Greasy Fork

Trim BBCode in flickr

Trim BBCode in flickr by only leaving image linking back to site

// ==UserScript==
// @author       Rolandas Valantinas
// @description  Trim BBCode in flickr by only leaving image linking back to site
// @include      **
// @name         Trim BBCode in flickr
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// @version      1.0
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    var interval = setInterval(hideListings, 1000);

    function hideListings() {
        var bbcode = document.getElementsByClassName("bb-code-text-field");

        if (bbcode.length > 0) {
            let value = bbcode[0].value;
            value = value.slice(0,value.lastIndexOf('img'));
            value += 'img][/url]';
            bbcode[0].value = value;