// ==UserScript==
// @name 仙家军成分查询Helper
// @namespace www.bilibili.com
// @version 1.7.3
// @description 用于标记仙家军和动态转发仙以及使用仙话术的b站用户。可能存在误伤,请注意辨别。标记仅供参考,不建议直接作为“依据”使用。
// @author Darknights
// @match *://*.bilibili.com/*
// @match *://*.biligame.com/detail/?id=*
// @exclude *://message.bilibili.com/*
// @exclude *://manga.bilibili.com/*
// @exclude *://www.bilibili.com/correspond/*
// @exclude *://www.bilibili.com/page-proxy/*
// @exclude *://live.bilibili.com/*
// @exclude *://search.bilibili.com/*
// @icon *://static.hdslb.com/images/favicon.ico
// @connect bilibili.com
// @connect biligame.com
// @connect fastly.jsdelivr.net
// @connect raw.githubusercontent.com
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @license MIT
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
// 以下为网络名单
let xianLists = [];
let xianFavList = [];
let wordLists = [];
let xianLeakList = [];
let ignoreList = [];
let aidList = [];
// 大部分为仙,少数可能有误判
const localXianList = GM_getValue("localXianList", []);
// 转发者常见仙的,包含且不限于一些up主/被仙缠上的人等等
const localXianFavList = GM_getValue("localXianFavList", []);
// 无视官号和无关号的动态,防止匹配到关键词浪费标签
const localIgnoreList = GM_getValue("localIgnoreList", []);
// 仙可能会用的词汇
const localXianWordList = GM_getValue("localXianWordList", []);
// 被开盒者隐私信息,需要特殊处理故与关键词列表区分
const localXianLeakList = GM_getValue("localXianLeakList", []);
// 辅助,因为有些正则匹配返回值为空
const localAidList = GM_getValue("localAidList", []);
const recordMap = new Map();
const uidSet = new Set();
const xianTags = [["仙", "#11DD77"], ["仙Ⅰ", "#11DD77"], ["仙Ⅱ", "#11DD77"], ["仙Ⅲ", "#11DD77"]];
const localXianTag = ["仙(本地)", "#11DD77"];
const xianRepostTags = [["转发仙:", "#1E971E"], ["转发仙Ⅰ:", "#1E971E"], ["转发仙Ⅱ:", "#1E971E"], ["转发仙Ⅲ:", "#1E971E"]];
const localXianRepostTag = ["转发仙(本地):", "#1E971E"];
const favRepostTag = ["转发:", "#2C9EFF"];
const localFavRepostTag = ["转发(本地):", "#2C9EFF"];
const wordTags = [["命中:", "#04AEAB"], ["命中Ⅰ:", "#04AEAB"], ["命中Ⅱ:", "#04AEAB"], ["命中Ⅲ:", "#04AEAB"]];
const localXianWordTag = ["命中(本地):", "#04AEAB"];
const errorTag = ["出错", "#FF3434"];
const captchaTag = ["出错,点此消除", "#FF3434"];
const refreshTag = ["然后点此🔄", "#FF7B00"];
const newVerTag = ["*已有新版本*", "#990CD0"];
const BLOG_URL = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/space?&host_mid=";
const BILI_URL = "https://t.bilibili.com/";
const SCRIPT_URL = "https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/467197";
const PRIVATE_TIPS = "*已隐藏,注意可能是无关话题被匹配*";
const XIAN_MATCH_TIPS = ["*未定级的仙或其拥护者、跟风者,可能存在误判,请注意辨别*", "*主要在评论区活动的仙,或仙的拥护者、跟风者,可能存在误判,请注意辨别*", "*此类仙呈抱团趋势,大量制造暗区动态,或拥有较多粉丝,有一定号召力*", "*此类仙大量制造暗区视频、专栏,或存在开盒行为,或是粉丝量极高,已然成为仙的意见领袖*"];
const NEW_VERSION_TIPS = "*点击跳转安装页,更多功能尽在新版本*";
const BIG_V_CLASS = ".bili-avatar-icon-business,.bili-avatar-icon-personal,.bili-avatar-icon--business,.bili-avatar-icon--personal,.local-3,.local-4";
const CheckType = {
Profile: "PROFILE",
Comment: "COMMENT",
At: "AT",
Reference: "REFER",
Repo: "REPO",
Follow: "FOLLOW",
GameComment: "GAME",
Like: "LIKE"
const urlSourceDic = {
githubusercontent: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Darknights1750/XianLists/main/xianLists.json",
jsdelivr: "https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/Darknights1750/XianLists@main/xianLists.json"
const statusDic = {
0: "脚本已暂停⚠️",
1: "脚本运行中✅"
const loadingSvg = `<svg t="1734440955984" class="loading-xian" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="5163" id="mx_n_1734440955985" width="18" height="18"><path d="M512 61.44a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 40.96 40.96v122.88a40.96 40.96 0 1 1-81.92 0V102.4a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 40.96-40.96z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5164"></path><path d="M737.28 121.79456a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 14.99136 55.95136l-61.44 106.43456a40.96 40.96 0 1 1-70.94272-40.96l61.44-106.43456A40.96 40.96 0 0 1 737.28 121.79456z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5165"></path><path d="M902.20544 286.72a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-14.99136 55.95136l-106.43456 61.44a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-40.96-70.94272l106.43456-61.44a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 