$(document.body).bind("mousemove", mouseMove).bind("mouseup", mouseUp);
function mouseMove(e) {
els.maxHeight = e.clientY - y + "px";
function mouseUp() {
// 存储高度
GM_setValue('frmheight', divCourseWish.style.maxHeight); // 包含"px"
.unbind("mousemove", mouseMove)
.unbind("mouseup", mouseUp);
.unbind("mousemove", mouseMove)
.unbind("mouseup", mouseUp);
return panel;
function getSelectedIds (isMain) {
if (isMain) {
// 在筛选学院页面的话,读取当前已选择课程列表
let selectedIds = new Set(); // 外层已定义
$('table.table tbody tr a[href*=plan]').each((ind, ele) => {
let courseId = ele.text;
// 存到storage里,方便进入选课页面后也可以保持状态
GM_setValue('selectedIds', [...selectedIds]);
return selectedIds;
// 否则直接返回记录
return GM_getValue('selectedIds', []);
function setBehavior(type, data, scrollTop, btnId) {
// 设置跨网页json数据
let behavior = {
'type': type, // 'courseid' or 'coursename'
'data': data,
// 'scrollTop': scrollTop, // ui界面滚动条位置。改用storage传输不通过behavior传/
'btnId': btnId,
return behavior;
function resolveBehavior (behavior, alreadyHighlighted=null) {
// 解析json数据
if (behavior.btnId) {
// 清空其他按钮高亮
// 高亮按钮
if (behavior.scrollTop) {
// 插件面板滚动条恢复到之前位置
divCourseWish.scrollTop = behavior.scrollTop;
let highlighted; // 待高亮DOM
if (behavior.type) {
// 自动滚动定位+高亮课程/课程号
if (behavior.type == 'courseid') {
let courseid = behavior.data;
let courseidspan = getElementsByText($("#regfrm span"), courseid);
// 如果找到
if (courseidspan.length) {
// 跳转到指定位置,并高亮对应行
highlighted = courseidspan;
} else if (behavior.type == 'coursename') {
let coursename = behavior.data;
let coursenametag = getElementsByText($("#regfrm a"), coursename, true);
// 如果找到
if (coursenametag.length) {
// 跳转到指定位置,并高亮对应行
highlighted = coursenametag.first(); // 可能有多个匹配,只取第一个
if (highlighted) {
// 清空其他高亮
if (alreadyHighlighted) {
alreadyHighlighted.css('background-color', '');
} else {
$('#regfrm span[style*=yellow]').css('background-color', '');
$('#regfrm a[style*=yellow]').css('background-color', '');
// 高亮匹配项
highlighted.css('background-color', 'yellow');
} else {
error('未搜索到课程 ' + behavior.data);
return highlighted;
function injectJsonToAction (selector, json) {
let action = $(selector).prop("action");
let jsonstr = JSON.stringify(json);
action = action.replace(/#.+/, '');
action += "#bgabehavior" + jsonstr;
$(selector).prop("action", action);
function sumbitFilterDept (deptid, behavior) {
// 清空所有勾选情况
$("#regfrm2 input[type='checkbox']").prop('checked', false);
// 勾选当前学院
$(`#${deptid}`).prop("checked", true);
if (behavior) {
injectJsonToAction('#regfrm2', behavior)
// 提交
$("#regfrm2 button[type='submit']").submit();
function getElementsByText(elems, value, isFuzzy=false){
return elems.filter(function (index) {
if (isFuzzy) {
return $(this).text().includes(value);
} else {
return $(this).text() == value;
function randomString(len) {
len = len || 32;
var $chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; /****默认去掉了容易混淆的字符oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1****/
var maxPos = $chars.length;
var pwd = '';
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
pwd += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
return pwd;
function scrollto(jqele) {
// offset header which is 60px in height
let buffer = document.createElement('div');
buffer.id = randomString(5);
buffer.style.display = 'block';
buffer.style.height = '65px';
buffer.style.marginTop = '-65px';
buffer.style.visibility = 'hidden';
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = "#" + buffer.id;
function getBase64Image(img) {
// Create an empty canvas element
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
// Copy the image contents to the canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Get the data-URL formatted image
// Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to
// guess the original format, but be aware the using "image/jpg"
// will re-encode the image.
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
return dataURL;
function error (msg) {
// 解析时错误处理,错误提示使用选课系统自带的方法
(function () {
'use strict';
// 登录jwxk.ucas.ac.cn后,自动跳转到选课页面
if (window.location.href == 'https://jwxk.ucas.ac.cn/notice/view/1') {
window.location.href = 'https://jwxk.ucas.ac.cn/courseManage/main';
if (window.location.href.startsWith('https://jwxk.ucas.ac.cn/courseManage/main')) {
// 进入筛选学院页面
let panel = drawPanel('main');
if (window.location.href.startsWith('https://jwxk.ucas.ac.cn/courseManage/selectCourse')) {
// 进入选课页面
let panel = drawPanel('selectCourse');
// 解析跨页json参数(如果有)
let url = window.location.href;
let ind = url.indexOf('#bgabehavior');
if (ind != -1) {
let data = url.substring(ind + '#bgabehavior'.length);
data = decodeURI(data);
let behavior = JSON.parse(data);
alreadyHighlighted = resolveBehavior(behavior, alreadyHighlighted);