Greasy Fork

Whatsapp Tool all in one Changue background chats and more

Whatsapp Tool all in one Changue background chats and moree

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Whatsapp Tool all in one
// @name:zh-TW   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:zh-HK   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:zh-CN   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:ja      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:kr      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:ar      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:bg      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:cs      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more
// @name:da      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more
// @name:de      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:el      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:eo      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:es      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:fi      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:fr      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:fr-CA   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:he      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:hu      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:id      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:it      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:ko      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:nb      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:nl      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:pl      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:pt-BR   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more  
// @name:ro      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more
// @name:ru      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:sk      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:sr      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more
// @name:sv      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:th      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:tr      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:uk      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:ug      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @name:vi      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and more 
// @description         Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:ar      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree  
// @description:bg      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree  
// @description:da      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:de      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:el      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:eo      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:fi      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:fr-CA   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:he      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:hu      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:id      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:it      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:ko      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:nb      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:nl      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:pl      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:pt-BR   Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:ro      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:ru      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:sk      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:sr      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:sv      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:th      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:tr      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:uk      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:ug      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:vi      Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @homepage  
// @version      1.4
// @description:zh-TW  Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:zh-HK  Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:zh-CN  Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:ja     Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:kr     Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:fr     Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:cs     Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @description:en     Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree 
// @description:es     Whatsapp Tool all in one  Changue background chats and moree
// @author       MDCM
// @match        *://*
// @icon
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @run-at       document-end
// @compatible chrome
// @compatible firefox
// @compatible opera
// @compatible safari
// @compatible edge
// @connect
// @license MIT
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
 // Whatsapp tools by: DeveloperMDCM MDCM
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<div class="cotenido">
<input type="checkbox" id="btn-mas">
<div class="redes">
  <div class="encabezado">
    <b>WhatsApp Tools</b>
     <p> Configuracion para Whataspp</p>
  <div class="agentes">
  <li><a  ><img width="35" src="" alt="" ><input type="file" id="files" name="files" multiple /><p>Background Chats</p></a></li>
  <li><a  ><img width="35" src="" alt="" ><input list type="color" id="colores" /><p>Colores Fondo / BG</p></a></li>
  <li><a id="tema_sistema" ><img width="35" src="" alt="" ><p>Theme Light / Dark</p></a></li>
  <li><a ><img width="35" src="" alt="" ><p>(Ctrl+Alt) hidden chats</p></a></li>
  <li><a  ><img width="35" src="" alt="" ><p>(Ctrl+Shit) Private chats</p></a></li>
<div class="btn-mas">
    <label for="btn-mas"><img width="50" src="" alt="" ></label>