55.95136 14.99136z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5166"></path><path d="M962.56 512a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-40.96 40.96h-122.88a40.96 40.96 0 1 1 0-81.92h122.88a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 40.96 40.96z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5167"></path><path d="M902.20544 737.28a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-55.95136 14.99136l-106.43456-61.44a40.96 40.96 0 1 1 40.96-70.94272l106.43456 61.44A40.96 40.96 0 0 1 902.20544 737.28z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5168"></path><path d="M737.28 902.20544a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-55.95136-14.99136l-61.44-106.43456a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 70.94272-40.96l61.44 106.43456A40.96 40.96 0 0 1 737.28 902.20544z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5169"></path><path d="M512 962.56a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-40.96-40.96v-122.88a40.96 40.96 0 1 1 81.92 0v122.88a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-40.96 40.96z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5170"></path><path d="M286.72 902.20544a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-14.99136-55.95136l61.44-106.43456a40.96 40.96 0 1 1 70.94272 40.96l-61.44 106.43456a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-55.95136 14.99136z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5171"></path><path d="M121.79456 737.28a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 14.99136-55.95136l106.43456-61.44a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 40.96 70.94272l-106.43456 61.44A40.96 40.96 0 0 1 121.79456 737.28z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5172"></path><path d="M61.44 512a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 40.96-40.96h122.88a40.96 40.96 0 1 1 0 81.92H102.4a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-40.96-40.96z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5173"></path><path d="M121.79456 286.72a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 55.95136-14.99136l106.43456 61.44a40.96 40.96 0 1 1-40.96 70.94272l-106.43456-61.44A40.96 40.96 0 0 1 121.79456 286.72z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5174"></path><path d="M286.72 121.79456a40.96 40.96 0 0 1 55.95136 14.99136l61.44 106.43456a40.96 40.96 0 0 1-70.94272 40.96l-61.44-106.43456A40.96 40.96 0 0 1 286.72 121.79456z" fill="#06dbff" p-id="5175"></path></svg>`
let updateTime;
let onlineVersion;
let isLatestVersion = false;
let clearAllMenuId;
let urlSourceMenuId;
let statusMenuId;
const commandClearTags = function (element) {
Array.prototype.slice.call(element.getElementsByClassName('xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
Array.prototype.slice.call(element.getElementsByClassName('xian-fail')).forEach(item => item.remove());
const commandClearAllTags = function () {
const commandUrlSource = function () {
if ("jsdelivr" === GM_getValue("urlSource", "jsdelivr")) {
GM_setValue("urlSource", "githubusercontent");
} else {
GM_setValue("urlSource", "jsdelivr");
urlSourceMenuId = GM_registerMenuCommand("切换数据源(刷新生效)|当前" + GM_getValue("urlSource", "jsdelivr"), commandUrlSource);
const commandStatus = function () {
if (1 === GM_getValue("status", 1)) {
GM_setValue("status", 0);
} else {
GM_setValue("status", 1);
statusMenuId = GM_registerMenuCommand("暂停/启动脚本|当前" + statusDic[GM_getValue("status", 1)], commandStatus);
// 初始化存储区、菜单选项
const initSettings = function () {
// 0:不开启,1:开启
if (null === GM_getValue("timeInterval", null)) GM_setValue("timeInterval", 2500); // 标签处理间隔时间 单位:ms
if (null === GM_getValue("testLog", null)) GM_setValue("testLog", 0); // 是否开启调试日志
if (null === GM_getValue("previewLength", null)) GM_setValue("previewLength", 60); // 文本预览长度
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckProfile", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckProfile", 1); // 是否监测个人主页UID
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckComments", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckComments", 1); // 是否监测评论区
