Greasy Fork

Robux Spoofer PLUS

This allows you to change both your Robux on the corner AND when you click on it! Even better fooling! Press ESC to change the amount! Numbers are formatted with K's and M's and B's!

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Robux Spoofer PLUS
// @namespace    Violentmonkey Scripts
// @version      1.0
// @description  This allows you to change both your Robux on the corner AND when you click on it! Even better fooling! Press ESC to change the amount! Numbers are formatted with K's and M's and B's!
// @author       Siydge (Modified)
// @match*
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

var amount = 12820

document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){
	if(event.key === "Escape"){
    var UsernameDoc = document.getElementsByClassName("age-bracket-label-username")[0]
    var _ = prompt("Choose the Number to set "+UsernameDoc.innerHTML+"'s Robux to")
    var a = getValue("RobuxSaved", "default").then(function(result){
      amount = result

function setValue(amount){GM.setValue("RobuxSaved", amount)}
function getValue(name){return GM.getValue(name)}
(async function(){
  getValue("RobuxSaved", "default").then(function(result){
    if(result != "default" && result != "undefined"){
      amount = result;

function format(num) {
  if(num < 1000){ return num.toString() }
  if(num > 999 && num < 1000000){
    return num.toString().substring(0,num.toString().length-3) + "K+";
  if(num > 999999 && num < 1000000000){
    return num.toString().substring(0,num.toString().length-6) + "M+";
  if(num > 999999999){
    return num.toString().substring(0,num.toString().length-9) + "B+";

function start() {
  var robux = document.getElementById("nav-robux-amount");
  if(robux && robux.innerHTML !== format(amount)) {
    robux.innerHTML = format(amount);
  var robux2 = document.getElementById("nav-robux-balance");
  if(robux2 && robux2.innerHTML && robux2.innerHTML !== amount.toLocaleString()) {
    robux2.innerHTML = amount.toLocaleString()+' Robux';
  setTimeout(start, 0);