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  //     // Función para cambiar los estados de un mensaje visto , entregado y leído commin soon
  // function cambiarvisto() {
  //   let visto = document.querySelectorAll(".do8e0lj9.l7jjieqr.k6y3xtnu > span");
  //   let svgLeido =
  //     '<svg width="15px" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><g id="SVGRepo_bgCarrier" stroke-width="0"></g><g id="SVGRepo_tracerCarrier" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></g><g id="SVGRepo_iconCarrier"> <rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"></rect> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 40.9999C33.9411 40.9999 42 32.6778 42 26.9999C42 21.3219 33.9411 12.9999 24 12.9999C14.0589 12.9999 6 21.3277 6 26.9999C6 32.6721 14.0589 40.9999 24 40.9999Z" fill="#2F88FF" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M24 32.9999C27.3137 32.9999 30 30.3136 30 26.9999C30 23.6862 27.3137 20.9999 24 20.9999C20.6863 20.9999 18 23.6862 18 26.9999C18 30.3136 20.6863 32.9999 24 32.9999Z" fill="#43CCF8" stroke="white" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M13.2637 11.266L15.8582 14.8862" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"></path> <path d="M35.625 11.7103L33.0304 15.3305" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"></path> <path d="M24.0088 6.99988V12.9999" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"></path> </g></svg>';
  //   let svgEntregado =
  //     '<svg width="15px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><g id="SVGRepo_bgCarrier" stroke-width="0"></g><g id="SVGRepo_tracerCarrier" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></g><g id="SVGRepo_iconCarrier"> <path d="M9.76406 5.29519C10.4664 5.10724 11.2123 5 12 5C18.3636 5 22 12 22 12C22 12 21.171 13.5958 19.612 15.2635M4.34912 8.77822C2.8152 10.4307 2 12 2 12C2 12 5.63636 19 12 19C12.8021 19 13.5608 18.8888 14.2744 18.6944M11.5 14.9585C10.4158 14.7766 9.52883 14.0132 9.17071 13M12.5 9.04148C13.7563 9.25224 14.7478 10.2437 14.9585 11.5M3 3L21 21" stroke="#c2c2c2" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g></svg>';
  //   let svgEnviado =
  //     '<svg width="15px" fill="#aeaeae" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" stroke="#aeaeae"><g id="SVGRepo_bgCarrier" stroke-width="0"></g><g id="SVGRepo_tracerCarrier" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></g><g id="SVGRepo_iconCarrier"><path d="M21.938,10.654a.993.993,0,0,1,0,.692,13.366,13.366,0,0,1-1.081,2.264,1,1,0,1,1-1.714-1.031A11.219,11.219,0,0,0,19.928,11C18.451,7.343,15.373,5,12,5S5.549,7.343,4.072,11a9.315,9.315,0,0,0,6.167,5.787,1,1,0,0,1-.478,1.942,11.393,11.393,0,0,1-7.7-7.383.993.993,0,0,1,0-.692C3.773,6.005,7.674,3,12,3S20.227,6.005,21.938,10.654Zm-2.231,4.639a1,1,0,0,0-1.414,0L17,16.586l-1.293-1.293a1,1,0,0,0-1.414,1.414L15.586,18l-1.293,1.293a1,1,0,0,0,1.414,1.414L17,19.414l1.293,1.293a1,1,0,0,0,1.414-1.414L18.414,18l1.293-1.293A1,1,0,0,0,19.707,15.293ZM9.5,10a1.492,1.492,0,0,1-1.175-.577,4,4,0,1,0,2.1-2.1A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,9.5,10Z"></path></g></svg>';
  //   for (let i = 1; i < visto.length; i++) {
  //     visto[i].ariaLabel === " Entregado "
  //       ? (visto[i].innerHTML = svgEntregado)
  //       : visto[i].ariaLabel === " Enviado "
  //       ? (visto[i].innerHTML = svgEnviado)
  //       : (visto[i].innerHTML = svgLeido);
  //   }
  // }
    // Función para cambiar el fondo de los chats
    let fondoEnriptado;
    function handleFileSelect(evt) {
      var files =; // FileList object
      // Loop through the FileList and render image files as thumbnails.
      for (let i = 0, f; (f = files[i]); i++) {
        // Only process image files.
        if (!f.type.match("image.*")) {
        let reader = new FileReader();
        // Closure to capture the file information.
        reader.onload = (() => {
          return function (e) {
            // Render
            fondoEnriptado =;
            let chatbg = document.querySelector(
            ); // Fondo / bg chats
            const vista = document.querySelector("#main > header");

            const ventaIzquierdaChats = document.querySelector("#side");
            if (
              chatbg != undefined &&
              vista != undefined &&
              ventaIzquierdaChats != undefined
            ) {
                "#main > div._2gzeB > div > div._5kRIK"
              ).style.backgroundColor = "";
                .querySelector("html[dir] ._5kRIK")
                .querySelector("html[dir] ._5kRIK")
                .style.setProperty("background-size", `cover`);
            ventaIzquierdaChats.onclick = () => {
                .querySelector("html[dir] ._5kRIK")
                .style.setProperty("background-size", `cover`);
                .querySelector("html[dir] ._5kRIK")

        // Read in the image file as a data URL.
      .addEventListener("change", handleFileSelect, false);
  let validoChats = 0;

  document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
    if (e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) {
      const chats = document.querySelector("#app > div > div > div._2Ts6i._3RGKj");
      validoChats += 1;
      switch (validoChats) {
        case 1:
 = "none";
        case 2:
 = "";
          validoChats = 0;
        setInterval(() => {
      const loadpague = document.querySelector('._1vjYt');
      if(!loadpague) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          document.querySelector("#app > div > div > div._2Ts6i._2xAQV > div > div > div._3q5qB > div._1vjYt > h1").textContent = 'WhatsApp Web Mod by: DeveloperMDCM'
        }, 1000);

    }, 1000);
   //   cargarScript();