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckRepos", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckRepos", 1); // 是否监测转发区
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckReferences", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckReferences", 1); // 是否监测动态被转发者
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckAts", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckAts", 1); // 是否监测@他人
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckFollows", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckFollows", 1); // 是否监测关注/粉丝列表
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckGameComments", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckGameComments", 1); // 是否监测游戏评价区
if (null === GM_getValue("usingCheckLikes", null)) GM_setValue("usingCheckLikes", 1); // 是否监测动态转赞区
if (null === GM_getValue("localXianList", null)) GM_setValue("localXianList", []);
if (null === GM_getValue("localXianFavList", null)) GM_setValue("localXianFavList", []);
if (null === GM_getValue("localIgnoreList", null)) GM_setValue("localIgnoreList", []);
if (null === GM_getValue("localXianWordList", null)) GM_setValue("localXianWordList", []);
if (null === GM_getValue("localXianLeakList", null)) GM_setValue("localXianLeakList", []);
if (null === GM_getValue("localAidList", null)) GM_setValue("localAidList", []);
if (null === GM_getValue("captchaUrl", null)) GM_setValue("captchaUrl", "https://space.bilibili.com/208259/dynamic"); // 输验证码跳转的个人主页,默认叔叔
if (null === GM_getValue("fanLimit", null)) GM_setValue("fanLimit", 250000); // up主粉丝阈值,超过将不再进行匹配(对<仙>无效)
clearAllMenuId = GM_registerMenuCommand("清空本页所有标签", commandClearAllTags);
urlSourceMenuId = GM_registerMenuCommand("切换数据源(刷新生效)|当前" + GM_getValue("urlSource", "jsdelivr"), commandUrlSource);
statusMenuId = GM_registerMenuCommand("暂停/启动脚本|当前" + statusDic[GM_getValue("status", 1)], commandStatus);
const log = function (message) {
return GM_getValue("testLog", 0) ? console.log(message) : null;
const spawnHtml = function (data, text) {
return `<a class="xian" style='color: ${data[1]} !important' title='${text}' target='_blank' onclick="event.stopPropagation()"><${data[0]}></a>`;
const spawnErrorHtml = function (data, text) {
return `<a class="xian-error" style='color: ${data[1]} !important' target='_blank' onclick="event.stopPropagation()"><${data[0]}:${text}></a>`;
const spawnCaptchaHtml = function (data) {
return `<a class="xian-fail" style='color: ${data[1]} !important' href=${GM_getValue("captchaUrl", "https://space.bilibili.com/208259/dynamic")} target='_blank' onclick="event.stopPropagation()"><${data[0]}></a>`;
const spawnRefreshHtml = function (data) {
return `<a class="xian-fail" style='color: ${data[1]} !important' target='_blank' onclick="event.stopPropagation();refreshTags();"><${data[0]}></a>`;
const spawnHtmlWithRef = function (data, word, link, text) {
return `<a class="xian" style='color: ${data[1]} !important' href='${link}' title='${text}' target='_blank' onclick="event.stopPropagation()"><${data[0]}${word}></a>`;
// 检测是不是新版
const isNew = function () {
if (location.host === 'space.bilibili.com') {
return true;
if (document.getElementsByClassName('item goback').length > 0) {
return true;
if (document.getElementsByClassName('app-v1').length > 0) {
return true;
if (document.getElementsByClassName('opus-detail').length > 0) {
return true;
if (document.getElementsByClassName('bgc').length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
const sleep = (delay) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const getXianListOnline = function () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
method: "GET",
url: urlSourceDic[GM_getValue("urlSource", "jsdelivr")],
headers: {
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
onload: res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
} else {
onerror: res => {
const createScriptFun = function () {
let refreshTagsScript = document.createElement('script');
refreshTagsScript.type = "text/javascript";
refreshTagsScript.innerText = `const refreshTags=function(){Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName('xian-fail')).forEach(item=>item.remove());}`;
const compareVersions = function (curVer, netVer) {
var curArr = curVer.split('.');
var netArr = netVer.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(curArr.length, netArr.length); i++) {
var curNum = parseInt(curArr[i] || 0);
var netNum = parseInt(netArr[i] || 0);
if (curNum < netNum) {
return 1;
if (curNum > netNum + 10 || !/^\d+$/.test(curNum) || !/^\d+$/.test(netNum)) {
return 2;
if (curNum > netNum) {
return -1;
return 0;
const fillLists = async function () {
let json = await getXianListOnline();
xianLists = [
xianFavList = json.xianFavList;
ignoreList = [...localIgnoreList, ...json.ignoreList];
wordLists = [
json.wordLv1List.map((item) => new RegExp(item)),
json.wordLv2List.map((item) => new RegExp(item)),
json.wordLv3List.map((item) => new RegExp(item))
xianLeakList = json.xianLeakList.map((item) => new RegExp(item));
aidList = json.aidList.map((item) => new RegExp(item));
aidList = [...aidList, ...localAidList];
updateTime = json.updateTime;
onlineVersion = json.version;
log(`[xian-helper]>>List update time: ${updateTime}`);
const runHelper = function () {
/* Functions */
const isBlank = function (str) {
if (!str || /^\s*$/.test(str)) return true;
return false;
const getUidLevel = function (uid, isFav = false, isLocal = false) {
if (isLocal) {
const usingList = isFav ? localXianFavList : localXianList;
return usingList.indexOf(uid) > -1 ? 0 : -1;
if (isFav) {
return xianFavList.indexOf(uid) > -1 ? 0 : -1;
for (let level = 3; level >= 0; level--) {
const xianList = xianLists[level];
if (xianList.indexOf(uid) > -1) return level;
return -1;
const isBigUpByHtml = function (checkType, uid) {
if (getUidLevel(uid) > -1) return false;
if (checkType === CheckType.Profile) {
const dynAvater = document.querySelector(`.bili-dyn-item__avatar`);
if (dynAvater) {
const bigV = dynAvater.querySelector(BIG_V_CLASS);
if (bigV) return true;
} else {
const bigV = document.querySelector(`.h-user`).querySelector(BIG_V_CLASS);
if (bigV) return true;
const fanCount = document.getElementById("n-fs");
if (fanCount) {
const count = Number(fanCount.computedName?.replace(/\,/g, ""));
return (count ?? 0) >= GM_getValue("fanLimit", 250000);
if (checkType === CheckType.Comment) {
const bigVNew = document.querySelector(`[data-user-id="${uid}"]`)?.querySelector(BIG_V_CLASS);
const bigVOld = document.querySelector(`[data-usercard-mid="${uid}"]`)?.querySelector(BIG_V_CLASS);
if (bigVNew || bigVOld) return true;
if (checkType === CheckType.Follow) {
const bigV = document.querySelector(`[href="//space.bilibili.com/${uid}"]`)?.querySelector(BIG_V_CLASS);
if (bigV) return true;
return false;
const isBigUpByJson = function (moduleAuthor) {
if (getUidLevel(String(moduleAuthor.mid)) > -1) return false;
const verify = moduleAuthor?.official_verify?.type;
return verify != null && verify > -1;
const getUid = function (htmlEntity, checkType) {
if (checkType === CheckType.Profile) {
return window.location.href.match(/(?<=space\.bilibili\.com\/)\d+/)[0];
if (checkType === CheckType.Comment) {
return htmlEntity.dataset?.userId ?? htmlEntity.dataset?.usercardMid ?? htmlEntity.href?.replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
// return htmlEntity.dataset?.userId ?? htmlEntity.dataset?.usercardMid ?? htmlEntity.href?.replace(/[^\d]/g, "") ?? htmlEntity.parentElement?.previousElementSibling?.href?.replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
if (checkType === CheckType.Repo) {
return htmlEntity._profile.uid;
if (checkType === CheckType.At) {
if (htmlEntity.dataset.oid) return htmlEntity.dataset.oid;
if (htmlEntity.dataset.userId) return htmlEntity.dataset.userId;
if (htmlEntity.dataset.usercardMid) return htmlEntity.dataset.usercardMid;
if (checkType === CheckType.Reference) {
return htmlEntity._profile?.uid ?? htmlEntity.href?.replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
if (checkType === CheckType.Follow) {
return htmlEntity.parentElement.href.replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
if (checkType === CheckType.GameComment) {
return htmlEntity.href.replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
if (checkType === CheckType.Like) {
return htmlEntity.parentElement.previousElementSibling._profile.uid;
return null;
const getName = function (htmlEntity, checkType) {
if (checkType === CheckType.Profile) {
return htmlEntity.textContent;
if (checkType === CheckType.Comment) {
return htmlEntity.textContent.trim().replace(/[@:]/g, "");
if (checkType === CheckType.Repo) {
return htmlEntity.textContent;
if (checkType === CheckType.At) {
return htmlEntity.textContent.trim().replace(/[@:]/g, "");
if (checkType === CheckType.Reference) {
return htmlEntity.textContent;
if (checkType === CheckType.Follow) {
return htmlEntity.textContent;
if (checkType === CheckType.GameComment) {
return htmlEntity.textContent;
if (checkType === CheckType.Like) {
return htmlEntity.textContent.slice(0, -2);
return null;
const getCommentList = function () {
let oldArray = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".user-name,.sub-user-name,.user>.name"));
// let oldArray = document.querySelectorAll(".user-name,.sub-user-name,.user>.name,.bili-user-profile-view__info__uname");
let headerArray1 = Array.from(document.querySelector(".bili-header")?.querySelectorAll(".user-name,.sub-user-name,.user>.name") ?? []);
let headerArray2 = Array.from(document.querySelector(".nav-user-center") ?? []);
let headerArray = [...headerArray1, ...headerArray2];
return oldArray.filter(item => !headerArray.includes(item));
const getRepoList = function () {
return document.getElementsByClassName('bili-dyn-forward-item__uname');
const getReferenceList = function () {
return document.querySelectorAll('.dyn-orig-author__name,.original-card-content .username');
const getLikeList = function () {
return document.getElementsByClassName('reaction-item__name');
const getFollowList = function () {
return Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('fans-name'));
const getGameCommentList = function () {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a.user-name"));
const getAtList = function () {
const lst = new Set();
for (let c of document.getElementsByClassName('jump-link user')) {
for (let c of document.getElementsByClassName('bili-rich-text-module at')) {
for (let c of document.querySelectorAll('.text-con > a,.text > a')) {
if (c.dataset.usercardMid) lst.add(c);
return Array.from(lst);
const spliceText = function (moduleDynamic) {
let fullTextArr = [];
if (moduleDynamic.topic && !isBlank(moduleDynamic.topic.name)) {
if (moduleDynamic.desc && !isBlank(moduleDynamic.desc.text)) {
if (moduleDynamic.major) {
if (moduleDynamic.major.archive) {
if (!isBlank(moduleDynamic.major.archive.title)) {
if (!isBlank(moduleDynamic.major.archive.desc)) {
if (moduleDynamic.major.article) {
if (!isBlank(moduleDynamic.major.article.title)) {
if (!isBlank(moduleDynamic.major.article.desc)) {
if (moduleDynamic.major.live && !isBlank(moduleDynamic.major.live.title)) {
if (moduleDynamic.additional && moduleDynamic.additional.ugc && !isBlank(moduleDynamic.additional.ugc.title)) {
return fullTextArr.join('//');
const previewText = function (text, index, len) {
if (!text) return '';
const left = Math.max(0, index - len);
const right = Math.min(text.length, index + len);
let textPart = '';
if (left > 0) {
textPart += '...';
textPart += text.substring(left, right).replace(/\n|\r/g, '').trim();
if (right < text.length) {
textPart += '...';
return textPart;
const findRepost = function (items, ownId, matchedDynamicList, isFav, isLocal) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
if (isBigUpByJson(item.modules.module_author)) {
if (item.orig) {
if (!isFav && isBigUpByJson(item.orig.modules.module_author)) {
const origId = String(item.orig.modules.module_author.mid);
if (origId === ownId) continue;
const uidLevel = getUidLevel(origId, isFav, isLocal);
if (uidLevel > -1) {
const origName = String(item.orig.modules.module_author.name);
const ownFullText = spliceText(item.modules.module_dynamic);
const origFullText = spliceText(item.orig.modules.module_dynamic);
const ownTextPart = previewText(ownFullText, 0, GM_getValue("previewLength", 60));
const origTextPart = previewText(origFullText, 0, GM_getValue("previewLength", 60));
const bothTextPart = `${ownTextPart}//@${origName}:${origTextPart}`;
return [origId, origName, String(item.id_str), bothTextPart, uidLevel];
return null;
const hearOne = function (text, usingWordList, level) {
for (const word of usingWordList) {
const matchRes = text.match(word);
if (matchRes) {
let matchStr = matchRes[0];
let matchIndex = matchRes.index;
if (matchStr === '') {
for (const aidWord of aidList) {
const matchAid = text.match(aidWord);
if (matchAid) {
matchStr = matchAid[0];
matchIndex = matchAid.index;
matchStr = matchStr.replace(/\n|\r/g, ' ').trim();
return [matchStr, matchIndex + matchStr.length / 2, level];
return null;
const hear = function (text, name, isLocal) {
if (isBlank(text) || ignoreList.indexOf(name) > -1) return null;
const usingLeakList = isLocal ? localXianLeakList : xianLeakList;
if (!isLocal) {
for (let level = 2; level >= 0; level--) {
const wordList = wordLists[level];
const matchRes = hearOne(text, wordList, level);
if (matchRes) return matchRes;
} else {
const matchRes = hearOne(text, localXianWordList, -1);
if (matchRes) return matchRes;
for (const word of usingLeakList) {
const matchRes = text.match(word);
if (matchRes) return ['可能是盒隐私', -1, -1];
return null;
* 查找关键词
* @param {} items 动态列表
* @returns [关键词,动态id,动态片段]
const findWord = function (items, ownName, matchedDynamicList, isLocal) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
//忽略认证用户 但不忽略名单里的
if (isBigUpByJson(item.modules.module_author)) {
let level = -1;
let origName;
let ownFullText = spliceText(item.modules.module_dynamic);
let origFullText;
let ownTextPart;
let origTextPart;
let returnWord; // 关键词
let returnPart; // 预览文本
if (matchedDynamicList.indexOf(String(item.id_str)) > -1) {
ownFullText = null;
if (item.orig) {
origName = String(item.orig.modules.module_author.name);
origFullText = spliceText(item.orig.modules.module_dynamic);
if (isBigUpByJson(item.orig.modules.module_author)) {
origFullText = null;
if (matchedDynamicList.indexOf(String(item.orig.id_str)) > -1) {
origFullText = null;
const ownMatch = hear(ownFullText, ownName, isLocal);
const origMatch = hear(origFullText, origName, isLocal);
const ownLevel = ownMatch ? ownMatch[2] : -2;
const origLevel = origMatch ? origMatch[2] : -2;
if (ownLevel === -2 && origLevel === -2) {
if (ownLevel < origLevel) {
level = origLevel;
returnWord = '🔁' + origMatch[0];
} else {
level = ownLevel;
returnWord = ownMatch[0];
const ownIndex = ownMatch ? ownMatch[1] : 0;
const origIndex = origMatch ? origMatch[1] : 0;
ownTextPart = ownIndex < 0 ? PRIVATE_TIPS : previewText(ownFullText, ownIndex, GM_getValue("previewLength", 60) / 2);
returnPart = ownTextPart;
if (!isBlank(origName)) {
origTextPart = origIndex < 0 ? PRIVATE_TIPS : previewText(origFullText, origIndex, GM_getValue("previewLength", 60) / 2);
returnPart = ownTextPart + `//@${origName}:${origTextPart}`;
return [returnWord, String(item.id_str), returnPart, level + 1];
return null;
const findRecord = async function (uid, name) {
let oldTag;
if (recordMap.has(uid)) {
oldTag = recordMap.get(uid);
if (oldTag) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Record:${name}@UID-${uid}>>find>>${oldTag.replaceAll(/<\/?a.*?>/g, "").replaceAll(/></g, "、").replaceAll(/&.t;/g, "")}`);
} else if (uidSet.has(uid)) {
await sleep(500);
oldTag = findRecord(uid, name);
} else {
return oldTag;
function isContain(dom) {
const totalHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
const totalWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
// 当滚动条滚动时,top、left、bottom、right时刻会发生改变
const { top, right, bottom, left } = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
return left >= 0 && top >= 0 && right <= totalWidth && bottom <= totalHeight;
const checkEntity = async function (htmlEntity, checkType) {
if (htmlEntity.innerHTML.indexOf(`<span class="xian`) < 0) {
htmlEntity.textContent = htmlEntity.textContent.trim();
if (isContain(htmlEntity)) {
if (htmlEntity.innerHTML.indexOf(`class="loading-xian"`) < 0) {
htmlEntity.innerHTML += loadingSvg;
let xianSpan = document.createElement('span');
xianSpan.className = 'xian';
if (compareVersions(GM_info.script.version, onlineVersion) > 0) {
xianSpan.innerHTML += spawnHtmlWithRef(newVerTag, '', SCRIPT_URL, NEW_VERSION_TIPS);
const uid = String(getUid(htmlEntity, checkType));
if (!/^\d+$/.test(uid)) {
xianSpan.innerHTML += spawnErrorHtml(errorTag, 'UID格式错误');
Array.prototype.slice.call(htmlEntity.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
if (isBigUpByHtml(checkType, uid)) {
Array.prototype.slice.call(htmlEntity.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
const name = getName(htmlEntity, checkType).trim();
if (ignoreList.indexOf(name) > -1) {
Array.prototype.slice.call(htmlEntity.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
let oldTag = await findRecord(uid, name);
if (typeof oldTag === 'string') {
xianSpan.innerHTML += oldTag;
Array.prototype.slice.call(htmlEntity.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
} else {
let newTag = '';
const uidLevel = getUidLevel(uid);
if (uidLevel > -1) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Target Lv${uidLevel}:${name}@UID-${uid}>>${checkType}`);
newTag += spawnHtml(xianTags[uidLevel], XIAN_MATCH_TIPS[uidLevel]);
} else if (localXianList.indexOf(uid) > -1) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Local Target:${name}@UID-${uid}>>${checkType}`);
newTag += spawnHtml(localXianTag, XIAN_MATCH_TIPS[0]);
method: "get",
url: BLOG_URL + uid,
headers: {
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
onload: res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
const dynamicJson = JSON.parse(res.response).data;
if (dynamicJson) {
if (dynamicJson.items) {
let matchedDynamicList = [];
const repostMatch = findRepost(dynamicJson.items, uid, matchedDynamicList, false, false);
if (repostMatch) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Repost Lv${repostMatch[4]}:${name}@UID-${uid}>>repost>>${repostMatch[1]}@UID-${repostMatch[0]}>>${checkType}`);
const fixedText = repostMatch[1].length > 12 ? repostMatch[1].slice(0, 9) + '...' : repostMatch[1];
newTag += spawnHtmlWithRef(xianRepostTags[repostMatch[4]], fixedText, BILI_URL + repostMatch[2], repostMatch[3]);
} else {
const localRepostMatch = findRepost(dynamicJson.items, uid, matchedDynamicList, false, true);
if (localRepostMatch) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Local Repost:${name}@UID-${uid}>>repost>>${repostMatch[1]}@UID-${repostMatch[0]}>>${checkType}`);
const fixedText = repostMatch[1].length > 12 ? repostMatch[1].slice(0, 9) + '...' : repostMatch[1];
newTag += spawnHtmlWithRef(localXianRepostTag, fixedText, BILI_URL + repostMatch[2], repostMatch[3]);
const favRepostMatch = findRepost(dynamicJson.items, uid, matchedDynamicList, true, false);
if (favRepostMatch) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Fav:${name}@UID-${uid}>>repost>>${favRepostMatch[1]}@UID-${favRepostMatch[0]}>>${checkType}`);
const fixedText = favRepostMatch[1].length > 12 ? favRepostMatch[1].slice(0, 9) + '...' : favRepostMatch[1];
newTag += spawnHtmlWithRef(favRepostTag, fixedText, BILI_URL + favRepostMatch[2], favRepostMatch[3]);
} else {
const localFavRepostMatch = findRepost(dynamicJson.items, uid, matchedDynamicList, true, true);
if (localFavRepostMatch) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Local Fav:${name}@UID-${uid}>>repost>>${favRepostMatch[1]}@UID-${favRepostMatch[0]}>>${checkType}`);
const fixedText = favRepostMatch[1].length > 12 ? favRepostMatch[1].slice(0, 9) + '...' : favRepostMatch[1];
newTag += spawnHtmlWithRef(localFavRepostTag, fixedText, BILI_URL + favRepostMatch[2], favRepostMatch[3]);
const wordMatch = findWord(dynamicJson.items, name, matchedDynamicList, false);
if (wordMatch) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Word:${name}@UID-${uid}>>say>>${wordMatch[0]}>>${checkType}`);
const fixedText = wordMatch[0].length > 12 ? wordMatch[0].slice(0, 9) + '...' : wordMatch[0];
newTag += spawnHtmlWithRef(wordTags[wordMatch[3]], fixedText, BILI_URL + wordMatch[1], wordMatch[2]);
} else {
const localWordMatch = findWord(dynamicJson.items, name, matchedDynamicList, true);
if (localWordMatch) {
log(`[xian-helper]>>Find Local Word:${name}@UID-${uid}>>say>>${wordMatch[0]}>>${checkType}`);
const fixedText = wordMatch[0].length > 12 ? wordMatch[0].slice(0, 9) + '...' : wordMatch[0];
newTag += spawnHtmlWithRef(localXianWordTag, fixedText, BILI_URL + wordMatch[1], wordMatch[2]);
xianSpan.innerHTML += newTag;
recordMap.set(uid, newTag);
} else {
xianSpan.className = 'xian-fail';
newTag = newTag.replace(/"xian"/g, '"xian-fail"');
xianSpan.innerHTML += newTag;
xianSpan.innerHTML += spawnCaptchaHtml(captchaTag);
xianSpan.innerHTML += spawnRefreshHtml(refreshTag);
log('[xian-helper]仙家军成分查询Helper get dynamic fail...');
} else {
xianSpan.className = 'xian-error';
newTag = newTag.replace(/"xian"/g, '"xian-error"');
xianSpan.innerHTML += newTag;
xianSpan.innerHTML += spawnErrorHtml(errorTag,"网络请求异常");
log('[xian-helper]仙家军成分查询Helper request fail...');
Array.prototype.slice.call(htmlEntity.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
} else {
Array.prototype.slice.call(htmlEntity.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
const checkComments = function () {
const commentlist = getCommentList();
if (commentlist && commentlist.length > 0) {
commentlist.forEach(htmlEntity => {
checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.Comment);
const checkRepos = function () {
const repolist = getRepoList();
if (repolist && repolist.length > 0) {
repolist.forEach(htmlEntity => {
checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.Repo);
const checkAts = function () {
const atList = getAtList();
if (atList && atList.length > 0) {
atList.forEach(htmlEntity => checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.At));
const checkReferences = function () {
const referenceList = getReferenceList();
if (referenceList && referenceList.length > 0) {
referenceList.forEach(htmlEntity => checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.Reference));
const checkFollows = function () {
const followList = getFollowList();
if (followList && followList.length > 0) {
followList.forEach(htmlEntity => checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.Follow));
const checkProfile = async function () {
let htmlEntity = document.getElementById('h-name');
if (htmlEntity) checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.Profile);
const checkGameComments = async function () {
const gameCommentList = getGameCommentList();
if (gameCommentList && gameCommentList.length > 0) {
gameCommentList.forEach(htmlEntity => checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.GameComment));
const checkLikes = async function () {
const LikeList = getLikeList();
if (LikeList && LikeList.length > 0) {
LikeList.forEach(htmlEntity => checkEntity(htmlEntity, CheckType.Like));
log(`[xian-helper]start finding targets...`);
setInterval(() => {
if (GM_getValue("status", 1)) {
if (location.host === "www.biligame.com") {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckGameComments", 1)) {
} else {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckComments", 1)) {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckRepos", 1)) {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckReferences", 1)) {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckAts", 1)) {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckLikes", 1)) {
if (location.host === "space.bilibili.com") {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckProfile", 1)) {
if (GM_getValue("usingCheckFollows", 1)) {
} else {
Array.prototype.slice.call(document.body.getElementsByClassName('loading-xian')).forEach(item => item.remove());
const zhuangbans = document.querySelectorAll('.sailing');
for (const zhuangban of zhuangbans) {
if (zhuangban.style.pointerEvents !== "none") {
zhuangban.style.pointerEvents = "none";
}, GM_getValue("timeInterval", 2500));
const fitBiliHelper = function () {
if (!document.getElementById("helper-card")) {
const args = Array.from(arguments).slice(0, arguments.length);
setTimeout(fitBiliHelper, GM_getValue("timeInterval", 2500));
const target = document.querySelector('.helper-card-face.face');
const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.map(function (mutation) {
observer.observe(target, { attributeFilter: ["src"] });
const start = async function () {
log(`[xian-helper]仙家军成分查询Helper v${GM_info.script.version},启动!
[xian-helper]>>isNew: ${isNew()}
[xian-helper]>>Loading: ${window.location.href}
[xian-helper]>>urlSource: ${GM_getValue("urlSource", "jsdelivr")}`);
await fillLists();